Checking Radio Button Values

I'm using a radio button in a form and I'm requesting it in the processing page. The name of the radio button is box and I want to say something like..

if box (the value I gave the request.form("box") = checked then

what's the correct term for checked? Because that's the part not working.

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Radio Button, Check Box, Text Area Values In Sessi

I have a radio button, a check box and a text box in a web page. From this page, I go to a series of other pages. In one of the following webpages I am providing an option to come back to the first page which has the radio button, check box and the text box.

When doing so, I need to retain the values I originally checked in teh radio button and the text box, and also the text in the text box. I understand that I need to carry it through a session variable, but I dont know how I can do it.

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How To Validate One Radio Button Against Another Group Of Radio Buttons?

I have a group of radio buttons with the same name (which are in turn generated by the database). Since they share the same name, I can select only one of them.

Now I have another radio button which is not a part of the above group, but this radio button opens up a report which has different set of parameters to open a crystal report.

Now I want to know how to select only one radio button. Either from the group or this single radio button. User can select only 1 radio button at a time. Code:

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Select All Radio Buttons When Clicked On A Certain Radio Button

what coding used to select all the radio buttons when clicked on a certain radio button? example is the delete of the mail of radio buttons?

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Checking Radio

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'email'.
/sois/process.asp, line 142

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM email WHERE email =" & email & ""

set objNO = server.createobject("ADODB.Recordset")
142: strSQL, db, 1,3

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Radio Button

I have two radio button and one input filed on my form. What I want a do when user change the selection then I want a display the today date into enterdate input filed. Then later I can add this date into database.
How can I do that.

input type="radio" name="GType" value="Pending" <%=iif(GApproval="Pending","checked","")%>[PHPNET][/PHPNET]>Pending

<input type="radio" name="GType" value="Approve" <%=iif(GApproval ="Approve","checked","")%>>Approve

<input type=text name=enterdate value="” maxlength=5 size=3>

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Radio Button

I have a search form. It has 2 radio buttons - 'all words' and 'any words'. The 'all words' is checked when the page is loaded. If the user checks the second radio button, then searches, on the results page (the search inputs stay at the top of the page as the form submits to itself), the checked radio button goes back to its checked default of 'all words'. Is there any way of making the checked button stay on the button the user clicked when going to the results page? Hope this makes sense.

<input type='radio' name='mode' value='allwords' CHECKED>
<input type='radio' name='mode' value=anywords'>

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Radio Button Value

i need your help, i have a form with 2 radio buttons(title1 and title2), a textbox and a submit button,(the form is called search and its posting to searchresults.asp) and i have 2 procs corresponding to each radio button.

what i want to do is,when a search button is clicked, radio button value checked must execute a specific proc(meaning the value must be passed to searchresults.asp and execute a proc accordingly)

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Radio Button

If i design a page(registration) in html.Can i use 2 radio button inside 1 from which method is post.If 1end user click 1radio buttonthen corresponding some text field will visible and vice versa for another radio button.after filling the values click submit to hold all the values.Can it be possible if yes then how can i do that?give me tutorial or anything which can guide me reagaring this.

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Radio Button

I am displaying a student id and then the name the student id is stored in a radio button and when a user selects the radio button i refresh the page and display all the information for that student

whats happening is the user selects a student and the page is refreshed but the radio button is unchecked after the student is selectedi have a if loop to check but its not working.can any one tell me why is it so?

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Value Of Radio Button

I have a page that displays records from a table. I have a form on the page that contains radio buttons so that the user can choose the types of records to display. This works fine and the display is changed when the user selects a radio button.
When the page displays the records, the radio button the user selected is not highlighted. How can I show the radio button selected?

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Radio Button Question

I currently have 3 radio buttons... depending on which button is selected It writes a value to SQL... how can i get the page to remember which value was selected and have that value remain selected when the page reloads??!

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Radio Button Updating SQL

I have 3 Radio buttons that have the values 1,2,3 attached to them.... I'd like to be able to post the value to SQL according to which Radio Button is selected....

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Radio Button Selection

I have this code the value thats stored in table is Yes in College_Assistance field

so i want to select the Yes radio button

but its not selecting

when i see he view source it doesnt say checked="true"

any idea why. Code:

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Disable Radio Button

here is the script

<input <%If (CStr((Recordset1.Fields.Item("co1").Value)) = CStr("Mercedes")) Then Response.Write("checked=""checked""") : Response.Write("")%> name="radio1" type="radio" id="bbd" value="Mercedes">

I need the radio button disabled if the value in the string matches "Mercedes" and not checked. How do I change it?

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Modifying A Radio Button

I cannot remember how you modify a radio button value that comes from a database. Here's my code:


<td align="right"><font face="Arial" size=-1><strong>

Show Email Address?</strong></font></td>

<td> <input type="radio" name="radEmail" value="<%=ShowEmail%>" checked>


<input type="radio" name="radEmail" value=No>


I am using a SQL Server database. I am using a bit datatype. O is true and 1 is False. How do I get the radio button to have the correct value checked for a certain record?

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Radio Button Selection

I have 4 radio buttons

<input type="radio" name="One" value="One" checked
<input type="radio" name="Two" value="two"
<input type="radio" name="Three" value="Three"
<input type="radio" name="Fout" value="Four" >

How do i remember wich one was selected when the page is posted back.Meaning having all options back with the selected one being checked.

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Radio Button Recordsets

Question: Is there a way to create a dynamic page where if the user selects a recordset by the click of a radio button, it will display that recordset and if he clicks on a secod radio button will display a different recordset?

If there is, can someone show me? I was thinking that you would probably have to create a function for each radio button. For example: Code:

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Radio Button Test

I'm trying to make a little 2 question test using ASP. What i've got so far.

*database connection code and other stuff*
Now the radio buttons (Q1.asp)

<input type="radio" name="jim" value="Answer1" >
<input type="radio" name="jim" value="Answer2" >

But i want the answer value to be a value from a database. Is that possible? value="request.querystring("Answer2") Where Answer2 is the field name? Is that wrong?

And for the code to check if it's right i want it to be able to compare it to a value in the database. (CHECK.ASP) Code:

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Retrive Radio Button

i creating a page allowing the user to edit and update their personal information. i have a field call gender which consists of 2 radio button which value is male and female. i save the value in the database. now the problem is how can i retrieve back the value which in radio button form showing which has been selected?

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Radio Button Redirection

i have a search form and wanted to know if I can direct a user to another page when they click onto a radio button.Example:

I have the following two buttons. If a user clicks onto the "trade" button, it does nothing.If the user clicks onto the "wholesale" radio button, I would like it to direct the user to the "login.asp page.

<input type="radio" name="wholesale" value="wholesale">
<input type="radio" name="trade" value="trade">

Is this posible?

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Radio Button Is Checked

how can i check if the radio button is checked or not in Asp .

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Toggle A Radio Button

I have a radio button. If the user selects it for the first time it is marked as checked but I want to uncheck it as soon as the user clicks on it the second time. In other words if the button is previously selected it should deselect it else it should be selected.

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Retrieve Value Of A Radio Button

Now this i thought would be very simple but is not quite panning out that way I have 7 groups of radio buttons on a page, these are dynamically created, and a value is assigned to each button.

What i want is for each radio button on that page to have its value placed in a database with a id number, the id number i can get in but for some reason the value of the radio button doesnt show.

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Obtaining Value Of Radio Button

I'm wondering how I go about obtaining the value of a radio button and a list box in a form for validation.

I have it right now as

optCust = Request.Form("customer") - Radio button
lstCountry = Request.Form("country").Item

And when I place them in my validation that gets passed to the address bar they do not store with the value they are given. Am I pulling them from the form wrong or is their a special way that it should be passed to the address bar of my redirect error page?

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Radio Button And Combo Box

how to create data dynamically in a combo box after clicking on a radio button ? Data are retrieved using a store procedure from a SQL Server.

For example :
Click Radio Button 1, the combo box should contains "A", "B", "C"
Click Radio Button 2, the combo box should contains "E", "F", "G"

The data can change dynamically after getting results from SQL Server. Please shed some lights to me. I have been trying to find a solution to this for a the past few days.

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Radio Button Holding Value

I need help allowing a radio button to hold a value from my table. In my guilty field i have 1's and 0's, i want it to check my table and if there's a 1 in that field then mark as guilty if there's a 0 in that field them mark as not guilty, and have the ability to update the field with a 1 or a 0 based on what they check.

So basically I need them to be able to view the current status of the field and change it if needed. i thought if i just made the value of the radio button= rs guilty it would work but no such luck. Code:

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Error Radio Button


for a = 0 to 10
Response.Write("<input name=""test"" type=""radio"" value=""" & a & """")
if a = isinama("nilai1a") then
Response.Write (" checked")
end if
Response.Write(">" )

why when i run at explorer the alert msg box appear said redirection limit for this url exceeded. Unable to load the requested page?

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Radio Button Group

I have a simple html page with a radio button group on
it. I am submitting that page into an asp page. How do I
know what button the user has checked?

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Radio Button Can't Be Checked Although Value Get

this is the form that i use to retrive the data from the database to be updated.. the problem is with the gender field..

i have tested the objRS("gender ") which it really did get the value from the database eg male . but it just seems can't make the radio button to be checked.. Code:

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Radio Button Selection

I am having 66 radio buttons on my page. Each ll be having 3 options yes,No or N/A. By default all will be set to No. My requirement is if i click on a button, value of all radio buttons should be set to N/A.

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Turn Off Field With Radio Button

Im having a little trouble with a simple form request My form has a field for people to add the filename that they saved their document in. Once that is entered my submit page takes the filename and adds the hyperlink html and the mapped path to that directory That way even "less intelligent" people can add hyperlinks to the database The problem Im having is that i cant find the code to make it to where if the value of a radio button is true then not to request the hyperlink field.

Don't get me wrong I am very much a newb at this so I assume its really easy or there is something Im not grasping here. So I guess the question is, Is there a simple line of code to relate a radio button to another form field?

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Identifying Which Radio Button I Clicked

I move from one form to another when I click to a radio button. I can
identify which radio button I clicked by trapping its value. but my problem
is that there are a set of radio buttons followed by values being displayed
from a join table.

I want to know the values displayed from the table. so that based on which I
can do my further processing. Like the radio button is showing the name of
student, his id, story id...and 2-3 more things. when I select the first
radio button (its value = 0 ),

how can I know that the selected one is for which student_id and for which
story_id.??? Code:

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