Car Showroom Images Display

In the site we want to display the vehicle (obviously) and then a list (graphically) of the features that vehicle has, ie, air con, electric windows, abs, etc. I have attached examples of the images that should be displayed.

The images are kept in a separate folder on the website and they are 'called for' from an access database where the filed name (image id) has a check box.Currently we are only getting a TRUE response and the image is not being displayed. We are looking for some help in how to develop this and get only the image displayed if the check box is ticked on the database.

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Display Large Images

I am trying to upload large images ( around 4 mb) from the server to show on
the client. Currently I'm using an http handler to do it and breaking it
into chunks sending it 1 mb at a time. Sometimes I'm getting errors, like
the page won't load. Any solutions on how this is done right?

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Display Images From Memory

I have managed up to the point that a byte[] imageContent contains a picture which i can show in a aspx page by:

// return byte array to caller with image type

Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg";

but what i need is to post it back to the page that the user entered various details without losing them.

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Display Images From Ftp Directory.

i have iis5. windows 2k advance server. I have many http sites on iis. One ftp site with folders protected with userid and password. e.g i have folders at

i mapped these folders in virtual directory as:


and here i have folders for usa and india.

now if i try to diplay image on asp page as

in displayimages.asp page i give url to images file as

i was asked to enter userid and password. I mean to say, How can i display images on asp pages from the users, whom have posted images to their ftp folder.

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Random Display Of Images

I am trying to retrieve images from the database and display them in a random order. The order of the images is supposed to change each time page is refreshed. Below is my code, I am using an array to store the images but the images are not displayed for some reason. Code:

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Display BLOB Images

anyone know of an application that integrates with Dreamweaver to allow me to work with blob images from a SQL database and put them in an ASP.NET page?

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Images Display Intermittently In ASP 3.0 Page

I have an ASP 3.0 website on which the images are displaying intermittently.

In other words, when I request a page, the image is blank. There is no missing image place marker (rectangle with a red X).

The location where the image should be is just empty.

The code is there to display the image as can be seen when you view source in the browser

And if you later return to the page, or sometimes if you simply refresh it, the image will render properly.

What could be causing this erratic behavior?

I'm not sure whether this is an ASP issue, an HTML issue, a browser issue (the error occures in IE 6.0) or possibly a network issue.

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How Can I Display Images That Reside In My Database

How can I display images that reside in my database through an ASP page?

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How To Display Selected Images On New Page

I am creating a form with checkboxes that contains in the value property, the ID of the image. The filename of the image displayed above the checkbox along with the image.

On that page, I am storing the "checked" information in a cookie. When the user clicks submit, I need to retrieve the actual image that they selected on the previous page and display it along with the image name which I get from the value property.

Right now the only data being passed is the value in the checkbox input tage which is a text string and not the actual image. How do I retrieve the images my users checks off. I hope this make sense. Sort of like a shopping cart, but I only want to be able to select images and post back the ones selected.

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How To Display Images Which Are Stored Above Site Root?

I have the standard folder structure on my web server (sya that the server is estserver):

My site is in c:Inetpubwwwrootmysite

I have also introduced the folders:


The idea is security (the companyN folders store images belonging to the companies 1,2,3 - and never the twain shall meet - this does not matter so much). The images are stored above MySite (in the imageroot folder) so that no-one can see them - if they sat in mysiteimages, for example, anyone can see them. And to further thre security, /imageroot does not have a URL

What I need is someway that I can display an image in imageroot on a page in MySite, eg /mysite/gallery.

I need to use an absolute path from my page in mysite to the required image

so in HTML that would be

<IMG SRC=" f">

however, that don't work. So how do you do it?

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How To Display Images In Tabular Form From Db Query

just manged to get an image retireval search engine working. The ASP script works fine, my query results are filepaths of images.

i structured a query in within asp to obtain images which have similar textual values. It is more of a cosmetic issue. when i get my query results back, my script prints or displays the images from top to bottom. which means i have to scroll vertically up and down the asp page over 10-30 images. Code:

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Random Display Of Images Dynamicly From Database

I am trying to retrieve images from the database and display them in a random order. The order of the images is supposed to change each time page is refreshed.

Below is my code, I am using an array to store the images but the images are not displayed for some reason. Any help would be appreciated.

<% Dim rstResult
Dim strSQL
Dim img(100)
imgID = 0
set rstResult = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strSQL = "sp_sel_TilesByType 'O'"
rstResult.Open strSQL, strConnect

set rResult = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
sSQL = "sp_sel_TilesByType 'O'"
rResult.Open sSQL, strConnect

if not rResult.EOF then

do while not rResult.EOF

imgID = imgID + 1
img(imgID) = "images/tiles/" & rResult("TileImage")

end if

if not rstResult.EOF then
intVendorID = 0
do while not rstResult.EOF

if intVendorID <> rstResult("VendorID") then
rndNumber = RandomNumber(imgID)
Response.Write "<p>"
Response.Write "<a href=javascript:popWin('tileview.asp?" & rstResult("TileID") & "','',1,1,1,1,700,600);>"
'Response.Write "<img src=images/tiles/" & rstResult("TileImage") & " border=0>"
Response.write "<img src=img(rndNumber)>"
Response.Write "</a>"
Response.Write "</p>"
end if
intVendorID = rstResult("VendorID")
end if
set rstResult = nothing%>

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How To Display Images Using Files Form Web Server?

I am trying to build a simple image gallery,that displays image form the files on web server and displays it on webpage.

I tried,but it gives an error:

Quote: Error Type:

Active Server Pages, ASP 0113 (0x80004005)

The maximum amount of time for a script to execute was exceeded. You can change this limit by specifying a new value for the property Server.ScriptTimeout or by changing the value in the IIS administration tools.

Here is the code:

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How To Resize All Images Sizes And Coordinates Of The Images On Resize Browser

My page have background image,on that image have more images and text. My problem is whenever resize browser that images are not resized and also not moved correct place .(i.e look not like before alignment).I want to do everything in dyanamic....

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Images And Asp

I have an asp page that displays thumbnails from my database. I want the user to click on the thumnbnails to open up the larger image which is also stored in a DB.

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3 Images

i am uploading 3 images(jpg) to sql server 2000 using asp 3.0.i was using this code

which was working fine when i uploaded 2 images when i tried to upload 3 images its not working.i had posted in the forum earlier about this issue
since i work for a non profit organization who cant spend money on buying some component for uploading images is there any other way or any other code or a free component thats not going to expire

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I have an image page in which has a line of small images in a row. click on it it makes it larger below. The images aren't binary form, just the lnik to the image it self. I add the images in a form, so i type in 'image1.jpg' and then it adds it to the database, and then it routs to it and shows it in the database. Now on the image page which shows the image i want a little bit of writing below the image saying its properties. So when i add the image to the database i have to write about the image for example 'A picture of Joe Bloggs' and then when it veiws the image it will say that writing underneith

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.net Images.

ive been looking for a .net script that will upload an image to the server, but saved an optimised thumbnail into a different directory (or under a different name) with the main image being saved as usual.

can you run regular asp within a .net page? anyone got those .net friendly url/querystring scripts again, my NG browser doesnt go that far back.

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ASP Images

I am designing a website that is based from an Access database; in the database I have a table called "Categories" with fields called "Category" and "CategoryPic". On my index page I have coding to get the list of Categories, called rsCategories.

What I am attempting to do is create ASP code that would retrieve an associated GIF file from my images folder when a particular "Category" is chosen (ie. if you choose CategoryA from the recordset, then CategoryA.gif would appear on the page, CategoryB would retrieve CategoryB.gif, etc.). Can anyone kindly assist me in completing this one piece of code.

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Read Images

anyone here got an idea on what codes am i going to use? I got a folder full of images (jpg) and I want my asp page to display those images.

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Resizing GIF Images

I currently use ASPImage and resize JPG files with no problem. How, though, do I resize GIF images? Is there a different component?

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Generating Images On-the-fly

I wanted to know that is there someway in ASP that I can generate images on-the-fly without using ne 3rd party component?? Like its possible in CGI-Perl to generate ne type of image on-the-fly, is there a way 2 that in ASP? OK, if the 3rd party components r the only way, then r there ne free ones available?

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Printing Images

Does anyone knows how to print images to a pringter connected on the Web Server (IIS) Machine using ASP?

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Caching Images

I've had some periodic problems on certain (intranet)servers where IIS seems
to be caching thing in an unexpected way, or is server cached pages where
new content is expected.

The first situation is where we have a standard Top + Left + Content
framset; the left frame contains a menu which shows standard options - when
the user logs in, extra menu options are available to them, depending on
their priveleges. The menu is generated from a DB in ASP, and when the user
logs in, Javascript is used to reload the page in the left frame - eg.
re-generate menu based on logged-in user.

This used to work on all servers, but at some point in time I found that
people were logging in but were stuck with the standard menu. If we
right-clicked in the menu and chose refresh, often the correct (eg expanded)
menu would be shown.

I'm not sure where the problem is IIS or could be controlled in ASP...

The second problem is on my development machine; when I browse to my
development copy of the intranet, I dont get the icons for each menu item.
However, when I browse to the live Intranet system, the correct graphics are

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Images Per Page 12 - 16 - 32 - 64

I am trying to get a feature to work on a clients website.

I am building a image library in ASP VB Script and I want the user to be
able to select the amount of images they view on the page.

eg. Images per page 12 - 16 - 32 - 64

So selecting 12 for example would only show 12 records.

I am using the Horizontal Looper extension to display my images in 4

Have anyone ever done this before or know of how to do it?

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Images, IDs, And Cookies

Alright, so I'm experimenting with some asp, trying to make a dynamic page. My problem is such:

I have a bunch of images displayed on a page, and when I click one, I would like to create a cookie with a value associated to that image. Kinda like a catalogue. Here's my body thus far:

<form action="Browse.asp" method="get" name="View">
<input type="image" name="350-43730" src="SW.jpg">
<input type="image" name="787-48930" src="MO.gif">
dim ID

The name is the ID number I'm trying to get from the image. How do I go about getting this?

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Can Asp Swap Images This Way?

This is my scenario...I have three images that I want to put on a website that will change to one another constantly. There will be three table columns on the top that indicate what the available three images are. If the user's mouse hovers over one of the table cells, the image will immediately change to what the table cell corresponds, and the user will be able to click on either the table cell or the image to go to another website.

I have included an image to better illustrate what I am talking about.

What is the best scripting language to do this? javascript, css, asp, flash?
All of the above seems hard to me, especially the last two....

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Export Without Images

I made a program which exports a file asp to Excel file, but export included of the images, and I want an export without images.

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Random Images

is there sombody who can helpme witht he following, i am ''pretty new'' to
php and am looking for a script to show images randomly at a 10/ 15 seconds
interval. is there anybody who can help me with this or does know where to
find a good template script for this?

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Download Images

I'm using ADODB objects to download the images. Is there any way I can disable 'Save' option on a prompt. Also, when display the image (it could be any of the following files: .doc, xls, txt, pdf...), I need to disable 'Save' option or hide the toolbar.

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Images And ALT Tags

Does anyone know how I can place ALT tags on images which are driven by ASP and a database. (So each image has a separate alt tag).


This is a image of a ball
This is a image of a Boot

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Preload Images

Why all of this javascript and css image preloading.

IE has picked up on the CSS hidden-preloading and doesn't see to pull the image if it is 'hidden' and the javascript way is ok

why not this though?

<img src="/image.jpg" height="0" width="0"> .....

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XMLHTTP And Images

Why do sites dragged in through XMLHTTP only download half or so of the images associated with the site?

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