Check If Page Is Down

I would like to check if a website is currently down, but don't know how to do this efficiently. I do not have access to the remote server. I have tried using XMLHTTP, and it worked, it just took a long time and I felt it wasn't effecient enough. Is there some other way to check if the website is up or not using ASP?

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Check Box On Next Page

i m looking to set up a 2 pages, one that has a apply button and one that has a checkbox. I want it so if the user clicks on a apply button , it will automatically check a checkbox on the next page.

at the moment if the user clicks apply it just transfers them to page but doesnt check the box, i need it to check the box on the the screen that the user gets transferred to.

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Check Current Page

I want to check if the name of my current page is index.asp for example, to specify a certain css class but this doesn't work

<li <% if Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") = "index.asp" then Response.write "class=""here"""%>>

What's the proper method?

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Check In ASP Login Page

I created this logon page that takes a user ID and password and logs in the user. The user Id is the email address of the person loging in.

I also have the reset password option on my page. Here is bug on my page, even if the user's email address doesnt exist in the database as they have not requested access but because they know that the userID is email address they think that because they have email address they should be able to login and when they cant login and get message access denied they try and reset their password which works.

I dont want the reset password option to work if the user has not been provided the access yet.

Here is my login code can anyone tell me how to put a flag to check and see if the user's email address exist. Code:

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Check Box In Login Page

How to provide remember me check box on login page in asp coding. So that user can be remembered by his local m/c if he wants. Any code support / link in this regard.

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Check Asp Page Activity

iam working on a forum.many users access this forum and post good number of messages.
but sometimes i get strange errors like "The system cannot find the file specified. "
I suspect this is cuz load factor or may be bad sql statements.

how can i check the asp page activity like whether all the objects are closed are still running? amount of time a perticlar page is taking to execute? under what circunstances does the above error occur?

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Check Loading Of A Page

how can i check if page was initialiy loaded or if it's postback?

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On Change Check A Checkbox In The Same Page!!!

I want to check a checkbox automatically once a value in input box is changed, both the input box and check box belong to one row of a table.

I used the onChange event in the input tag and called the a Javascript(I am sure I am not doing it right here), but it doesnt change the checkbox status.

Can somebody please give me some examples on how the status of the checkbox can be changed.

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Check Existence Of File Using VBScript In ASP Page

Is there a way to check if a file exist using VBScript in an ASP page.
So the code might go something like this:

If Exists("C:Junk1.txt") then
Do something
Do something else
End If

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Display Ms Access True/false Fields As Check Marks On ASP Page

what is the easiest way to display Yes/No, True/Falst, On/Off MS Access fields as check marks on an ASP page? it would be either checked or unchecked.

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Check For .Net From ASP

I'm working on a "hybrid" application some classic ASP, and some I'm trying to develop a support type page that checks necessary
components, database connections etc.. last item is to check for the .NET
extensions. Is there a way to do that from a classic ASP page?

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Log Check In ASP

I am working on a website that requires a login before accessing an appointment book application written in ASP.Basically what I want to do is when the customer first clicks on "appointment_book" link, it takes them to the registration form. After they are registered, It will then redirect them to the actual application.
I also want the same thing to happen when a customer clicks on the login link. I want them to login, then get redirected to the appointment_book.
at the moment the customer click on the registratration link and it shows them the registration form, they are then automatically logged in after registration. However, when I click on the Appointment_book link again, it brings me back to registration form. How can I have the link always point to the appointment book after they are registered or logged in?

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Check IP

let say:

can i restrict that only can access to page?
so when user suft, they unable to view the content.both domain is on diff IP.

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Check Box

I have a form with several check boxes.they are all set to default to "unchecked."The db also defaults to unchecked.But,as soon as we hit the "form1.recordset.addnew" all of the cb's change themselves to "checked."?

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Age Check

Does anyone know of any nice ready made asp scripts to check a website's visitors age? I mean the sort of thing you see where you have to choose your day, month and year of birth from drop down lists to comply with US laws Code:

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Check If Is Int

I'm trying to guard against SQL injection, but I have an ID number being embedded into a querystring for MSSQL table selection.

Is it good enough just to check if the querystring value is an int, if so could you quickly remind me how to check that. In PHP we use is_numeric or is_int.

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Check If CDO.SYS

I moved an ASP app to a new Win03 server. The sendmail function using CDO in all ASP appls suddenly stopped working. It worked fine on the previous server (also Win03/IIS6.0). Where should I go to check?

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How To Check Value Is Null Or Not

how to check any value in asp that it is null or not.

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Check 4 Email

I have a form that has simple vaidation but how do i check to make sure there is and email in the email section.

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How To Check Given Value Is Numeric Or Not

How can I check that entered value in a text box is numeric or not in next page?

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Check For Http?

I have a form that a user submits their clan's website, and roster page.
What I want to do, is check to see if the field submitted contained
"http://" and if not, add it to the field submission.

I know i can make this easier, and put the http:// in the field as a default
value, but i want to know how to do this with a bit of form validation or

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Check Duplicate Name

I have a signup form.

I would like to be able to check for duplicate entries during the signup.

E.g. Check for duplicate
1. Usernames
2. Phone numbers

How could this be achieved ?

My code basically is two fold.

1. A recordset that checks
if not recordset.bof and not recordset.eof then
'do something. And redirect to say the value exists
end if

2. Run a SP to do an insert and authentication

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Unchecking The Check Box.

I've got a page that displays product details. One of the fields in my products table is called Include and is set to Yes/No. I use this to distinguish when I want to add that particular record to a recordset and when I don't. For example, I may have 20 products with the name Ash in them and create a recordset which pulls in all Ash products. However, I only want to pull them in when Include is set to Yes (the others aren't ready yet.)
I'm using Dreamweaver and I've setup my product details page to include that Include field with a checkbox. It checks the box if the Include field is set to True. What I would like to do, though, is be able to then uncheck that box and have it update that field to False, or No. Right now, when I uncheck the box and submit the form I can go back in and it's still showing up in that recordset and the box is still checked when I go to the details page.

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Check This Numbers

i know how to code it in javascript but failed to do it in asp. there are 12 digits of number. exmple like this 871205106599. i want to check every single digit when user clicks Submit button.

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Integer Check

when i set the checkScore1 to 100 or higher in the table field, the if else condition became FALSE? But it work for 70 to 99 ??

If checkMaxAttempt = "2" AND checkScore1 >= "70" Then
response.redirect "error.asp"

'last attempt check
ElseIf checkMaxAttempt <= "1" AND checkScore2 >= "70" Then
response.redirect "error.asp"

ElseIf checkMaxAttempt <= "0" Then
response.redirect "error.asp"

Else 'do nothing
End If

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How Can I Check A Password?

I have a form and iwant to check if the password which gives the user is between 3 to 6 characters "alpanumeric" there is something in asp code to do this?

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Check Browsers

Is there any If statement to check browsers?I want to check IE6, IE7 and Firefox.

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Check Error

I have the following ASP...
set dbconn = server.createobject("ADODB.connection") "dsn=news;uid=hello"

After the, how do I check if the has an error?
e.g. if dbconn has error
do something

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Session Check

I want to use the session check in this The drawback of this page is that anyone can click any no. of time on the options of the poll. So, I want to put a session check so that only once can a person tick the answer. How can this be done?

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IsNull Check

In my functions I'm using a double-check all the time to trap if a value has
nothing in it and my question is do I need this double-check.
My check line is:

IF IsNull(xxx) OR LEN(xxx) = 0 THEN

blah blah


blah blah


xxx is usually an array built up of data from an ADO recordset so will
LEN(xxx) = 0 cover my zero values or do I still need the IsNull check as

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Three Check Boxes

I am trying to create a database submition type interface which is dependant on the selection of three check boxes. The form contents will always be the same type of information;;; name address etc. The user must decide which db to write their details to.. So if check box one is selected then it writes to database a. If the other two are individually selected then the script will write the form details to another database b and c. If all three are selected then the script will write to all three databases a b and c .
Is it as simple as creating three connection strings and assigning them to variables

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Check For Null

Is there an easier way to check if any of the fields returned in a select statement have null values? After running this command:

set rs = conn.execute("select A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J from SomeTable

I could check each field this way:

If IsNull(rs("A") Then
Response.Write("The value of A is null")
Response.Write("The value of A is " & rs("A"))
End If

If IsNull(rs("B") Then
Response.Write("The value of B is null")
Response.Write("The value of B is " & rs("B"))
End If

If IsNull(rs("C") Then
Response.Write("The value of C is null")
Response.Write("The value of C is " & rs("C"))
End If


But is there a simpler way? Also, my "solution" probably wouldn't work if more than one recordset was returned...

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File Check In ASP

I'm writing, or trying to! an ASP page that checks if a file exists and if so transfers it. the use sends a query string with the name of the file, I have this bit working, but need to check if the path and or file exists in vb6 I would write:

if dir(strFileName & "")) <>"" then
msgbox("OK 1 ")
msgbox("OK 2 ")
end if
In VBS for ASP?
if dir(Server.MapPath(strFileName & "")) <>"" then
response.write ("OK 1 ")
response.write ("OK 2 ")
end if

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