Changing Cell Color Depending On Content

Is there a way of having a cells bg color change depending on its content? And what would be the best way of doing it?

I am wanting to use a traffic light style system for coloring number content cells. 0-33 Red, 34-66 Amber, 67> Green

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Change The Text Color In Input Box Depending On The Value Of It

I want to change the text color of the input box depending on the value entered by user.

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Changing The Background Color

how to change the background color of a web form programatically from C#. I have found examples on the web for Visual Basic, but I can't get them to work in C#.

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Mouseover Based On Cell Content

My asp page pulls from the database into a table for example


What i want to do is create a mouseover based on what that content is, rather like when you hold your mouse over a image and view what the alt tage says i want it to display a short description of what the item means: I.E

AName AITEM ANOTHER SOMETHING <---- users mouseover "Something = Something that has a description"

This has to be dynamic based on the value in the table cell

Anyone have any ideas?

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HTML Or XML Depending On Client.

Suppose I have a widget A that I would like to embed in several websites B,
C, and D.

Sites B and C are happy with the widget the way I've styled it but site D
isn't and wants to restyle it themselves.

What would be the best way of doing this in ASP? My thoughts are that I
have an ASP page that determines in a query string has been provided (issued
to site D) and returns XML otherwise returns my formatted HTML.

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Run Commands Depending On Origin

Is there a way to tell an asp file which set of commands to run depending on what file they just came from?

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Using ASP To Replace Content But Not Tag Content In HTML Pages

Using ASP I'd like to modify a string that contains HTML. I need to modify the content (the bit that the users see) but not the stuff in the tags. For example, if I had the following string Code:

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Sending An Email Depending On CheckBox Value

I have an ASP page with ten checkboxes and depending on which checkbox is selected I need to send an email to a specific recipient.

Thus far, I am able to send the values from page one to page two, but using CDONTS email functionality isn't really working. Actually, I can't imagine where to begin.

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Different Messages Displayed Depending On Stock Level

I want to display a different message deppending on the amount of stock left. For example if there is no stock i would like to display "out of stock", if the item is in stock display "in stock". Code:

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Load Different Code Depending On Number Of URL Variables

Currently, when I'm building dynamic pages I build a page (for example, default.asp?ID=2) to process one variable within the dynamic URL (ID), and find myself having to create a seperate page if I want to process 2 variables for the same content (i.e default.asp?ID=2&Dt=3).

Surely there's a way of loading different content on the page depending if the URL you to the page has either one or more URL variables - is there a way of doing this? I've been thinking about it, and would it be simplest just writing an IF statement (e.g : if the URL contains only one URL variable, load this content, if it contains 2 URL variables, load this other content.

Would someone please be able to give me an example of how this IF statement would be written?, as I've never had the need to write an IF statement before. If you are able to give me an example of the IF statement I'm after, would you be kind enough to comment it aswell so I can understand the methodology behind it?

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JavaScript - Display Text, Depending On Input

I want to have a user input a value (1 through 10) in a form. Then click submit. and right under that have text appear depending on what they input. This is what I have, but it doesn't work. I'm not understanding the flow of the script getting called. Code:

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Reading The Cell

I have to upload one excel file. In that excel file I need to check the availability of data in particular cells and also the worksheet name. If the data is not available at particular cell, say for eg: $F1, an error should be thrown to user saying that the data is manadatory. How to do that? How to read the particular cell in ASP? If anybody knows the code, please send the same.

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Get Value Of Excel Cell

I have been toying with various resources I have found on here and the web - but would like to know specifically how to get the contents of an excel cell on a particular sheet using .asp?.

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How To Set Form Fieds Depending On Selected Item In Drop Down List

I am having a drop down list and other text boxes in a form. I need to retrive and fill text boxes from database depending on the selected item in drop down list. I am using javascript as scripting language. Can any body give solution.

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Session Retrieve Of Username Depending On Which User Logs Into The System?

I have my system set-up, where by when a user accesses the cms, a time stamp is added to the database. So we can keep check of when people accessed the system.

The added benefit of my addition, is that a session timeout is usable based on the inputted timestamp the user logged in. I added this functionaility because the system could be idle for some time and if so set the session to equal nothing or similar.

However what would be a nice feature of the cms is the display of the current user.

Below is code I have inputted to give some idea of what I am doing

Session("ADID") = objRS("adminID")
objConn.Execute("UPDATE tblAdmin SET adminLastLogged=now() WHERE adminID=" & Session("ADID"))

Session.Timeout = 30 ' 30 = Minutes

SO does anyone know how I can retireve the adminUsername based on the session used when loggin into the system.

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ASPGRID Cell Change

I am displaying the table using ASPGRID.In Edit mode,the column2 displays an array of values.On selection of a value from Column2 the column3 value should be automatically populated based on the Column2 value.

The cell change event of column2 should be captured and display the column3 values based on the column2 value. Is there any way to track the cell change?

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Datagrid Cell Colour

I am not sure if this is possible but is there a way to change the color of a datagrid cell when a condition is met? For example, let's say if percent_changed >10 then change cell color to orange if percent_changed >25 then change cell color to red.

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Excel Cell Properties

Is it possible to set a cell property in Excel from an ASP page. We have numerical data that is taken from a database and then displayed in Excel. I would like ideally all the data to be set at 2 decimal places, is there anyway of setting this from the ASP page?

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Cell Background Colors

I have a table with coloured cells. I want to print out the table via IE with the coloured cells. But the outcome of the table does not have the cells coloured.

Are there ways to force out the colouring of the cells in the print outs?Either via php/asp/css or any means.

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ASP And Excel Cell Formatting Issues

I came across a problem when importing my data results into Excel. The whole table outputs perfectly but a particular field which is generally large (13 characters long) presents as some random integer which shouldn't be the case. I click on Tools -> Format Cells and change its value to number and to 0 decimal places and great it works.

Am I able to do this before I get into Excel? Or would this always have to be done by the user?

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Reading Data Excel Cell

Is anyone aware of a 255 character limit when reading data from a particular Excel cell? I'm experiencing when pulling straight text from an Excel spreadsheet, which otherwise works fine. Right at 255 characters, the data is truncated and I only see that bit of information.I've searched Google and came up with a few registry modifications, neither of which fixed the issue. Has anyone else ran into this?

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Cell/td On Mouse Click Event Using ASP

I have a basic page for which I have included some of the code for at the
end of this message. It may not run correctly as I have cropped out a lot
of code.

I am trying to handle the click event for a cell. From the code you should
be able to see that I am handling the mouse over event and would like to
link to another page via the cell click.

I addition, but not too important at the moment, I would like to pass a
string or two across to the called page. For example link to the next page
and within that page identify which cell was clicked and possible pass a
string for the image used in the clicked cell. Code:

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Excel Wrap Inside Cell

What ASP code can I use, for an ASP-generated spreadsheet, to force a cell to wrap if the content is longer than the width I have specified for that cell?

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Anyone Know How To Send A Message To A Cell Phone?

I have a situation where I need to send a text message to a cell phone. Any ideas?

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Reading Exel Cell More Than 255 Characters

Im trying to read an Excel file using OLE DB. I have around 500 characters in one cell. But the program is reading only 255 characters. How do i make my program to read all characters?

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Submit Dynamic Cell Values To Asp Page

I have an asp page where im creating dynamic rows on an onclick function and textboxes are created in the dynamic rows and when i submit the asp page it goes to another asp page, where i whant the values entered in the textboxes of dynamically created row of the previous asp page. Code:

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HTML Table In Excel With Line Feed In Cell

I an using ASP to read a database table and generate an HTML table
which is save via FSO with a file extension of .xls which opens up
in MS-Excel. I am inserting several lines of text into a cell and would
like to force a line break between them.

I recorded an MS-Excel macro so see how Alt-Enter was captured
which turned out to be Chr(10) which is the same as vbLf (right?)

I tried inserting that in character in the text but it didn't show up as
a line break in MS-Excel.

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BG Color

I have data outputted to the table such as (where * are dividers):
Name 01 * Category 1
Name 02 * Category 1
Name 03 * Category 2
Name 04 * Category 2
Name 05 * Category 2
Name 06 * Category 2
Name 07 * Category 3
Name 08 * Category 3
Name 09 * Category 4
Name 10 * Category 5
Name 11 * Category 5

I want each "Category" to have it's own background color, aletranting colors would be ideal so:

Name 01 * Category 1 (Background Color #fff)
Name 02 * Category 1 (Background Color #fff)
Name 03 * Category 2 (Background Color #ffc)
Name 04 * Category 2 (Background Color #ffc)
Name 05 * Category 2 (Background Color #ffc)
Name 06 * Category 2 (Background Color #ffc)
Name 07 * Category 3 (Background Color #fff)
Name 08 * Category 3 (Background Color #fff)
Name 09 * Category 4 (Background Color #ffc)
Name 10 * Category 5 (Background Color #fff)
Name 11 * Category 5 (Background Color #ffc)

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Font Color

i want to give font color red to each head line to concanate with this '<%=RS1("headline")%>';

Do while NOT RS1.EOF

theSummaries[<%=i%>] = '<%=RS1("headline")%>';
theSiteLinks[<%=i%>] = '';
i = i+1

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Color Code

I have got a peculiar requirement. I want to distinquish between the color codes.

I have got two text fields and i will enter the color codes there. The first text field will have background color The second will have text color.

I want to validate if background color is dark then only light colors should be entered in text. and vice versa.

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Hypertext Color

Is there a way to control the hypertext color. I noticed mine are blue when not clicked and red/purple when checked. Is there a way I can make them say white and blue?

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Background Color

I have built an asp app that sends an e-card to selected recipients along
with the text entered by the user. Well, on some machines the text is not
visible because the background color of the table is not going across
correct. The background color is supposed to be teal with white letters.
However the background is going across white with withe letters on some
machines. I am using the same browser (version and everything) as one of the
machines that can't see it the correct way. I am able to see it fine. I have
put in the back color for all of the cells the table, etc but it's still
going through white. What would cause this to happen?

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Color Options

I was asked to incorporate colour options for items sold in my shopping cart such as pens.So if I am selling a pen that comes in 4 or 5 or more colours, then I have to create the number of types of collours for the pen. I am looking at creating a colour dropdowns for individual items , but I am not sure how I can do this in backend.I am using Access database and using ASP programming. This is the link which is an example of what I mentioned .appreciate if anyone familliar with this function

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