Capturing Window Close Event In VBScript

I would like to capture window close event, i.e. when user clicks "X" button of the browser, I would like to close all open dataabse connections.

Also, I would like this to apply when a user tries to close browser using File > Exit or when the user tries to type another website URL in the browser.

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Browser Close Event

which event is fired when a browser is closed. i want to call asp page which deleet some files on the server. i tired using onunload event but it aslo get fired when a page is refreshed. the thing should work in netsacpe also.

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Close Window

Can I use ASP code to close the current window?

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Window Cannot Close.

i have quotation_start.asp which was set to be a small window (height=250, width=500). there is a YES button and some data on this page. when user clicks YES, data will be saved into database, quotation_start.asp will be closed automatically and a new page, quotation_admin.asp will appear in the main window at rightFrame. everything is ok except the quotation_start.asp never close. it remains there. here is the code:

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Close A New Window

Host Environment: IIS in window 2003 server, three web servers, one load balance, ASP (not code set.There is part A codes in one asp page (page A) to open a new window (Window B). The new window like a clock non-stop running. There is part B codes in
the page A need to close window B.

There is no problem if the there is only one web server. It works. When there is a load balance and more than one web server, then the window B can not be closed.

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When using "window.close", a dialog box ask u to comfirm, how to disable it ?

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Close Browser Window.

What's the best way to close current window silently after finished a

I'm using the the javascritpt window.close() or top.window.close(), but it
fires a confirmation window.

Just want to close it without any confirmation, seems I done it before, but
can't find where.

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Close Browser Window

I wrote an ASP page to export data from the database to an excel spreadsheet file. The problem is, after the user saved the file to his/her hard drive, the export browser window still remains. How do I close the export window after users saved the file?

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How Do I Close A Window After Processing

I am calling an asp page from my flash file & the asp code is as follows: Code:

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Close Window Without Warning

I want to close the window without the warning "internet explorer is trying to close..." being displayed. I want to do this with vbscript. I found out that in javascript you can do it by including window.opener='x' followed by the window.close statement.My code is:

Response.Write "<script type=""text/vbscript"">"
Response.Write "MsgBox ""Hi. see you again"""
Response.Write vbcrlf
Response.Write "window.close"
Response.Write "</script>"

is thr anyway i can get this done in this code?

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Close Popup Window

In an asp page I have the following scenario happening (or would like
to happen)

person picks a menu item in main page which opens a popup window that
allows customization of that menu item. Upon submitting that page the
results go to a second page in the popup window for collection into

I was hoping to just close that second page, but
everything I have tried results in a message window stating the
program is trying to close the page (y or n). I was hoping to get rid
of this, but can't seem to no matter how hard I try.

There are many examples on here that seem rather old and may have
worked with former versions of IE without problem, but none have
worked how I wanted.

Does anyone have suggestions on how I could get the above...or even
modify things so that maybe the original popup window can be
closed...I do wonder if its the fact that a second page has been
opened in the popup window.

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Canīt Close My Current Window

the line:

Response.write "<td class=""form""><a href=""java script: document.close();"">option2</a></td>" & vbcrlf

doesn't close my current window

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Auto Close A Window

Is there any code in asp to auto close a window after a certain amount of time?

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How To Disable The Close Button Of Any Window Using Asp Or Vb

please any body give me the code for disable the close button using asp

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ASP To Send Email And Close Window

Response.Write("<script language=""JavaScript"">window.close();</script>")
Response.Redirect(" Relief Bids&body=2 - "&Request.Form("bidAmount")&"")
Response.Write("<script language=""JavaScript"">window.close();</script>")

the code above - I want to send the email and then I want the window to close, however, everytime I do it, a messahe comes up saying: "Object Moved. This object may be found here." The email itself opens but the window doesn't close.

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Close Window After Update Data

i have an Update button. according to flow operation, after customer clicks the button, the new data will be saved and i want to close the current window automatically. how to that?

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Triggering Session_OnEnd When User Close Window

We have a solution where we want to control the number of users logged
in at the same time.

So when the user log in we check number of currentusers agains
allowedusers and increment a currentusers (in the database).

On Session_onEnd or when a user logout (actually I abandon the session
on logout) we decrease currentusers.

But as we all know when the browser is closed or the user just go to
another site this decrease does not appear.

It will of course trigger when Session goes to timeout, but I imagine
a lot of angry users calling support when they are denied access.

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How Do I Reload The Parent Page When I Close The Pop Up Window?

I have a datagrid displaying data. There's an "edit" button, which I use Javascript to create a popup window where I can change the information. There's a "save" button on the pop up window.

Currently, I have to click the save button, and the the close button to close the pop-up window, go back to the calling page and refresh it before the information is updated in the calling page.

I would like to be able to use the "save" button on the pop-up window to close the pop-up AND reload the parent page. Is that possible?

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Vbscript Event Parameters

I have created a label ctl and an OnClick event handler which works correclty. However I would also like to pass the event two parameters so I cand do further logic. Does anyone know the syntax to pass the event parameters?

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="vbscript" FOR="lnkEdit" EVENT="OnClick">

<label ID=""lnkEdit"">

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Getting PATH On The Hyperlink Onclick Event (VBSCRIPT)

I am just trying to do simple client side thing but There is a list of filenames with hyperlink which are generated dynamically on my ASP page.

Now I want to get the path on the hyperlink that shows on the status bar when you actually mouseover the hyperlink using VBSCRIPT. Which I would then pass to a VBSCRIPT function and do the further processing.

I used document.location.href but that gives the pages path.

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Window - Jscript And Vbscript

I am using javascript to open the pop up window. Now the pop up window
will be displayed in a center position and in it the images will be
displays (one image at a time as the next and previous button is

The images are retrieved and displayed using asp. Now is there
a way to shrink the size of the image so that it fits the size of the
pop up window and when I click on the image the image will be resized to
its original size. Code:

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Open Window Function (vbscript)

how to modify a function like this to specify the new window size? I'm able to specify window dimensions easily using in javascript, but am at a loss for how to do it using this vbscript method. The 'strtext' are ASP recordset values. The page the opens in a new window is a map service.

function mapLink(strtext)
on error resume next
mapLink = "<a href=""http://planning/ims/tpViewer/?Query=SDE_ADMIN.TP_AREA.TIMEPOIN_1%20%3D%20%27" & strtext & "%27&MapUnits=FEET&ActiveLayer=0&QueryZoom=Yes&Tools=Yes"" target=""_blank"">Map</a>"
End function

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Event Calendar :: Event To Be Highlighted

I currently have an event calendar that works fine so far.One thing i would like to improve is that when there is an event on that date,i wish it to be highlighted with a different color. Code:

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How To Pass Values From Parent Window To Popup Window In Server Side?

1. I have a form, with a textbox and a button. I have to enter a value in the text box and then i have to click the button, which opens a popup window. Here i want to pass the value of the text box which is entered in the parent window to popup window.

I have to use that value in the popup window's form_load event in the Code behind, and i have to take the values from the database using the value which i have entered in the parent window. Code:

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Capturing Form Name

is there a way to capture the pagename. say I am using a form with "post" method and then use request.form to get the value
of variables from the previous form. is there a way to capture the name of the form that made the request? for e.g if the first
form is "welcome.asp" and the second form is "Hello.asp". can i capture the form name (welcome) in the second form?

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Capturing Network LAN ID

I'm having a bit of a problem trying to capture a users LAN ID from the network. Currently I have an activex component that does it for me and I use Javascript to display/capture. Which was fine prior to the DDA guidelines. Now I need to find a way to do so without using JavaScript.

The first thing I tried was to use the Servervariables available but unfortunatly our servers use annonymous authentication, so I can't use that method. I've even tried but had no joy accessing Active Directory for the LAN ID, so I'm currently left scratching my head. Does anyone know of a way I can acheive this?

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Capturing Identity

I have made a asp page that accepts some data from user and stores it in MS Access database. Now I want to identify the user who filled the form and store this information in database. About the enviornment.

the server has Windows 2000 server installed. Clients have Windows XP. Server also has Exchange 2003 installed and every client has Outlook Express installed. Every user has to login to his account inorder to use a machine. A given user can login on any machine.

How can i find the identity of the user who submitted the form? Is it possible to find out the current logged in user given the IP address of the machine? If yes, how and will there be any chances of error due to delay in replication?

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Capturing QueryString

I run the internal reporting system of a few dozen employees. They submit many extensive reports and if they encounter a server, SQL, or parse error they have to re-enter the information, causing great frustration.

If I can save their querystring somehow, I can fix the problem and then resubmit their input myself, saving them a great amount of frustration. Ideally, I'd like to just be able to just put a function or an include at the top of every script I'm looking to save, however, in the case of a parse-error I believe the input will halt altogether.

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Capturing Image From A Video In ASP

Can someone help me regarding Capturing Image from a Video in ASP. what I have achieved is this, I have run the video using Media Player Active-X Control and have got a button control on which I have initiated a component known as Media Processor, which saves the frame according to current position supplied in a picture format. But the problem is that it doesn't support files greater than 300 MB or so. I want to have a support of upto 2 GB files. Moreover, I have to keep in consideration the performance issues, it shouldn't get my server down. Can someone give me any idea about any component for this job, I have been able to find out only this on different locations. I have got another one that is working well in VB, but there is a problem with using in ASP. I am using Media Player just because of buffering, actually I want is kind of streaming so that the server gets minimum load. How to achieve this?

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Capturing Mulitple Checkboxes

i have an online form and i have a number of multiple checkboxes in it..which the user can select all or just i dont know how to capture this date of checkboxes to send it to my email after the user hits submits.i am using CDOSYS for getting the email....

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Button Capturing Individual Row

I'm trying to design a voting page. The flow as follow:

1) there is a table filled with rows (data from db)
2) each row come with a button = "vote"
3) when user click the button "vote", db will UPDATE the value(Yes/No/etc) of the row + 1


1. Yes "Button"
2. No "Button"
3. etc "Button"

Since there is three button, how can the button identify which value to UPDATE in db (when the user might just click any one of it)?

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Capturing E Faxes To Database

Is there a script/compoenent which can capture Faxes and store that in a DB
using a unique ID?
Any help will be greatly appriciated.

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Capturing Contact_id From Checkbox

Is anyone familiar w/ using checkbox to select which person to send a certificate to. For example, owner, user, contractor contact info is displayed on the webpage and to the left of those 3 contacts I have 3 checkboxes to designate who to send the cert to by inserting that contact_id into the cert_recip_cont_ID.


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