Calculating Page Breaks

I am trying to modify an existing ASP application that produces forms with several 'blocks' of text that are contained within table cells and which have their own HTML id's.

These blocks must not be split over two pages. Is there a straightforward way of calculating the size of each block/table cell so that the blocks are not split and the form prints on the minimum number of pages? This is an intranet application, so we have a certain amount of control over browser settings, so margin settings etc are not a problem.

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PDF Page Breaks

this might be a shot in the dark but does anyone know if there is way to code pdf page breaks in webpages. when i print to adobe acrobat my webpages split when there converted to pdf. i want to set the pdf page breaks in my webpage.

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Page Breaks

i am generating report in ASP using sql.but i have problem when i need to have print ,that is when i want to take a printout of whole data i want to break the pages according to the group,but now i get a report with merging of the data.I want to take a print out groupwise page break. sample asp file is attached with this mail .

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How To :insert Page Breaks......

Preparing a report form in word file using ASP.

How to insert page breaks in word file through ASP to perform a
client side report.

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Pagination Page Breaks

I've 300 records in a recordset sort by name column (not unique) needs showing in 3 pages, 100 records each. At this moment i've stored records having 1 to 100 ID in 1st page, 100 to 200 id in second page and 201 to 300 in third page. but this doesn't have the record sorted actually according to name. Can anyone suggest how i can break records in 3 pages as well as sort them according to name.

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Page Breaks To Printer

I am creating some reports with ASP and have come to a bit of a problem. Does anyone know how can I send a page break to the printer? I need to be able to start different items fresh on a new page and I really have no idea how to do it.

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Page Breaks Numbers

Can anyone please let me know how to insert page numbers and page breaks in ASP.

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Page Breaks When Printing

We have a page that reads records from a database and displays them. Basically name/address/city/state/zip/county/phone. These records are between 4-6 lines a piece (there are other variables involved).

When printing these records via i.e. we currently have a process where we determine how many records have been written and eventually put a table with .break { page-break-after: always } style applied to it. The problem is, sometimes a page will hold 14 records, sometimes 15, sometimes 16. Is there a better approach to this so that records don't get cut off and it maximizes the number of records that display on each page?

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Loosing Page Breaks

When I collect the text from a form's text box, I am loosing the page breaks. When using C# in the past, I used this:

Code: ( text )

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Page Breaks With ASP / HTML

Here is my problem - I have an ASP page the is generating a file with HTML that is being opened with WORD. Can anyone give me a simple method, idea, function, example, resourse, etc.... to figure out how to handle PAGE BREAKS. I am not sure how to handle when to put the breaks in for the report that is being created.

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Page QueryString Breaks When No Id Is Available In The Database.

Dim id
If (id = "") then
id = Request.QueryString("id")
End If
If (id = "") then
id = 1
End If

I use a QueryString request function, so when an id is called, that page loads into the current one. This is perfect, however if say the user directly types a link into the url, like index.asp?id=999, then basically the code is flawed, it breaks up.

Secondly if say a page has been erased from the database, and the link still is available, the code is equally flawed, so it would be good to have a page in my id, say id=50 that displays a page with data from the database, explaining that the page you are trying to reach did not exist or no longer exists, because so far, I get a page error:

ADODB.Field (0x800A0BCD)
Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.
/mjhw/functions/functions2.asp, line 21

But how can I over come this.

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Send Page Script Breaks W/Win 2000 & Outlook XP

The following "Send Page" Script Breaks w/Win 2000 & Outlook XP with the error ""The command line argument is not valid. Verify the switch you are using." However, it does work with win98 and Outlook Express. Any ideas on the problem? Code:

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Calculating Age

I have a form setup to search for people between CageT1 and CageT2 but am unable to get it to work. Peoples birthdates are stored in Access in m_date_of_birth; age is not stored in the database. The code below is a test.asp page I created so that I could debug the problem; thats why all this page requests is a Response.Write(sql). Code:

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Calculating Vat Tax

I'm having difficulty calculating vat 917.5%). I've written some basic asp to do this, but the result is far from correct. Can anyone spot what I've done wrong ?

Session("price") = (Session("variable1"))+(Session("variable2"))+(Session("variable3"))
vat = Session("price") / 100 * 17.5
Session("total") = Session("pprice") + vat
Session("total") = FormatNumber(Session("total"), 2)

For example, if my variables are:
variable1 = 165
variable2 = 50
variable3 = 25
When I write the session variable 'total' it comes out at: 1,944,654.38

If I run the vat calculation on just on variable, without adding them, the result is correct. So I guess I'm adding sesison variables incorrectly?

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Calculating Time

Ok so I have 5 variables:

start = "8:00:00 AM"
lunchstart = "12:00:00 PM"
lunchend = "1:00:00 PM"
end = "5:00:00 PM"
totalhours = X

What I want to do Is calculate the total hours between start and end and subtract the total time spent on lunch. For example, using the variables above I have been trying for weeks to figure out how to make total hours = 8

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Calculating The Score

I have set up a variable that if the answer is correct score =1 however im not sure how to total all the scores and i would also like to have it as a percentage. Code:

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Calculating Median

I have a microsoft access database with one table. I am trying to extract a filtered list of records from the database using ASP. So far i am able to do this. My next step is to somehow calculate the median from this filtered list within ASP. Maybe using some VBscript or something?

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Calculating Fields From DB In ASP

Let's say I have an Access DB with a table named proCount. In the table proCount, I have two fields named numOne and numTwo. In my ASP page I'd like to have a repeating region that lists all the records in the proCount table. Is there a way to have ASP calculate the sum of all the returned records for the field numOne and the field numTwo?

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Calculating Probs

I need to get the sum of all fields where clientID = 'woteva'

so far i'm only doing this by bringing them up with the 'move nxt' but this then displays all the fields, where i just want to display the result without all the fields showing aswell? Code:

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Calculating Percentages

I know this is more of a maths problem. But I'm not having a good day with it today. what I need to do is work out the percentage of closed job against the total jobs made? So


are the varables. What is the code I need to work it out?

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Digits Calculating

when I calculate a Digits for example: 101.12 * 1.21 the resilt is 122.3552 This one should be 122.36 and if it is 122.3549 to be 122.35 How can I make this thing works?

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Calculating Birthdates

I have birthdates in a field called CustomFieldDOB in a table called Vendor. The birthdays were entered with mixed formats, m/d/yy, mm/d/yy, m/dd/yy, m/d/yyyy, mm/d/yyyy, m/dd/yyyy, and with separators of / and -.

Total number of entries is 5600+ so manually changing each of these to one format would be VERY time consuming. In the end, I am trying to have our Intranet page show "Today's Birthdays". I am familiar with setting up a loop to display the Vendor names , I just don't know how to calculate variable formatted birthdates.

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Calculating Minutes Between Dates

I need to calculate the number of elapsed minutes between two datetime variables. BUT, it needs to only include times between 8am and 5pm on weekdays.

So if the starting datetime is at 5:01pm, it doesn't start counting until 8am the next weekday morning.

Or, if the ending datetime is at 6:30am, the counting would stop at 5pm the previous weekday.

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Calculating Time Difference

I am logging a time that people log in, stored as a short time. I want to be able to run a script which runs through my users database and checks all the users who are logged in, it checks the users last action time time against the current time and automatically logs any out any users who haven't had any activity in more than 30 minutes.

pseudo code as follows:

dim currentTime = now()
dim lastActionTime = rs("lastAction")
if(lastActionTime < currentTime - 30 minutes)
log the user out

Can anyone tell me how I code the time calculation to deduct 30 minutes from the current time?

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Calculating Database Fields

At the moment in time I have a product database being displayed. I could do with including another column to the database which allows me to enter a specific quantity for that product line. All the quantitys fields need to be calculated to their specific product cost value.

Finally all the sub totals need to be calculated together to give a grand total, which will be displayed on another page.

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Calculating Average From An Array

I have an array like

array = "1,2,3|,2,4,6| ...)

There will be an unknown number a values between the | and an uknown total number of values. I need to get the average of the number between each of the |'s. Any ideas how to handle that?

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Calculating Text Pixels

if there is a way in ASP, to calculate with of a string of text in pixels. The result is to be used to set table width so that texts don't get wrapped to second line.

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Calculating Totals With Data From Access

I have done a fair amount of coding but very little in the way of maths type stuff

While Not objRSC.EOF
Response.Write "<tr><td>"
Response.Write objRSc("Item_Quantity") & "</td><td>"
Response.Write objRSc("Stock_item") & "</td><td>"
Response.Write objRSc("Stock_description") & "</td><td>"
Response.Write objRSc("Item_Price") & "</td></tr>"

What I now want to do is to add all the Item_Prices together, .

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Calculating, Calling & Printing Return Values

I have a problem with returning a value from an external function.....

My asp page is basically a list taken from a database. A date record is written from the DB, then all the recordslinked to that date are listed, then the next date, then the next series of records, i.e. Code:

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I Am Having Problems With Calculating The Total Seconds From Two Date/times.

I need to get the number of seconds when subtracting two date/times.
With the code I am using below I subtract the two date/times and end
up with a total of days like "1.56".

Then when I multiply it to get
the number of seconds I am not getting an accurate number. I should
only have whole numbers of seconds with nothing past the decimal
point. I would like to be able to subtract the two date/times and get
the number of seconds without multiplying to get it. Is this possible?
Does anyone have a better more accurate way to do this? Code:

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SQL Breaks ASP

In one of our applications we have product id field which sometime contains ' . When doing a search the sql breaks due to this. I cannot use replace function to remove this is there anything else I can do so that this works

strProductId = 2277'778

sqlstr = " Select * from productdetails where id ='" & strProductId & "'"

In this instance the sql breaks and gives me an error. how i can solve this.

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Line Breaks

Im developing a site for an organisation im a member of. Im trying to make updating the site a simple as possible for the organistions staff, some of which are not the computer literate. So i have made a kind of template site where the content of all the pages held in a access db. I have then made an admin backend where organisation staff can login and update the contents of pages simply by editing text in a text box and clicking the update button.

However, i've come across a problem. When users leave a line break in the text box the output page doesnt display the gap. I am using a simple response write to display the contents of the attribute on the page. Currently the only way im managing to get line breaks is to enter a '<br>' into the text box on the admin page.

How could i make it so when a line is left blank on the text box the database records this and displays it on the output page?

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Line Breaks

I'm trying to save to a message field with the field type, memo.
Say I save the message:
"Test 1
Test 2
Test 3"

When I response.write it, it will turn out like " Test 1 Test 2 Test 3"
losing all the line breaks and such
If I response.write it within <textarea> </textarea> tags it comes back

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