Cdonts Using Exchange Server- Configuration

I am having a problem here to send my asp form to my email! I am using CDONTS under w2k and IIS! when i submit the form, all of the message (that suppose to go to my email), went to the queue folder under wwwroot!! nothing appear to my yahoo email also...
that means that my script is working...but only the configuration is need to be adjust here!

the thing is that i dont know how to configure, setup or setting the configuration for Exchange server! since my organization uses exchange server instead of the SMTP!

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Sending Email By Using Corporate Exchange Server Instead Of Local Server

I have created a form that sends email thru my local server. What I want to do is send the email thru our corporate Exchange server. Does anyone know how I can accomplish this task? Please advise. Thanks.

P.S. I’m using Dreamweaver MX2004.

The code that sends email is shown below ....

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Exchange Server 5.5

I require an Asp script that will enable me to get all sizes of mailboxes held on Exchange Server v5.5. What I want to achieve is to list all users with a mailbox over a certain Kb size.

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ASP And Exchange Server

I am an intermediate with ASP and i'm not sure if this is possible but i'll give it a shot. I am creating a Listserv (newsgroup) and I want them able to reply to messages in there email. Right now I have sign up form online which connectes to an access db which stores the emails. The admin uses a web based form to send letters and if the subscribers want to send a message or reply they have to use another web form. How can I use exchange server to eliminate the web based forms?

So basicly I want them to reply in like outlook, but the emails are all in access. So when they reply to the list email (, somewhere in the exchange server the server will read the db and send the message to the subscribed emails.

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Exchange Server, Email Is Never Sent

I'm sending email from a networked computer that uses an exchange server on yet a different computer. With the two different types of code posted below, the email will only send successfully on my computer. When I step into a colleague's office (using the same exchange server), no email is ever sent....

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Outlook Exchange Server

I have a form with a input text box where a user has to enter a work email address.Is there anyway that he or she can click a link which will open Microsoft Outlook and list all the work email addresses, thereby selecting an email address which will be automatically inoutted into the input text box?

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Accessing The MS Exchange Server

I have developed a fairly simple CMS for my intranet at work - I would like to have a "Request a photographer form" that e-mails me the posted data by utilizing our intranet exchange server, if possible.

I'm not really looking to code this but I will if I absolutely have to =) Anyone know how to do it or where I can find a simple form script that does? I have found lots that work with sendmail and other types of servers but none for exchange.

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Exchange Server 2000

How would I be able to simply read an MS Exchange Server 2000 mail and transfer it to a SQL Server 2000 database programmatically. I need reference for this an has been unsuccessful in looking for any for the past week already.

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Exchange Server For SMTP

I have no knowledge of Exchange server, and have always used CDO to send emails from ASP in the past. the server in question doesn't have SMTP installed alongside IIS, it has Exchange installed which apparantly does have SMTP capabilities but not like the default ones normally accessbile via IIS.

Has anyone ever used this approach to sending emails? I'm hoping that I dont need a component or anything else, just some changes to my existing email code.

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CDO Mail Failure On Exchange Server

I use the method below to send emails from an asp page that's part of a
web application:

<!--METADATA TYPE="typelib" UUID="CD000000-8B95-11D1-82DB-00C04FB1625D"
NAME="CDO for Windows 2000 Library" -->
On error Resume Next
Dim cdoConfig, cdoMessage

Set cdoConfig = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
With cdoConfig.Fields
.Item(cdoSendUsingMethod) = 2
.Item(cdoSMTPServer) = ""
.Item(cdoSMTPServerPort) = 25
End With
Set cdoMessage = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
With cdoMessage
Set .Configuration = cdoConfig
.From = "Me<>"
.To = "You<>"
.Subject = "Surprise!"
.TextBody = "Helloooo..."

If err.number Then
Response.Write("Houston! We have a problem...")
End If
End With
Set cdoMessage = Nothing
Set cdoConfig = Nothing

On the production server (Windows 2003 Server) everything works fine
and I don't have a problem sending the mails from the application.
However, I recently upgraded my development box to Windows XP Pro SP2
and the code fails with with the following error:

CDO.Message.1 (0x80040213)
The transport failed to connect to the server.

The from and to email addresses that I'm using are valid and part of my
domain (not a Hotmail or other freemail address).

The SMTP service is up and running on the dev box.

I also tried replacing the mail server name with the IP address of the
mail server, but again it's failing.

We are running Exchange Server for email and if I change the
cdoSendUsingMethod to 3 (for cdoSendUsingExchange) the mail is sent
correctly without errors.

Will I not able to use the cdoSendUsingPort method to send the email if
I'm on Exchange? Am I forced to use cdoSendUsingExchange?

View Replies View Related Sending Email Using Exchange Server

Is there any difference in sending an email through using Exchange Server rather than the normal way?

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Logging In To Exchange Server From ASP Script

Im trying to create an application that when sent an email, retrieves the email, and uses its content to create an MS Outlook/Exchange task request.

I have everything else in place, but when I try to connect to CDO's MAPI interface, I get [Collaboration Data Objects - [MAPI_E_LOGON_FAILED(80040111)]] error messages.
I've tried numerous examples from books and the internet to no avail.

Could anyone shed some light as to why this is so? I've also exhaustively searched the archives on this site for examples and used some of them but I keep getting the same errors. Code:

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WebDAV Downloading Attachments From Exchange Server

I have the following code, that retrieves the emails from a designated inbox, stores the message and subject content in a SQL database and then deletes them from the exchange server. Now I need to take the attachments for each email and save them on a different server.

I've researched this all day, and I keep finding references stating that I can download the file using, X-MS-ENUMATTS. I'm using it currently to retrieve a list of attached files, however I fail to see how I can download the attachment to my webserver using this.

The red code below is a request to the actual file. So I know the http path to the file, how do I go about saving it to my server? If I can't downlaod it without any user interaction, is there at least a way that I could allow the user to download the file via a link, without them being prompted for a username or password? Code:

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ASP Page - Alerting User That They Have An Email On Our Exchange Server?

Is it possible to create an ASP page that can notify the user that they have an email on our Exchange server? And that will list the number of unread emails they have waiting in their inbox.

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Reading The Global Address List Form Exchange Server

Does anybody know of a good way to get a list of emails from the corporate
exchange server from a corporate website?

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CDONTS On WIN2003 Server,

I am moved to WIN2003 Server, and the server admin is saying CDONTS is no more supportable on Win2003 I don't like the CDOSYS

and tell me in detail what I need to do to get the CDONTS on my win2003

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CDONTS And Windows Server 2003 / IIS 6

I just set up an acct. with godaddy for a shared virtual dedicated server using Windows 2003 and IIS 6. None of my ASP scripts work to send emails using CDONTS. Research took me to how to install the cdonts.dll file and after doing so I don't get the error about not being able to create an ojbect but rather that of permissions on the line that has the .send. Other research led to me believe that windows 2003 does not support cdonts at all? I'd prefer to use CDO but I was told by Godaddy that the script below is not supported on a shared server - Code:

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CDONTS Not Working On W2000 Server

I am trying to run a test sending mail using CDONTS on my W2K3 machine.

It works fine running from my WXP Pro, but I don't recieve the mail if
run the W2K3 machine.

Both machines have IIS configured essentially the same. Code:

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Using CDONTS To Logon The IIS SMTP Server

Is it possible to logon to the SMTP server that comes with IIS from a machine other than the actual server. Ideally I would want to put some VB Script in an SQL Server Job Schedule or an ASP page that uses CDONTS and use it to pull the emails into the database. The SQL Server is on another machine on the network. Is this viable.

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Some one has posted this question on 10th August, as CDONTS is not working
on windows 2003 serever. I have the same problem and I copied CDONTS.DLL
from Windows 2000 Server and registered on Win 2003 server but it giving the
error on line when I calling method send of the object.

Error is
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'

Permission denied

I tried to register CDONTS as COM+ with Admin user right to execute but it
still giving same error.

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CDONTS And Windows Server 2003

if I can use CDONTS in W 2003 Server environment to send emails the same way it is used in W2K Server. I have heard that CDONTS is no longer available in W 2003 Server and if so, how can I send emails from ASP page.

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Web Forms And SMTP On Server 2003 (CDONTS)

Not sure which forum this belongs in, so here it is here as well as in the IIS forum

I am migrating a Windows 2000 Server Web Server with an older version of IIS to a new Windows 2003 Server with IIS 6.0.....Everything is working properly accept web forms which simply send an email via a SMTP service installed in IIS:

this is the code: ....

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How To Replace CDONTS With CDOSYS And Set The Server Name Property

I was told that I need to replace CDONTS with CDOSYS. Code:

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CDONTS.NewMail.1 Error '80020009' Unable To Connect To Server

I get the follow error on a linux box that is running sun asp:

CDONTS.NewMail.1 error '80020009' unable to connect to server

The error occurs when the Send Command is Executed. Here is my code:

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VB Configuration

Hi. We have an old ugly application that uses ASP 3.0.
We had to move it to another server recently (basically by copying it
and setting up in IIS), and as we did, we started experiencing
problems with VB.

The code that somehow worked on the old server produces errors. The
most frequent example is
If Request("ddlFilter") then ....
It worked on the old server, now it gives us a type mismatch error.
Also, the errors about index not being in the collection (such as
recordset column) were swallowed (didn't occur) before and now they
actually occur, overall it's like VB went to "strict mode" or

How do we make it lax again? Rewriting all that legacy code will be a

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IIS Configuration

I am trying to configure a new site with IIS. I set up the virtual directory.
When I tried to view it, by typing the ip addr. it does go to the index.shtm,
but goes to another page.

Then when I tried to view the index.shm it shows only the html content. It
gives a file not found error for the Virtual Incude (asp ) files. Is there
something to be done to view the virtual include files?

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Keep The Configuration

I'm using ASP to design a website. I know that I can keep some configurable values, such as Server Name, Database Name and even Login Username and Password in "web.config" under ASP.Net. As to ASP, is there a way like this? I'm curious about where to keep them.

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ASP Configuration

I have looked everywhere for asp code that would allow me to change the look of my IIS server generated directory listings. Eventually, I would love to change what is listed dynamically based on permissions, and allow uploading in the current directories.

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ASP/IIS Configuration Issue

I think this error that I am receiving is a simple one to resolve.

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

I have downloaded and installed the latest version of MDAC but the error remains.

I am attempting to configure IIS on a different drive ( E:inetpubwwwroot, instead of c:inetputwwwroot ). Could it be that SQL, ASP and IIS just have trouble talking across multiple drives? ( I have sql installed on a third drive ).

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ServerXMLHTTP Configuration

We use the following configuration on our development environment:
Server - win2k spk4
Local Computer - win2k spk3

We use the following code on the server to access a page on the local

Set objSrvHTTP = Server.CreateObject ("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.4.0")
strUrl = "http://" & strLocalComputer & "/maoz/ShowRecNum.asp" "GET", strUrl , false
lngRecNum= objSrvHTTP.responseText
set objSrvHTTP = nothing

When strLocalComputer contains the local computer name, we get the
requested page. But if we use the IP address of the local computer we
get the error :

msxml4.dll (0x80072EE7)
The server name or address could not be resolved.

We manage to run the URL with the IP address from a browser on the
server but not from a browser on the local computer. Any ideas ?

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Product Configuration

I am trying to create a product configuration tool and I'm not sure where to start. I have made a database with 4 columns..ID, component, compdescription and compcode. There are 8 different componets to configure on the product and the compcode holds the letters and numbers that eventually make up the part number when you make all your selections.

I want to be able to select one thing from each component category and submit to the database which will return a part number. I thought the easiest way to do this would be with 8 different drop down menus filled with all the options for that component category.

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Flexisearch Database Configuration

i have downloaded the elijathegold's flexisearch coding, but when i create the database and the table DisWords, and change the database connection from


to = server.Mappath("/flexisearch/new.mdb")<-line 54

an error message pop up and shown

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name too long
/flexisearch/flexitestbed.asp, line 54, hope the creator elijathegold or someone else have tried this fleixsearch can help me with this, thx a million

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Oracle Configuration Files

when I tried to run my ASP,I'm getting an error and to fix it, I need to run the configuriation file.but tnsping is not installed proper it seems.So can any one plz tell me the procedure to regenerate the oracle control files on WinXp?

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