Changing Application Variables

i would need to know if i can permanently modify the content of the global.asa file.

I am writing a web log in form that enables users to change their password (i dont need much security, this is more for practical purpose so i use application variables), these passwords are defined in the Application_OnStart() event but i would like to be able to change them without having to manually rewrite them.

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Application Variables Changing

users login and can navigate an administration area, however, at random (it seems) when you click on a link to navigate to another spot in the admin portion the application variable used to denote the user as an admin is getting changed, and therefore load the homepage because it thinks you are not logged in. any suggestions? need more info?

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ASP Application Variables

I am using IIS 6.0 and am trying to use application variables to track uasge. They work fine as long as there is an active client but about 20 minutes after the last activity they are reset to the default values declared in the global.asa file.

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Application Variables

If I'd use 1000+ application variables, would it decrease my server's performance?

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Application Variables

I'm building a web app with a lot of ASP files which I'd like to split out into several different subfolders. However, I noticed that application variables that I set up in my Application_OnStart event sometimes survive switching to a different folder while at other times they do not. I am relatively new to ASP so I'm not sure if I'm doing something that inadvertently unassigns these variables.

One thing I kow I'm not doing is explicitly reassigning or unassigning them.My other option is to assign them in a default.asp or some other generic file that I replicate in all my folders and include in the entry point asp file to each folder,but I'd rather avoid the redundancy so as not to complicate maintenance further.

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Application Variables

can I put together an object (not too big, just a small array or something) and chuck it in an Application variable or are there better ways to do this? Sessions are okay if it's a better alternative to Application but I'd rather skip cookies if I can.

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Abt Application Variables

I would like to know what are the Advantages &
Disadvantages of using Application variables in an ASP page.
In my application I would like to store some physical
paths from database to application variables.

I'm in a dilemma whether to hold this values in
application variables or in server side variables in
an include file. Please help me with this..

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Session And Application Variables

I've got two domain names sharing the same IP address that use ASP VBScript
If I set a session variable with domain 1, it is only available for domain 1 - this is
If I set an application variable with domain 1, the app variable is sharing across all
domains using that IP address - this is correct?
This is the behavior I am seeing and I want to make sure that my server is set up
correct. I especially want to make sure application variable behavior is correct.

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Application Variables And Arrays

Has anyone worked with Application variables in an array format? I need to create a list of 40 items using some sort of persistant array. I can do this with a DB, but in this case, it would not be efficient.

I did a few tests by trying to pass an array to an Application var, but can't seem to get it back.

<% Dim MyArray(39)
'populate the array
Application("myArray") = myArray

then on another page, I tried

Dim myArray(39)
myArray = Application("myArray")
'loop through the retrieved elements

This doesn't seem to work.. anyone did something similar with good results?

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Session An Application Variables

I want to store the link of the page that each user of my web site visited so it can help me to personalise information for each user depending on the pages visited.I don''t know what kind of variable should I use.

If I understand well, a Session variable is deleted when the session end so when a user close the browser and then reconnect to my web site, the session variables used the first time will be deleted and I can''t keep track of the pages visited.Same thing for the application variable except that the variables will be deleted when the application stops.

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Destroying Application Variables?

I intend to use application variables to control access to editable blocks on an intranet site. There are about 300 blocks currently and that may grow to as many as 400 as time goes along.

Using the scheme I am thinking of an application variable will contain the username of the person currently editing a block. Is there a way to "destroy" the application variable so it no longer occupies memory or is this anything to be concerned about? I don't plan to place much more than a 20 character string into the variable.

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Global.asa And Session/application Variables

I have absolutely no idea how global.asa works. I've read through quite a number of articles and they're all fine and dandy but implementing it on my (first) ASP application just doesn't work. It's amazing how ASP.NET automates everything for you.

Anyway, I need to store session variables and I have no idea how to. I have no global.asa file, but I can declare session variables fine. So does that mean that somewhere in the ASP process, a Session_OnStart() method's already running.

If I create a global.asa file, I put it in the same directory with other ASP files right?

A global.asa file should contain the basic four application/session methods... and shouldn't really contain much code, unless I want to start a variable with a default value. True or false (I say true). Code:

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Application Variables Vs Include File

What are the best methods for using global constants and variables? I've noticed that many people put all global constants in a file and include that file on every page. This is the best way of doing it - is it not? Once the application has loaded the page it is cached and is immediately available for other pages.

With global variables - the best thing to do would be to use application variables - so long as there weren't too many declared. Is there another (easy) way of using global variables apart from using application variables?

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Global.asa & Resetting/clearing/deleting Application Variables

I'm just dipping my toes into server-side scripting.

The Global.asa file seemed really nice, but am I understanding correctly that the application onstart event is fired ONLY when the server is started/re-started or when the FIRST user logs onto an ASP application?

If that's the case, then all the changes I keep making to my Global.asa file are pretty useless, right? (which seems to be the case -- i.e., my pages are not using any of the new information). Code:

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Application Object :: Existence Of Variables, Resources And Locks

I'm using application variables for a web based sales tracking application. I use the variables for stuff like connection string, database name, etc. I store the values in a asp file that is included in a login page. The assignments are in a procedure that I then call on the login page. This is done everytime a user connects to
the login page.

what's happening to the variables? Are they being overwritten everytime a user accesses the page? I'm not checking for the existence of the variables. I just call the routine everytime the page is accessed. I know the values are shared for all users but, I was wondering if I should check for the existence of variables? Will it free up resources? Should I be using locks?

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Access VB Application From Web Application

We have our web-site developed in classic ASP, and I need to add this additional feature on one of the pages to access a VB application. How can I do that? The VB application basically sends output to the COM3 port and opens a USB-Cash drawer that is attached to it. I am not sure how to go about with this.

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Difference Between Environment Variables And Server Variables

can anyone tell me difference between environment variables and server variables.

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Last week I posted in the graphics forums regarding a photo I have that I needed to slowly change from day to night.Now I have the various stages, I need them to display on my site, according to the time of day.For example:

Between 5am and 7am display the early morning picture
Between 7am and 5pm display the day picture
Between 5pm and 7pm displayy the evening picture

and so forth.

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Changing Domain

I'm having a domain change foisted upon me and the test I did resulted
in every last ASP and
ASP.Net script stopping cold. Nothing but plain old html worked.
Is there a FAQ or some other document available that outlines what has
to be done when the
IIS server machine is disconnected from one domain controller and
reconnected to a totally different one? If not, does anyone here know
what would have to be changed to make the ASP code play nice in the new
domain?A relevant bit of info, they're also changing the name of the
administrator account. I don't know if that would contribute to the
death of ASP* on the system, but it might.

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Changing Date

i have an insert record and edit record page. When inserting to the db, it uses now(). When I go to edit an existing record the date stays as the original date. How do I make the date change to the amended edit date?

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Changing Order

I have used ASP for years using MS Access and have used MSSQL quite a lot as
well. I have never came across something like this before.

MSSQL table names and types:

ProductName nvarchar
ShortDescription nText
ThumbNail nvarchar

When I have the recordset in the order as follows, all works well:

Though if I have the Thumbnail first the description does'nt show.

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Changing Labels

how best to convert an application which is all in English to be able to roll the app out to say Germany or France and it all appears in the correct language

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Changing Frames

My site uses frames.I have a header frame, a menu frame and a main frame. When the page opens, the header frame and the main frame are generic. The main frame has a log-in dialog. Once the user logs in, they are taken to a 'main' page and I want to replace the header and menu frames with other frames .

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Changing Column

I need to set up an HTML table or the like, with 4 columns.
Each column needs to have a header with a FRIDAY (dd/mm/yy) date.
i.e. this weeks Fridays date is 16th Feb, the following is 23rd Feb
So, I need column 1 to be headed 16th Feb, col 2 to show 23rd Feb etc.
As this week passes, the dates need to move up 1 week, so that next
week, col 1 will display 23rd Feb and so on.
These headers need to change according to the date.
Please can you advise how I best achieve this ?

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Display Changing

I was talking to someone back at Uni. He showed me his web site. He had - and + to increase the size of his web page or to decrease it so the user can always see everything on screen.
He did it in asp. I'm interested to know how it was done.Does anybody know how to do this?

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Changing Text Box Value

I have two textbox in the form. what i want to do is update the second text box based on the sponsorid entered by the user. I want to display the member name based on the memberid which is retrieved from the database on the bases of entered sponsorid by the user.

i extracted all the data when the page loads from the database but unable to call it on blur event of the text box. The variables cannot be accessed in the vbscript because these are for server side and not accessable on the client side. What is the way around this problem.

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SessionID Keeps Changing?

When I create a simple page with this code, the sessionID shows differently
each time I refresh the page.

On every other refresh it is blank, on every other, it is new. What is
happening here?

Dim sessStr as String
sessStr = Response.Cookies("ASP.NET_SessionId").Value
Response.Write("Session ID=" & sessStr)

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Changing The Port (80) Of IIS

i am running iis and apache i want to change the port of iis to e.g can i change it?

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Changing Character

I want to convert the first character to Upper case, while the rest remain lower case.

variable = lcase(left(blablabla,9))

let say now the "variable = abcdefghi"

How can I convert ONLY the first character to uppercase?so that the variable will be holding "Abcdefghi" ?

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Changing Password In ASP

i want to know how to change the password or replace it with new password and for more details see the attachment. note that i am using Dream weaver for development and Access database to save users information.

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Changing Domain

I have domain name, eg Use the Dynamic DNS web site to register. How the IP of can be shown once I click The Domain Name,

Then show

Is it the ASP program can help me? or any other solution.

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Changing Text From DB

I am running a marquee across the top of my page. The text for the marquee is initially loaded from a SQL Server Database. However, as users look at this page the text may be updated by an administrator of the site.

To account for this, I tried to use VBScript to code the onstart event of the marquee. In the script I was trying to check for updated text but I don't believe it is possible as it seems the database code only runs on initial loading of the page. Any ideas on how to requery the database for the updated text?

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Title Tag Changing

I run a site using a blog script (dblog) where if you want to open an article from the homepage, it links to a page called article.asp. For example if I want to open article 101 the link goes to article.asp?article=101 but the title (the metatag) is always the same.

What I want to do is having the title change from article to article, retrieving it from the database. So if I open article.asp?article=101 the <title> displays the title of the article 101.

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