Look for wspwsp.dll in windowssystem32 and add IWAM_"computername" (ie IWAM_MYCOMPUTER if MYCOMPUTER is he name of your computer) account with read and write permissions.

The support person who helped me with this issue told me they will create a knowledge base article for it!

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Class Does't Exist

internet information server does not work. when i try to open any website
from iis it gives error :"Class does not exist"

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Class Does Not Exist

I am running WinXP Pro and have IIS 5.1. I am developing a web site locally - everything was fine until today when I tried to preview the site I got a 'class does not exist' error (in case you ask I have turned off friendly http errors and this is the message I get). This message is also displayed when I try to access my local host.

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Class Does Not Exist.

I'm getting the following error on my locahost at work when I browse in IIS. "Class does not exist. " I created a web site in classic asp but I get this error. When I check IIS for the web logs it gives me 18:52:07 GET /PatientPortal/blank.asp 500

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Asp Solution?


2. I create an array x(0,n), and I populate n with the values based on
select above.

What I have... I have x(0,1)
x(0,3)... and so on.

Result:> I need to have variable called
varx that should consist all the values from x(0,1), x(0,2), x(0,n).

So I need to declare varx = x(0,1) & "," & x(0,2) & etc.

1. question. I don't know how many elements I would have, coz they depends
on "select".

2. Can someone give me example how I can dynamicly create (parse) this
values in single variable, so I can send this values to pageB.asp

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Need A Solution

After a member registers, he's able to access and download any file
available. We want to avoid the end user being able to distribute an URL
to these files thereby making it simple for other users to download them.
Solution I'm working on:
I have a variety of files (html, pdf, doc, xls, and others) sitting
outside my "wwwroot" folder. I have an ASP script which checks the MIME
type for the given file and now, my problem is, how do I use the
FileSystemObject to grab those files and display them to the user?
Let's suppose the user is requesting demo.html. I use the FSO to open
the demo.html in the folder outside the wwwroot, and then set the mime
type and then what do I do? Response.write? What about binary files
which need to trigger a download action?

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Certain Value Exist

If I need to check if a certain value does exist in a field, and return either "yes" or "not" which query would be the most effestive?

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Does Url Exist?

How do I find out if an url exists? Whar I want is a function like this:

If UrlExists("") Then
Response.Write("No file :-(")
End If

Can anyone help?

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IF Exist /w FSO

IS there a way I can do an If exist to determin if a graphic is displayed?

something like this;

<p align="center">

if file exist "fileone.jpg"
<img border="0" src="fileone.jpg">
if File exist "filetwo.jpg"
<img border="0" src="fileone.jpg">

What I am trying to do is post JPGs from a folder structure, the files may
or maynot be there, but I don't want to have the blank picture reference to
be displayed as if I where to just hard code the graphics in the Html!

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Forum Solution

my client wants a forum integrated in his website. Ive found some existing forum solutions (snitz, carbon communities etc...). These are great, but my client wants the forum working whereby when a user posts, the post is sent to the clients who then confirms or denies the post. The forum is for a school, hence the very tight regulation of posts.

Does anybody know of an existing forum which allows this functionality (preferably a free forum).

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SQL Server Does Not Exist

Everything was working fine on my website until last night we started getting the following error message while viewing to see the pages. Website is running on asp and sql server.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Driverserror '80004005'[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Named Pipes]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
reports/penaltyrankingreport_web.asp, line 19

I checked the line in my code and its the line when the code is opening the recordset...


i already referred the following article on microsoft but not exactly sure in which direction to troubleshoot because i didn't make any changes to code, servername, database properties.

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Print Solution

I am trying to implement a printing to file solution of a html page on the server. What I have is a form with a IE control that loads the page I want to print to.

I am using execWB command for printing. Printer's port is set 'To file'. Everything works fine when I am running that component from a desktop apps. But when I call that component from an asp page nothing is happening. I dont see any dialogs popping up on the screen.
BTW, if I print to a printer works fine either.

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Easy Solution

I'm hoping for an easy solution to this that I'm not seeing that
someone more experienced will.
All I want to do it mark an option tag as selected....

hourCounter = 1
Do WHILE hourCounter <= 12 %>
<option value="<%=hourCounter%>" <%If hourCounter =
hour(rsCalendarEdit("fld_calendar_DateTime")) Then Response.write "
selected" End If %>><%=hourCounter%></option>
<% hourCounter = hourCounter + 1

The trouble is if the time is "PM" I have a problem as you can see. Is
there a method or property here I can implement that I'm not seeing?

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Any Integrated ASP & FTP Solution

I'd like to know if there is any robust FTP solution out there that
integrates well with ASP applications. In particular, it has to allow huge
uploads over 3 gigabytes in size. It must have the ability to resume
incomplete uploads by the users.

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SQL Server Does Not Exist

Moved from Windows 2000 to Window 2003, and now receive this error sporradically. It only happens a couple times per day, so the connection string is fine.

This issue seems to be server related, becuase all the same code and database ran fine on Windows 2000.

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File Does't Exist

On my local pc all goes well,when i upload it to the server i get a file does not exist error , both the server and my pc have exactly the same folder tree and the same files ( ive checked it over 100 times now ) but the error still persists.

I have a folder called DirEscrita in wich i have put the dbf file to scan
for data , and i get this error when trying to do a simple select on it:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e37'

[Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]File 'trf.dbf' does not exist.

/exporta.asp, line 12

I know that it cant be a prob with the code , cause it works fine locally
( im on a XP PRO IIS 5.1) , could it be the server? ( IIS 5.0 )

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Charting Solution

What's the best free method of getting attractive looking charts to display data from a DB.For example, in my next project i will need to show the change in someone's weight over time. The different weight in pounds(lbs) will be entered into the database along with the date that the weight was entered.

Whats the best way to show it? I can't install any 3rd party com's on the server.I have seen a website offering a flash based solution. Is this the best way? Ideally i would like a line graph, rather than a bar chart.

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I need an ASP dictionary/glossary script. I saw a bunch of options online for PHP but almost nothing for ASP. I'm not a programmer....but can install working code and connect a database. can anyone recommend a tutorial or even better a finished working piece of code I can implement to create my own dictionary with custom definitions?

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If Exist=false

I need a way to check if a certain folder exists. If it doesn't exist i want to create it. How can i do this?

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Checking Does Not Exist

I have an ASP script that checks results from a SQL query. The SQL query contains a CASE statement, so I have to perform a check to see if the object exists. Right now I have something like this: Code:

If objRs("TotPaid") = "" Then

But that just spits out a:
Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal Any takers?

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Does File Exist

if there is a function i can use within asp to check whether or not a file exist. Basically i have a list of products and i want to check if the file exists for the image and if it doesn't display an image i want to be able to dispaly a No Image Available image.

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AdRotator Solution

I am using adRotator to rotate some reminders on my intranet site. I have a
redirect page name redirect.asp that recieves the querystring variable, 'url'
and redirects the user to that page. One of the reminders should be
redirected to a url that contains query strings itself. The url passes in the
string up to the first '&'. What should I do. Here is the code on the page
displaying the ad: Code:

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Relative Paths Solution

Can anyone help me find a solution to quickly working out relative paths to
a folder in the root of my server...

Although it easy when you go - say - two levels down:


it becomes increasingly difficult to ball park the folder when you go deeper
and wider down:


....How do you guys get a quick fix on where the hell the folder or file is
and use that path in asp?

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How To Check And See If The User Exist

how to check in ASP using SQL database for existing user. I have some idea like do a select but I need the syntax.

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Looking For A 'change Password' Solution

I am looking for an asp change password solution. I know there are very
efficient ways of doing it and perhaps you have some samples or ideas.

Basically I would like the user to be able to change their password. Then a
link is mailed to their email address on file and when they click on the
link, they are taken to a place to type in a new password.

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If Column Exist Syntax

How would I check to see if a column name exists in a recordset. Im pulling data from excel files and some have the first field as F1 and some F2 so im trying something like this:

If adoRs("F1") Then

but I get this half the time Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.

Shouldn't the If statement fail there rather than throwing an error?

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Submit Button Solution

i have a simple form in a html page.
the form successfully sends data to my database using asp.
currently sending details using
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
which as you know uses the small grey box Submit button.
what i would like instead, is that instead of using this default button to submit..
i could replace that with a roll over image, that is compiled of the 2 files
submit.gif and submit-white.gif
and when it is pressed, the form details are posted, how can this be done

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Insert If Doesn't Exist

How do I insert a record in a database if it doens't exist? For example, I need to see if the answer for a question exists and then if it doens't I need to insert a blank record.

Something like:

if questionID = 20 doesn't exist, insert blank record for questionID = 20
if questionID = 21 exist do nothing

table is Answers(QuestionID, Answer)

I need to do this in order to be able to do an update. Some questions were not in the previous form.

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Mod_rewrite Or An Alternate Solution

I am in need of something like mod_rewrite or an alternate solution.

I have a client, who's website is all HTML files (200+ files) and was previously password protected by javascript only. Anyway, what I need to do is password protect the site using a better solution, which would be a server side scripting obviously.

I am familiar with apache's mod_rewrite and PHP, which would make this problem easy to solve by simply passing the HTML file to a php file, then after neccessary security checks, pass the requested html back to the browser..

The only problem is that its on an ASP server and I have no knowledge of ASP. I am not even 100% positive what kind of server it is, I just know that .asp files work in it and .php does not.

Anyone know of something like mod_rewrite for ASP or an alternate solution that would work in my situation?

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Check If File Exist?

I am building and intranet and i need to check if a file exist in a folder on the network. The folders are in the R drive, the web server is on the same network as the other servers. I have tried this code below but I can only check the files on the website.

Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
if fs.fileexists("filename")=true then
Response.Write "Exist"
response.write "Doesnt Exist"
end if

set fs = nothing

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Domain Parking Solution In ASP

Anyone have Idea on how to create Domain Parking solution.
I have more than 150 domains which I want to park.
I m expert in ASP . Kindly Reply with an Idea / Logic behind domain parking solution.
I want something like goldkey dot com or Coolgoogle dot com

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How To Check Record Exist?

I want to know how to check if the record I am about to add already exist? I would like to refer to the field of "icno" in the database. Code:

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Building Solution Bugs My ASP

i recently started learning ASP and now i am trying to do some on my home computer.

After doing a few things in my ASP.Net application, i click Build -> Build Solution and then it says this in the output window:

Preparing resources....
Updating references....
Performing main complation....

and then it stays bugged at that section. Then i can go back in build and cancel the building process...

Anyone know what might cause this, my computer is fairly recent and i did re-install Visual Studio .NET to try and fix this problem without any success... I also tried making other applications and it does the same thing...

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