Change One Value In A String

I want to check a string for a certain value then change that value to something else.
Example, user types in a value in a form "jim" , some code checks to see if the letter "m" is in the string. If it is it changes it to "t".

But we don't know if the string is jim everytime. Sometimes it could be "mark" or "quagmire". But for any string with letter "m" i want to change it to "t". So "mark" would become "tark", "quagmire" become "quatmire" Is this possible?

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Change A String

how to change a string to upper case.

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Change String

What is the code to change a string to all lowercase letters?

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Query String Change

I am using and have a page that does various Database calls based on the query string the I send in. I am also providing a link to the same page, but with one of the variables in the query string changed. The problem is that the page will not reload when I click it, it simply brings up a page with the exact same information.

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Change A String To Interger

I have a shop with products and on the product display page there is the price! This price can have discounts, extra charges etc and the calculations are done beofre the price is shown. The price is shown as $main_price which is in the format $1.23
How do I: Strip the $ off then convert the rest to interger so I can then do a calc like the following: PHP Code:

If $main_price >= 100.00 then

response.write "blah blah"

End if 

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How Do I Change A Currency Parameter To A String

I am trying read a currency column from an Access database and show the resultant value on the broswer using Response.Write.

ourPrice = CCur(rs("our_price"))

' Is the item free? If so, omit the price attribute completely
if ourPrice = "0" or ourPrice = "0.00" then
ourPrice = ""
end if

Response.Write ourPrice

Any body know how I can read from a currency column and write the value onto the browser as a string.

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When Change The Directory Then Date Format Will Change

I have virtual directory where I run test.asp page with only this code inside:

<%Response.Write now()%>

As a result, if I go into the IE and browse for the test.asp page, I get :
1/22/2004 14:18:04

If I copy this page on some other(existing) virtual directory, I get as a
result 22.1.2004 14:19:06

If I create a new virtual directory and I copy the page there, I get :
1/22/2004 14:18:04

Seems like that IIS takes english date format even if my regional setting is
d.M.yyyy and I would like that date on the page is always like this:
22.1.2004 14:19:06

Where I can change this setting?

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Web Forms / HTTP File Upload / String.Split A StreamReader.ReadLine() String

I'm developing an Asp.NET system to take a CSV file uploaded via the web, parse it, and insert the values into an SQL database. My sticking point comes when I try to split() the string returned by readline() on the file.

The following code snippet works for me:
tokens = "one,two,three,four".Split(",")
for each token in tokens

However, if I take the next line in the CSV, read using StreamReader.ReadLine on the PostedFile.InputStream, I receive "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." which I have narrowed down to be my string holding the line. Further investigation reveals that no other string member functions work on my line (.ToCharArray, .ToString, etc).

I suspect that StreamReader.ReadLine is not correctly returning a string, even though Response.Write(line) displays what I would expect .....

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String Functions Run On Empty String

I have a form in which several elements are expected to be all digits. Some of those elements can be left empty, but if specified they must be all digits. I have this Sub to edit them: ....

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Text String To A Interger String

I am pulling info from a sql server By default the query pulls back the inforamtion as text.Therefore when I go to calculate some figures its giving me a type mismatch error.
Is there a function in can call to convert a text string to an integer string using

rstSearch.Fields("name").Value .To pull back the info in a for loop

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)
Type mismatch

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if it is possible to change the location of the dlls of an application, by default, the assemblies of an application is loaded in the bin folder in the applications folder, can i change some configurations to save these dlls in another location?i'm using asp v1.1 and .net studio 2003.

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Want To Change Record

iam having problem ,relating to update a column in Access file in ASP
'Change' is column name , rs is recordset object ,and i want to update the values in 'Change' column by return values from a function .Iam using vb script in asp

rs ("Change").value = function()
this is generating error, and won't work

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Change Password

does anybody here have codes for "change password"?i am using dreamweaver 8 and MS Access

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Is It Possible To Change Global.asa From Asp

With global.asa application variables can be set. Later can a script in your
application change the value of those variables. But when IIS is restarted
the old values are used again. Is there a way to get the changes that are
done into global.asa?

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Change The Font

I need to generate a pdf file in classic asp script. It uses the arial font . But i need to change the font of the pdf file to Century Gothic. I am currently using fpdf.asp file to generate the pdf. Can anyone tell me how to change the font to Century? It would be pleasure if anyone could provide me the code for doing it.

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Change Menu

I want to have two pull down menus, 1 for continents and the other for
countries. On selecting the continent how can I change the menu of another
pulldown or how to display the list of corresponding countries in that. And if no continent is selected then nothing should appear in countries pulldown.

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Change Parameters

my management has now decided that wants the crystal report that I have developed to be available with 5 different options. The only thing really changing is the where clause of my sql statement that Crystal Reports uses in the expert wizard to create the report. All of the fields remain the same. Is there way to set parameters for sql statement that would changed "where" clause in displaying crystal report in crystalreportviewer to (where xfield=parameter1, x2field=parameter2, etc.)

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Change Language

I have some dynamic pages like asp files and the data comes from database.
What I need is to display the page content to diffrent languages.
Suppose user selects Germany and the page content changes to german language.

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Dynamically Change

With ASP is it possible to dynamically change the <title> tag depending on what record I am viewing? I know that you can do this isn and PHP but was wandering if its possible in ASP too

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Change In Request

I just moved my website from a Win2000 server to a Win2003 server. On the old server, we would prompt for the user name and password via the WWW-Authenticate header, retrieve the Base64 values provided by the user from Request("HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"), decode them, and validate the user against our database.However, after moving to Win2003 server, the user is no longer prompted for the user name and password. The HTTP_AUTHORIZATION comes back immediately, and decoding it reveals a very long string of garbage.

Obviously something has changed between these two version of IIS. Anyone
know what the problem may be?

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Change Registry With Asp

I have a html page that contain a form, I want to change windows registry, this key (LegalNoticeText) to amount of the text box in the form how I can do this?

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Change Text Value

I have a combo which has 2 values.I want when its value is changed then its value should be display in a text box.

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Change A Table Row

I have been trying to use If Then Else Statements and CSS to make different table rows change to different text colors based on a field that is queried. For instance when displaying a row of data that has the Memo field marked as rework I would like all the text colored Red.I have 3 different instances that I need to work with. Can someone point me in the right direction to make this work?

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Change The Default

Using a DetailsView to update data in SQL 2005, How do I change the default "Update" hyperlink to a more user friendly button?

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Change Dropdown

Is it possible to change the dropdown values in a <select> tag based on the Server Variables LOGON_USER?For instance, if userA is the LOGON_USER, the dropdown would show option 1, option 2, option 3, option 4. If userB is the LOGON_USER, the dropdown would show option 5, option 6, option 7, option 8.

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Logic To Change

i ussually use .this one use request.quarystring right?so, what is the logic to change to

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Character Change

I have a site with a simple admin tool (cut and paste text into a form field etc)henever someone copies in text with quotation marks, dollar/pound signs and then submits it to the database, the text shown on the front end contains ? marks instead.I have read this may be due to special characters or something, is there anyway to stop this
happening or filter it out as the admin is for general use by registered people.

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Change Records

I have made a case for changing values in the recordset but when I click on the submit buttom nothing happens. Can anyone see whats wrong?

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Change The Date

We want the currently date display in the input box (asp code), if the user wants to change the date, they can pick a diff. date from "date picker calendar". It picks the date...and it works fine.

When I try to submit, it doesn't submit the Date that I picked. I view the source code, it seems like it doesn't change the New DATE that I picked from the calendar. How can make its value change?

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Change Variable Name

Is it possible to change a variable name? I need to store some information to be displayed to the users in a variable but I need to change the name of this variable. So what I need to do is read some info from the db, create a recordset and then read the first row of the recordset and store the result in a variable named Answer_1, read the next line and store the result in the variable Answer_2, is it possible?

I tried the following code:

Answer_"" & Counter & "" = "" & rsResult("Answer") & ""

But it doesn't seem to work.

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Change The Line

let's say I have this string in the DB:

and also id=101

how can I change "s" to be "100,102,103" ?

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Change The Link

i got an image hardcode linked to another webpage like below.

<a target="_blank" href="">
<img src="picture.jpg"></a>

assuming it is an email i forward to many people every month. i want this particular image link to be "changeable" so that i can change it when i want to. instead of having everyone who receives this email change the link themselves.

i want to be able to go to 1 place n change the link so that every1 who has this link will see the new page i have linked it to. how can i do that?

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Event Change

I have been web-enabling alot of an access database with forms and asp. In the database, there is a field in the record stating weather it's open or closed. By default, the value is open. When the record is changed to closed, I want to have an email sent -- confirmation (record number and column values) page to the email address in the record.

I would like to have this automated and scheduled to run every night. It would go through the database to see which records = closed by "completed_date" type of thing. And each record that was closed have the email sent to address in the record. how this can be done?

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