Cannot Append To Textfile

With the following code I can create a new textfile if it does not exist, but it seems impossible to me, to append data to an existing file.

Dim objOpenFile, objFSO, strPath
StrPath = Server.MapPath("../smslog.txt")
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

If objFSO.FileExists(StrPath) Then
Set objOpenFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(StrPath, ForAppending)
Set objOpenFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(StrPath, True)
objOpenFile.WriteLine "KundNr;Namn;Datum;Tid" 'header
End if
what I have done wrong?

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How To Append To A Textfile?

I cannot append to a textfile. This is my sample code:

set f=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set obj_log .CreateTextFile"C:loglog.txt",true)
obj_log.WriteLine("Added schedule by [Name]")
Set obj_log=Nothing
Set f=Nothing

The problem is the next time i execute these lines from an asp page, it does not append in a new line. I cannot figure out how.It just keep on overwriting.

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ASP And TextFile

I would like to know how can I open a textfile from other website like

I want to open it in my default.asp, without remove my banners and buttons and all my Images, Im just want to open it in the middle of my asp page. How can I do that?

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Asp Guestbook W/ Textfile

i need a asp script out there for a guestbook. all the form input will be stored to a normal txt file, not a database. anyone have any links out there for this ? i have found a couple, but got errors when setting them up and it's been the script, not the server.

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TextFile Never Return

I cannot use the OpenTextFile method, it's never return and I get no
error message! Setting Response.Buffer=False, has no effect. No matter
if I use it ForReading or ForWriting, it never return. In the following
code, the problem occurs at line 3.

aFileName = Server.MapPath("WEB_PROD.htm")
set fs = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set fso = fs.OpenTextFile(aFileName, ForReading, False)
s = ts.ReadAll
set ts = nothing
Response.Write s

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Create Textfile Using Asp

i want to create atext file using asp(filesystemobject but my explorer hangs on. Why?

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Editing A Textfile

I am currently writing a script for a course i am doing, It lists all the files and folders on the server, and works similar to windows explorer ( if you click on the folder it shows the content ). I have enabled it so you can delete, view source, and download all files/folders.

Now theres one more thing i would like to do, and that is to enable the user to edit a file, and i am struggling quite a bit, any guidance, ideas or links to a similar tutorial. I am probably going about it completley the wrong way, I was trying to open the file read each line and write it into a textarea, so the user could edit it, and then save it.

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Textfile Search

I'm trying to make a text file search that will read a text file looking for the string the user typed in, then if it finds the string i want it to display all the information on that line then continue it's search through the rest of the file repeating the previous step if needed.

What i've got so far is it reading the text file in and it can search for a particular string(word, name etc) and say whether or not its in the file, but i don't know how to get it to display the whole line of information and continue it's search.

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Write And Read From Textfile

Alright im tryin 2 write 2 a text file and then read from tat text file on the same page is this possible this is what i got so far. Code:

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Keyword Search A Textfile

I read a text file in ASP using readline. The line is stored in a variable. I want to be able to search that line for a specific word.

How do I go about this?

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ASP RecordSet Output To A .CSV Textfile

After I've performed a query and held the data in a RecordSet (rsQuery), can
I dump the recordset into a comma separated text file? How?

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Read Last Line In Textfile

I wuz just wondering, whats the easiest way to read a text files last line...

I know i have to count the lines and put pointer to the last line and read from there.. but i cant get the hang of it

heres my code:

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Show Textfile In Browser

I'm pretty new to webprogramming. I use VWD 2008 Express Edition.
I try to build a webpage and the content of that page is stored in a
textfile on the filesystem. That way I can change the content of my webpage
very easy. The problem is that I can't figure out how to show the content of
that textfile in my browser.

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Append XML Using ASP

I've been trying to append values to my XML file but I can't get it to work correctly.

index.html passes the values of a form to the new_user.asp file and I want it to write my members.xml file.

Once the xml file has been written and saved, I coded the ASP file to redirect to google, just to see if its working, which it does but the data has not been written to the XML file. Any ideas where I'm going wrong. Code:

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Append Chunk ?!

i want to know how can i make an html page which i want to put on it a text box and near it a browse button , so when i click in this browse button ,it will search on my computer to select a file(a pic for example) and when i click ok , the url link will be on the textbox (its like uploading files techniqe)

the other question that i want to connect this page with an asp page that append this file(jpeg) to my database(sql server 2000) , the field data type is (Image) , so my Q that i hear a bout something called append chunk , but i dont understand it well , so any body have any simple sample for this.

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Append Field

I need to append a field to a dbase file as part of a web application using asp/ado. I'm trying

Set oRS = Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.Recordset" )

'ors.CursorLocation = adUseClient
'ors.CursorType = adOpenDynamic

ors.Fields.Append "Index", adChar, 255 , adFldIsNullable

The problem is that the routine runs fine with no errors but the field is not added. Can someone help me out?

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Append To Textarea

I need to create a form with a textarea on an ASP page that, when opened, fills the textarea with the current contents of a field in an Access database, and each time the form is submitted, appends any new text added to the existing text in the database field. I can do this, but the text runs together when it fills the text area. Example:
Entry 1

Entry 2

comes back as

Entry 1Entry 2

Any suggestions on how I can maintain line feeds when I pull the appended field back from the database.

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Append Link

how to append a link so that when it is clicked on, the page calls itself with the appended link, setting an ASP variable?

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Append Query

I have an append query in Access that I need to run via ASP. The query is called Query 1 and if I use the execute(“Query1”) command the append query will work.

the append query is session dependent. It needs to get information from an order table to a checkout table but only for the current user. For example if there are multiple users I don’t want it to take everyone’s information that is on the site at the time, just the individual. how to solve this? I need something like:

Execute(“Query1”) where session(email)=(email)

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AppendToLog Does Not Append

I am using the appendToLog method to append a string to the log file, however it does not append anything. My code looks like this

Response.AppendToLog "test"

Logging is enabled for my current page.

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How To Append To An Array

I will be using a 2d array with a shopping cart in a session. What is the best way to just append another array to the end of the array each time easily? Code:

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Recordset Append Problem

I am querying a database using ASP and then capturing the results in recordset then I try to insert more values into the recordset through the means of code:

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Active An Append Query

i have a an apending query on access ,and this query copy the info from one table to another table, and its work preety good on access , but i dont know how can i link with asp so i can i activate it directly throw the asp

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Append Data To A File

I am creating a feedback section on the page. Is there a way I can take the user entered text and append a word file or in any other format?

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Create Or Append Fields

I am looking for some useful articles on creating a recordset and appending it to an already existing database (Access MDB). I am also looking for articles on appending fields to an already existing table.

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How Can I Run An Append Query Thow ASP

i have an access db , and i make an append query which copy records from one table to another, and i want now to make an asp page ,i want the query run when i open it. so anybody have any idea about this code??

and i have a second Q which is similer to this , which is i want to make the same move (copy records from table to trable2) but this time throw asp , (without the appending query)

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Get Folder Path And Append

I'm trying to use the following script to copy the files from 'foldera' to 'folderb':

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Oracle Stored Procedure APPEND

I'm trying to run a stored procedure on an Oracle database. I currently get this error message:

Error Type:
ADODB.Command (0x800A0BB9)
Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.
/live/verify_3.asp, line 24

My code is as follows: ....

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Dynamically Append Tables/Views

Quick query, does anyone know how I would go about appending one table to another dynamically?

For Instance I have Table A which holds office A staff And Table B which holds office B staff.

Both tables have an identical structure but hold different data. I want to be able to view them as one table. This needs to work dynamically as both tables will be updated regularly.

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Output A Form And Append Into Table

I have created a form for a pre-entry(s) into a race. The problem I have is getting the entry information into a table where every enterance can be viewed without having to use a database. Is this possible and how.

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Dynamically Append Query String

i have designed a website that is using an asp shopping cart script and has a flash header which i have designed to display different content depending on the query string that gets passed to it in the page url. now my problem is that my script has a lot of pages and there are many ways of going from one page to another as well as link as dynamicall generated.

what i im wondering is if there is away that i can make an asp page directly append a query string to the url when the server generates the page and sends it to the browser.

So basically if say i had a page called home.asp when i opened this page some code in the page would make the page serve as home.asp?page=home&content=logo which would make my flash script display content according to the query string it has received. Code:

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Write To Existing File Append

I'm trying to append an already existent text file, simple enough, but it doesn't seem to be working Code:

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Append The Coming Month Value In My Current Month

I need a date simple date function that would append the coming month value in my current month ...

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