CDONTS Alternative Text Content

I'm using CDONTS and am trying to send an email out which displays in HTML for HTML-enabled clients, and plain text for non-HTML clients. Unfortunately I am using IIS4 so CDOSYS is not available (so I can't use the handy .Textbody or .HTMLBody properties). How would I go about it with CDONTS?

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CDONTS Alternative

I would like to set up an ASP page that sends an e-mail, but the server I'm working on doesn't have CDONTS installed for security reasons. I don't have any control over the server. Are there any alternatives to using CDONTS that will work or a better option?

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Alternative For CDONTS.NewMail

Is there an alternative for CDONTS.NewMail for sending email? according to this article , CDONTS.NewMail works only on Windows NT/2000 Operating Systems.

Is there an alternative class that works on Windows XP to send email?

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Add The Content Of One Text File

I am using certain text attachments in my ASP project.I am storing in seperate folder and making use of this in my project. i just want to know, whether i can save this entire content of this file as a particular field in a database table. how.Whether it can be convert as a datastream and then stored.

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Reading A Content Of Text File

I get a CD from O2 containing call data.I want to read the txt file on the CD and use the content of the textfile in an asp file to import to the database.But how do i read the file?

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Convert Text Content To Label

I wish to convert the message received in the text box to be
replaced by the label with the same message as in the text box, After
upload button is clicked this action should be carried on.

So the data in the text box is stored to the database after the button
is clicked and also the textbox is converted to label with message in the
text box.

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CDONTS Text Based Email Message Not Working

I'm trying to send email through a form I created and everything works except the email portion. It's not sending the text message. Code:

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Using ASP To Replace Content But Not Tag Content In HTML Pages

Using ASP I'd like to modify a string that contains HTML. I need to modify the content (the bit that the users see) but not the stuff in the tags. For example, if I had the following string Code:

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Alternative Of PHP

I have got the following PHP code which I am trying to convert to
ASP.cant find a replace function for Unset in asp which will discard the variable
if ($categoryid == "all")
$sql = "SELECT * FROM products where shopinspection=$shopinspection";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM products where categoryid = $categoryid";
while (list($key, $value) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS))
if ($value != "" )
$sql = $sql .=" AND $key=$value";
//$sql = $sql .=" AND solesource = $solesource";
//echo "<strong>$value</strong>";

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Alternative To MS Access?

if there is any alternative software to MS Access for creating .mdb file?

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Alternative Querystring - Using / Instead Of ? And &

Is is possible to pass parameters with this URL:

instead of the usual method:

And, if I need to add more parameters at a later time, may I then use
something like:

Also, I am using ASP, not ASP.NET.

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Alternative To IIS On XP Home?

i have read a few articles saying that you can run IIS on XP home but it does not look too reliable to me and am not too willing to try, so is there an alternative set-up i can use to test my ASP before uploading?

i say this as all ftp hosts seem to want your code pre-tested before uploading .

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Alternative Buttons

Looking for a way to switch between submit buttons. The default will be "start" and when the tech clicks on that, the button will start a timer, which I have already set.

The button then will switch to "stop" and when a tech has completed a job and clicks "stop" the timer will also stop and switch the button back to start.

I know how to track the time for each tech that starts and stops a job. I need a jumpstart on how to switch onclicks for two buttons.

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Alternative Of #include

Is there any other way or trick to include an asp file in my ASP file than the classic html #include. In fact my filename (which is to be included) will be coming from database and #include statement doesn't support any kind of variables.

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Alternative To TEXTAREA

I know this is not a core .asp issue, but I'll try anyway. I've used the TEXTAREA element for a while, but as you know it's limited when it comes to formating part of the text inside a TEXTAREA.Does anyone have expirience using other text cointainer objects (Java/ActiveX), which is easy to use and easy to read values from when sending a form to a procedure .asp page?

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IFrame Alternative

does someone knows what's the alternative of Iframe. Actually I have to use IFrame and it works in IE but NS 4.74 to NS 4.78 doesn't support IFrame.

So, I have to use alternative of IFrame so that my application can work in both IE and NS 4.74 to NS 4.78

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WinZip / Other Alternative

I'm using ASP and I need to generate a ZIP file that contains a list of files that I'm pulling from a database. I've determined WinZip's command line parameters so that I can use it, the problem is I'm unsure how to run WinZip on the server.

Set WshShell = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")


Assuming this would work, how do I get the process to terminate upon completion? I can't have 20-30 WinZip applications running on the server, I need it to handle what I send to it and then close. Maybe I'm taking the entirely wrong approach here.

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Server.MapPath Alternative?

I have an asp file that gathers info from a form and sends to the database. im now changing the location of the database from the root path. I think that because of this i cannot use Server.MapPath method of sending data.

Coudl someone please help me out and let me know how i would change the code? Im quite new to this as you could probably see. Code:

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Alternative To Response.redirect

Is there another command in asp that I can use to send users to a different page.

I use response.redirect alot in our site and I suspect it is causing us ranking trouble as it is basically a 302 redirect.

I use it like this.

If user is not logged on > send him/her to the log on page and attach a variable showing where the redirection came from so they can return easily.

Is there another way?

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Alternative Table Colours

anyways what id like to do is in my "do while" loop i want to create different background colours so its easier to read with large tables.

I know the code should be something like:

If variaiable isnot true then
bgcolour = blue
bg colour = red
end if

i am, however, not quite sure ont he correct syntax for it?

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Select Case Alternative

I would like to know if there is alterntiave to using Select Case?I have over 80 files that a user can select from a drop down list and 'read'. Rather than writing out 80+ lines with INC files, what is the other less code option?

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Round Function Alternative

246/10 = 24.6
round(24.6) = 25

246/100 = 2.46
round(2.46) = 2 (I want 3)

If I have a decimal, I want to round up. Always. How do I achieve this in ASP?

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Alternative To Session Variables

i am using cookies to save a users login information which is then used again on another page to save data to a database. This works fine on certain clients' machines, but on others there is an error. Am i right in saying that it is because cookies are not enabled on their machines? If so, is there another way i can do this?

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Alternative To Personal Web Server?

Is there a free ( has to be free ) web server that can run active
server pages like pws?

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Alternative To Response.write

I'm trying to build a contact form using ASP. The form works properly but the code I found has "Response.write "Your email..." which appears on a white page after the form is successfully submitted. Is there a different function I can use that will redirect the use to another .html page (like a "thank you for submitting...") instead? Code:

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Alternative To Username:password

Are you suffering from the same problem? In the past, you want to access to a secured page protected by Windows Authentication (e.g. Exchange OWA), you will make such redirection "http://usernameassword@domain/exchange/".

However, because of security and Microsoft's latest patch, it will be no longer working. I wonder what we could do now if we want to do the same.

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'StrConv' Alternative (I Want Propper Case!)

In VB there is a command that can be used to convert a string into proper case, e.g...

msgbox StrConv("HELLO", 3)

Would say "Hello". However, there is no such function in ASP (it seems to be one of the few commands that was not exported into VBS....god I miss DoEvents too....used to abuse that

Anyway, do you guys know any methods that can be used to do the same thing? Basically I have a name all in CAPS, and I want it to be converted into Proper case so that it's easier on my visitor's eyes when they see it.

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Alternative To <select> For Large Number Of Values?

My users have to select an value from a fixed selection of values. The
obvious choice of control for such a requirement is to use a <select> (i.e.
a combo box).

My problem is that sometimes, these combo boxes will have a *large* number
of values. There could be any number of values in them from 5 to 5 million
(unlikely it would be this large but possible).

Obviously 5 million is far too much to populate a <select> control with.
Does anyone have any suggestion as to how a user could select a value from a
*potentially* very large selection of values (i.e a suitable alternative to
the <select> control)?

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Powerful MS HTTP Request Component - Alternative To ServerXMLHTTP!

Having just "discovered" it myself, I thought I'd draw everyone's attention to the fact that the WinHTTP 5.x object (which is used behind the scenes by our good friend the ServerXMLHTTP object) can be used directly in scripts.

This is useful because the ServerXMLHTTP object encapsulates XML-related functionality which is unnecessary for performing most simple HTTP requests, and thus by using the WinHTTP object directly you achieve higher performance, scalability, and reduced memory consumption... AND WinHTTP offers quite a few features that ServerXMLHTTP does not expose - including the ability to specify a proxy (and an exclusion list) from within the script (or to acquire them from Internet Explorer's settings), IPv6 support, and HTTPS/SSL support!

For more information .....

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Controlling Text In A Text Area Or Text

I have this problem in controlling a the text in a Text Area. How can I do
that for example the field size is 200, when it reaches 50 it automatically
goes to the next line. Bcoz im having problem when viewing it in my report,
it continuesly views in a strieght line and im having problem in printing.

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I have started doing SEO for a website and I'm trying to get a feel for how the website is set up.I dont know which file stores the content....
In the asp file page there is a string of code that reads:

<%Call writeContent(2,1)%>

I believe it is what is telling the server to find the article, but I dont know where it is.Does anyone know what else to look for?

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International Text And FSO Created Text Files

When using ASP's FileSystemObject to create text files, I am unable to get user submitted text (in Hebrew) to save as anything other than "?????". The text file is being saved in Unicode and setting the CodePage in ASP proved unsuccessful. Strangely, hard coded Hebrew text in an ASP variable does add to the text file correctly.

Any ideas of why this happens and how to get it to work correctly?

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Dynamic Content In ASP

I am having to make sites accessible where images are dynamically generated.

'Display the graphical hit count

Response.Write("<img src=""counter_images/")
Response.Write(Mid(lngVisitorNumber, intWriteDigitLoopCount, 1) & ".gif""")
Response.Write("alt=""" & Mid(lngVisitorNumber, intWriteDigitLoopCount, 1) & """>")
How do I include the width and height attributes in this code?

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