I have a string that I want to check to be sure there are no single or double quotes in it. Using RegEx should be possible but I cannot figure out how the syntax should go.
I am programming in ASP.NET with C# as the code behind.
here is one I know works to be sure there are only numbers in the string, but i can not for the life of me figure out the right syntax for quotes
In an application I'm working the user has the opportunity to record the despatching of one or more items with serial numbers.
For each item they despatch, they have to chose the serial no that they want to despatch from a list of available ones. In many cases, these items will be of the same time, so the dropdown of available serial no's may be the same. Code:
I have a text search which reads a textfile and displays each line that has a value the user is searching for. It's practically finished except when it searchs it doesn't look for exact matches (e.g a searh for Ali would return Alison or Alice).
How would i go about using RegEx's to prevent this by making the search look for the exact word entered? Code:
I am trying to do some custom forum code, like using [ b ] as a tag and replacing it later using RegEx. The problem is, its not replacing quite right. Its leaving in the []s and its not closing some of the tags.
Here is my pattern: "[ b ]((.| )*?)[/ b ]" Here is my replace text: "<b>$1</b>"
Here is some sample text: "yada yada yada [ b ]hey![/ b ] yada yada"
Now, another thing, I would like it to close tags if they aren't closed properly. Is this possible?
im trying to use Regex to replace some text in my string. I want to replace some text to html tags eg. [b] to <b>, [u] to <u>.
How can I please use like a wildcard for the letter in between the tags. What am i doing wrong in this code, should i replace $1$2 to something else please: Code:
I made a regular expression to match Guitar Chords.
This pattern should find any of the following:
1) G 2) Gmaj 3) G7 4) G# 5) Gb 6) G#min
The pattern works for all of these except for #4. For some reason it will only return the 'G' instead of the full 'G#'. I find this very odd because if the chord is 'Gb', the regex will return the full 'Gb'.This pattern works fine in javascript. Is there anything special with the '#' character in RegEx for VBScript? I am using VBscript engine 5.6
I'm using regular expressions to identify in a string an url ad format it in hyperlink.
The problem is that in the same string should be bbcodes and the [url] one tooo... so when the regexp will format the code will format the one in bbcode too.
The solution would be the lookaround function of RegEx to see if behind the match there is the [url] code... but it's not implemented in VisualBasicScript. Is there any way to use this function in my script ?
Is it possible to have more then one pattern for the .pattern variable. If I'm to execute and search and replace on a specific string can I make it so my .pattern will ignore specific keywords and not just A keyword?
i have text, in it i want to highlight the words user used to find this result. i used the normal replace, it worked fine except the case thing..
SearchForSp = Split(SearchFor, " ") For i = 0 to Ubound(SearchForSp) EmpJobsText = Replace(EmpJobsText, SearchForSp(i), "<strong><u><font color=red>"&SearchForSp(i)&"</font></u></strong>", vbTextCompare) EmpJobsText next
i tried to use the regEx.Repalce from the examples in groups but just couldn't find a way. problem is in the normal replace function i have option to supply a source. in this case "EmpJobsText" is the source. but regEx.Repalce don't seem to have place to type where to replace, only what to replace with what.
Where [0-9]+ means you need atleast 1 number there, the rest is just a string plus my recordset's variable. I know this syntax would work with the regex I learned at school but I'm not sure how to make it work in ASP.
The problem is that i can not get the vb replace to work on the "$1" in the url. $1 is such that it can be multiple words separated by a space. for the href, I need to convert the space to "-". It does not do that with the way I hvae the code above.
how to add the symbol ' (Apostrophe) to the code so that the validation accepts this within a surname such as o'neill? this is wot i hav at the minute:
With regExName .Pattern = "^[a-z]+$" .IgnoreCase = true .Global = true End With
It will grab any style attribute within HTML that uses double quotes, and put it in the re.Matches collection.Now, I want to include single quotes into this regular expression. Here's what I have so far:
I'm developing an Asp.NET system to take a CSV file uploaded via the web, parse it, and insert the values into an SQL database. My sticking point comes when I try to split() the string returned by readline() on the file.
The following code snippet works for me: tokens = "one,two,three,four".Split(",") for each token in tokens response.write("<td>"+token+"</td>") next
However, if I take the next line in the CSV, read using StreamReader.ReadLine on the PostedFile.InputStream, I receive "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." which I have narrowed down to be my string holding the line. Further investigation reveals that no other string member functions work on my line (.ToCharArray, .ToString, etc).
I suspect that StreamReader.ReadLine is not correctly returning a string, even though Response.Write(line) displays what I would expect .....
I have this table that has two columns Department and RecId. what I am doing is I need to give access to different people in different departments. So if I am in billing I say billing 76 which is my rec id and than if I also need acess to accounting I say Accounting 76.
So now in my asp page I open this records set to check and see who has access to what departments and give them the access Code:
I want to check whether the value in recordset is "=> 3 ". I try "If rs => '3' then...". But it doesn't seems working. Can I can't check the condition by using the recordset like how i written above? Or do I need get the value in recordset and assign to a variable in order to check the condition. Please advice. Let say my rs now stores a value of "2". Can I check with the following code.
[code] set rs = server.createobject("...") rs.open "Select...", objconn
if rs >=3 then 'THIS LINE DOESN"T SEEMS WORKING .... [code]
I want to do some error checking using on resume next to determine whether to commit an ADO transaction. However we have a custom 500 error page which we use through out the rest of the site. Can I remove the on error resume next after I have rolled back the transaction and raise a normal error.
Is it possible to have an ASP page which checks if a user is in a certain group in Active Directory (AD). For example jbloggs is logged in and belongs to the group "project_allowed". When jbloggs goes to project.asp it will allow him access However when jsmith is logged in and belongs to no groups and tries to access project.asp it will deny him access.
The script is designed as a form validator which checks fields for various criteria and then sends a mail with the form contents. Since 40 different forms will be plugged into this script, there needed to be complete seperation between the two.
I've managed it so far by checking for required fields by putting the word 'required' into the name of the field. The script then sources out any fields which has this text and checks them to see if they are filled out.
The problem I've come across now is that I need to check for field length. My idea was to put the amount of characters needed into the name of the field in the form and then have the script check with a Reg Exp. However, Im not too sure of the regular expression needed to check for this.
Can someone suggest one? The one I have at the moment is [1-14] but say I had a field like this: <input type="text" name="passwordrequired12"> That would match bout for 1 and 12. Any ideas?
How can I check whether a variable is set as a value, integer, etc .. ??? (So that when a user submits a value via a web form and its a letter, i can give them an error note.)
I am writing a script that lets me brows the contents of a web server. The problem is the account that is running ASP does not have permissions to every folder. Don't ask me why ... I have no idea but it can't be changed.
What I would like to do is perform a check for:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046':Permission denied
And if this happens display an error message saying they do not have permission to view this directory. Code:
How can I write an asp page, say, CHECKIP.asp that checks the incomin requesting IP address and returns a protected page, based on th checking result? That is, if the IP is a permitted address, the presents a page, say, OK.asp. If the IP is not allowed, then send REJECT.asp. Both OK.asp and REJECT.asp cannot be directly accesse without going through the CHECKIP.asp.
I am a somewhat beginner in ASP. I would like 2 know how do I check whether a recordset, that was fetched from an MS-ACCESS database through a 'SELECT' query, is empty or not?? The scenario is that I m making a form where users can register for my message board. The form will take in all the details and pass on to another asp file which checks whether the username is already in use or not. If its in use then it says that Username in use else the page is displaying error. I m using the following sql. "select * from members where user='" & username & "'"
The error is something like record cannot be found. Either EOF or BOF or the record was deleted.
I got the below code from somewhere ages ago. I have a list of links on my site that link to other sites but I want to check if the link is a valid link automatically and if it fails after x checks (checks every 7 days) then to mark the link as a possible broken link
the below seems to take ages to process and was wondering if there is a better way to do the below. Code:
How to re-write this so it can error check for each individual field. Username, email, password etc.
This is written and validates if the user already has an account in the Database. then it returns the messaage below. But I would like to indentify if it is the username that exist or the email or password. Code:
i wanted some help in the bewlo subject i tried in different code but some time it is showing wrong error.is anybody give me the example or site linke where i can donwload the the password checking script from database. I have pulled data from database and shown those user name in suer tab ( drop dwon box) user need to select the his name and to type password.once user type the password it should check with database . if it exists then it should capture that user name and move on to next page.