Check Box Value Stored In Data Base

I have a few check boxs on a page. What I want to do is if a box is checks a value of Y is stored in the database. Could you please show me how to do this?

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Data Base First?

Do I create and name all pages with .asp or still in .html. when creating a drop down menu, assuming all the tags are in place, how do i test the site on the server?

so do i create the html pages first or the data base first or does it matter? where is the data base created in notepad or excel?

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SQL Connection With Data Base

I have been using php for a while now but have recently had to start using asp. I have purchased some hosting from but have been having trouble connecting to the sql server, could someone possible help me here as I don't know what is the correct code to use to start with let alone know where I have gone wrong.

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Access Data Base

This error occured with me when i want to open my access database:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x888 Thread 0x1288 DBC 0x2e8f014 Jet'.

/AAA/Afghanistan.asp, line 374

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Adding Records To Data Base?

I have a data base that I wish to add a record to. I have many fields to ender, but I was testing my code with just one and it works just fine : Code:

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How To Get The Function Value And Store In Data Base?

Im creating mcq questions using asp and have problems in storing the scores into my database..

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Data Update To Data Base

Dreamweaver created code to update to data base. But when testing on website i get the following message. I have no clue what it might be.
Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14'
Syntax error in UPDATE statement.
/admin/update.asp, line 111
line 11 is strName.execute
I read it might be forbiden characters in the data base field names or spaces...
but i don't have that. the names are userName, userLevel, ID, Password.

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How Can Insert The Image In Access Data Base In ASP

how can i insert the images in any format in MS Access database using the ASP plz give me a simplest and easy code which i can use in ASP

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Stored Procedure - Check IF Exists....

I have a stored procedure that basically checks to see if a record exists Code:

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Check For Data

I have the below page built to display - and it works, as long as there is current inventory for it to display. However, it just occurred to me that when the user first logs in, there will not be any listings to display to them (nothing to pull from inventory).

Can anyone tell me how to alter my below code to still allow the user to add, delete, or edit listings? In other words, when this page comes up, it will not display the link for them to add information to the database. Code:

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Check Availability Of Data

how to check the availability of data in table. If there is, I want a messagebox to prompt the users.

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Can't Find Error. Issue With Variables, Forms, And Displaying Stored SQL Data

1) This is page built as a form which displays the content of a SQL database (a specific row) for users to update.

2) Each form field contains the actual information that the database has at this time (some Columns May or May not have info in it. No actual way to determine if its NULL or Just Empty).

3) I have the actual row selector based on the Unique ID (autonumber value). Its selected from a previous page and passed through GET.


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What Data Type Should I Use For Yes Or No Check Boxes?

how's the best way to handle yes or no check boxes in a form and DB?

I am building an apllication using ASP and MS SQL 2000. The form will have a total of
34 yes and no check boxes. That is, users will have to make a choice(s) by checking either one.

So my question is, for efficiency on the SQL side, what's the best data type to use?

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Inserting Data :: Check If It Already Exists

I want to know how to search a database if a particular data is contained in it and then if the data is not there the page should go ahead to insert the data into the database and then redirect the user to another page but if the data is alraedy there it should go ahead a query another table where the user infomation where also stored.

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Check If A Text Box Data Is In Date Format?

Is this possible to check if a text box on form.htm is in mm/dd/yyyy format before submitting to asp page?

if you enter say 2/2/04 it gives a incorrect date format error. The asp page uses this text box in the select statement for a db2 table query that is a date field.

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2 Base Using In ASP

I'm trying to build an application in ASP and using multiple database, but I've receiving some problem, have any idea or have any sample scripts to use multiple database?

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Base Href

I'm using W2k Pro, ASP 3, IIS 5 & DWMX 6.1 and code in VBSCRIPT
I currently use the <BASE href=XXXX> in all my pages and just read
that this tag is no longer supported so will soon vanish
I have a couple of sites that I'm working on and to make all my links
work right etc I need to use the base href tag


where online the base href would be

all my links are like <img src=images/mylogo.gif> or <a

Now my problem is how else would I design my sites if I cant use the
Base href tag so the site would work both on LOCAL & REMOTE servers as
needed in the above paths?I'm sure other people develop on a WIN 2k PRO system where you canonly have ONE site (c:inetputwwwrooot) Which was fine when I only
had one site... but when I needed a second I had to change my first to
use the Base href so I could check the sites out locally (offline)
before uploading them to a live server.

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Knowledge Base Script..

Can anyone point me in the direction of a freely-available Knowledge Base/FAQ script, compatible with iis5 and ms sql.

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Microsoft Knowledge Base Article

i wanted to get the 411 on this article. I want to create a small utility web site with a logon page and a form connected to an Access database. The article below explains exactly how but when I try this I can only see the code no actual logon page - nothing but code.

My system is asp allowed and extensions allowed. FP 2002 extensions allowed. All other extensions are prohibited. I am using w2k3 IIS 6.0 and running 3 html sites succesfully all with working forms. Is there something on the server/website itself I need to enable?Why do I only see code and not a logon page as described in the article?

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Update Excel File Fromdata Base

I want to update Excel file when i update database.

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Populate List Box Base On Combo Box Selection

how do i get a value from a combo box and populate a list box base on the selected value from a combo box? If possible can i get a sample coding.

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<base Target="???">

Is there any way to set <base target="_blank"> for links which link to a
page outside the domain, and <base target="_self"> for links which link to a
page inside the domain?

Can i do such a thing in the global.asa file or maybe in an other include
asp file? I am working on a site with 3-4000 hyperlinks, and I do not look
forward to "marching" through every each one ove them and set target to
_blank og _self...

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Are Cookies Stored In RAM?

I know that cookies are stored with a txt file in the client PC. but are cookies even stored in RAM? cuz i can access the cookie information but i cannot see the cookie a txt related to that in my PC...

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Stored Queries

I am running the following code to an access database

' Recordset Object
Dim rs

' connecting to database
con.Open connStr

' executing stored procedure
Set rs = con.Execute ("exec SpotDesc")

' showing all records
While Not rs.EOF
Response.Write rs(0) & " " & rs(1) & "<br>"


' closing connection and freeing resources

Set rs = Nothing

This works and runs the stored procedure SpotDesc.

One question I have is that this line brings back the results

Response.Write rs(0) & " " & rs(1) & "<br>"

but requires me to know how many colums are being returned, ie rs(0) is column 1 and rs(1) is column 2

Is there a way of writing this line and it places all the columns there wheter it be 1, 2, or 3?

Ie a way of know how many columns are returned...

Is there also a way to show the column heading?

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Stored Procedures!

Just a quick question. I am using Sql Server 2000 and calling stored procedures from asp.
At this stage i am forgoing using the ADO command object and am simply create dynamic like sql statement for store procedure execution.

My question is, I find the code below quite messy, particularly when it comes to checking for option parameters using if statements. Is their a better way to write this, keeping in mind i have to check in a value exists before adding the appropriate parameter
to the stored procedure call.

Is there are more elegant way?....

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Trying To Use A Stored Procedure

I'm trying to access a stored procedure on our AS400 that is written in RPG. I know that the stored procedure works (I've called it from an RPG program on the AS400), and I know that the connection to the AS400 is good, because this same ASP page is reading data via SQL. However, when I try to call the stored procedure, I can't tell if anything is actually happening. All that I know is that the end result is not being changed, so I suspect that the procedure isn't being called correctly.

My stored procedure is used to encrypt/decrypt data. It has 3 parameters - a 1 character flag telling it whether to encrypt or decrypt, a 25 character field for the plaintext data, and a 50 character field for the encrypted data. The last two parameters are used for either input or output, depending on the value of the first
flag (if the flag is "E", then the plaintext is used as input and the program fills the encrypted data field. If the flag is "D", then vice - versa).

Here is the code where I call my stored procedure. I'm trying to decrypt data from the queryString and place it in some program variables. I'm new to ASP, and can't find any good examples for my situation, so I pieced this together from what examples I found
online. Can anyone tell me what I'm missing?

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Stored Procedures

A while back people were looking into stored procedures and code to list which ones exist
Does anyone know the code to list all the stored procedures in a my sql database?

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Stored Proc

I need to also add an AND after the where like

WHERE (Id = @CId)
and MAX(end) < NOW()

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.[sp_rsgroup]
@Id int

SELECT ISNULL(Group, '') AS GroupCalc, MIN(start) AS START, COUNT(Id) AS Count
FROM Table
WHERE (Id = @CId)
ORDER BY start

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Sql Stored Procedure

I have a problem with input parameter which has Decimal DataType. Stored procedure works but it rounds all
values, i.e 5.555 input becomes 6 and 1.3 input becomes 1.
In table QTY has data type decimal(5) - precision(8) scale(3).
Please, suggest what's wrong with this:

newqty = Request.Form("quantity")
cmd.Parameters.Append(cmd.CreateParameter("qty", adDecimal, adParamInput, 5, newqty))
cmd.Parameters("qty").Precision = 8
cmd.Parameters("qty").NumericScale = 3

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URL Stored In Database

I have included in my database a location (web URL) of a file that the person using my site can click on and it will work as a normal hyperlink and go to that page.

In case that doesn't make sense,

Say this is my database:



I want to display on my page Sarah and Sarah be hyperlinked. The hyperlink is pulled from the database as well as Sarah.

Here is the code I have,

<a href = "<% =recordset("LocationURL") %>"> <%Response.Write recordset("IMEtitle")%></a>

Everything appears fine, but when I click the link it says just adds it to the end, it looks something like this:

Whereas it should look like:

I have done this sort of thing in PHP, but I am not sure how to do it in ASP.

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Points To Be Stored

there will be 4 files for 2 questions. Qn1.asp Q2.asp Check1.asp Check2.asp
Check1.asp consist of the codes below to check Q1.asp and Check2.asp is to check Q2.asp
What do i need to put in the "" in both check1.asp and check2.asp so that if the user answer both the qn correctly it will 2 out of 2.. both wrong 0 out of 2 and so on.. I want the points to be stored inside a database..

result= Round(CLng(r3)*CLng(I)/(CLng(r2)+CLng(r3)))

if (CStr(result) = CStr(urans)) then
" "
elseif (CStr(result) <> CStr(urans)) then
" "
End if

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Stored Procedures

could anyone provide me with some simple example code of asp classic
calling adodb? specifically, i'd like the code to:
- call a couple of stored procedures that have optional parameters
- share a connection over the two calls

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Stored In MSSQL

I am new to programming and I managed to store images in MSSQL.
The problem I have is that when I retrieve the image from the database
and display it in my browser it opens a new window. I would like to use
the image control, but it requires a url. Is there anyway of viewing that image
in the image control or keeping it in the same page where my information is
but displaying it where and when I want it

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