CDONTS For WinXP/2000 (code Sample/tutorial)

Some people are using WinXP and Win2000 for servers and are having problems with CDONTS, so im gonna post a little code sample on sending emails with CDOSYS because it works better for WinXP and Win2000 and is also a better email compenent. Code:

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Looking For Code Sample

What I want to do is this:

When the user submits the form his selections in the dropdown boxes will be
saved in a cookie.

When he loads the page again the value saved in the cookie will be
reflected in the dropdown boxes.

I know how to do cookies but don't know how to reference controls. Can
someone point me to or show me an example?

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Sample Code

I have never used Multiple select boxes. Now, can someone tell me where I can see some sample code for how to get data from there and use it? Specifically, the select box will list the first and last names of employees (this is Intranet).

I want to take the employee ID (which would be the value of each selection) and use it on the next page to go back into the employee table of the database and pull up their email address, send emails using CDO, store the fact that an email was sent into the database, etc.

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Can Someone Show Me CDONTS Code?

Can someone help me with CDONTS? I don't know how to convert this code to CDONTS! Code:

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Cdonts Resume Attachment Code

i need 2 files html as well as asp forms. pls help me with working code.

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Access 2000 Or SQL Server 2000

I am planning to design a database (destined for the web) that will have
between 20000 and 45000 records in it and will receive a lot of reads but
very very few writes (just from me).

Now the question is should I use:

1) The combination of Access 2000 (accessible through ASP or ASP.NET) using


2) SQL Server 2000 ?

Of course I know that the SQL Server option is a better one, especially
since it's said that an Access DB can have about 9 users or so accessing it
at the same time. But is that a general rule or is it about many people
writing to the DB? In other words, if an Access DB has hardly any writes
and 99.9% reads can it be used as efficiently as it would be used on SQL
Server 2000?

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TNA Or MTA Sample

I'm looking for an ATL sample that illustrates how to develop COM
objects that are TNA and MTA and can be used by COM+ and IIS.

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Need Sample

Is there a sample form that is available that I can use as a template.
Something basic like enter name and address then press Submit and it
automatically sends me the input:
I have seen the link to "How do I send e-mail with CDO? " but that does not
have a form example with a submit button.
I am using Win2003 server. I would like the page to work even if the user
does not have a mail client installed.

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It appears that after installing SP2 for WinXP, previous configurations are changed. to be more specific, it seems that the redirect function no longer apply. That is, before installing SP2 a certain function worked proparly, but now, I guess for some security reasons, it does not any more, IIS is refusing to go out of its localhost loop

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WinXP + IIS = ???

I found a really good ASP.NET tutorial and thought that I would try to learn some ASP.NET.
I spent ages trying to find IIS or PWS on my computer but i cant. I was then told that as i have WinXP Home i cant run either of these on my computer.

Does anyone know why this is or how i can get around this, cos i would like to learn ASP.NET.

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CMS Sample Application

I need some sample Applications or project trough which i want to acquire some knowledge. right now i have to develop CMS Project. So, I need sample CMS type application.

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Smartupload Sample

Does anybody have a smartupload sample?

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Sample Application

I want to a develop a small application using Skype API using ASP. I want to know the user who is in online in my website.

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Sample ASP.NET Application

I want to work on some sample application of ASP.NET application, Can anybody suggest me any website or a link where I can find sample application.

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Installing IIS 5.1 On WinXP

I want to install IIS 5.1 on my WindowsXP machine. I do not have my WinXP CD. Does anyone know where I can download the necessary software to complete this installation?
Also, I would like to update a webpage that is built with either asp or (I did not make this webpage, and am new to both asp and .net) Is there a simple way to find out which was used to create this website?

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WinXP Pro Used As A Server?

Can I use a WinXP Pro SP2 504MB of RAM as a server to host an ASP Application that would be allowed about a thousand people around the world to access to it?

How about WinNT 4.0 server? Can it handle that much people? Which one is better?

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How To Use Different Sites In IIS On WinXP Pro

Probably way off the mark here, but I have IIS running on my WinXP machine
and I thought I could host multiple domains over the old Win98 method where
I could only have the one?

All I can see at the moment is that I have a Default Web Site, which is
associated to MyPC, and all I can create is virtual directories/folders
within this default location. This means that instead of me being able to
create the desired effect of: Code:

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WinXP Prof

I have some problems with my IIS

1. If I execute a script sometimes I got a "server busy" error from IIS, but there's only me accessing the site in my pc (localhost)!

2. Sometimes after execute a script that connect with msaccess db the protect file *.ldb don't desapear, for a long time, how can I remove without restart windows?

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Sample Enterprise Web Solution

I'm looking for a sample ASP.NET enterprise web solution. There are many issues and questions I have about how a large web site is constructed with multiple developers.
How global settings and constants are managed. How global navigation and other global page settings are implemented, etc., etc.

Is there a complete sample "REAL" ASP.NET web site project created in VS.NET/C# available anywhere for me to download and learn from?

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Error In COM+ While Migrating From 2000 Server To 2000 Advace Server

I have one 3 tier architecture application running on Windows 2000 Server.

I have created replica of same machine on another machine where OS is
Windows 2000 Advance Server.

But when I port same running application on new machine i.e. Machine with OS
as Windows 2000 Advance Server, my middle tier (Active-X Dll, COM+
application) fails.

It throws common error
Invalid Procedure Call or argument

What could be the problem? Do I need to change any settings for running
application on Windows 2000 advance Server.

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Field Mapping Sample - CSV To Sql Serverusing Asp Or VB

Does anyone have an example of field mapping?

I am trying to write an app that reads a .csv file and then allows a user to map those .csv fields to existing SQL fields...

I have the reading of the .csv & writing to SQL, but hit the wall trying to get a mapping process to work...

Ideally, I would check off a field from the csv and check off a corresponding field in the sql field then hit a map button and it would set the fields in the sql statement according - also removing those two selections.

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Have You Successfuly Sent Email Using Localhost On WinXP?

Has anyone succesfuly sent emails from Windows XP using localhost and if so can you please post a functional code?

My codes work fine on Win2000, but after upgrading to XP, I get all kinds of errors. When I correct the first one, another one creeps up. The latest am now getting is "send using ..... is invalid'

I know I can solve this peoblem by registering CDONTS. DLL on my XP box, BUT I want to use CDOSYS and not CDONTS. CDONTS is being phased out. Code:

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Any Difference Between Win2000 Server And WinXP?

I have the following codes working fine on one PC running Win2000 Server, but fails on another PC running WinXP. When I check the system log, it tells me the problem is on line 8, that is :-

cnn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=D:DevelopmentFamilyTestingElouiseAccess oryProductList.mdb;"

Is there any difference between Win2000 Server and WinXP? Code:

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ASP - UTF8 For MySQL, UTF16 For WinXP Conflict

I am having problem regarding utf8 (used by MySQL) and utf16 (used by WinXP)

I want to store the CJK string into both MySQL and use the string to create a new file name. The problem here is,if the string is in utf8, MySQL can accept it, but the filename will have strange character.

If the string is in utf16 format, MySQL will store as '???', and the filename will be created correctly in WinXP.

I have attached my code. Notice that, If I set @CodePage=65001 'UTF-8'
WinXP/IIS will convert all the UTF8 string in the asp file to UTF16 for internal processing. MySQL can only accept utf8 for client connection, so after UTF16 converted to UTF8, ??? will appear. Code:

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ASP - UTF8 For MySQL, UTF16 For WinXP Conflict

I am having problem regarding utf8 (used by MySQL) and utf16 (used by WinXP)

I want to store the CJK string into both MySQL and use the string to create a new file name. The problem here is,if the string is in utf8, MySQL can accept it, but the filename will have strange character.

If the string is in utf16 format, MySQL will store as '???', and the filename will be created correctly in WinXP. Code:

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Invalid ProgId Attribute Error Has Grounded My Project WinXP PRO

I am using WinXP Pro and IIS. For some reason, I can not get any ASP pages to work. All I get is this error below. I have even removed all sites on the server, but I still get the error. Html pages work just fine. All permissions are in order. How do I fix this? When I view same pages on Win2000 machine, they work fine

Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0134'
Invalid ProgID attribute
//global.asa, line 1
The object has an invalid ProgID of 'MSWC.MyInfo'.

My OS is XP Pro

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ASP Tutorial

It seems the first tutorial I posted was pretty popular.
Would you like me to create another one?
And if so, what features would you like included in it, such as recordset paging, CMS system, etc...
I'll let this poll run a couple of days, then depending on the total votes and the suggested features, I'll create another tutorial containing what everyone suggested.

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ASP Tutorial

I am looking for an ASP tutorial (VBScript) that I could download and print. A .doc or PDF file, no online stuff please. Anyone has a suggestion?

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ASP.NET Tutorial?

I am looking for some good tutorials on ASP.NET, something like Kevin Yank's original tutorial (like 7 or 10 part) on PHP. I am currently programming in PHP, and I dont really need the basic basic stuff, as I code often in Visual Basic, C/C++, and PHP. I am just looking for a WELL written tutorial or something on ASP.NET...I have to switch from PHP, ASP.NET is just that good, I never though Microsoft would turn around the way they have, but i love it!

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Asp Tutorial

where can I find a good ASP tutorial
that has listing of all available methods in ASP for e.g
for Response and Request objects etc.

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ASP FAQ Tutorial

i have been using the ASP FAQ tutorial on and my code is practically the same. however, i cannot use PWS to run my scripts but i can use an ODBC. the problem is, i don't know how.
i've read so many tutorials but when i try them, my code doesn't work.
can someone please let me know the exact changes i would need to make to the FAQ tutorial code in order to view my ASP scripts using an ODBC?
the tutorial is at:

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I have attached an ASP Website Tutorial to assist ASP programmers. If you have any questions, please refer to the readme.txt file.

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ASP Tutorial

in few days how can we learn ASP, i know PHP so why i can understand ASP easily. but i need any such tutorial is thier to help me out.

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