Checking The Character Count In A Text Box

I'm creating a form and I have a text box that can't be over 90 characters. I've been trying to accomplish two things but I'm afraid it's just out of my reach, technically.

1. I would like to setup some validation that checks to make sure that the text box isn't over 90 characters when the form is submitted.

2. If possible I would like to do one of the following things. Have a live character count that increases in real-time for every character that is entered. I've seen this before but I don't know if it's feasible in my case. If that's not possible then I would like to have a 'check count' button that displays the current character count (including spaces) in the text box....

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Character Count Of A String

I tried the strlen() func but to no avail. I am looping through a record set, if the length of a fields string is above a certain character count, say 50, I want to do one think, less than 50 do another?

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Need To Break Up A String By Character Count

say i have a string that is "hello this is my string and i like it very
much" and i want to insert a newline at every 20th character, how could i go
about doing this?

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Checking Characters In A Text Box

I am trying to make sure someone doesnt
use an INSERT in one of my text boxes.

I am not really sure how to do this, can anyone
offer any sugg's?

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Text Input Word Count ?

I am trying to build an asp page the displays 100 characters from text inputed into a text area. The page keeps breaking because it counts any HTML code the text might have. I would like to have it count the words instead and when I write out the words it includes any underlying html.

For example, here is a sentence: "The fox jumps over the lazy dog" and I could cut this sentence in half by counting out the first 18 character and only outputing those respectively. Everything would work just fine. But if the sentence is like this "The fox jumps <a href='' target='_blank'>over</a> the lazy dog." a simple letter count no longer works for me. If I printed out the first 18 characters then it will break my "href" tag and therefore would mess up the formatting of my page. Can someone point me to an article or component that will assist me in correcting this?

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Storing Count In A Text File

I need help with storing the number of times a site get hits, and have the value stored in a text file, i could only get part of the code working , Code:

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Restrict Non ASCII Character In Text Area On Postback

Am trying to restrict user from entering non ASCII character in the text area. Say if the user entered non ASCII character then on the form post back it should show them the message like:

"non ASCII character between the word1+word2"

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How To Do The Error Handling If The Users Key In Character Into Integer Text Field?

How to do the error handling if the users key in character into integer text field? If possible, please give example and show me the coding.

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Controlling Text In A Text Area Or Text

I have this problem in controlling a the text in a Text Area. How can I do
that for example the field size is 200, when it reaches 50 it automatically
goes to the next line. Bcoz im having problem when viewing it in my report,
it continuesly views in a strieght line and im having problem in printing.

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%20 Character

I have a login form in which i have logins for company as 'National City"
But when i capture the login name to give it in my query on some other form as Request.Querystring(username)
Its recognises it as National%20City...
i dont want to chhange my login names and keep it as NationalCity as one full word.How can i tell ASP to recoginze this as a space in the query ?

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Last Character

How do I delete the last character in a string?

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Character Set

I am using mySQL with ASP. I have a trouble with Turkish characters as I am
tring to get and display data from mySQL database. However, I can see whole
Turkish characters exactly when I use phpMyAdmin.I used the following tags on HTML but I couldn't achieve to display Turkish characters in any way.

mySQL database lang: latin5_turkish_ci
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-9">

<% @Language = "VBScript" Codepage="1254"%>
Session.LCID = 1055
Session.CodePage = 1254

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' Character In SQL

We have an application which uses surname and the date of birth to allow people to login.
The SQL gives an error if the user's surname contains the character '

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/ Character

I'm trying to set a session variable where two variables are seperated by a backslash:

Dim a
Dim b
a = Request.QueryString("Class")
b = Request.QueryString("Group")

Session("FTEClassGroup" & y) = a + "/" + b

I can't get this to work? I'm not sure, but is the backslash being seen as a string instead of the actual backslash character?

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First Four Character

i m declare one variable and it hold the name of a person

eg: strName = "Arvind Singh"

and i want to put first four character in an other variable please tell me the way to do this.

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Checking For Value

I have this table that has two columns Department and RecId. what I am doing is I need to give access to different people in different departments. So if I am in billing I say billing 76 which is my rec id and than if I also need acess to accounting I say Accounting 76.

So now in my asp page I open this records set to check and see who has access to what departments and give them the access Code:

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Checking Value

I want to check whether the value in recordset is "=> 3 ".
I try "If rs => '3' then...".
But it doesn't seems working. Can I can't check the condition by using the recordset like how i written above?
Or do I need get the value in recordset and assign to a variable in order to check the condition. Please advice.
Let say my rs now stores a value of "2". Can I check with the following code.

set rs = server.createobject("...") "Select...", objconn


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Checking On And Off

I want to do some error checking using on resume next to determine whether to commit an ADO transaction. However we have a custom 500 error page which we use through out the rest of the site. Can I remove the on error resume next after I have rolled back the transaction and raise a normal error.

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Checking For Www.

I'm trying to qualify email addresses. Is there any reason why the following line would not catch an email address beginning with "www." ?

ElseIf Left(Session("em"),4) = "www." Then

I put in a dummy email address: and it goes through....
<%=Left(Session("em"),4)%> does reflect "www."

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ASP & Checking AD

Is it possible to have an ASP page which checks if a user is in a certain group in Active Directory (AD). For example jbloggs is logged in and belongs to the group "project_allowed". When jbloggs goes to project.asp it will allow him access
However when jsmith is logged in and belongs to no groups and tries to access project.asp it will deny him access.

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Character Encoding

I have a partner sending me by post method to an asp page some text (xml

It arrives to my page encoded as follows

The < and > and spaces are replaced by nu霉mbers and percentage sign
I am using Request.BinaryRead(BytesTotal) and then doing response write and
I am getting exactly the same string with the encoding
How can tell my asp page to translate the encoded text to normal text?

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Special Character

How do I remove those special characters in a variable? I think there are a dozen special character and so I use a dozen replace object. Is there an object that call this in one call instead of a dozen?

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Currecy Character

I wonder why my computer with UK settings returns '$' when I call the 'FormatCurrency' function?

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I'm having a problem finding/using an escape character with this ASP/JScript application I'm creating. Basically I have text sometimes that has apostrophes or double quotations in them, but they won't be INSERTED unless I manually take them out.

Ex: INSERT INTO tbl1 (vendor,reason) VALUES (81,"This is only a test, but there is an apostrophe and it's only going to make things worse.")

That apostrophe in "it's" is kiling everything. I've used the replace method to change it to " ' ", but that STILL doesn't work. I can't find MS SQL's ESCAPE CHARACTER. I've tried several directions of the backslash, but no luck.

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Escape Character??

I am trying to only have a link show if there is a certin value in the DB. This is what I am trying:

<% if (rsWelcome.Fields.Item("access_level").Value) = "admin" then

response.Write("| - <a href="sps_main.asp">Sales Training Support </a>-")

end if %>

BUT... this is the error I get:

Expected ')'

/sta/topnav_test.asp, line 9 response.Write("| - <a href="sps_main.asp">Sales Training Support </a>-") How do I use quotes in a "response" and have the app server ignore them??

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Unrecognised Character

The application should have a way of alerting the user if it does not recognize a character used by the website and give the user the ability to make adjustments to the unrecognized characters. The system should then remember the characters that have been adjusted by the user.

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String Character

can someone please tell me how to add the " character to a string
i've already tried:
dim string

string = "something"

string = string & """
string should equal something" but doesn't work ?

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After 80th Character

how can I add "vbCrLf" after every 80th character of a string. Suppose there is a string containg 600 characters and I want to pass on the string value to some variable, adding "vbCrLf" code after every 80th character.

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Chinese Character

some one cuts and pastes the chinese charcters.
they are saved in DB as
---- case1 : ----

& # 6 5 3 9 6 ; & # 6 5 4 2 7 ; & # 6 5 4 1 9 ;
i used the space above as it is converting the characters while posting..
but i noticed some few records which are saved as

-- case 2 --

if values are stored as case1 then i have no problem.
but with the case2 .the chinese characters are shown good in few pages and at few pages they are shown as it like symbols.
when i cheked the its the same.what shd i do to see that in a html page these character codes display correctly?

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Underscore Character

Is there a way to make the underscore Character display in a browser? I've
tried several different fonts but the "_" character will not display.

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Removing Last Character

ive got a string where i woulld like to remove the last character it probably seems simple 2 u but i cant work it out
can anyone tell me how to remove it.

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Invalid Character?

IF trim(request(location))="" AND trim(request(FileType))="" AND trim(request(DateMonth)) = "" AND trim(request(DateYear))="" THEN
Response.Redirect plmsearch.asp?ac=error

why is the "?" causing the invalid character? everything is coded correctly on the plmsearch.asp page.

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Bad Character In URL QueryString

I have a ASP/SQL 7 application that displays data from various SQL7 Views
onto a ASP page.

A column of this data is displayed in ASP as hyperlinks and the relevent
data is put into a URL query string - so that the linked page is based on
this data ( a kind of "drill-down" effect) - Code:

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