Carriage Return And Response.Write Output Issue

I have a field in a SQL Server table named DetailedDescription that is
a varchar. If the user adds/edits a detailed description, they do so
in a MulltiLine TextBox control. Therefore, they are able to click
enter on their keyboard and have multiple carriage returns inside the
DetaildDescription. Code:

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Carriage Return In Response.Write UploadMessage

I have some aspUpload code running that validates and uploads files beautifully to my web server. It uploads upto 3 files at a time and produces a message for each whether it be successful or not. The problem I have is that the 3 messages come out in one long line. I'd like to put each on a new line. Below is my code.....

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Carriage Return In Output

how can i get this to work? trying to get carridge returns display in the output:

strBody = strBody & "<td width=550><font class='data3'>" & Request.Form("subject"),VBCrLf, "<br />"

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Output Response.write

I have site where the pages ending .html don't really exist, but cause 404 error on the server and in this way I am catching the error and displaying the content to the site visitors.
Now, due to slowness of the site, I would like to create the .html files once a day, rather than catching the 404 error once the request is coming in.
I want to create the .html files using a script I am writing, and in order to create the .html I basically need to output all response.write calls to a file, instead of the the user's browser. I dont think there is a way to do this (altough I would love to know about it if there is a way), so my question is:
Is there a way to output a .asp file output to a file rather than to the user's browser?

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Output String Size By Response.write

There is one large size web page need to display. The repsonse.buffer is on. I want to calll response.flush when the size of the oupput string is large enough, but before get the buffer limit . My goal is avoid buffer limit error and get the best performance.

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Carriage Return

am trying to make a carriage return of the following:

Mailer.BodyText = "From: " & Request.Form("FRM") & VbCrLf & VbCrLf & "Message: " & Request.Form("MSG")

but it doesnt work.

when i received the email on my mailbox, the format is all in one line, like this:

From: John Message: Test message only

but i would like the "Message:" to appear in the second line.

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Carriage Return

This code doesn't give me a carriage return.Why?

strEmailMess= "Name: " & strName &vbCrLf
strEmailMess= strEmailMess & "Email Address: " & strEmailUser &vbCrLf

Also this code takes user to aspemail.asp page.I want it to go to a page of my chosing, like

If MyMail.Send Then
Response.Write("Message Sent With ASPEMail.<br />")
Response.Write("Message Not Sent With ASPEMail.<br />")
End If

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Carriage Return / Line Feed

I want to send an Email using ASP (I know how to to this) The body of the Email contains several variabels How do I concat string values and separate them by carriage returns/ Line

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Carriage Return Being Strangely Added When I Perform A Standard Post

I am performing a post from one classic ASP page to another in order to get the value of a string passed between the two pages. I have a client script variable declared to take the value of the value being received in the page i.e. var x = '<%=varName%>'. Unfortunately, ASP seems to be adding a carriage return to the value of varName when it
is passed in i.e. it expands the stated line to var x = 'FieldContents';. I.e. somewhere a carriage return has been added. The string gets passed in OK if I use the Get mechanism. Don't know why this carriage return is being added when using Post mechanism. Anybody seen this before? Is it a bug in ASP ?

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Carriage Return Does Not Display Properly In Mozilla In A Title Attribute

Am facing a problem when trying to display a carriage return in firefox in a title attribute,i ve tried using VbCr and chr(13) ,in either cases a strange character appears instead of the carriage return. does anyone know about this error. The code looks like this:

titles(iday) = titles(iday) & chr(13) & objRS("event_title")
<a href="javascript:showevent('0<%=links(i)%>')" title=" <%=titles(i)%>"><%=i%></a>

Am not having this strange character when running it on explorer.

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Carriage Return Before Inserting Text Into Acess Database File. How To Do It?

how to replace carriage return upon extracting text from Access file.

However I think it will be smarter to do it before (during) inserting text into acess file.

It might be primitive question, but I started my ASP learning just last week and many things are confusing me on this stage.


What should I change in my ASP file code (file inserted data from the HTML form file into database file) to replace all carriage returns and line brakes during inserting text into field GuestSory? Code:

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ASP Page Challenges For User Cerdentials When Large Output Return

I have an ASP page which users can call with various parameters to generate
data for reports.

However, some users who specifiy very few parameters and so generate a large
result page are geting challenged for their network credentials after approx
30 seconds.

When they enter their credentials for the third time the page returns with a
401 "You are not authorized to use this page"

Yet if they specify more parameters (and so get a smaller result page) then
the page returns normally.

If checked the query in the database and it runs fine with no errors, so I
ssupect I'm hitting some sort of buffer limit within IIS? Code:

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Response.Write To The HTTP Response Body

<a target="_blank"

Can anyone please tell me what to enter after Response.Write to write the above to the HTTP Response body.

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JPG Stored As Long Binary In Database: How To Write Output As Image In Asp?

For a while I am working with ThumbsPlus ( ) as manager for pics.
The benefit of the program is that it stores all kind of information in a central Microsoft Database that easily can be manipulated. A thumbnail of the picture is also stored in de MDB as long binary (jpeg format)

I made a small script that extracts all kind of information of the MDB by use of queries and ASP. This works perfect for string/numerical information.

I am wondering if I can also write the stored (jpg)thumbnail to the asp file so that I have a preview of my picture.

Can this be done? What is the syntax?

I tried already:

Response.BinaryWrite BinData

Where BinData is the contents of the Thumbnail field. When I take a look at the MDB table in design view, the DataType of this field is "OLE object", if I open the table, the contents of the field displays "long binary data".....

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How To Return Values From A Response.redirect

I have a asp page which it post some values to an external web page (not
mine) with the method response.redirect


The external web page response OK if the user exist and Error if the
user not exists.

How can I take this data to send it to my own pages somewhere?
After the response.redirect I lost control

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Response.Writing An Output Text String For A Hyperlink

I am having a newbie problem trying to Response.Write a static text string, 'Read More' into the output part of a hyperlink. I have tried my way of doing it but it doesn't work.

My code is below (the text string which I want to Response.Write is highlighted in bold):-

Response.Write ("<a href=""dummies_news.asp?ID=" & rsCTD("ID") & """> Read More & ">")
Thanks for the help in advance - should be quite simple to solve, I'm sure!

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Response.Write Containing %>

I writing code that will create asp pages using the file system object.

'other code here

Response.Write "<%sName=" & Var & "%>"


How can I do this?

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If my recordset is empty I want to write "Not Complete" and if there is
a value, I want to write the value. Can someone tell me what I am
doing wrong?

If IsEmpty(rsa.Fields.Item("reclaima")) Then
Response.Write("Not Complete")
End If

Also tried....

If rsa.Fields.Item("reclaima") = "" Then
Response.Write("Not Complete")
End If

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While doing a response.Write,

I would like to display the text as array item wrapped in quotes. How can I do that?

I write the code as:

'Now get all the sub-reports names to pass the log-on information
For i = 0 to UBound(aSubRpt,2)
Response.Write "webSource0.AddParameter " & u0 & " & " & aSubRpt(c_SRName,i) & ", " & dbd & "<br>"
Response.Write "webSource0.AddParameter " & p0 & " & " & aSubRpt(c_SRName,i) & ", " & dbc & "<br>"
'Response.Write aSubRpt(c_SRName,i) & "<br>"

While seeing the results in the browser, I would like to see


which is primarily


How can I wrap the text in double quotes within a response.Write?

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I am trying to retrieve info from database and display it in the form. The problem I having is when I try to change the info in the form, it is not changing and I don't know why.
table.fieldname = payroll


payroll = rs("payroll")
If payroll = "something" Then
payroll = "Some Payroll"
End If

In the form table:
<input type="text" name="payroll" value=<%response.write(payroll)%>>

I want "Some Payroll" to be displayed in the form instead of "Something".

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I need to put this whole line into a response.write statement:

field delimiter = """

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Why do I get an error on executong the following code:

Response.Write" <script language = ""vbscript""> "
Response.Write" res = MsgBox (""Do you want to edit appliance?"",4,""Edit Appliance"") "
Response.Write" if res=7 then"
Response.Write" window.location.href= ""Appliance.asp"" "
Response.Write" else"
Response.Write" window.location.href = ""Scenario.asp"" "
Response.Write" end if"
Response.Write" </script>"

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Response.Write URL

What is the right syntax, to make that a hyperlink?

Response.Write("<TD>"<a href=""rst("Kotisivu") & ">" & "</a"> & "</TD>")

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How to use Response.write to Output the following Code:

Type id="1"

I tried this one but not working Code:

Response.Write( "Type id="" & "0" &"")

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I am creating html string in a component that transforms xml into html.
Works o.k. with small html strings, but takes forever to response.write
big html strings. Is it possible to speed it up?

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Response.write As URL

I have a specific access db field that holds visitor website url's and I am currently displaying it onto a page as text but instead I need it to be displayed a clickable hyperlink.

The field datatype within access is set to url but when the entry is written to an asp page it doesn't bring the hyperlink properties with it.

I think I should be enclosing the RS within an <a href=''></a> type tag but can't seem to get it right.

Current code: Response.Write RS ("website") & "<BR><BR>"

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Response.write ASP

Example 1 don't work:

title = rs.("title")
response.Write title
' this will show title= "the 100 Club"

SQL2 = "select * from events where (venue = '"&title&"');"
rs2.Open SQl2, Conn

' Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted.

Example 2 it work fine

title = "the 100 Club"
SQL2 = "select * from events where (venue = '"&title&"');"
rs2.Open SQl2, Conn

it work fine, so what I hove done wrong with the first one it seam strait forward..

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Response.write (&quot;%&gt;&quot;).can any one tell me how to do that.y can i not do this?

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trying to display a memo field using response.write but it truncates it. Is there a size issue with response.write? If so how do I get round it and to be able to display the whole memo field.

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This is driving me mad.

Response.Write ""

doesn't work. It actually prints out "" not the character ''

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Response.write And CSS

I have certain pages on my site that are displayed by using response.write...these are results displayed from databases. My CSS doesn't work on these...probably because it looks for certain fields and the response.write is done server-side? I dunno...but does anyone know of what I can do to get this working?

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i have a record in the table like


'a n'

then after query if i display on the page using response.write, it displays as 'a n'. only one space in between and all other are removed while the value in the variable or session is the same as in the database. any ideas or alternatives?

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i have a column called Country and the records are blank when its U.S.A . when i retrieve them i have this code and when i do Response.write residentcountry its blank can someone tell me whats wrong.


if residentcountry="" then
End if

Response.write residentcountry

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