Can I Read Mail (from An Inbox) On An Exchnage Server With ASP?
Can I read mail (from an inbox) on an exchnage server with ASP?
If so, how?
I hear all this about CDO, CDOSYS, etc, but they all seem to be able to
only send mail. I just need to read mail from exchange server. Can
this be done?
I have registered a domain, if i want to check my mail i had provision to go to there web server mail page from there i could login and see my emails,
i have a created home page in ASP there i had login page with username and password,
if i enter the username and password it should straight away take me to the email folder(accessing from my home page rather than going to the their web server login page)....
I was wondering if it is possible to read an email inbox using any sort of ASP. I know you cannot do it with CDONTS.I cannot post a further reply so I thank you for the good suggestion. I am traing to use it but I have found few problems.I ca read the number of email with Mailer.MessageCount (e.g.=5)but I cannot read the content. The instructions:
Mailer.Retrieve(iloop) <where Iloop goes from 1 to Mailer.MessageCount> Response.Write Mailer.Subject
I need to access my pop mail account and download my e-mail to a database file which is on the my localmechine.
is any one of you try to read mails with asp?
in case you might think so; I know how to send mails with asp code. I know how to send mails with outlook or any other client I also know how to use webmail system and I don't want to have to export mails from outlook.
I was wondering if somebody could point me in the right direction on this subject.
Basically, I have a mailbox which recieves emails with an XML attachment. What I would like to do is read the XML attachment on each new email received and then insert it into an SQL database. As it stands I am unsure of which path to take and my initial google searches have come up with nothing so far.
Does anyone have any ideas as to how to approach this problem?
Current code directs users to a payment processing page when trying to read mail if no premium account. Works OK. But also want to allow all users to read and send mails from and to just the Admin user.
1st. my current code checks if the user has a premium account: .....
I need to read a SQL Server table into a Web Page and within the Web Page to permit my users to make changes to the records, delete or add new records and then save the entire contents back to the SQL Server table back.
The functionality I am looking is almost the same as In the SQL Enterprise Manager whereby I can choose a table open the table and then return all rows and I can maintain the same and save it back to the SQL Server table. I want almost a similar web interface to such a functionality.
Even if not a generic functionality as the SQL Enterprise Manager table maintenance appreciate if somebody can share the code with a sample how I can do it in ASP pages + T-SQL if need be.
i have 5 textboxes and 2 radio buttons in my form and one submit button.after filling datas in my form if i click submit button all the details has to go to my client mail inbox in the same format
for example
name :timmy age :25 sex :male salary:20000 designation:developer
in this format i will fill datas in my form and in the same format has to be shown for my client after sending mail this to my client.if my client open this mail he has to able to see entered datas in the same way i entered before sending.
Is it possible to do the following in asp: To read an html page from a server (not mine) every 5 minutes and copy it to my server. The html page just contains a list of numbers.
I need the 'user' of my site to be able to send an HTML email with attachments to a large list of email addresses. Although I don't want them to be able to see the email addresses on that list.
I need this to be able to be done from within a page on my site.
Does anybody know of a program or some code that I code put on my site?
how to use ASP to send mail from my local web server (using IIS on wWindowsXP-pro)? what are the necessary setting needed in IIS to enable mail sending? and how can i send mail?? I tried many web sited but the codes I get simply dont work at all!!! I am really going nuts.
I have a page that retrieve some info from a form, including an e-mail address. I have a Java Script regular expression to take care of the validation on the client side but I also need a similar reg.exp. to take care of the e-mail validation on the server side. Do you have any suggestions on what the server side reg.exp. could look like and whether it should be a function that is called or anything else?
<% Dim email email = Request.form(“email_add”)
Feel very free to fill in the rest of the code that is needed to validate the content of the email variable…
Can any help me on how to use ASP to access a mail server? I need to send an email from the web but i don't want to use "mailto" as the contents sent using "mailto" is messy.
I need a form to mail script with mail server authentication. I do not have a server and i am getting remore server (reseller server package) i used basic mail() fuction (php) but won't work. it was becose mail server authentication prob. Please help me somebody to create a script for my web
Has anyone successfully sent mail through a Domino mail server. I know with Exchange I can just use CDOSYS but we have a Domnio server and have Lotus notes Clients. I'm trying to figure this out but keep getting stuck because I really don't know where to start. I tried the old fashion way but it doesn't work of course. Anyone know how to make this work?
I use the method below to send emails from an asp page that's part of a web application:
<!--METADATA TYPE="typelib" UUID="CD000000-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D" NAME="CDO for Windows 2000 Library" --> <% On error Resume Next Dim cdoConfig, cdoMessage
Set cdoConfig = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration") With cdoConfig.Fields .Item(cdoSendUsingMethod) = 2 .Item(cdoSMTPServer) = "" .Item(cdoSMTPServerPort) = 25 .Update End With Set cdoMessage = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message") With cdoMessage Set .Configuration = cdoConfig .From = "Me<>" .To = "You<>" .Subject = "Surprise!" .TextBody = "Helloooo..." .Send
If err.number Then Response.Write("Houston! We have a problem...") End If End With Set cdoMessage = Nothing Set cdoConfig = Nothing %>
On the production server (Windows 2003 Server) everything works fine and I don't have a problem sending the mails from the application. However, I recently upgraded my development box to Windows XP Pro SP2 and the code fails with with the following error:
CDO.Message.1 (0x80040213) The transport failed to connect to the server.
The from and to email addresses that I'm using are valid and part of my domain (not a Hotmail or other freemail address).
The SMTP service is up and running on the dev box.
I also tried replacing the mail server name with the IP address of the mail server, but again it's failing.
We are running Exchange Server for email and if I change the cdoSendUsingMethod to 3 (for cdoSendUsingExchange) the mail is sent correctly without errors.
Will I not able to use the cdoSendUsingPort method to send the email if I'm on Exchange? Am I forced to use cdoSendUsingExchange?
My computer is at intranet,I want to use following code to realizing function of sending mail.But this program only can send mail between intranet.If I send mail in internet,I need to through proxy server,the proxy method is HTTP(proxy,port:8080,username/password),I want to use this program to send from intranet to internet through proxy server.I want to know how to realize this function.My code is follows:
I need some help: with cdosys i'm able to send e-mail from asp using the local exchange server. Now I also have to save the sent mail into the user's mailbox for future reference: how to?
I'm using CDO to send mail to the site owner from ASP pages with forms. Recently one of my forms is occasionally sending email with what seems to be an insertion which is replacing the plain text part of the email with something else. Looking at the server sent email source, the hacked emails have the following:
Here's the scenario. I'm currently using cdosys/asp to send mail to our SMTP server. We use a product called MailFilter to check for SPAM. It doesn't work very well. If MailFilter isn't working cdosys also has problems and emails don't get sent. As these email are confirmations for customer's bookings this means lots of customers calling to see where their confirmation emails have gone. The root of the problem is MailFilter but that here to stay. So I had this thought of sending the message to a queue of some sort so at least they will get to the customer eventually rather than being lost for good. So here's the question:
Can I/How do I send messages to a mailbox on our exchange server using cdo.message?
I'm using CDO from my vb component to fire email. The problem is whenever one of the email addresses in to, or cc is wrong then none of the mails are fired even to the correct addresses. It gives an error like
The server rejected one or more recipient addresses. The server response was: 550 Relaying denied for <>
My code goes like this. Why is the mail server trying to look for the validation of email ids??I want that atleast the mail should be fired to the correct email addresses rather than no email fire. Can i achieve that.
Dim iMsg As New CDO.Message Dim iConf As New CDO.Configuration
Set iMsg.Configuration = iConf With iMsg .To = strToEmail .From = strFromEmail .CC = strCCEmail .BCC = strBCCEmail .Subject = strMailSubject If strMailFormat = "TEXT" Then .TextBody = strMailBody Else .HTMLBody = strMailBody End If If strAttachment <> "" Then .AddAttachment strAttachment End If If intPriority = 2 Then .Fields.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:X-Priority") = cdoHigh .Fields.Update End If
I would like to know if this can be achieved! On the form I a drop down menu that's called ("Escalation_type") the values are eta, hdtv, and supervisors. I have some ideas but I am not sure if it will work or not. If the use chooses an eta as a value I would like it to be sent a mailbox for exam: If they choose hdtv as value I would like it to be sent to a different mailbox. Can this be achieve by using the case statement or the if statement?
I'm looking for an asp code who can send an email without using a mail component. I started to write somethings using winsock but I don't have enough time to finish it.
I,ve uploaded an MS Access DB to a web host and find that although I have set the DB permissions to Read and Write the actual tranfer changes these permissions and when I try to write to the DB there is an error to the effect that the DB is read only.
I have downloaded the DB I uploaded with full read/write permissions and find that the DB is read only.
when I retrieve data from the my database if I got the name and description. I want only display the first 20/30 letters of the description but I don't know how to do.
I have an ASP web site that I can read an XML file and process it fine. However, now I am asked to read XML data via (I think) a web service url. I looked at the ADO Stream and it looks like it may be a way to do this, but I'm not sure. I need to read 2 different streams, one with data and one with returned images.
I need to process the data like a recordset and load it (and other) information into a web page and return to the browser. Can anyone point me in a direction to read more about how to do this and/or some samples?
I need to use ASP to read a SQL db for dates. If the date falls within "this (current) month", I need to auto-populate a word document with the corresponding information from the tables... Is this possible.