Catch Nulls And Blanks?

How does one accurately catch NULL or blank fields in appears this
If statement does not appear to be able to catch it...why is this...I appear
to have covered all the necessary conditions but it does not seem able to
pick it up:

If IsNull(Owner_ID) or Owner_ID="" or IsEmpty(Owner_ID) or Owner_ID = Null

Response.Write "A null value has been picked up in the Owner_ID field"

End If

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ASP Adding Possible Nulls In Recordsets??

The following code is adding three recordset values and printing the totals, however! as there is a null in the jan recordset it brings back an error syaing formatnumber mismatch.

Here is the code:

<% if rsnoventerprise("unix")<>"" or rsdecenterprise("unix")<>"" or rsjanenterprise("unix")<>"" or rsnoventerprise("unix")<>"0" or rsdecenterprise("unix")<>"0" or rsjanenterprise("unix")<>"0"
then%><%unixentq1=formatnumber(clng(rsnoventerprise("unix"))+(rsdecenterprise("unix")+rsjanenterprise("unix"), 0)%>

$<%=unixentq1%>k<%else%>0k<%end if%>

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Search Values Changes To Blanks

I have a search page which allows users to select values and click a submit button for a result but the problem is that all values changes to blanks when a submit button is clicked.

How can I prevent my search page from loosing its values when a search button is clicked?

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How To Remove Blanks From A List Menu??

One of my tables is used for two purposes so there are blanks in the column I'm filtering. I tried using an IF statement but it still put the blanks in the list menu. Any idea how to remove the blank items? Code:

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Stored Procedure As Method Of Connection And NULLs

[This question is directed at Bob Barrows, but perhaps someone else knows an
answer. In any case it is good information for the group.]

I really like Bob's "stored procedure as method of Connection Object"
technique. It is convenient, compact, and concise, and simplifies protection
from SQL injection.

HOWEVER, I cannot figure out a way to pass a null value to an INT parameter
when I use this. Null string parameters are fine. The error reads:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e07'
Operand type clash: text is incompatible with int

As you can imagine, "text is incompatible with int" gets my attention. I am
explicitly passing a null (not the string "null"). I am using JScript on the
web server and connecting to SQL Server 2000. An example: Code:

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How To Catch A Url To Redirect?

I claimed two different urls which both direct to the same websitefolder:

When a user types in the one or the other url they will end up in the default.asp of the same website.

When I would be able to retrieve the url which a user has typed in the browser, I would be able to put it in a nice little variabele to redirect the user to a different page using a nifty little if/else

The problem is that I don't know how to catch the url that the user has typed in .

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Catch The Selected Value

I have 2 drop down lists here. Supposingly, upon the selection of the 2nd drop down list, I should be able to see textbox entry allowing user to update data being displayed at the bottom. But in my case here, i see no response upon the selection of "selType" which is my second drop down list.
But both also don't work. So any suggestion on how can I retrieve the 2nd drop down list' selected value

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Catch Redirect

i want to catch a redirect on my asp page seems easy.actually i want to redirect a visitor from on page to another page internally and want to catch the referrer of the last page from which the redirect came not the page from where the request has been gerated used meta refresh for no use and response redirect is also not giving the desired results.

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JScript Try/Catch

I've started implementing my ASP pages (in JScript) using the Try/Catch error handling.

Mostly it is working very well. It gives a nice custom error page which looks somewhat more professional than the default.

However there seems to be one limitation, the error object thrown to the catch statement doesn't include the line that the error occured on. Is there any way to obtain this information?

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Try/catch Function

Does ASP has try/catch function?

For example, if the user accidentaly insert a duplicate data and an error page will exists. so with 'try/catch' function, it display a proper page.

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Catch Lost Session

Is there any way in ASP to catch a destroyed session when the user closes their window.


When a user enters a page, I create a session - Session("blah")="blah" . However when the window is closed, the session is destroyed, but before it's being destroyed, I want to some things.

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Need To Catch A Rampant Form Submitter...

Alright, I have some person going to my site and submitting the same form over and over and over and over and over. It's a simple to question form that I have at the bottom of all of my parts pages.

They keep submitting it with some very odd stuff.. like

Outros & mdmsier

I have a ton of things like that.

The form simply sendmails me the info, but still, I'm not diggin.

Does anyone have any ideas of what info I might could collect when someone visits that page(s) and when they submit the form? I would personally like to find out WHO it is.. as I feel it is one of my nasty competitors. Anay ideas?

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Custom Http Error 404 To Catch Requests

I have 404.asp file that catches non existing pages such as for spanish version of site. Now I would like to move ahead and have instead. I started digging into subdomains in IIS and found out that usually when creating subdomain in IIS it creates a separate sub-directory by the same name as the subdomain created. From some reason the custom error 404.asp file I already have is not called when a call to a non existing sub domain page is made.

Anyone knows why?

How do I configure 404.asp to also handle subdomain page requests?

I know that in Unix/Apache I can use .htaccess file to direct calls to to quite easily, can this be done somehow on IIS?

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