Cannot Insert Explicit Value For Identity Column In Table 'cwm_Report_Request_Form'

I am trying to retrieve a record identity from a SQL Server auto-incremented field on insert statement.

Here is the error I am getting can anyone please help me

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'cwm_Report_Request_Form' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.

/cwm/Admin/reportrequest.asp, line 66

here is my code:

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How To Make Column Of Table 1 = To Column Of Table 2?

I want MS Access 2000 database column of table 1 = column of table 2. This is what I was doing: Code:

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Insert A Column Values

Here's the link for the db table:

How do I insert a field of values?

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Extract Out Certain Column From A Table

i want to extract out certain column from my table . can i do it using the checkbox . eg. when i got ten check box then when i select 4 of it . the selected 4 column will appear in my next page . can i do it this way ? or is there any other easier way ?

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How To Rename Column Of A Table

Can some one tell me that which query should I run to rename a column(field) name of a table in ASP. I am using MS Access database.

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New Column To An Existing Table

I have this form in which the user insert his details, and chose which detail to add and which not and he can add a new field by his own which doesn't exist before. So this new field is a new column, so I just want to know how to add this column into an existing table.

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ASP Script Inserting To SQL Table With Image Column Type

Would someone be able to explain the sql image field to me. I was reading about it a little but dont really understand.

I would like to have word documents that can be indexed and searched and i heard the image field with an accompanying char field with the file extension would be the trick. how would i actually get binary files into the image field?

I wanted to write an asp script so users could enter .doc that they could query. I understand basic asp sql inserts.

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Insert Data Into Table

I have created an empty table(.mdb) with 2 columns
Order(AutoNumber) and BuildingID(text)

and i use :

cn.execute "Insert into [Temp](BuildingID) values ("&Buildingid&") "
to insert buildingID into the table

however all buildingid start with 0 with be omitted,
eg. buildingid = "00003333" after insert into the table become "3333"

i have checked that response.write len(buildingid) = 8

What is the problems?

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Using A Form To Insert Into A Table

I am trying to make a page post.asp with a form that simply submits one text value and two hidden values into a table. I already have the function that takes the 3 parameters, modifies them and successfully inserts them into the table:

I have included this function in this post.asp page ...

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Insert Passed Parameter To Table

I would like to clean up my mailing list by changing the URL I use at the moment which is in the format

To be

it would then insert the email into a table, collect these for a while and only see these as active members.Any ideas how to do this, I've tried a few things but no luck.

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Update/Insert On MSSQL Table Using ASP Forms

I have a problem that it's bothering me for some time now and i will need a lot of help from you. I don't know how easy or difficult it is to be done but i would appreciate any help.

I have an mssql 2000 db with table "table1". Attributes for "table1" are:

ID (Primary Key)

I'm trying through DreamWeaver MX to create a form through ASP and Text Fields, so that i can update "table1" through the form and also on another page to show the results of my table.

I have created a form which will be accepting 25 rows, each row having field1, field2, .., field7.

I cannot seem to get it to update "table1".

Any ideas how this can be done?

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Insert Multiple Records Into The One Table At The Same Time

Does anyone know how to insert multiple records in the same table at the same time. This is what I have. I have a form with 6 fields and they are name prod1 through to prod 6. The table is called related products.

Basically this table is related to the main table called prod_parent. tried looking on google and couldn't find anything.

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Converting String To Datetime Insert Into Sql Table

I am having terrible time in converting a string to a datetime field in my asp page. I am keep on getting error on the following stateement. What would be the correct syntax on converting string to datetime for inserting into a sql table?? I did write the add_str out on the browser, everything looks correct...

Error message:

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Syntax error converting datetime from character string. Code:

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Problem With Handling Table Insert From ASP Page

I am gathering the input values to a form using Request.form method from the processing page. After all the data is captured, I am building sql statement out of it.

Using a response.write statement, I am generating the output of the sql statement which I can ran against the table to insert the row.

However, when I am trying to programmatically use the sql statement for the insert, I am having the following error:

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Option Explicit Variable

I am using option explicit ASP and in one of my pages if I dim any variable (or so it seems), it cries "name redefined". If I take out the variable, it cries "variable undefined". I had about 10 variables defined and it told me each one was being redefined until I took them all out, and then it told me that it didn't know what my variables were! Sheesh! They are not reserved words (they were CommandArray, linksx, etc). Anyone have any idea what's going on?

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Option Explicit Does Not Work?

Option Explicit does not work anymore.(?)

If you put <%option explicit%> at the top of your pages (direktly after
the language declaration) you should get an error for each undeclared
variable. This does not happen, but undeclare variables lead to some odd

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Option Explicit Workaround For Includes

I have a website with many pages where some pages use option explicit in the pages and some do not. I am trying to add a footer include file to be added to the end of every page... and the include footer is going to have some ASP code that checks a table in our database based on whether or not it finds a value in a page variable in the page that called the include footer file.

in some cases... there will be no varible on the calling page... in those cases the footer has code that will goto the database and update somthing there. In other cases the varibles will be hard coded defined with values.

My problem is that the include file (the footer file) needs to check for those varibles... and I have to make sure I DIM the varible before checking it... but if it was previsously dimed in the main page i will get a redim error... and on the pages where there is an option explicit call... I can dim the varible name in the include. Code:

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Option Explicit And Include Files

I had an asp page with lots of functions and procedures plus the actual transitional code for the page itself. This worked perfectly but now that I've finished the page and put all the functions and sub routines in an include file I have a problem. Code:

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Option Explicit Cause Page To Stop Why

I'm trying to set up a Windows 2003 server using ASP, and I am find ASP
pages just STOP as if I had called Response.End whenever an undeclared
variable is found. If I turn off Option Explicit, it doesn't happen.
Clearly I can Dim the variable to solve the problem (I mention this in case
some smartaleck decided to propose it as the solution), but it is making
finding undeclared variables very hard! Anyone have any idea what I've
done wrong in my configuration?

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Variable Explicit Casting Type

IF variable MOD 2 = 1 THEN

Where variable comes from a textbox where the user should enter an integer. How can I avoid string or type errors when the user doesn't enter anything or something other than an integer?

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I know in SQL Server that you can increment a field by one with Identity, but have read where if 2 or more people submit information at the same time this number may be duplicated. Is there a way to keep from having an incremental number duplicated if 2 or more people submit information at the same time?

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' Insert a new record into the table
lsSQL = "INSERT INTO tMembers (MemberName) VALUES ('Manohar');" &_

I want to collect one more value from the newly created recordset. It's a replication ID field. Can i add one more item to the values being collected or should i just use another recordset and retrieve data i'm after.

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Returning Identity.

I tried the following:

Set RS=CN.Execute("INSERT into tableX yada yadayada ; SELECT

Using Profiler, I see the statement go through.
But ASP gives me an error saying RS is not an object.
"Operation is not allowed when the object is closed."

In these lines
if not RS.EOF then
end if

If I run the same query in QueryAnalyzer, I do get a return value.

Am I missing something?

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ASP+M$SQL: @@identity Problem

I m writing a very typical ASP script which insert a record into one table with an identity column and then get the id generated and insert into another table.

Table_1 columns:

Table_2 columns:

But in with the ASP script below, I can't get the id_1 back. Code:

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Retrieving @@Identity ID In Sql

i'm trying to retrieve the @@Identity ID in sql so i can insert it into my other tables. the following code works in access, but not sure how it would retrieve it in sql. Code:

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Identity Of Controls

i have a webpage which has 3 forms and each of the form has a about 20 controls. now what i want is to have these controls displayed in a mixed manner on the screen. moreover the ACTION pages of all the three forms are different. so is there anyway in which we can specify that TO WHICH FORM do they belong

my page is something like this

FORM1 starts
FORM2 starts

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Capturing Identity

I have made a asp page that accepts some data from user and stores it in MS Access database. Now I want to identify the user who filled the form and store this information in database. About the enviornment.

the server has Windows 2000 server installed. Clients have Windows XP. Server also has Exchange 2003 installed and every client has Outlook Express installed. Every user has to login to his account inorder to use a machine. A given user can login on any machine.

How can i find the identity of the user who submitted the form? Is it possible to find out the current logged in user given the IP address of the machine? If yes, how and will there be any chances of error due to delay in replication?

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Identity Impersonate

Is it possible to use <identity impersonate> in ASP?(not

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@@Identity Not Returning Data??

I have some asp that should be inserting a shopper into my SQL Server DB. Code:

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Getting New Identity Of A Record Just Added

I have a web page that adds records to multiple tables. I want to be able to get the new identity of a new record that was just added to the table. If for some reason, it didn't add, I want an error message to show up.

Here's the code in stored procedure for getting the new product id after the record was added. Code:

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Old ASP Windows User Identity

Is there a way in ASP (3.0, not .NET) for me to determine who the current windows users is (i.e. the user who was authenticated and who is "running" this IIS session)?

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Retrieve A Record Identity From A Mysql

is there any way I retrieve record identity from data that i just insert in...

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Empty @@identity (sql Server 2000)

Am having a bit of trouble with the @@identity field - I probably just have that friday feeling and am missing off something obvious, but the below code brings back am empty identity value ("sid" appears empty). I've definitely set up an identity field in the tblSurvey:

set rsAdd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") "tblSurvey", conn, 3 , 3
rsAdd("title") = title
rsAdd("intro") = intro
rsAdd("enddate") = enddate

Set rsIdentity = Conn.Execute("SELECT @@IDENTITY AS sid")
sid = rsIdentity("sid")

....any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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