Calculation Of Multiple Records

This is the page where I collect the data in drop-down boxes with values of 1-10 and send it to a submitted page to do calculations.


Employee1 TeamScore(1-10)
Employee2 TeamScore(1-10)
Employee3 TeamScore(1-10)
Employee4 TeamScore(1-10)

Then I submit this page with all the values in TeamScore for every employee and I want to perform a calculation based on the values in the drop-down and a weighted score from another database table. An example of a weighted score is 0.11 and I need to multiply the value(from 1 to 10) times the weighted score of 0.11 for each employee.

I have several records to update all at once from the previous screen of drop-down boxes containing numbers 1 - 10 and I want to take each individual drop-down value and multiply it by a weighted score (i.e. 0.11 etc.) Code:

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How To Update Multiple Records With Different Multiple Value

i hav problem with updating the data. In the asp page i hav displayed records based on search criteria. in display mode im displaying the to be updated field in combo box for each similar contract_no. each contract_no will hav different no of rows and to be updated combo box.

based on the selected value in the combo boxes of different contract_nos i hav to update the combo value with old value. user select multiple combo values at a time I need anybody's help with detailed programming logic.

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Multiple Records

I have this search and results system on one page....
I'd like it where the results that come up from the search are editable and can be updated.
I can't seem to figure out a working way to update more than one field at a time.anyone have a good piece of code for multiple edits

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Multiple Records

I need to retrieve multiple records and insert all of them into different table.I got an error running the code below.


FilePath = "C:Inetpubwwwrootdata.mdb"
Set Conn1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn1.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & FilePath & ";"

SQL1 = "SELECT name FROM total where marks = 2"
SQL2 ="INSERT INTO people (names) values ("SQL1")"


while not SQL1.EOF
Conn1.execute (SQL2)


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Add Multiple Records

I have to create a page that contains a daily register information for more than 1 person each person should be added as a new record to the db. Is this possible? How would I go about doing this, I know how to create new records that add data to a db but I am not too sure how to add more than 1 record at a time.

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How To Update Multiple Records!

how to update multiple records on one submit. Say for example i have number of records on a html table, user performs changes on some of the records, and hits the submit button at the end and all these value have to be updated into the sql query.

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Inserting Multiple Records

Im having a hared time with this, im trying to update multiple records in a database from a form.

The form display all records from a search query and then the user selects whether to post the record of put the record on hold (two fields in the database).

Now everywhere I have looked I only see examples which update the records by using counts but I could end up with any number of records. I thought that using a loop would be an idea to get passed this.

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Update Multiple Records

How do I update multiple records in a table in ASP using loops ? For example.

I have a table with the following colums

ID | Col1 | Col2
1 | 50 | 100
2 | 25 | 130
3 | 55 | 70

I want to add *66* and *77* into the ID # *1* and ID # *3*
respectively. So the result should be

ID | Col1 | Col2
1 | 116 | 177
2 | 25 | 130
3 | 121 | 147

Note: All datatype of the colums are integer.

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Delete Multiple Records

I read this article below and play around with delete multiple records function in dreamweaver. Assume that all my database fields setup are exactly like the code below. I was able to follow the instruction and did everything excepted line# 29. Can someone give me a suggestion of the line# 29 suppose to be (in example if possible).....

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Insert Multiple Records

I'm trying to set up a form whereby users can select a variety of different subject mailing lists they'd like to be added to.
Each subject is in a different table so I want the FROM part of my SQL statement to loop through the values selected from the list box which I've loaded into an array.
But I'm getting a Type mismatch error.Code:

Dim strSQL
Dim subjects
Dim subjArray
Dim iLoop

subjects = Request.Form("subjects")
subjArray = split(subjects)

strSQL = "SELECT firstName, lastName, address1, address2, city, state, pcode, country, email FROM"
For iLoop = LBound(subjArray) to UBound(subjArray)

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Inserting Multiple Records

Does anyone know how to upload or insert multiple records into a MS Database. I've been trying to figure this out all day with little success. It seems that their should be a way to upload a txt file or csv file and have all the records go into the dbase.

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Update Multiple Records ?

how can update the multiple records at a time ? what loop will use to update the multiple records ? Code:

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Update Multiple Records At Once

How can I go about updating multiple records or deleting multiple records
from a DB at a time?

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Inserting Multiple Records

i've created a page that displays a list of records with a checkbox next to each.

I'd like to give my users the option of selecting multiple checkboxes then clicking submit which will insert a new record for each of the checked option.

for example: Code:

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Updating Multiple Records At Once

I have created a page that calls multiple records from an access database. I would like for the user to go through and update the data, press update and it updates to the database and returns to the same page.

this has been accomplished all bar one thing, it doesn’t update the database! What have I missed? Code:

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Insert Multiple Records

I have a recordset that contains multiple records of product a user is purchasing. For clarity, I converted the recordset fields to variables. I need to take that entire recordset and insert it into another table on a remote server. The below code only inserts 1 record. How do I change the code to get all records inserted?

Dim DataConn2
Set DataConn2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
DataConn2.Open MM_kasKSS_STRING
SQL = "INSERT INTO wsOrderDetails (OrderID, OrderNo, Description, Qty,
PriceEach, Priceline) "
SQL = SQL & "Values ('" & iod_OrderID & "', '" & iod_OrderNo & "', '" &
iod_Description & "', " & iod_Qty & ", " & iod_PriceEach & ", " &
iod_Priceline & ")"

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Updating Multiple Records

I have a master/detail table configuration in a SQL database.Each record in the master table can have many records, which are stored in the details table.I need to create an update page that will allow the user to view, update or add new records within the details table that is associated to a master table record.

So, say I have 7 fields in the detail table and I'm pulling 20 records from the table that is associated to a specific master record. I would have 20 rows each with 7 columns that need to be updated or added to.

The columns contain dropdown menus,which will hold the value from each field in the detail table But,I also need to pull data from other tables that will hold the other values for the dropdown menus.

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Selecting Multiple Records

I want to select multiple records using the WHERE function. Currently my SQL query is as below:-

strSQL = "SELECT albums.* FROM albums WHERE id = 1"

As well as selecting id = 1, I would like to select id = 2 and id = 3 . How can I write this? I have tried seperating it by commas and spaces but this didn't work.

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How To Write Multiple Records In A Text Box

I have been trying to populate multiple email addresses in a textbox like in Hotmail.

My aim is to send a mail to multiple recepients at the same time.

I want to populate all addresses to "TO :" section.

The problem I face is that I was not able to write multiple email addresses near by near

For example;

I can only populate adresses one by one in a text box

You can find my code which works but not in a way I want. Code:

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How To Insert Multiple Records In Database?

how to insert multiple records in database?? i have this problem like i have this one form and there are three fields like the (quantity,unit,item name)..the item that will be inputted will vary, depending on the number of item to be inputted..

enter the number of item: 3
qty unit item_name
1. 2 pcs pencil
2. 2 pcs glue stick
3. 2 pcs clip

what should i do in order that these items will be inserted in just one insert statement?

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How Do You Insert Multiple Records At The Same Time?

I need help to solve this situation....

House 1 (1 photo)
House 2 (4 photos)



I need insert multiple records into a single field of the Table2 and
insert the idHouse too. How do I do this?

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Add Multiple Records To A Database From A Form

I am trying to have a form that has multiple records on it and the user can check a box on which ones to add to the database. I created the form but cannot get the fields to enter into the database.

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Updating Multiple Records Thru Checkbox

I need a code that will update multiple records on a list thru checkbox.

If the record is selected, the details that was updated on the selected
record will copy the same value as what is updated.

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Update Multiple Records From Array

I have a shoppingcart which is saved in an array. When the user goes to the checkout and and presses the order button the contents of the array gets saved in a databasetable. This all works fine.

The problem that I have is that I want the articles that the user ordered get subtracted from the Quantity I have got in my database. But I don't know how to tell the database which records have to be updated. Code:

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Update Multiple Records With One Submit

I have a list of registrants and I want to use a check box after each record
to show those who attend and then post all with one submit button.

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Adding Multiple Records With Checkboxes

SQL 2000 database with ASP

I've found many things "out there" regarding updating and deleting
multiple records with checkboxes but I can't seem to find anything
about adding them. A user wants to create a price list for their
client and they need to add parts to it in a separate table. I would
like to display the list of parts and the user would select multiple
parts to add to a price list by checking a checkbox and submitting the
form. Code:

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Getting Multiple Records Fields In One Variable

I've got 4 records in my lovely database table. The table contains 5 fields, lets say: id, number, name, age and sex. All I want to do is to get all the values (form all 4 records) of the "number" field and put all 4 of the values in to one variable.

The output have to look something like this : numbers: 001, 002, 003, 004.

I tired, honestly, I really did. But didn't find a solution.

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Deleting Multiple Records In A Database

I get this message when trying to delete:

The column prefix 'username' does not match with a table name or alias name used in the query. I am not sure what this error is. I checked all over the place for the problem.

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Export Records To Multiple Worksheet

I saw a message from Dayron regarding the "Export records to multiple worksheet under 1 workbook". I also have the same problem.

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Adding Records To Multiple Tables

i have an instance where I need to add records to 2 different tables. i know how to do it basically, but the problem is, one table is generating a key number and i need this number for the second table records.

how do i put the appropriate records into the first table, grab the id number and insert the records into the second number? the information is coming from a form. i'm developing in an access db but will be moving this to an ms sql db before it goes there a stored procedure that might make this easier? i know nothing about stored procedures.

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Multiple Tables Identical Records

how do you do this. 2 tables. one called "Bookings" one called "Rooms"

what kinda query would i use to make it LIST the contents of the ROOM column in the BOOKINGS table, then get remove identical matches in the ROOM column in the ROOMS table?

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How To Delete Multiple Records Using A Series Of Checkboxes

Does anyone know how i could print multiple records in a database using a series of check boxes on a webpage? i.e it prints all the records that have been ticked?

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Edit Multiple Records In A Single Table

I am using a db to hold student data records. I currently display them in a roster based on their affiliation with a certain class. To edit a record I need to click the name of an individual, it opens an edit page, I make the changes, hit submit and return to the roster.

This is pretty standard stuff. What I would like to do is change one field of every record without opening each record individually. The idea comes from my Fantasy Fball league roster:

McNabb, Donovan QB PHI ActiveReserve
Droughns, Reuben RB DEN ActiveReserve
Johnson, Rudi RB CIN PIT ActiveReserve

Where the example above says "ActiveReserve" is a pull down menu that lets me change who is playing week to week. I can then change each record, hit submit one time, and update the db. So how do they do it?

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