Checkbox Checked

i m getting value of blnPermit is True .but still not show my checkbox as checked .alredy spent a hour for this. what i m missing? Code:

<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="blnPermit" name="blnPermit" onClick="ChangeStatus()" <%if blnPermit then %>checked<%end if%>>dd

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Show Checkbox As Checked

How can I show a checkbox as checked based off of the variable stored in a database?

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ASP Checkbox Default Checked From Access

I have a contact list in an Access database.

I have a table that contains contacts a table that contains categories and a third table that is a join table that assigns users to categories in a many-to-many relationship.

I have a script that creates a series of checkboxes from the categories table so when a new contact is added the user can select multiple checkboxes, categories, to place the user into.

I want to be able to edit a contact by clicking their name that takes them to a ContactUpdate.asp form that is already filled with all of the values for the contact. Their name, address, phone number etc. however I want the checkboxes,categories, that the contact is already in to be selected on the ContactUpdate.asp page.

I need the user to know what categories the contact is already in.

Here is the code I already have that creates the checkboxes. When a contact is added so I'm sure the contact update will be some variation: Code:

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How To Get A Checkbox Checked When Loading The Page?

I have a input with type checkbox. I want it to be automatically checked if the value from the corresponding field in the database is also checked. I tried this: Code:

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Value Of Checked Box!?

I've got the following problem:

I'm retrieving data from an SQL Server database. And I want my form to
display a checked box in the state corresponding to the value saved in
the DB. But somehow that doesn't work!?

SQL tells me the value is 1.
My ASP page tells me it's 'True'??

So I tried it like this:
<input name="checkbox" type="checkbox" value="checkbox" <%If
rsDemande.Fields.Item("lien").Value = 1 Then Response.Write("
checked='checked'") : Response.Write("")%>>

and like this:

<input name="checkbox" type="checkbox" value="checkbox" <%If
cstr(rsDemande.Fields.Item("lien").Value) = "True" Then Response.Write("
checked='checked'") : Response.Write("")%>>

But neither works. The checkbox remains unchecked!?

What am I doing wrong?

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Value Of Checked Box

I'm retrieving data from an SQL Server database (the data itslef was
entered by an ASP form). And on an 'edit form' I want to display a
checked box in the state corresponding to the value saved in the DB. But
somehow that doesn't work!?
SQL tells me the value is 1.
My ASP page tells me it's 'True'??

So I tried it like this:
<input name="checkbox" type="checkbox" value="checkbox" <%If
rsDemande.Fields.Item("lien").Value = 1 Then Response.Write("
checked='checked'") : Response.Write("")%>>

and like this:

<input name="checkbox" type="checkbox" value="checkbox" <%If
cstr(rsDemande.Fields.Item("lien").Value) = "True" Then Response.Write("
checked='checked'") : Response.Write("")%>>

But neither works. The checkbox remains unchecked!?

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Checked AND Unchecked

Within a submitted page that has mutilple checkboxes with
the same name, the request.form("mycheckboxes") has a
comma separated list of the values of all the ones

but I also need to know which ones are not checked... How
can I know that ?

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Search Checked In For Loop

I have two columns in the database table where one is the "id" and the other "text_data".
I filled on a page checkboxes for the id and textareas for "text_data" per id. Code:

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Search Checked In For-next Loop

I have two columns in the database table where one is the "id" and the other "text_data".

I filled on a page checkboxes for the id and textareas for "text_data" per id.

<input type="submit" value=" Search " size="100" title="Search everything selected">

<input type="checkbox" value="<%=RS("id")%>" name="id"><br/>
Response.Write "<textarea "
response.write "name=""Keywordh"""
response.write "value=""Keywordh"""
response.write "rows=""3"" "
response.write "cols=""64"">"
response.write "</textarea>"

There must be something wrong right of the start because when press "search" without checking anything it searches every textarea within the for-next loop. My intention is to search ONLY the textareas that are checked.
But I'm also wondering if it is necessary to have a textarea to make these searches. Is it possible to simply slap the "text_data" alone in the for-next, check the ones I choose and search?

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Radio Button Is Checked

how can i check if the radio button is checked or not in Asp .

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Radio Button Can't Be Checked Although Value Get

this is the form that i use to retrive the data from the database to be updated.. the problem is with the gender field..

i have tested the objRS("gender ") which it really did get the value from the database eg male . but it just seems can't make the radio button to be checked.. Code:

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How To Write Value Of Checked List In Textbox

I have a list of checkboxes that when I check I want it to be written in the textbox. I need a space in between the writing of each checkbox checked. Code:

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How To Write Value Of Checked List In Textbox

I have a list of checkboxes that when I check I want it to be written in the textbox. I need a space in between the writing of each checkbox checked. Code:

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Want To Make A Particular Check Box Show Up When Another Is Checked

I hope that subject title made sense, but I am looking for a way, and I am not sure if it is ASP or Javascript, but I only want a particular check box to show up if another particular checkbox is checked.

So I have like 5 options, but a "hidden" 6th option. If option #1 is checked, I want option 6 to show up. But if option 2 - 5 is checked, I don't want option 6 to show.

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How To Check If A Specific Record Was Checked Off In A Form.

I have a server using a webapp built on classic ASP, and I use a library that creates/manipulates a datagrid-style display on the page.

I am displaying a large chart with sufficient data that it will likely be paged, and there are several columns that are toggles (using checkboxes for these, with the entire column having the same checkbox NAME, but different values depending on the record).

I have a piece of script that for loops through the records present on the page (determined by a collection of hidden form values), and then I need to check if the collection formed by a given column contains that value, something like the following (pseudo-code):

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Form Input (radio Button) Pre Checked...

I'm reading data from an XML form and prepopulating a FORM. For the text inputs I have no problem prepopulating the Values from the file...


But one of my fields is based on input from a radio input (three inputs with a value of 1,2,3). Since they all have the same name using the code above will not set they value for any of them. Anybody else run into this, or have a suggested way I should do this.

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Checkbox Value?

is there a way of having a dropdownlist and a text field with a checkbox so that you can check a box and have the vaule assigned from a option selct list or check another box and have the value assigned from a textfield?

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Asp And Checkbox

I would like to make an interaction with a database using ADO and SQL. I would like to display some parts of the database using checkboxes to choose the different parts. But I don't know how to build the SQL command in fuction of which checkbox is checked.

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Checkbox Value

how to write sql to give value true in db?

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If Else Using Checkbox Value

I have a checkbox which is used to determine whether or not the user wants to display a map of their business with their listing the value of which is being written into a database.

When I am outputting the listings I am just trying to use a simple if else statement

i.e. If(ShowMap = true)Then
Response.Write("<td>Show Map</td>")
Response.Write("<td>No Map</td>")
End If

Problem is I know the database contains different values for ShowMap i.e. some true, some false. Yet when I use this code, No Map is output for all records.

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Using A Checkbox

I have a profile search where people can search through our dating profiles. I want to add a checkbox which when checked filters out those records where the recordfield pictures is empty.

I have problems figuring out what the checked value of the checkbox should be and how to use the information from the checkbox in the searchresults page to build the record set. For understanding, if a user does not have a picture the picture field is empty.

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Value In Checkbox

I am trying to display the value of a true/false value in my table through the use of the following:

<input type=checkbox name=FieldLabCheck value=" &
objRecordset("FieldLaborSuper") & "></input>

it doesn't work though.... what am I doing wrong.

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Value Of Checkbox

I have a checkbox in a form from which I want to collect the value.
<input type="checkbox" name="Question11a" value="a">

In the asp page that is called on submit of the form, I declare a variable, iQuestion11a, and request the value of this checkbox:
iQuestion11a = Request("Question11a")

When I print out the value to an html page <% response.write(iQuestion11a) %> it is empty.

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Checkbox's Value

I made this code:

dim xyz
xyz = Request.Form("checkbox1")
<FORM action="Forwarding.asp" method=post id=form1 name=form1>
<INPUT type="checkbox" id="checkbox1" name="checkbox1"><BR>

but, xyz can't get the "checkbox1"'s value.

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Checkbox Set To OFF

When using checkboxes on a form, if you uncheck them, the unchecked name/value pair in the Request.Form collection doesn't show up. It only shows when the checkbox is set to ON. Is this correct? What's the workaround if it is?

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I know there is a way to update records with a checkbox. Is there a way to update this records (with different value)by unchecking the checkbox?

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Checkbox With Textbox

anyone have any idea how to do checkbox with textbox beside.

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Checkbox Disable

if i want to display many records from database with each record has one checkbox.. if the record do not meet the constraints.. e.g. if supplier name has no email address.. then that checkbox will be disabled....the rest will appear.. i tried the disabled/// but no result.

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How To Update Checkbox !!

I have problem in updating checkbox (true-false) using SQL statement.

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Checkbox And Javascript

I have a JavaScript function that gets a boolean value and checks or unchecks a checkbox based on the boolean value.

function initialize_p(thevalue) {
if (thevalue) {

else {


In the example, I want form.cbx1 to be checked if 'thevalue' is true and unchecked if 'thevalue' is false. However, it's not working as desired. I used the alert stmt to see what it does:

- When 'thevalue' is true, it goes to the 1st part of the if stmt and checks the checkbox.
- When 'thevalue' is false, it still goes to the 1st part of the if stmt and checks the checkbox

It looks it never goes to the else!! I used alert stmts to see where it goes if the 'thevalue' is false (used alert to show me the value of 'thevalue' and where it is in the if stmt). I don't understand what's going on. Can anybody see what is wrong with the function?

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Checkbox And Two Variables

I need to assciate two varaibles dyanmically in value of the checkbox.
How can I do that? For ex., I have the following:

<td><input type='checkbox' name='chk<%=i%>' value='<%=rs("Field1")%>'>

Above, I need to add second fields value from database in value
property of the checkbox.

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Checkbox Vs Text Box

I have a form with multiple records.

My intention is to have the user click a checkbox for each product he wants.
Then submit the form placing multiple items in his cart.

If I use a text box like the following and enter a 1 for each product,
submit, no problem.

The user gets the products he wants.
<input name="qty" type="text" value="0">

However, if I use the following checkbox code, and assuming the user checks
4 products half way down the page, he will get the first 4 products in the
recordset. If he clicks 1 checkbox, he will always get the first product,
not the product he chose. <input name="qty" type="checkbox" value="1">

What I have found is when I submit the form to a blank test page using
checkoxes or text boxes, there's a considerable difference. The text boxes
deliver a comma delimination for each occurance. The checkboxes only offer
comma delimination for each checkbox that is selected. At this point, I'm
assuming that's the difference between the two and it cannot be changed
through HTML.

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Checkbox Question

I have a sql database with bit datatypes and I am trying to create a asp
webform which will display and update the data from checkboxes.

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