Calling A Sub Procedure With Combobox Onchange Event

I'm trying to call a sub procedure with the onchange event of a combobox. Code:

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Keystroke Event On Combobox

I'm using a VB combo box in an ASP/VBScript app

<OBJECT ID="cmbLocation" NAME="cmbLocation" WIDTH=238 HEIGHT=23 CLASSID="CLSID:8BD21D30-EC42-11CE-9E0D-00AA006002f3">
<PARAM NAME="VariousPropertyBits" VALUE="746604571">
<PARAM NAME="DisplayStyle" VALUE="3">
<PARAM NAME="Size" VALUE="2540;635">
<PARAM NAME="MatchEntry" VALUE="2">
<PARAM NAME="ShowDropButtonWhen" VALUE="2">
<PARAM NAME="FontCharSet" VALUE="0">
<PARAM NAME="FontPitchAndFamily" VALUE="2">
<PARAM NAME="FontHeight" VALUE="232">
<PARAM NAME="LimitToList" VALUE="No">

I'm using the _change event to copy the combobox value to a hidden input box called txtLocation

<script type="text/vbscript">

function cmbLocation_change()
addForm.txtLocation.value = location_array(addForm.cmbLocation.listindex)
end function


Is there a keypress event for the combobox?

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Use Onchange Event

I wrote this code:
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Response.Write "<SELECT id=Customer name=Customer
Response.Write "<OPTION value=1>One"
Response.Write "<OPTION value=2>Two"
Response.Write "<OPTION value=3>Three"
Response.Write "</SELECT>"
Response.Write "<BR>"
Response.Write "<INPUT type=""text"" id=text152 name=text152>"
Response.Write "<BR>"

But change the SELECT,onchange event not been called

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OnChange Event

When a user changes the value in a select statement, I would like to update the recordset using a onchange event. Could someone please point me in the right direction? Would like to stay away from forms if possible.

<select style="width: 200px; font-size: 10px;" name="selStat" size="1">
<option value="<% = rs("Status") %>"><% =rs("Status") %></option>
<option value="CLOSED">CLOSED</option>

sql="UPDATE dbE SET Status = 'CLOSED' WHERE EMAILid = 25"

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Combo Box Using OnChange Event

I am working on an asp page and am having trouble with several things. First, I connect to Oracle and populate a combobox with the field values. No problem there. The next thing I want to do then using the onchange event is update 2 textboxes with the min and max (on same form) with the min and max values from the database. The form is created dynamically using vbscript. When the user changes the value in the combo box I need the text boxes to automatically update with the min/max values. Thoughts?

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OnChange Event To A Textbox

I have a drop down menu and it is populated with different subdivisions...Those subdivisions are associated with an ID. I need a drop down box that once the subdivision is selected it will change the ID in a hidden textfield. Any thoughts or ideas on how to do this?

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Function From OnChange Event

I am trying to use the following code to call a function staffname() and nothing happens when called. What's wrong with my code? What is the proper way to call a function?

<select name="staffname" size="1" onchange="staffname()">
<option value="#"><-- Please select your name --> </option>
<%while not rs_staff.eof%>
<option value="<%=rs_staff("StaffID")%>"><%=rs_staff("StaffName")%></option>
%> </select>

<script language="vbscript">
Function staffname()
alert("hello") End Function

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OnChange Event For Select

I need to update a variable based on the value that is selected in a drop down. This is nothing special, just cant seem to wrap me head around it.

response.write "<select name=mySelect onChange=???></Select<"

Response.Write CreateInput ("hidden", "Name", lFacilityName, "") & CRLF

I want to change the value of "Name" whenever the value in mySelect changes.

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Form Gets Submitted Onchange Event

I have a form with textboxes,and a select option(country)..onchange of select
element,i reload the form because i hit database to get cities of country selected..
whatever info user has entered is being stored in session variables.

my the form gets submitted onchange event of select user is able to write in textboxes but this info does not get stored in session varibles(but info written in textboxes before select is used does get stored and i am able display again onload of the form). how can i tackle thisproblem.

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OnChange Event And Dynamic Lists

i have a SQL Server (2005) and am attempting to populate 3 combo boxes by using SQL stored procedures.

The problem is that I cannot find out how to link the second combobox to the first using a selectedIndex method and the same with the last in relation to the second box. I can always pass from page-to-page, but that would be extremely inconvenient and time consuming for the user. Here is what I have so far: Code:

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Problem With OnChange Event For Dropdown List

I have an access database and an ASP application. On my add screen I am populating a dropdown box with a field from the database.

I want to use the OnChange event to fill in a textbox below with the corresponding information. I am combining HTML, ASP, and VBScript for my Onchange event.

Below is a working sample of my code, this issue is my RecordSet does not set to the record that is selected in the dropdown box: Code:

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Calling A Procedure

What I'm looking to doing is having three input boxes on a page. As an example I would like for the user to input a employee ID in the first input box and then wither press enter or onblur it would call a proceedure that would get data from an access DB and display the employees first and last name in the other two input boxes.

I know the code I need to get the data from the DB but I don't know how to call the proceedure. I'm also assuming that the only way to get and display data from the input boxes is to have them in a form. Is it possible to call a asp proceedure by pressing enter or onblur?

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Calling A Stored Procedure

I am new to asp, basically new to everything. but I am trying to create a log table and and trouble calling my stored procedure from my asp page, see code:

Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)
Type mismatch: 'sp_logsession'
/app/lib.asp, line 71

i am using the following code to execute it in my asp page:

SET objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.Open Application("deConn")

Execute sp_logsession(browser,timenow,remoteaddress,idsess ion,refer)

is there anyone who could help me to get this working?

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Calling Stored Procedure

i am getting an error when i try to call a SP in ASP script. The code is as follows..

set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
conn.Open "DSN=Test;UID=sa;PWD=nmsglobal;"
Set cmd.ActiveConnection = conn
cmd.CommandText = "sp_test"
cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

It gives me an error for the last line saying tht adCmdStoredProc= empty. if nebody knows the solution.

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Type Mismatch Calling Function From ServerXMLHTTP Event Handler


function managestatechange
response.write("objXMLHTTP.readyState: " & objXMLHTTP.readyState & "<br/>" & vbCrLf)
end function
dim objXMLHTTP, strForm
response.write("Sending:" & strForm & "<br/><br/>" & vbCrLf)
set objXMLHTTP=CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
objXMLHTTP.Open "POST", "************", false
objXMLHTTP.onreadystatechange = managestatechange
objXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader "lastCached", now()
objXMLHTTP.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
objXMLHTTP.send strForm
response.write("Response: " & objXMLHTTP.responseText & "<br/>" & vbCrLf)
set objXMLHTTP = nothing


Sending: CMN=wmdj3847WNSJ8383&Modi=0208&Pan=4444444444443333&ExpMnth=12&ExpYear=06&IssNo=&StarMnth=12&StarYr=04&CV2=123&PostCode=AB12CD&HouseNum=1&EmReq=1&Value=10&OrderNumber=GOL-2005-00000&IsoC=GBR

objXMLHTTP.readyState: 1

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch: 'managestatechange.onreadystatechange' request.asp, line 34

Why does it work once then fall over? What am I doing wrong?

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Calling Stored Procedure From An ASP Page

I have a stored procedure named as

usp_CheckLogin with two parameters

as @usID, @Password

also values of these parameters are to be extracted using Request.Form from
the fields in the forms. Now How do I call this stored procedure from an ASP
Page using a Connection object in Server Tags <% %>. Also this stored
procedure returns a Numeric value as "RETURN_VALUE". please give me the
syntax. This stored Procedure is a part of Session Management module.

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Error While Calling Stored Procedure From Asp Page

I am trying to run an example code from a book. However I am getting the following error message:

Number: -2147217900
Description: Syntax error or access violation

Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server

SQLState: 42000

NativeError: 0

The following is the code that is being used in the asp page:....

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Event Calendar :: Event To Be Highlighted

I currently have an event calendar that works fine so far.One thing i would like to improve is that when there is an event on that date,i wish it to be highlighted with a different color. Code:

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Combobox Value

how can i get the combobox value? i need to check the contents in the combobox for validation.

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<i><b>Originally posted by : dhiren (</b></i><br /><br />depending upon selection of first combobox second combobox should contain all value related to only first combobox.

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Clear The Combobox

how to clear the combobox by calling a function in ASP.

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Get Selected Value From Combobox

I have combobox that those value is based on my database. So i want to get the selected value in order to do another matching for the SQL statement. May i know how to get it? Is it just use for example WHERE column=' "&combobox&" '? use the combobox name.

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Time In Combobox

I need to display the time in combo box like the one we have it inWindows 2000.we can change the time using the arrow.. it looks like this:

4:40:54 PM

in a text box. i need to do it like this in my page.

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Get Selected Value From Combobox

sourinsen is correct. that's the way to split values in your combobox.

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Dynamic Combobox

How can I check if a table exists in an MS SQL database using asp.

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Linked Combobox

I am using one combo box and populating it with the values . i have another combo box on the page. I want to display the related values in this second combo box based on the selection in the first combo box.

I am trying to reload this page on the change event of the combo box but the values are not coming in the 2nd combo box . Please send me a solution to this or if possible a sample code for the same.

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Populate Combobox

i have already populate a list from my database using the following code . Code:

<form method=post action="ProcessOrder.asp">
<select NAME="TEST">

<% Do while NOT rsHis.EOF

response.write "<OPTION VALUE=' " & rshis("pic_id") & " '> "
response.write rshis("title")


But i dont know how to present the results from the combo box.

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Editable Combobox

What is the most simple way to make an editable combobox bounded to the database.

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Populating Combobox

i have several radio buttons and a combobox. i want to know how to make this combobox enabled only once a radio button is checked and populate it with data from access database depending on which button is checked.

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DAP ComboBox Does Not Immediately Refresh

In my Data Access Page, I have a a combo box from which the user can select a specific record to view based on the value SupervisorManagerName. My combo box works fine in that respect. The user clicks on a name in the combo box, and the record is populated with the correct record.

When I add a *new* record, however, the combo box does not refresh immediately to include the new SupervisorManagerName in its list. Once I close the DAP and then reopen it, the new SupervisorManagerName is included in the combo box, and I can select the name to pull up the record.

Any suggestions on how to get the combo box to refresh immediately upon adding/saving a new record without having to actually close and then reopen the page?

I am able to make this process work using VBA and a regular Access page, but can't figure out how to do this using vbScript Code:

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Shows Value Of Combobox In The Textbox

I have a Combobox and a textbox in my asp page. I want the value of Combobox in Onchange event shows in the textbox. this my code but it isnot correct.

<script Language="JavaScript">
function NavTo(a1)

<SELECT id=select1 name=select1 onchange=Navto(document.forms[0].select1.value)>
<OPTION value="1046">1046</OPTION>
<OPTION value="1045">1045</OPTION>

<INPUT type="text" id=text1 name=text1 >

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Request Form Combobox

I want to write an sql statement given that the request form combobox has a particular index or a particular value. The combobox in the below example only has 4 items, hense why i am using index.-But does index exist in ASP?also would the below procedure work?

If Request.Form("cmdSearch") then
if Request.Form("Turnover").Index = 0 then
sql = "Select * from Prospect "
sql = SQL & "WHERE Turnover < 999000"
elseif Request.Form("Turnover").Index = 1 then
sql = "Select * from Prospect "
sql = SQL & "WHERE Turnover > 999000 AND Turnover < 5000000"

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Fill The Combobox Statically

i retreived my data's in the database and i filled in my combobox, in that there is know "all" option in database,but i need that option has to be included in my combobox, so it has to be added statically, please give me coding to add that in my combo box statically. my combobox name is "selSchemeNo" .

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