Capturing Contact_id From Checkbox

Is anyone familiar w/ using checkbox to select which person to send a certificate to. For example, owner, user, contractor contact info is displayed on the webpage and to the left of those 3 contacts I have 3 checkboxes to designate who to send the cert to by inserting that contact_id into the cert_recip_cont_ID.


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Capturing Form Name

is there a way to capture the pagename. say I am using a form with "post" method and then use request.form to get the value
of variables from the previous form. is there a way to capture the name of the form that made the request? for e.g if the first
form is "welcome.asp" and the second form is "Hello.asp". can i capture the form name (welcome) in the second form?

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Capturing Network LAN ID

I'm having a bit of a problem trying to capture a users LAN ID from the network. Currently I have an activex component that does it for me and I use Javascript to display/capture. Which was fine prior to the DDA guidelines. Now I need to find a way to do so without using JavaScript.

The first thing I tried was to use the Servervariables available but unfortunatly our servers use annonymous authentication, so I can't use that method. I've even tried but had no joy accessing Active Directory for the LAN ID, so I'm currently left scratching my head. Does anyone know of a way I can acheive this?

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Capturing Identity

I have made a asp page that accepts some data from user and stores it in MS Access database. Now I want to identify the user who filled the form and store this information in database. About the enviornment.

the server has Windows 2000 server installed. Clients have Windows XP. Server also has Exchange 2003 installed and every client has Outlook Express installed. Every user has to login to his account inorder to use a machine. A given user can login on any machine.

How can i find the identity of the user who submitted the form? Is it possible to find out the current logged in user given the IP address of the machine? If yes, how and will there be any chances of error due to delay in replication?

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Capturing QueryString

I run the internal reporting system of a few dozen employees. They submit many extensive reports and if they encounter a server, SQL, or parse error they have to re-enter the information, causing great frustration.

If I can save their querystring somehow, I can fix the problem and then resubmit their input myself, saving them a great amount of frustration. Ideally, I'd like to just be able to just put a function or an include at the top of every script I'm looking to save, however, in the case of a parse-error I believe the input will halt altogether.

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Capturing Image From A Video In ASP

Can someone help me regarding Capturing Image from a Video in ASP. what I have achieved is this, I have run the video using Media Player Active-X Control and have got a button control on which I have initiated a component known as Media Processor, which saves the frame according to current position supplied in a picture format. But the problem is that it doesn't support files greater than 300 MB or so. I want to have a support of upto 2 GB files. Moreover, I have to keep in consideration the performance issues, it shouldn't get my server down. Can someone give me any idea about any component for this job, I have been able to find out only this on different locations. I have got another one that is working well in VB, but there is a problem with using in ASP. I am using Media Player just because of buffering, actually I want is kind of streaming so that the server gets minimum load. How to achieve this?

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Capturing Mulitple Checkboxes

i have an online form and i have a number of multiple checkboxes in it..which the user can select all or just i dont know how to capture this date of checkboxes to send it to my email after the user hits submits.i am using CDOSYS for getting the email....

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Button Capturing Individual Row

I'm trying to design a voting page. The flow as follow:

1) there is a table filled with rows (data from db)
2) each row come with a button = "vote"
3) when user click the button "vote", db will UPDATE the value(Yes/No/etc) of the row + 1


1. Yes "Button"
2. No "Button"
3. etc "Button"

Since there is three button, how can the button identify which value to UPDATE in db (when the user might just click any one of it)?

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Capturing E Faxes To Database

Is there a script/compoenent which can capture Faxes and store that in a DB
using a unique ID?
Any help will be greatly appriciated.

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Capturing Windows Login With ASP

I have succesfully captured the users login detail, but I now have a new problem I have assigned the login to a Session Variable, however when I come to use the string stored in the variable it excludes the which seperates the domain from the user name, it should be :DOMAINUSERNAME , but I am getting DOMAINUSERNAME which really is a pain. Anybody know why this is happening and how I can overcome it ?

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Capturing Logged In User

how i can pull the logged in user name from a computer for a web form? this is what i did to pull from the cookie when user log into my site but now i want to get request from non site users but capture non logged in users ids too.

~ <input type="text" name="EmailID" maxlength="10" size="10"

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Capturing Previous HTTP_REFERER

I have a form that I use to submit feedback to a database. The form can be called from any number of pages and I track the page that has opened the form using the server variable, HTTP_REFERER.

A user does have the option of submitting multiple feedback messages by filling out the form multiple times and clicking submit for each (there are different categories that can be chosen on the form itself that make this obvious).

The problem is that on submissions after the first, HTTP_REFERER no longer refers to the original opener but to the feedback page (since the user returns to the feedback page) . How can I capture and keep the original HTTP_REFERER? Code:

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ASP.NET Capturing USB Port Events In Both Windows And Linux

I need to develop a web application in which can detect a USB device and capture its

For example when a person access the web page and connects the device to his machine he shld be

able to detect the device and shld be able to read or write into it.
I wrote a java program using jusb and called that in an applet..though it worked it needed lot

of client side configurations.

My requirement is that there should not be any configurations in client side and things shld

work smoothly.
I know some one had done this in asp and javascript. but i don't know how its done.

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Capturing Window Close Event In VBScript

I would like to capture window close event, i.e. when user clicks "X" button of the browser, I would like to close all open dataabse connections.

Also, I would like this to apply when a user tries to close browser using File > Exit or when the user tries to type another website URL in the browser.

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Capturing Form Data And Storing In A Database?

I have an asp contact from which gets data and generates an email containing the users contact details it also send the user a confirmation email.

I was wondering if anyone could explain in simple terms how i would send the form data to be stored in a database?

I know i would have to set up a databse conenction.

how would the form fields be sent to the database?

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Error Capturing. Is It Possible In ASP? On Error Goto ETC...

The thread title is about as self-explanitary as it gets. So, can it be done? How to you capture errors in ASP?

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Checkbox Value?

is there a way of having a dropdownlist and a text field with a checkbox so that you can check a box and have the vaule assigned from a option selct list or check another box and have the value assigned from a textfield?

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Asp And Checkbox

I would like to make an interaction with a database using ADO and SQL. I would like to display some parts of the database using checkboxes to choose the different parts. But I don't know how to build the SQL command in fuction of which checkbox is checked.

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Checkbox Value

how to write sql to give value true in db?

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If Else Using Checkbox Value

I have a checkbox which is used to determine whether or not the user wants to display a map of their business with their listing the value of which is being written into a database.

When I am outputting the listings I am just trying to use a simple if else statement

i.e. If(ShowMap = true)Then
Response.Write("<td>Show Map</td>")
Response.Write("<td>No Map</td>")
End If

Problem is I know the database contains different values for ShowMap i.e. some true, some false. Yet when I use this code, No Map is output for all records.

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Using A Checkbox

I have a profile search where people can search through our dating profiles. I want to add a checkbox which when checked filters out those records where the recordfield pictures is empty.

I have problems figuring out what the checked value of the checkbox should be and how to use the information from the checkbox in the searchresults page to build the record set. For understanding, if a user does not have a picture the picture field is empty.

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Value In Checkbox

I am trying to display the value of a true/false value in my table through the use of the following:

<input type=checkbox name=FieldLabCheck value=" &
objRecordset("FieldLaborSuper") & "></input>

it doesn't work though.... what am I doing wrong.

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Value Of Checkbox

I have a checkbox in a form from which I want to collect the value.
<input type="checkbox" name="Question11a" value="a">

In the asp page that is called on submit of the form, I declare a variable, iQuestion11a, and request the value of this checkbox:
iQuestion11a = Request("Question11a")

When I print out the value to an html page <% response.write(iQuestion11a) %> it is empty.

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Checkbox's Value

I made this code:

dim xyz
xyz = Request.Form("checkbox1")
<FORM action="Forwarding.asp" method=post id=form1 name=form1>
<INPUT type="checkbox" id="checkbox1" name="checkbox1"><BR>

but, xyz can't get the "checkbox1"'s value.

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Checkbox Set To OFF

When using checkboxes on a form, if you uncheck them, the unchecked name/value pair in the Request.Form collection doesn't show up. It only shows when the checkbox is set to ON. Is this correct? What's the workaround if it is?

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I know there is a way to update records with a checkbox. Is there a way to update this records (with different value)by unchecking the checkbox?

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Checkbox With Textbox

anyone have any idea how to do checkbox with textbox beside.

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Checkbox Disable

if i want to display many records from database with each record has one checkbox.. if the record do not meet the constraints.. e.g. if supplier name has no email address.. then that checkbox will be disabled....the rest will appear.. i tried the disabled/// but no result.

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How To Update Checkbox !!

I have problem in updating checkbox (true-false) using SQL statement.

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Checkbox And Javascript

I have a JavaScript function that gets a boolean value and checks or unchecks a checkbox based on the boolean value.

function initialize_p(thevalue) {
if (thevalue) {

else {


In the example, I want form.cbx1 to be checked if 'thevalue' is true and unchecked if 'thevalue' is false. However, it's not working as desired. I used the alert stmt to see what it does:

- When 'thevalue' is true, it goes to the 1st part of the if stmt and checks the checkbox.
- When 'thevalue' is false, it still goes to the 1st part of the if stmt and checks the checkbox

It looks it never goes to the else!! I used alert stmts to see where it goes if the 'thevalue' is false (used alert to show me the value of 'thevalue' and where it is in the if stmt). I don't understand what's going on. Can anybody see what is wrong with the function?

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Checkbox And Two Variables

I need to assciate two varaibles dyanmically in value of the checkbox.
How can I do that? For ex., I have the following:

<td><input type='checkbox' name='chk<%=i%>' value='<%=rs("Field1")%>'>

Above, I need to add second fields value from database in value
property of the checkbox.

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Checkbox Vs Text Box

I have a form with multiple records.

My intention is to have the user click a checkbox for each product he wants.
Then submit the form placing multiple items in his cart.

If I use a text box like the following and enter a 1 for each product,
submit, no problem.

The user gets the products he wants.
<input name="qty" type="text" value="0">

However, if I use the following checkbox code, and assuming the user checks
4 products half way down the page, he will get the first 4 products in the
recordset. If he clicks 1 checkbox, he will always get the first product,
not the product he chose. <input name="qty" type="checkbox" value="1">

What I have found is when I submit the form to a blank test page using
checkoxes or text boxes, there's a considerable difference. The text boxes
deliver a comma delimination for each occurance. The checkboxes only offer
comma delimination for each checkbox that is selected. At this point, I'm
assuming that's the difference between the two and it cannot be changed
through HTML.

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Checkbox Question

I have a sql database with bit datatypes and I am trying to create a asp
webform which will display and update the data from checkboxes.

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