Check Is Current User Is Member Of A Group

I need to check to see if the Current logged in user on the system
is a member of a group called CustAdmin on CustNT Domain.

If the user is, I need to allow them to have access to the following:

<input type=Button value = "Click To View Credit Report"

This is a Windows 2000 network.

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Check Member Of NT Group

i can use Request.ServerVariables to check the login user. is it possible to check whether the login user is the member of the NT security group? it is because i wish to create a dynamic banner according to respective NT security group.

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Check Dropdown Group

I have done ASP for a while but never found a quick way to handle this issue.I have 8 dropdown boxes. Is there an easy to check that only 1 has selected 'Yes' and the others are 'No' without checking infinite combinations?I usually do this with alot of coding for the combinations.

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How To Check A Users NT Group

I have an intranet site, and I need to control certain pages with NT Group permissions. I need to check that when a page is loaded, if the user is a member of the right NT Group, then the page displays, else an access denied page displays.

I am having trouble with the bit of code that gets and checks the users NT Group. I can get and check their Domain and Username, just not the Group.?

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AD Group Membership Check?

I'm rather new to ASP and am having trouble with implementing a group membership check in one of my functions. I have this function which I use for authentication pass-through:

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Creating User Group

i need to creat a user group, where as members can log in and discuss issues, like here (asp forum). I need to do it from A to Z,i found this link :, but i didn t find my way yet

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Limiting User Abilities By Group

I'm developing a page in which different users have different rights within the site. I don't even know where to start with this one because searching for anything to do with "website", "user", "rights", "permissions" or anything along those lines gives me nothing but server file permissions.

What I'm trying to do is allow anybody with a username and password to sign in, then based on their security permissions they will be able to use certain functions of the website. I want all this to be modular though...

I don't want a million IF's in my asp code. What I'm looking for is to have a list of groups, each having a checklist of functions they can perform. Assign a user to a group, and they can do those tasks.

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Add Existing Active Directory User To AD Group?

I have a question concerning ASP classic. I'm trying to add an existing user in active directory to an AD group using a web-based form. Using regular code to do this, I get a general access denied error, upon which further research told me I needed admin rights in order to accomplish the task.

I vaguely remember an ASP project I worked on in the past where the script itself authenticated to active directory before requesting information. Is it possible to authenticate to AD (as in, authenticating with my username/password which has access to add users to this specific AD group), then continue with the commands that way? I've resurrected a bit of code from that prior project, and attempted to mix the two together: Code:

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Check Current Page

I want to check if the name of my current page is index.asp for example, to specify a certain css class but this doesn't work

<li <% if Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") = "index.asp" then Response.write "class=""here"""%>>

What's the proper method?

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Getting Current User In ASP

How can I query the current user logged on to the local machine and store the username, the first name of the person, and the last name of the person in variables?

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Ldap Asp Current User

how do i collect current user using ldap and asp, i want to know who's doing what, so when a page loads can i check who's logged in to the domain?

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Get Current Windows User

Is it possible to get the current user that is logged on to the computer? I
want to use this as the basis of my validation on the site instead of asking
them to login in again. I know it could be a security issue if they keep the
computer unattended.

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Fullname Of Current User

I have my webpage (ASP) in domain (IIS 6.0).I need to make a popup with fullname of current user.How can I do this?Maybe someone have any examples?

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ObjEmail.From = (current User?)

Does anyone have a link for me of how to set up the obj.From address in a CDOSYS asp to be from the currently logged in user's email account, instead of having a field (Request.Form) capture that information?

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Indentify The Current User

i use the comparison to know the current user but still dont get it.. how can i get the info by enter their name and then by comparing the their id with the other table id ..
and i want to ask how we know the user id and how to call user id because i assign user id with autoincrement number. and is it we can use the application statement to compare?

'Open all records
id2 = "SELECT pelajar.noic FROM pelajar WHERE pelajar.noic <>0"
Set rs = connect.Execute(id2)

if Session("noic")<>rs then
//fill page

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Current Windows User Handle

is it possibile to retrieve the current Windows User Handle from ASP code?

I would like to retrieve the correspondent in ASP for thi piece of ASP.NET

WindowsIdentity id = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity as WindowsIdentity;
if (id != null)
IntPtr handle = id.Token;

I need to pass "handle" variable to a .NET method (using interop).

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Current User That Send A Form

how can Identify a domain user that send a form made with ASP. I have see that exist a variable called currentuser, but what does it mean?

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Windows Current Logged User

How to get the Windows current logged user name using Classic ASP. If no direct way are there any work arounds.

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Retrieve Current Windows User


i have tried the above and get no output.

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Active Directory :: Get The Current Logon (to AD) User Name

I need to get the current logon (to AD) user name on ASP level. Is there any ActiveX (ocx,dll) object in windows directory, which I can use? I used the nwdir.dll file to get this name from novell directory with ndap....

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Querying Active Directory For Current User's Info

I'm working on a logon script that needs to query AD for the current user's information. Phone numbers, email address, etc. One thing that makes it a little bit more difficult is that I don't have the full dn for the user; I only have the base dc and cn.

Microsoft's documentation on all of this is lacking greatly, so I've been racking my brains quite a bit.

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Check User

have a site with one asp page that sells a product. i have a thank you page that sells my product with a click on download.

how can i prevent a user from going to my url/tankyou.asp

and download it manually?

i want the user to download the product only in case he made it! i cannot control the sale pages as they are 3rd party credit card transactions and i do not have a database

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How To Check And See If The User Exist

how to check in ASP using SQL database for existing user. I have some idea like do a select but I need the syntax.

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below is an insert statement on an asp page that stores the date and time
that a driver logged on, what I need is to check that they are now already
logged on fields are SQL Server 2000

ID int
ON_DATE datetime
OFF_DATE datetime
ON_NOW nvarchar

The ON_NOW column reads on or off depending whether the driver logged out or
not, if they havent we need to close the previous logon session and mark it
with 'off' and enter a date time into OFF_DATE column. Code:

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Script To Check User Membership

I need VBscript to Check if user is a member of an Active Directory Group. I read about something called "MemberOf" to check that.

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Spell Check User Input

I want to add the "Did you mean" - Google feature to searches on my

My website lets users search for a business using different

If there is no match, I want to do a spell check on the entered

I need to be able to check words with an english dictionary as well as
add words(business names) to the dictionary. Code:

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Check User Respone To OK/Cancel Box.

I have the following line of code in an app?

Response.Write("<script>ret = confirm('Print Orders?');</script>")

How can I check the value of the variable ret in I want to be able to check the repsonse from the user before continuing with my code. Is this possible, or am I going about this the wrong way?

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Function To Check The User Input From A Form

write a simple function to check the user input from a form. I need to check that the string contains only numbers, has a maximum leght of say 15 and that the first number is zero.

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How To Use Database To Check User Permission Level

i'm going to ask the way to use database to check user permission level in asp..

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How To Check User Account And Password In Another Domain Controller?

By using <authentication mode="Forms" > in web.config, we can create
self-designed login page, but how to check user's account and password is
vaild in another domain controller?

Does <authentication mode="Windows"> can have self-designed login page?

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Check If User Is Register. How To Detect If Any Records Are Found In Database

I am having trouble trying to detect if no records are retrieved by the search. There doesn't seem to be a problem with the connection to the database or the SQL query. I think the problem is somewhere in my If statement. Code:

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How To Check The Date Difference Between The Current Date And The Booking Date?

I am developing a simple booking system where I had a booking date. The problem is I want to make sure that the user must book 3 days in advanced for certain room.

I have tried to use DateDiff but it seems doesn't work. Actually i just 1 to make sure that the user must book 3 days in advanced from the current date. I am wondering whether there is anything goes wrong in my datediff function. Code:

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New Member

I have this error that keeps coming up after submitting a query on a website. been working on fixing it all day and need a fresh set of eyes to help me.

Provider error '8000ffff'
Catastrophic failure
/Process.asp, line 25

i think this is line 25 in my process.asp file

str = str & " WHERE tblData.Application Like '%" & Request.Form("Application") & "%' "

If one needs the entire process.asp script to look over, let me know.

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