COUNT Field Incorrect

Getting this error:

[vbs]Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e10'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]COUNT field incorrect

/admin/articles.asp, line 277

On this line:

SQL="UPDATE article SET title='" & request.form("title") & "',topic= " & request.form("topic") & " ,article_text='" & request.form("article_text") & "' WHERE title='" & request.form("hidden") & "'"

When it is just one line coming from the article_text thing it works fine, when it is several lines it gives this COUNT error...

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Incorrect Syntax Near ')'.

StrSql = "SELECT * FROM [" & Screen & "] WHERE (CPN="&(COORDID)&") AND (CNUM="&(CNUMQS)&")

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Incorrect Syntax Near '' ?

I get this error with this sql statement in MSSQLincorrect syntax near '' ?

this is part or the sql statement:-

ORDER BY Sum([Ratings].[Rating])Count([Ratings].[RatingID]) DESC

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Incorrect DB Schema?

I need from an Access database using ASP. Everything I need can be found in the database, but it is scattered among different tables. Here's the situation:

Currently many tables exist, one for each event. Each table contains participants and results. Each table is for only one venue, but many tables for the same venue may exist (different events at the same location on a different date).

I need a table of participants that automatically updates if a new participant is found.

I need a table of venues that automatically updates if a new venue is found.

I need to be able to show a particpant's results at any given venue for any given time period. Code:

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Incorrect Sessionkey

Recently i noticed that there was an incorrect piece of data displayed in a
page and after investigating i noticed that it belongs to another sessionkey.

Have you experienced anything like this? i.e. when you retrieve the
sessionkey from the session variable, you get a different one?

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Incorrect Syntax Near The Word

I converted my Access databases to MS SQL. I then changed the code in my ASP pages to compensate. I wanted to check that it would work. I ran into a problem: It keeps saying:

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'User'.

BTW this piece of code works fine in Access and only crashes when using SQL. Can't find anything relevant on the Internet. Can someone help please? Code:

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Error Incorrect Syntax Near

When i insert some values float in a form made with ASP appear an error message like this:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E14)
Line 1: Incorrect syntax near ','.

sql="select id from tbl_monete where id_taglio="&idtaglio sql, conn

idTaglio it's the value of money that can be like 0,5 0,2,
0,1 etc etc
If i try one or two times it'll work correctly, why?
Table tbl_monete has field id_taglio that is float.

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Incorrect Date Format

my problem is the FormatDateTime function it is changing the date format to MM/dd/yyyy but we need dd/MM/yyyy. We already changed the settings for the administrator user. Access the regedit tool and change the format to dd/MM/yyy on all the users on the server but we are still getting the incorrect format.

First we got for every case the format switch. For example we ask for this FormatDateTime("01/10/2003",2) Octuber 1st, 2003 an the result was "10/01/2003" January 10th, 2003
for days lower than the 12th and even if we send FormatDateTime("31/10/2003", 2) we got "10/31/2003". The server is running Windows 2000 Advanced Server with IIS 5.0

After some changes this is what is happening know

FormatDateTime("01/10/2003", 2) -- > 10/01/2003
FormatDateTime("31/10/2003", 2) -- > 31/10/2003

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Incorrect Http Form Parsing

When I do testing with a test post page, everything functions properly. When
the actual customer does the post, the attribute following the "file"
attribute is concatenated to the file itself. When I execute the
HttpPostedFile.SaveAs(), the resulting file is what is sent Plus the
following form attribute. This following attribute is not in any Collection
from the Request object. Code:

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IE's Default For Save As Type Incorrect

I'm using a binary stream to send down a file with ASP from the web
server. I've been having trouble with IE and getting it to recognize
my file. I've added the filename as a paramater(?filename=file.jpgw)
to handle IE's mime type mangling, but I'm still having trouble with
IE's default Save As Type being HTML.

When we send down a jpgw
(geo-jpeg) file IE wants to save it as an HTML file. I've got the
correct filename showing in the Filename box, and if I choose the All
Files option from the Save As Type drop down then the file is saved
with the correct extension. I'd like to have the All Files option
choosen by default. I know it's just a couple of clicks but we have
some noivce users that can't seem to get that.

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MS Access Date Format Is Incorrect

I am storing dates in a database. WHen i come to do sql queries on the dates access is interpreting them as US format (mm/dd/yyyy). When the date is stored in the db it is in the correct uk format (dd/mm/yyyy) but when asp passes the queries to access the date format changes if the day is above 13.

For example if the date being searched is 10/2/2006 (10th feb 2006) it is searching the database for 2nd October 2006. If the i pass is 13/02/2006 (13th feb 2006) it searches it correctly.

I have tried setting the session.lcid to 2057 but this makes no difference. I read somewhere that access automatically treates dates as US format and only tries another format if the us format doesnt make sense. Is there any way around this?

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Formatting Date Incorrect Code

I have two dynamic listboxes.One is a date and needs formatting.I am using DWMX and therefore used the format function within the dynamic listbox wizard.When I run the page the listbox without formatting is ok, but the date listbox returns the following:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'. Type Mismatch 'DoDateTime' /admincontacts.asp, line 189

Line 189 is the following:

<option value="<%=(rsAdmin.Fields.Item("Date_Added").Value)%>" <%If (Not isNull(DoDateTime((rsAdmin.Fields.Item("Date_Added").Value), 1, 4105))) Then If (CStr(rsAdmin.Fields.Item("Date_Added").Value) = CStr(DoDateTime((rsAdmin.Fields.Item("Date_Added").Value), 1, 4105))) Then Response.Write("SELECTED") : Response.Write("")%> ><%=(rsAdmin.Fields.Item("Date_Added").Value)%></option>

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Configured Identity Incorrect Error

we have just migrated to a new server both with database and web server-
migrating all web projects and all databases.then we decided to rename the
new server.we tried running all web projects on the new server but it doesnt
work causing error "configured identity incorrect, check username and
password" in a certain line in the code.

i have searched for possile solutions like synchronizing identity account in
the 3 locations where this account is stored but it seems it doesnt work.
Earlier i was able to fix scheduled jobs in the database not working caused
by renaming the new server which is also the name of the database server.But
problems in the web files itself (asp) are giving me headache particularly in
code lines with "createobject."

Whats seems to be the particular problem?Can anyone point me to the right
resources to fix this prob?

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ASP/mySQL Incorrect Date Format Returned

I have all of the dates I use in my tables stored as date in the YYYY/MM/DD format, with the columns set to DATE.

When I do any queries on the database (not usinf ASP) I get YYYY/MM/DD format returned.

When I do a recordset("datefield") ASP request I get D/M/YYYY returned. I have not asked anything to convert it, I have no idea where it is getting converted. It is a real pain, as I need to copy these dates through out the table, and they are getting returned in the wrong format.

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XMLHTTP - Trying To Replace Incorrect Displayed Chrs With The Correct Ones

I have used xmlHTTP to grab a page from a server.. The page has the '£'
symbol in it, when it get to my site it is displayed as a '?'.. I have tryed
replace every way I know and it does not swap back..

I have tryed replace "?" , "£"
I have tryed chr(63) , chr(163)
I have tryed "?" , &pound;

nothing works, except it does change the real '?' on the page, I mean the
'?' that started out as '?' and not as '£'
if I right a bit of code to count the '£' on the page it get the total right
including the original '?' and the '?' that are supposed to be '£'.. I dont
understand it I can count them by saying if {loopchr} = chr(63) but the the
chr(63) does not work in a replace statement..

I have examend the feed from theXMLHTTP and they are or seem to be got a '?'
and yet I cant replace them

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Problems Wiht .hta Page. Error 405 - Address Incorrect.

I have IIS 5.0 running on a Win2000 server. I have
scripts that I want to run on the web page. It was
suggested to me to create an .HTA page instead of .asp
or .html to make them run. The scripts now run fine, but
when the action is finished, I get the error:

The page cannot be displayed
The page you are looking for cannot be displayed because
the page address is incorrect.

HTTP 405 - Resource not allowed

after completing a task associated with a button press,
in this case a folder copy!

I'm not very familiar with .hta pages, can someone help
me with why I might be getting this error. Are .hta
pages supposed to be used with newer version of IIS
instead of 5.0

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ServerVariables("URL") Return Incorrect Pagename

From Page1.asp, I use "Server.transfer" to "REDIRECT" to another asp page
in page2.asp I use Request.ServerVariables("URL") and
Request.ServerVariables("REFERER") to get the lastpage and the actual page,
this method (or property) return incorrect values: "Page1.asp" and ""


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LEFT JOIN On A Date Field And A Numerical Field - Using WHERE Clause

I am using a Relational database for my site and i have the following tables:


the fields in FIXTURES are:


(All of the above are numerical fields)

the fields in GAMEDATES are:

GameDate(#Date Field#)

What i have done is in the GAMEDATE field in the FIXTURES table i have used the ID number of the date that i wish to assign to that record - using a LEFT JOIN to display the actual date that is pulled from the GAMEDATES table (That which corresponds to the relevant id used in Fixtures)

The problem is that in some of my code i want to display records using sql and sometimes in the where clause i use the following:

WHERE Fixtures.GameDate<=(Date())

obviously meaning WHERE GAMEDATE is LESS THAN or EQUAL to TODAY.

The thing is when i use the join it does not use the where clause and displays all of the records in the FIXTURES table.

Does any one know how to get around this, i have not received any error messages it just isnt displaying the right data

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Comparing Field Data From Previous Field

Im comparing values in a field while doing a loop if sAct<>myData(5,i) then At the end of the loop I make the value of sAct equal the current myData

This will work when comparing other fields withing my recordset (so I know the statement works) but it will not work for the field I want to compare. The only difference with this field is that it has null values. Could this be the problem? if so, how do I deal with nulls?

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Fill Field Based On Another Field

I have a input form with 5 fields. One of the fields is MajorNo and the other is named Description.

I have a reference table in my MS Access database (tblMajor)that lists the major numbers and their descriptions.

I would like to have the description field in my ASP automatically filled based on the major number entered on the form, so the user will only need to input the major number when submitting to the Access table (tblSalesTotal).

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I have a column n_fog defined as text. In this i have numbers or blank value in it.

For example i have 5 records

Record - number
1 - 2
2 - 2
3 - ''
4 - 3
5 - ''

What i want to know is get the total of the numbers. So it should give me 2+2+3 = 7

How can i do it?

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I have a link like this

<a href="/mainfolder/one.pdf"> view pdf

what i want to do is find out how many times the pdf was open

so a member logs on the website goes into member section on that page he sees a pdf i want to find out how many times did he click on the link and opened the pdf

i have a field in the table that will store the count value.

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For example take below as my array

myArray[0] = Bill
myArray[1] = Ben
myArray[2] = Ben
myArray[3] = Bill
myArray[4] = Ria
myArray[5] = John
myArray[6] = Gemma
myArray[7] = Gemma
myArray[8] = Bill

I want to be able to count the above and produce a list like so

Bill = 3
Ben = 2
Ria = 1
John = 1
Gemma = 2

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I have a problem with the below which I can't understand..

SQLcount ="SELECT COUNT(dates) AS total FROM dates"
Response.Write total

And it doesn't return anything..

When I ask Isnull(total) the answer is "False".

So, if it has a value, why doesn't return it?

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Odd Count / Even Count

What I want to do is count records in a table. if that count result is an
even number do something, if it is an odd number, do something else. sortof
like this.

set row_count = conn.execute("select count(clan_name) as cnt1 from clans")

clan_cnt = row_count.fields.item("cnt1").value

now this is the part i need

if clan_cnt " is odd" then
do something
do something else
end if

can someone shed some light on this for me please?

any help would be great, if even steering me in the right direction of some
site. would love to figure this out on my own, but just need a shove.

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SQL Count

I'm selecting a wide range of records. Some of these records may have duplicates in one value but some may not. I want to display the records as one and have a seperate display that counts how many there are WHERE the field is equal to a certain value. Code:

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I have to do this client side as well as server side

i have a field where a user can enter alpha numberic values
i want to count the integers or numbers seperately

can someone tell me how to do it

for example a user enters a3re4567

so there are 34567

so there are 5 integer or 5 numbers in that field

so i want to pop up an alert on client side.

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Using Count

I m trying to use "select count" in order to retrieve the total number of a value in the database using the code below, but it doesn t seem to work. I get the following error mesage:

Error Type:
ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0CC1)
Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.

i checked all the fields in the table, but i dont know if the syntax is wrong.

the code starts here--->

set rsTypes = con.execute("SELECT COUNT (cat) AS Total FROM firstmarch")

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Using Count With Top

i am trying to pull a count from the top 16 records in a db.

select count(top 16 (username)) as cnt2 from bracketdb_"&tourney_id&" where
username <'BYE' order by POS

this is what i need to do, however, it doesn't work. i am getting a systax
error near TOP.this is using SQLdb

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I have a Access database with two tables; a category table and an images table.In the Category table I have a field for Index number and a field for Categories. The images table has a field for all the images and a field to specify what category the images are assigned to.

I am trying to write a simple Select query that will return a list of Categories from my Category table, and in the second colum a count of the number of images assigned to each category from my main table of images.

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Get DB Count

I'm using SQL/VBScript and need to get the number of records found in a DB search. I'm using. where I need it, but in this case, how would I access the info?


"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Locations WHERE Location = 'Paris SBDC'"

How do I access the results? I'm really new to SQL and ASP, and the way I usually query a database is


set rs=objRecordset.Execute(sql)

and plug in


variable = <%rs.fields("fieldname")%>

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SQL: Count If

I'm having a little trouble trying to fix a little problem of mine. I have an SQL statement which counts all of the records of a certain type. Its fine up to here.

What I want to do is do a Count on a field where the value is > 0 and then do this for several fields in one SQL statement. how I may do it?

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How To Count Up

how can i create a number that goes up by one everytime its goes throgh a loop. would it be like this:

dim numbercounter

numbercounter = 1
do while numbercount eof
numbercount +1

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