CDONTS Resource Problem

I have a database of email addresses, currently about 600 which I want to send a mail to. So I loop through every record sending an email, but at some point something stops.

Initially it timed out, so I increased the session timeout to 10 minutes.

Now I never find out where it got to, because the page never reloads, even after 10 minutes.

Its not something I can test easily because to do so I have to send an email to everyone. So I'm trying to improve it for next time.

I wondered if I should put some delays in the loop in case it is overflowing the server buffer? Other than that I am at a loss.

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Resource Files

Does classic ASP have some notion of resource files, similar to JSP,
for use in internationalization/localization?
It should also support variable substitution too.

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Requested Resource Is In Use

I've just upgraded our intranet server (production) from Win2K to Win2K3. After the upgrade asp works fine on the root and lower level directories, but any virtual directory returns http: 500- The requested resource is in use. I have caching enabled on all webs.

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Requested Resource In Use

IIS 5.0 is throwing out "The requested resource is in use." for any site that uses ASP - HTMl is executing fine. I have tried re-installing scripting, latest MDAC, and all my hotfixes are up to date. This just happened after the latest hotfixes were install this week.

I have also tried re-syncing the IWAM account but that didn't work either... Running the webs in HIGH (isolated) did not help either. I hit and followed the instructions there .. is reinstalling IIS my last resort? If I restore my backed up metabase will I introduce this problem again?

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Requested Resource

I've seen references to this error on-line but the fixes listed haven't helped me. I'm getting the error 'The Requested Resource is in Use' when I attempt to access a classic asp page on IIS on my home machine.

I only get the error when I create a new directory in wwwroot and designate it as an application. If it's simply a subdirectory of wwwroot I can access the asp page just fine. Try to set it up as an application and I get the error. I am running IIS on XP Home and it's working fine exept for this error.

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The Requested Resource Is In Use

I got error message "The requested resource is in use. " when access a
database asp page. I check and see that IUSR should have all the
rights. It seems that the page doesn't like response.redirect . Code:

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The Requested Resource Is In Use.

I have a problem with IIS + ASP. If I try to read asp page display me this error: The requested resource is in use. In Evet Wiever i have this message: Out of process application '/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT' terminated unexpectedly.

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The Requested Resource

I install a new forum for my web site, but when i try to login or post a new message it gives this message : "The requested resource is in use." How can i solve this problem ? Why server gives thi message ?

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Requested Resource In Use Error

I recently installed project server onto a new server (the server is
an all in one box that hosts the database (MSDE) and Sharepoint as well as
project server). When I attempt to load the project server web access
screen I get the error "The requested resource is in use." I've tried
researching this issue, but haven't been able to find any usable
information. At this point, I'm totally stuck. Has anyone else encountered
this problem?

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System Resource Exceeded...

Issue : "System Resource Exceeded..."

I always wonder why this error usually happens to my site. I never know what's the cause of this system error. Is it with the host or my pages itself? When this scenario occurs, this certain error is always returned... Code:

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The Requested Resource Is In Use Error

I am getting an error message - The requested resource is in use on Windows
Server 2003.

I have tried check and uncheck the Cache ISAPI extensions. The web server can serve up HTML pages and images. The problem is with the ASP/ ASPX pages.

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System Resource Exceeded

Basically the problem relates to how ASP fundamentally works - even though you open a DB connection, it uses it only for the first SQL query. For subsequent queries on the same open connection then ASP spawns its own connection but doesn't properly release it, thus leading ultimately to server memory leaks which can only be resolved by rebooting the server.

It seems that the only way to prevent this happening is to use the following methodology in your ASP code.

For Each SQL Query
¤ Open DB connection
¤ Make recordset
¤ Use the data
¤ Close and kill the recordset
¤ Close and kill the connection

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System Resource Exceeded

I am receiving and error that says, System resource exceeded. I have done a bit of research on this and I have read that it is because the recordsets/connections are not closed properly. Now I must admit this might be the source of the problem, however, it was working on Friday when I left, and is not working this morning. Could it be because the server might of went down this weekend? Any suggestions as to what I can do to resolve this issue or to as why I am reveiving this?

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System Resource Exceeded.

one of our servers (win2k adv server, IIS5, MDAC 2.8, full patched), once a day in the afternoon starts giving this error on every site that uses asp:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '8007000e'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] System resource exceeded.

the memory used goes from 800Kb to 1,5Gb (1Gb of physical ram available), and even though the cpu used isn't 100% we need to reboot because everything dramatically slows down.

There are many sites hosted on this server and we never had this problem before... The culprit must be one of the new sites then. Is there a practical way to find out which site is the culprit?

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System Resource Exceeded

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'
System resource exceeded.
/webutils/include_webstats_weeklycount.asp, line 23

Anyone know what this means and how to fix it.

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HTTP 405 - Resource Not Allowed

My Default.asp page has a listbox to redirect the users to other pages on
the web site.

If I access the web site by giving it the full URL, the listbox works fine
(for example: http://domain/Default.asp)

But if I access the web site by just using the domain (for example:
http://domain), the Default.asp page is displayed fine, but if I select an
item in the listbox, I get the error "HTTP 405 - Resource not allowed"

Any ideas?

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Resource Editor - Make Icon

How do you access the resource editor for creating an application icon? I went to View/Resource View, but no palette.

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Payment, Reports like Cash Book, Registers, Trial Balance and P and L
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Includes Database design and Server side programming - Stored
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MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0 Error :: The System Cannot Locate The Resource Specified

I am running the following code and I get an error:

Set xmlHttp = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0")
xmlHttp.Open "Get", URLToRSS, false
RSSXML = xmlHttp.ResponseText

The error is:

msxml3.dll error '800c0005'
The system cannot locate the resource specified.

It points to the "xmlHttp.Send" statement.

This code runs perfectly on my old ISP's server but not on my GoDaddy server.

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[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] System Resource Exceeded.

i m trying to coneect to a access database Using DSN , but when i try to connect i get an error

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '8007000e'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] System resource exceeded.

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I am not having any trouble getting cdonts to work, but damn is it slow. I have the importance set to 2, but sometimes it can take a whole day or more to get the email. Anyone, know how I can make this faster, or another freeware program to send mail faster.

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I am trying to use CDONTS to send an email and have the code below.

Set Mailer = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
Mailer.From = ""
Mailer.To = ""
Mailer.Subject = "Segment Order Confirmation"
Mailer.BodyFormat = 2
BT = "Add order details here"
Mailer.Body = BT
set Mailer=nothing

I have declared the Mailer variable earlier in the code, the page runs through without any problems and redirects as it should but no mail gets sent. Can anyone see what I am doing wrong?

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We jsut transfured our webhosts to another company, and the new servers are Win 2k3, well our others were Win 2k. I did not know that 2k3 did not support CDONTs.
I use the CDONTs for all the mail forms on our site. Is there any good turorial that have that are about CDOs? ALl i can find are CDONTs and CDOs with CDONT objects so that has been no help.

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want to use CDONTS to sent my email. and i read this exellent thread:
How to use CDONTS
I have all kinds of forms with different names and values on different pages. How can i include all the fields of a submited form if they change name from form to form (or better yet, from page to page)?
I think that i would have to count the items and then include them in the form. but i don't know if that would work and how to do it.

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Does anyone know of a FREE ASP hosting website that has CDONTS enabled?I want the page to be able to send e-mails.

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According to the ASP 3.0 Programmer's Reference published by Wrox Press (copyright 2000), CDONTs has several limitations. One is that it offers no built-in user authentication and security features.
Is there any easy way to use CDONTS and have security at the same time? If you have an e-commerce web site and send an email to the vendor with a customer's credit card number and expiration date, could that information be intercepted? Is it possible to prevent that using whatever a web host has available

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I have a script that I've used elsewhere and it always
works fine. It uses CDO not CDONTS. IIS settings seem to
be the same as on other servers that have websites
running the same script.
When the form is submitted it runs until it gets to the
send line. Error says access denied. The script's access
is set the same as the rest of the site.
Getting very frustrating as I am out of my depth here.
Where do I start to correct this?

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I would like to know if any one here know any sample examples or scripts that I can modify to work with a group mailing program. I would like to implement a form that uses CDONTS to grab the input and automatically emails to the given email.

i'm unable to extract user's full name as the 'From' section needs to be in the following format - "full name <>"

i was gonna use string concatenation but it dont like the symbol "<"
any help?

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I have an urgent problem with ASP CDONTS right now.

This is my code:

Set Mail=Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
Set Mail=nothing

The mail is sent to, but not the bcc address which is Is my code wrong?

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I have numerous forms processed using ASP and once they are added or amended I need to e-mail various locations to advise them that the form has been changed depending on the location in the form. This is not the problem a case statement does the biz and the SQL and databases are running like clockwork
The issue is that we have an exchange server but most of the e-mail adresses are internal only, so they have display names and aliases but as I can see no domain!!!! As I can see CDONTS only works with a domain. I have had a good search on the forum but I cant see a solution.
Is there another object that would work.If not is something out there that would the job, be it a VB Script or something else

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I need to set up an online form that uses CDONTS to send information to different email addresses based on the user's selection in a drop-down box.There are five choices and each one needs to go to a different email address.I realize I there has to be an indexed array of emails, but I don't know where to start.

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used the following script but it won't send the email.

Dim TBdy
Set MyCDO = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
MyCDO.From = ""
MyCDO.To = ""
MyCDO.Subject = "collegebound info"
TBdy = Request.Form("cb_name")
MyCDO.Body = TBdy
Set MyCDO = nothing


I received an error 0x800A0046 Permission Denided

I am using Win2000 Sever with exchange2000 and ISA2000.

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I am using CDONTS for users to send mail from a form. The first question is, when a user recieves the mail, [QUAR] is at the beginning of the subject line. Any ideas what that is? Second question, if one does not put a valid value for the FROM property, the e-mail won't send.

But I do not want users to be able to reply to this type of e-mail. What can I do? When I do a search for [QUAR] nothing comes up and I can't seem to find anything for the FROM property either.

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