CDONTS Not Working On W2000 Server

I am trying to run a test sending mail using CDONTS on my W2K3 machine.

It works fine running from my WXP Pro, but I don't recieve the mail if
run the W2K3 machine.

Both machines have IIS configured essentially the same. Code:

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W2000 Server Pro

I have recently loaded up a new Dell Server with Win2000 Server Pro Just a "standard install" IIS and FTP seem to be working fine.system32inetsrv seems to be populated, including asp.dll.the ASP and ASA files have the windows icon not the ASP icon the ASP file does not run it but bring up the "OPEN WITH?" menu.

Is ASP included with the standard W2000?I do not see it as a separate install on the CD.

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CDONTS Not Working

I'm using IIS 5 on a win xp machine for all my testing, before I upload to our live server. I've installed the SMTP service and it's running with no errors.

Dose anyone know anything about the above set-up not supporting "CDONTS.NewMail" for sending email using ASP..?

I get the following error message: "Server object, ASP 0177 (0x800401F3) Invalid class string".

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CDONTS Not Working

I have set up a simple form that takes a users email, name, address etc. It is working fine when I test it using various email addresses with a or etc style address - but when I test it with a .ws ending email (a valid account), the message never arrives at its intended location?

It seems to only work occasionally - it's not consistently working? Does anyone have any ideas why this could be?

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Mail (CDONTS) Not Working

can anyone see why this wouldn't's driving me nuts

Set objcdmail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
objcdmail.From = ""
objcdmail.To = ""
objcdmail.Subject = "test"
objcdmail.Body = "testing"
Set objcdmail = Nothing

I have copied this from another page that I have. The original page takes
the details from a form on another page, so the results above are all
request.form("whatever") etc, and the original works!!

but if I try to put fixed values in as above it fails to work and I can't
see why?

I've even tried a response.write to check the values..and they look right,
but no mail is sent

I'm running win XP pro but have taken the CDONTS.DLL from my win 2000 pc and
done the regsv32 etc etc

maybe I should try to use CDOSYS but

a) I haven't a clue how and so
b) I copied a script directly from a help page which didn;'t work either!
c) the eventual host server is running NT4

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Working With Unicode E-mail Using ASP And CDONTS

Can anybody tell me how to send unicode mails using ASP and CDONTS.

Here is what I tried but it will display ??? for special characters in outlook.

I want to send email in lithunian and russian languages.

MY Server is MS 2003 running IIS6 .....

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Cdonts Email Form Not Working.

Can anyone take a look at this code and see where I may be going wrong?

************************************************** *
html page:
<form method=Post action=get.asp>
valley secretary<br>
<input type="text" name="t1" size="20"><p>
<input type=submit value=Submit></form>
************************************************** *
asp page:
Dim t1name,t1
t1name = "valley secretary"
t1 = Request.Form("t1")
Dim ObjMail
Set ObjMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
ObjMail.To = ""
ObjMail.From = ""
ObjMail.Subject = "Form Submission"
ObjMail.Body = t1name & vbcrlf&_t1
Set ObjMail = Nothing
Response.Write"Thank You"

Here are the two pages html and calling the asp. As you can see I am new to this. I also had our Network Admin make sure CDONTS was installed correctly on IIS. Any help would be awesome. I have been trying to create an email form for months now......

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Email Using CDONTS Not Working,though It Is Installed

I ran some script and confirmed tht CDONTS exists on the server...which runs on Win2k and has IIS 5.0 When i run my email script,no error is displayed ,but i NEVER get the emails im trying to send. What could be the problem.

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CDONTS Text Based Email Message Not Working

I'm trying to send email through a form I created and everything works except the email portion. It's not sending the text message. Code:

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Script Works On W2000, But Not On W2003?

I'm an ASP beginner and did an application here locally on my IIS under W2000 Prof (SP4). Runs here completely great.

Now I wanted to place this application under a W2003 server online. Now always get the message:

Runtime error in Microsoft VBScript error '800a01a8'
object required: 'Application(...)'
/globalfunctions.asp, LINE 18

Funny, that line 18 in my globalfunctions.asp is empty. However I use the Application()-object in this file and the coputer seem not to find it. I read that it could have to do something with global.asa. I then created a global.asa and created the subs for the events but put no code inside. It changes however absolutely nothing.

What could I have still forgotten and why run it here locally? Possibly a rights problem?

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Creating An XML Document Object In IIS 5.0 W2000 Professional Wkst

I am attempting to open an XML file in an asp on my personal IIS server. The
VBscript code is:

set xmlDoc = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
xmlDoc.async = False

When I test for errors, I receive this message from the
xmlDoc.parseError.reason property:

reason: System error: -2146697210.

However when I run the same VBscript code on the client it successfully
opens the xml file and away we go. Is there something I need to load or
configure on the IIS server to enable XML DOM processing? What is causing
this error?

View Replies View Related Not Working On Remote Server

Localy along with VS2005 when hitting ctrl+f5 the asp application server get's launched, and the whole site works fine, now on my windows 2003 server i installed IIS, it also has apache running and that works fine but the IIS part, i cant get it to work.... i have my inetpub filder on c which has a www folder but when i copy my project to there it tells me it's unable to process the page (aspx), can somebody help me out here please.....

I did the configuration and rule statements in the server manager which now displays working and active, but it does NOT work at all....

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Smart Upload Not Working On Other Server

I am using smart upload object to upload files in n/w it works fine with one of my server setup but when i tried to replicate in another server this is not working

I checked with the dll registration every thing is fine....

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Protecting Asp Pages From Working On A Different Server

I want to install asp and access on a server, is there way to password protect asp pages from being accessed directly?. I don't mean via web.But being accessed from the server directly?

Is there way to ensure that the asp pages works on the computer/server it has been installed on and not for any other comp?

So if some new admin tried to copy those asp pages to another computer,they would not work.

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Session Not Working On Server 2000

I am creating a small program for my workplace in asp. It runs fine o
my laptop using XP Pro through IIS. I set IIS up on the server runnin
Windows 2000 Server Standard, have IIS set up identically, and i
doesn't recognize the session variables. Even trying to run i
directly on the server, not through the network, it doesn't work.

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CDONTS On WIN2003 Server,

I am moved to WIN2003 Server, and the server admin is saying CDONTS is no more supportable on Win2003 I don't like the CDOSYS

and tell me in detail what I need to do to get the CDONTS on my win2003

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CDONTS And Windows Server 2003 / IIS 6

I just set up an acct. with godaddy for a shared virtual dedicated server using Windows 2003 and IIS 6. None of my ASP scripts work to send emails using CDONTS. Research took me to how to install the cdonts.dll file and after doing so I don't get the error about not being able to create an ojbect but rather that of permissions on the line that has the .send. Other research led to me believe that windows 2003 does not support cdonts at all? I'd prefer to use CDO but I was told by Godaddy that the script below is not supported on a shared server - Code:

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Using CDONTS To Logon The IIS SMTP Server

Is it possible to logon to the SMTP server that comes with IIS from a machine other than the actual server. Ideally I would want to put some VB Script in an SQL Server Job Schedule or an ASP page that uses CDONTS and use it to pull the emails into the database. The SQL Server is on another machine on the network. Is this viable.

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Some one has posted this question on 10th August, as CDONTS is not working
on windows 2003 serever. I have the same problem and I copied CDONTS.DLL
from Windows 2000 Server and registered on Win 2003 server but it giving the
error on line when I calling method send of the object.

Error is
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'

Permission denied

I tried to register CDONTS as COM+ with Admin user right to execute but it
still giving same error.

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Cdonts Using Exchange Server- Configuration

I am having a problem here to send my asp form to my email! I am using CDONTS under w2k and IIS! when i submit the form, all of the message (that suppose to go to my email), went to the queue folder under wwwroot!! nothing appear to my yahoo email also...
that means that my script is working...but only the configuration is need to be adjust here!

the thing is that i dont know how to configure, setup or setting the configuration for Exchange server! since my organization uses exchange server instead of the SMTP!

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CDONTS And Windows Server 2003

if I can use CDONTS in W 2003 Server environment to send emails the same way it is used in W2K Server. I have heard that CDONTS is no longer available in W 2003 Server and if so, how can I send emails from ASP page.

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Web Forms And SMTP On Server 2003 (CDONTS)

Not sure which forum this belongs in, so here it is here as well as in the IIS forum

I am migrating a Windows 2000 Server Web Server with an older version of IIS to a new Windows 2003 Server with IIS 6.0.....Everything is working properly accept web forms which simply send an email via a SMTP service installed in IIS:

this is the code: ....

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How To Replace CDONTS With CDOSYS And Set The Server Name Property

I was told that I need to replace CDONTS with CDOSYS. Code:

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CDONTS.NewMail.1 Error '80020009' Unable To Connect To Server

I get the follow error on a linux box that is running sun asp:

CDONTS.NewMail.1 error '80020009' unable to connect to server

The error occurs when the Send Command is Executed. Here is my code:

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can i type the whole code and run it on my own computer using IIS 5.1 to send mails? cos i get an error message everytime i execute the codes:

Error Type:
Server object, ASP 0177 (0x800401F3)
Invalid class string
/news/newslettercreate.asp, line 22

can someone help me please?

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Email Through CDONTS Using ISP Email Server

I am using CDONTS component to send email in ASP.

The code is some thing like this:

Dim Mail
Set Mail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.Newmail")
mail.From = "" = ""
mail.subject = "Test Email Subject"
mail.body = "This is Email body message"

Now the question is that this code will use the Default Virtual SMTP Server in IIS, but I want to use my ISP's SMTP server. please tell me how to do this. I have used my ISP's email server in Outlook express and it is working fine. Please do not suggest to use "CDO" or "CDOSYS" to use for sending emails because I must have to use "CDONTS".

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ASP Not Working Ok In PWS

I just installed PWS on 2 machines (XP & 98).

The problem is that I can run the ASP files in the wwwroot folder when I use http://localhost from my browser or RUN (and that's for the default.asp). But the asp files do not work when I call them from a hyperlink in an HTML file.

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CDO Is Not Working

After I moved the site to new server the mailing method stoped working , the cdo pull the email from sql database on the same server .. although it says sent to # recipients.
I send a webpage (newsletter) exisit on the server "I use full url" also the registration page gives when registration the error: CDO.Message.1 error '80040218'

Unknown Error

/extra/news/reg3.asp, line 251

line 251 is objSendMail.CreateMHTMLBody ""
I saw description of the error it sayes that I have to use full url ...but I am using it ...
any Idea ...

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Asp Working Or Not

I have a sever 2003 machine of which I am trying to host a webisite on. The webpages I uploaded has lots of .asp files that could not be open. I'd contact the website disgner and complains about it and an he blaims it on my server not supporting asp technology.
My question today, is there a way to test what the problem really is?

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FSO Not Working

In my serverside script I have gone down to the bare bones and the following doesn't seem to work:

dim fs
dim fst
dim LineOut
set fs = Server.CreateObject"Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set fst = fs.CreateTextFile("C:TEMPhome.tmp",True)

lineout = "MAFFIdentifier" & vbtab & "Title" & vbtab & "Initials"
lineout = " ==================================================

set fs = nothing

The server gets to the end since I place a response.write in to test.

If I cut and past this into VB declare the variables as objects and lineout as string and remove the "Server." from the line when setting fs, then it works fine in VB.

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Not Working In PWS

The problem is that I can run the ASP files in the wwwroot folder when I use http://localhost from my browser or RUN (and that's for the default.asp). But the asp files do not work when I call them from a hyperlink in an HTML file.If I do that, all I see are the contents of the asp file.

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Getting Working

Just set up Dedicated Server Hosting with GoDaddy. I put a very simple ASP page in the home web directory and try to load it and get a very generic error. A simple HTML file works fine. Obviously it's a permissions issue or maybe some service is not running.

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Sql Not Working In Asp

i got an sql sentence that is executed in toad without problem; returns 1 but when i run the sql in asp i get returned 0. Code:

FROM sest_sklepi

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