Can't Find Error. Issue With Variables, Forms, And Displaying Stored SQL Data

1) This is page built as a form which displays the content of a SQL database (a specific row) for users to update.

2) Each form field contains the actual information that the database has at this time (some Columns May or May not have info in it. No actual way to determine if its NULL or Just Empty).

3) I have the actual row selector based on the Unique ID (autonumber value). Its selected from a previous page and passed through GET.


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Error In Displaying Data

I have an ASP web page that displays records from SQL 2005 database. It works fine until I re-order the columns, all values of some columns disappear. I have no error or warning
I tried to change the font and font size, it doesn't effect.

Also I have an update record form, If I re-order the fields, some values disappear Code:

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Stored Procedure To Find The Difference

there something that i need to clarify . can we use stored procedure to find the difference between two tables and shown it out in html table ? can anyone giv a bone on how to do it or if there any link that show examples on this ?

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Find And Replace The Variables

currently i'm working on a template-system. variables can be used in the form of {variable} and there even are some functions available like: [if(condition, statement-if-true, statement-if-false)]

this all relies on regular expressions. to find and replace the variables i use the following snippet:

set reo = new regexp
with reo
.pattern = "{.*}"
.ignorecase = true
.global = true
end with

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Displaying Images Stored As Blobs

I have images stored in a access db and i'm trying to access them like this.
But problem is only one gets displayed. I also cannot get any html on the page since it displays all dots and dashes. Any idea how to solve this.

StrConnect = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("../04_db/aspupload.mdb")
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
SQL = "select image_blob from myimages"
rs.Open SQL, strConnect, 1, 3

while not rs.eof
response.binarywrite rs("image_blob")

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Asp Forms And Variables

I am passing a variable from one asp page to another say "land registry". It puts the variable in the URL (as land%20registry) as you'd expect. I want to add it to a hidden text box in a form so that I can then pass it back (eliminating the need to store this original search variable in a cookie).

However even though I can response.write the variable as "land registry" on the new page, so I know the variable is correct once its passed - it puts it in the text box on the form as just "land" so then when it passes back from the GET action of the form - it passes it back as only "land".

If I then write Land Registry into the form text box it works fine, but as this will be
eventually hidden and the user has already typed the search string on the original page - this is not an option.

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QueryString, Forms, And Variables

I have a page with a link. The link says "Contact Me" and the code behind it is:

<a href="testcontact.asp?Recipient=dhalro">Contact Me</a>

Then when you are sent to the testcontact.asp page I have:

<% vName = Request.QueryString("Recipient") + "" %>

<form method=post action="/email/forms/contact.asp">
<input type=hidden name="Recipient" value = "<% =vName %>">
<input type=hidden name="Subject" value="Test">

Followed by the rest of the form.

I know my contact.asp page is funtional because if I put my actual e-mail address in as the value it works.

Now I'm wondering if this is correct or even close. The reason I am doing this is because I have multiple pages with different usernames and I want it so you click a link and it passes the username to a form (i always want to use the same contact form) and then the person can just fill out the form and it send it to the appropriate person.

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Passing Variables Using Forms

I am trying to pass variables using a form. This page is a simple page that is used when an Admin is trying to delete a message from our message board. They click on a link which calls this page and sends the message Id to the page. This page only contains a form with one text box for the Admin to enter his/her password. The form needs to call another page passing the message Id and the password.

I am having trouble getting the form to pass the message Id along with the password. The message Id is being passed to the "password page" via the variable 'Id'. Here is the code I have.

<FORM METHOD="GET" ACTION="BoardDelete.asp?Id=<%=Request.QueryString("Id")%>&">
Admin Password:


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.ASP, MTS Transactions, And Stored Procedure I/O Variables

I've got a webpage that calls some stored procedures with input variables.
The procedures return recordsets and also some output variables. We're
trying to get the values of the output variables. I've done this using the
method I found in MSDN, as shown in the code below. The problem is that we
believe doing it this way involves the use of the Microsoft Transaction
Server (IIS transaction server). Is this true? (The SQL Server and IIS
Server are on different machines and, I believe, a firewall separates them.)

I can't see why this method would use MTS. The problem is that in the past,
we have had problems with MTS stopping for no reason, which causes the
websites to not work. So my boss doesn't want to use any ASP code that
relies on MTS. Not using the stored procedure output variables makes things
way more complicated. So does this code really invoke MTS? And if it does,
is there a way to obtain SP output variables without using MTS?

I am running SQL Server 7.0 with the latest service pack and IIS version 4.
We do have an IIS version 5 server we can use if that matters. Code:

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Passing Variables To Stored Procedure

I have an asp search page that passes the variables to a stored procedure for sql server. whenever i have a blank variable (like searching for last name only), i get this error:

Line 1: Incorrect syntax near ','.

This is my code for the page:

strSQL = "EXEC sp_HCDAIS_BanSearch "& lastname & ", " & firstname
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.Open strSQL, conn


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Asp Variables Not Displaying

I have an asp page in which I am performing the following:

1. Querying a database view

2. Returning rows in to a recordset.

3. Looping thru the recordset and printing the data

4. Before displaying the data I am assigning the values from the recordset
into variables

5. There are 2 entry points to this page both of which would run similar
queries and return similar results

My problem is that for a certain sequence of variable assignments, my data
is not displaying on the screen (even though when i do a response.write I
see that the variable actually has a value in it). In order to fix it I
rearranged the sequence of assignments but since I have two entry points to
the page, it didnot display the data for the other entry point.

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Find And Return Data From A Just Submitted Record.

I have a page where a user can submit a record for a new "applicant". After the user clicks Submit, I would like to send the user to a new page containg the "Applicant Number" which the user will need.

The applicant number is simply the autonumbering of the record in the table which is in a SQL Server db. How do I capture the record number(primary key) of the newly entered record in the table and send it to my new page?

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Passing And Displaying Variables In ASP

I have a page called PositionSearch passing the value 'Associate_ID' to frmPositionList. frmPosition list is a list of clients Associate 'X' has.

the table called tblAssociates contains all the information which I want to display in the Results (PositionList) screen. in this case i want to display "Intials" which is an actual field in tblAssociates.

Right now what this does it displays the Associate_ID. I want to be able to display the initials for Associate X

Associate_ID is being passed from frmPositionSearch and has a criteria of selecting an Associate from a drop down combobox Code:

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Data From Forms

I currently have 2 asp forms on one page, posting to different pages,one an email form, the other an upload. Is it possible that someone could help me with merging them together?The scripts and pages are below on my 3rd post below.

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Data Passing Between Forms

I have been using the post method, but that only works for one other do I go about making variables available to more than one page?

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Encrypting Data With Forms

For the register and login pages, etc (ie, any pages with forms), I'm wanting to encrypt the data using the basic form encryption method: Code:


However, I have no idea how to get ASP to de-encrypt the data on the other side.

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Cross Contamination Of Data Between Forms

I have just taken over an ASP application that has a form whereby the user on entering details submits it, where an administrator approves the form. lately I have been getting calls from people who on opening a Finalsed Form (non-editable) to copy similiar data to the new form, are finding the new form disapearing and the Finalised form taking on the new data.

Being new to ASP, I am assuming this would be a session thing, considering the Form number is held in a session variable, as are many other fileds of the form? Is this a common "break" in ASP - a user opening another copy of a form and ending up with cross-contamineted data? I havent included intracate details as at this stage I wouldnt know what to include without including the whole 20 pages of 1300+ lines of code...

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Data Entry Through Forms Layout

I have a table layed out in SQL 2000 like the following:

Username Date Hours Period
john 1/1 10 1
john 1/2 20 1

How simple is it for me to build a data entry form in ASP that would display this with input boxs for the hours field. The problem is I need it to span left to right on th eweb page.

Period 1
1/1 1/2 etc------------>
box box


The key to the look would be the current period.

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Collect Data In Multiple Forms

I Need to collect about 400 pieces of text information (of various types and sizes) in about seven forms in seven different pages and post all the data finally to a database. I would like to know what is the best mechanism to pass data from form1 through form 7.

Users should be able to go to previous pages and edit entered data. Should I pass them as hidden variables or retain them as session variables or are there other more efficient ways to do this?

Also, I want to be able to later retrieve the data and porpulate the forms with the data so that users can edit the data and post it again. I am using ASP to do this (not .net). Any help from a generous programmer?

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ASP Site Not Available On IIS 6.0 (Cannot Find Server Or DNS Error)

I have just set up an ASP-based site to a new Windows 2003 SP1 server with
IIS 6.0. Before now the site has run under IIS 5.0 on Windows 2000.

Every time an ASP page is opened, IE shows the error: "Cannot find server or
DNS Error".
All static page types open fine (HTM, GIF etc)

The confusing thing is - I have allowed Active Server Pages under Web
Service Extensions in the IIS manager. No other extensions are allowed,
other than ASP.NET.

I have tried accessing the site from the server itself, from another machine
on the LAN. I have tried using the IP address, server name and localhost in
the URL. I have also removed the Virtual Directory the site lives in. None
of these changes made any difference. Oh yes, I have also tried rebooting!

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Check Box Value Stored In Data Base

I have a few check boxs on a page. What I want to do is if a box is checks a value of Y is stored in the database. Could you please show me how to do this?

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Error '80040e37' - Page Can't Find The Appropriate Database?

I have a bunch of .dbf files stored in a folder called dbf. My index.asp page is one level above that (let's call it the root). My asp page uses the following function to retrieve all of the .dbf files: ....

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Populate 3rd Party Site Forms With My Recordset Data??

I have a simple application setup where people can submit a request for a sample of our product to be mailed to them. It's a very simple form with name and address information. I have a page setup where our warehouse guys can pull up current requests and then the plan is to use to print shipping lables.

While it's already a big time saver, they're still having to either copy/paste or re-type the information into's forms. Knowing the names of the form fields on their site, is there a way I can populate their forms with the data in my recordset from my details page?

For instance, they pull up the current requests and they click into the details page for one of them which lists the person's name and address. If I have the page open in another window and on the screen which contains the form fields is there a way to call that page and populate those fields accordingly?

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Displaying SQL Data

I have a fairly simple (at least in PHP) request but I can not find how do do it. I've seen things that are kindof what I want but not really. Here is what I want:

I have a ton of data in a DB. I want to pull some of that data and display it in a table. In PHP I would create a SQL query called $Result "(SELCT * FROM whatever)" and produce this code:

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Displaying Different Data

Is it possible to show different information on a page for different users?
For example a first year student that needs to select modules for this year compared to a second year student how would have to select different modules.

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Displaying Data

I've got an table that has event name, start date, end date. For instance:
EventID: 1
EventName: My Event
EventStartDate: 1/1/2007
EventEndDate: 1/4/2007

Right now we just display the name, start date through end date (if there's a different end date). So the above looks like:
My Event
1/1/2007 - 1/4/2007

Now instead, they want to have something like the following:

My Event 1/1/2007
My Event 1/2/2007
My Event 1/3/2007
My Event 1/4/2007

Other than trying to create some kind of math calculation based on the date, is there an easier

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Error Using Stored Procedures

I get the error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Servererror '80040e37'

Invalid object name 'compmatrix_divcontrols'. /compliancematrix/qocdx.asp, line 13

my asp code begins with: ....

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Displaying Data In A Table

I would like to display the data in a table like first 50 records in a column and next 50 records in another columns.

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Displaying .asx Data On Site

I have a client who is running a Windows Media Server where audio files are streamed with a ASX file. The client wants to display the most recent tracks played on a webpage.
The problem is, how can one find out what is the current track playing on Windows Media Server, so it can take the data and then insert it into a database which the webpage can just take it from there.

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Displaying Data Question

I'm using ASP to display data from an Access Database. My question revolves around the data and how it looks using CSS.

1) Do I have to use <p> in my access data to display paragraphs in my story.asp page? Without the <p> I just get one big chunk of data.

Which leads my to my other problem. When I do use <p> in my access data this code won't pick up my CSS class "body". I'm not sure why because I would think it would cascade.

<P class="body"> <%Response.Write (rs("newsBody"))%></P>

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Displaying Data From A Database

I have a page that allows users to sign on and then have access to the site. What I need to do is to have them sign on and see selected (tables) or data that is in the database.
I need some help. How would this be written. Unfortunalely the only book I have on the subject is Code:

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Displaying All Data From 2 Tables

im currently working on a login system, and its the first time i have had to use an inner join. basically i have 2 tables, an attendance table and a member table. the attendance table contains the following: Code:

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Displaying Data From Access

I am trying to display a vaule from access (which is set to currency in access) as a currency (2 dp) on a web page. Here is the code: code:

Dim rsDB
Dim strSQL

Set rsDB = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset" )
strSQL = "SELECT ProductName, ProductPrice FROM Products WHERE ProductID=" & Request("ProductID" )

rsDB.Open strSQL, Application("strConn" )%>
<p><b>Product:</b> <%=rsDB("ProductName" )%></p>
<p><b>£</b><%=rsDB("ProductPrice" )%></p>
<% rsDB.Close %>

Should be easy enough, but I'm just starting out.

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