Call Subroutine By Variable Value

is it possible to call a subroutine (or a function) using variable name?

Sub a()
Response.write("sub a")
End sub

Sub b()
Response.write("sub b")
End sub

Sub c()
Response.write("sub c")
End sub

Dim subname
subname = "b"
**call subname**
'does exist something like this? or something like the javascript 'eval' ?

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Call VBA Subroutine From ASP

I am currently using an Access 2000 database as the back end of an ASP website that is under development. I have some vba code that generates a Word document from within Access and saves it in a folder that makes it available for download over the website. Can I execute this code from ASP?

Further, I am planning to split the Access database, once it is complete, by migrating the back end to SQL Server. Once the website connection is to SQL Server, will I still be able to execute the vba code located in the Access front end?

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Use An Input To Call A Subroutine?

Use an input to call a subroutine?

I’m having trouble getting an input to call 2 subroutines. I have been trying to:

<input type="button" Value="Click here to submit / post listing" onclick="<%call saveitme %><%call reduce %> " > </p>

when the page is loaded it runs the sub without clicking on the button?

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Problem Passing Variable Values To Subroutine

I'm using a database table to create forms on our intranet. If the record is 'text', an input is printed, if it's 'dropdown', a dropdown is printed etc. In the case of dropdowns, the next field in the recordset is 'options' (eg Mr, Mrs etc.) and this works fine by splitting the options array and creating a separate <option> for each one.

My problem is that I've written a subroutine that creates dynamic dropdowns and it looks like this: Code:

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Variable To Call A Member Of Recordset.

Lets say I have created a Recordset named MySET. And I have a value passed from a form: Request.Form.Key(1) Code:

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Calling Subroutine

i have defined a procedure and want it to call on the onload event of body.

sub a()
end sub

how can i achieve this. is this possible or not.

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Determine What Is Calling My Subroutine

I've got a subroutine, defined as Private, takes two parameters, that is
called lots of times from different ASP scripts. I need specific error
handling when it is called from only one particular section of my code - and
from the page it's called from, it's called multiple times from there, too,
so I can't check by page.

I thought about adding an additional parameter, but it's called so many
times that it would be unwieldy to do so.

Is there a way I can tell a Private Subroutine what piece of code called it?

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Terminate Entire Subroutine

I understand that I can use "Exit Sub" to terminate an subroutine. However,this does not prevent everything before the "Exit Sub" from processing and displaying. Now, if I can't determine if a certain condition is met or not met until later in the subroutine, how can I prevent any parts of the code from displaying?

For example:

Response.Write "Table Header"
For 0 to all user's online
If user's page is an product page, then
Response.Write Page_Name
Y = Y + 1
end if

If Y <> "" then
Exit Sub
End if
End Sub

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Visual Basic Component Subroutine

Not sure if this is the right group for this but anyways...
I've got an ASP web application that uses a Visual Basic component to do
some work. I instantiate the component in asp and then attempt to call the
subroutine. The subroutine is actually invoked maybe 2 out of 10 times run.
What could possibly be the reason for this?? Why the inconsistency in
running the subroutine?

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Disappearing Form Values When Calling Subroutine

I am calling a subroutine when I click a submit button. In the subroutine I grab values from text boxes and validate them. If it all works then it goes to the Update page.

Well my validating works but when it calls the Update page I am using the Request.Form to get the values from the form to update/insert into the database.

Well if I do an update it updates all the fields as empty. If I try to do an insert is says it can't insert NULL into the Primary key field.

Now most of the time the Primary key field is a list box and I don't touch it in the subroutine. Still why are all my values disappearing when I call the subroutine??

So I guess that is it. When I validate a forms values, them same values are no longer available on another page through Request.Form?

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Calling Com + Object Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set

I'm turning my application into a "DLL". Everything worked fine untill I try to do a "While" in my asp code. Then I recieve an error like this:

"Object variable or With block variable not set"

My vb code look like this.....

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Passing Data From Javascript Variable To Asp Variable.

is there any way of passing a javascript variable over to a asp variable so
i can write it to my database.

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Convert ASP Variable To Javascript Variable

How do I convert an ASP variable to a Javascript variable?

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How To Call Dll In ASP?

I want to write a dll using VB6/VC6 and used by ASP. Questions are:

1. what special requirements for the dll used by ASP?
2. after built dll, how to use it in ASP? Where I should

save the dll? Do I need to register the dll?

Any article/link related to my question? the sample code?

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How To Call VC++ DLL From ASP?

How to call VC++ DLL from ASP? Could any1 show me the way/coding step by step?

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Can I Call A WSH From ASP?

I want to have a single script for sending emails, accessible from both
ASP pages in any virtual directory in our websites (all on the one
server), plus accessible from a number of WSH (windows scripting host
vbscript files) which are triggered by the web servers Scheduled tasks.

The script formats text and checks emails and so on.

Is this a candidate for a web service? if so, how would i write it? Is a
web service available from WSH?

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Call A Dll In ASP

We have a C++ DLL that we call from VB6 program. This is how we declare the DLL in VB6:
Declare Function RefSearch Lib "csearch32.dll" (ByVal path As String, ByVal findword As String, ByVal CaseSensitive As Integer) As Integer This is how we call the DLL in VB6:
hit = RefSearch(path, SearchStr1, ChkValue). Can I call this DLL in ASP and how ?

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How To Call A .asp Page?

I have two .asp pages running under different IIS authentication methods..

The first page uses Windows Authentication and gets the Logged on User from

The second page runs under different Domain credentials and can access the
ldap directory... so I want to call it like so..

user = request.servervariables("User_Logon")
then something like --

call page2.asp?theuser=" & user"

where page2 runs as 'anonymous' credentials... (and Logon_User is Null)

If this can't be done can I write the information to a cookie and then read
it from the other asp? How would I do that?

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How Can I Call Exe From ASP Code

I just want to call two exe files from asp code.

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Call MSSQL Job Using ASP

Does anyone try before using ASP to execute JOB in MSSQL?

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Using An Input To Call A Sub R.

I have a bummer here. I have 3 sub R. that I need to call from a input button. I set up the following line, but the script just calls them with out having the button pressed. OOOO! Any ideas?

<form method="submit" name="nreg" onsubmit="(this)" action="call readitme, call saveitme, call reduce" >

I have also used method="POST" same darn thing, script just runs the sub R. with out being pushed or cliked. UUUGGG

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Call ASP Function

I have a form which checks email addresses. On submitting the form i have some JavaScript checking the format of the email address, once this has been completed successfully I would like my asp function to run. On successful completion of that I would like my form to be submitted to another page. Is this possible?

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Call Report

This may be in the wrong forum, but I'm going to give it a shot anyways. Here goes.
I have a conference report that has 24 phone lines that are available for booking. Each call can take between 1-24 lines, you can have any number of calls as long as the number of lines they take up does not go over 24.
I graphiclly represent this in a horizontal bar graph that displays the number of lines that are taken up for a particular half hour.
Problem is when a meeting takes more than a half an hour, the meeting bar fills up for that whole time without any information on the meeting.
What I would like to do is have each meeting when assigned in the DB or through an array be assigned a color and then that color appears on the graph under the time the meeting is. If there are multiple meetings (there almost always are), then the meeting that has been active the longest will be the first color bar on the graph.
To make a way too long story short. I want to have a stacked bar chart that moves colors to the front as other's leave every half hour and move new ones to the back.
If you want to look at what we have now visit URL.

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How Do I Call The Last ID In A Column

Ok i'm self taught with regards to ASP so not great etc, so sorry if this is a really basic question..

On the last line here i'm trying to some how get it to call the last ID entry...

ImageID = Request("ID")
If (Len(ImageID) = 0) then ImageID = "1"
If Not IsNumeric(ImageID) Then ImageID = "1"
If ImageID = "0" then ImageID = "1"
If ImageID>3 then ImageID = max(Len(ImageID))

This is basically for some max min links for a online comic here's what it links to

<a href="default.asp?id=<%=ImageID-1%>">< Backwards</a> -
<a href="default.asp?id=<%=ImageID+1%>">Forward ></a> -


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Call Funtion Of A Dll From Asp

Can i call function from dll from an asp page (not COM)?

The problem is that i want the asp page to call function from dll which will
be in the same folder.

I could have created a com dll but it means that the web hosting company
must register it on their server and they wont.

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New Database Call

My 1st page calls a 2nd that uses same data from a database. What is
the best way to get the data in the second: a new call to the database
or passing array through session variable??
I seems to me that avoiding a new call will speed up things but my
concerne is that I have read many posts with caution messages againts
session vars.

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Call Application

How can I execute a console application (smsbr-con.exe) in the server from asp, insert the parameter (-c, -m, -n, etc.) and get a returned values.

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Call To Server

I've built an application in VB6 does some processing - it's not really
important what it does.
The application consists of a single DLL which does all the hard work, and a
simple EXE which acts as the front-end.
I designed it this way in the hope that I could also build an intranet app
that controls the same component (DLL).
I'm building the intranet page now, but I get this error when I try to
instantiate the component. Rather than fiddle aimlessly with the
permissions, I thought I'd post here and find out what I am missing.
What permissions do I need to set up and where?

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Call Iframe

I have 2 web pages which is a.asp and b.asp. I using iframe to call b.asp in a.asp like below:-

<iframe src="content_wallpaper.jsp" id="myiframe" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" width="355" height="120" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" align="center" allowTransparency="false" background-color="transparent"></iframe>

The problem is, i need to call the iframe in b.asp like below (because i just want to refresh this portion of the page)

<a href="javascript:myiframe.document.location.reload()" class="blue_11"><%=tmpCatName%></a>

The error occur as "myiframe" is in a.asp and i need to call it in b.asp and i can't find the solution for that too.?anyone know how to pass value from a.asp to b.asp in above?

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Call Subroutines

how can I can a sub routine in ASP which has been given attribute runat=server

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Asp Call Dll Problem

I have registered a dll in my server using
regsvr32 dll_name.dll

and it prompt me the dll is registered succssfully

however, when my asp code want to create that object, the page prompt me
Server object error 'ASP 0177 : 8007045a'

Server.CreateObject Failed


Any idea??

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How To Call Win32 DLL?

turnOnString = "/scripts/openagent_HTTP.dll?TurnOn&" & ascii(turnOnParameter)
Response.Write ", ""TurnOnWindow"", ""locationbar=no, width=20, top=350, left=350, HEIGHT=20, toolbar=no, resizable=no"")" & vbCr

DLL name: openagent_HTTP.dll
Function name: TurnOn

The above coding works fine, i run the above script in button on click, it can pass the value to the dll, but evertime it prompts for each click, because i use the window open,

What i need to do is, instead of calling my dll through Internet explorer,

Is there is any way i call my dll straight and pass the value without window open?, pls help almost struggle for a week...

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Best Way To Call Functions?

I have written a very complex web app for intranet use. It allows users to search a large database and then returns formatted results. I am currently employing a method as below: Code:

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