Clearing Table Before Add New

Im useing Access, and trying to clear the table before i write to it, and to be able to keep it all on one page? Trunicate table or something like that? This is waht I have so far but doesnt work. Code:

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Clearing Cookies

I have a page that creates a cookie on your computer. at that point it stores login information. Seeing that I am on the administration side and wish to login to accounts without the cookie getting in the way, I create a page to delete the cookie as follows:

Response.Buffer = True

Dim Cookie
For Each Cookie In Response.Cookies
Response.Cookies(Cookie) = "this must be something!"
Response.Cookies(Cookie).Expires = Date() - 1
Next ' Cookie

For Each Cookie In Response.Cookies
Response.Cookies(Cookie) = "this must be something!"
Response.Cookies(Cookie).Domain = ""
Response.Cookies(Cookie).Expires = Date() - 1

This removes the cookie like i desire but, I must first reopen my browser for the cookie to be totally removed. As you can see I have also removed the session variables. Is there a way to remove cookies and session variables, without having to close the browser window?

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Clearing Cookies

The code below isn't clearing the cookie and sessions. It is used in my shopping cart to track the user and the items purchased/added to the cart. After making a purchase you are directed to the receipt page (where this code is). If you go back to the main site the items still show in the cart. Any thoughts?

' The below lines clears out the users cookies to allow for additional orders
Response.Cookies("customerid") = ""

(this part seems to work... when clicking refresh the proper error message is displayed etc.)
' The below lines clear session values to avoid duplicate ordering using Refresh
session("cust") = 0
session("cartID") = 0

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Clearing Cache

Is there a way to clear cache using ASP, VBScript or Javascript?

I have created an ASP login page with sessions etc so unregistered members cannot view certain pages, however, when you logout you can still press the back button on the browser toolbar and view the pages, I want to find a way to make those pages expire by clearing the cache or something like that!

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Clearing Cache With ASP

Does anyone know how to clear a sites cache with ASP. I have a login script that does not terminate the history when signing out. A user can simply click the back button and get back into the site..

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Clearing A Submit

I have a form with 4 different Submit buttons. In the action code, I do a
request on the button names to see which one is valued. This all works
great, until the browser is refreshed -- the request shows the name of the
last button pressed. Is there a way to clear all the buttons so they don't
appear to have been pressed when they've only been refreshed?

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Prevent The Forms From Clearing

I assume it has to do with cache control, but how do I prevent the form from clearing when a user hits the back button? The form I am referring to is my registration page. After the registration is submitted, they are taken to an error handling page. If an error comes up, they are required to hit the back button and correct the mistake.

It seems like for the most part it retains all of the information in the fields, but occasionally it clears it out. How can I prevent this?

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Clearing A Text Field

How do I clear the data in this field before using the date function.?

<input type="text" size=35 name="DepartCentralDate" value="<%=x_DepartCentral %><%= FormatDateTime(Date, 1) %> &nbsp;&nbsp;<%= FormatDateTime(Now, 3)%>">

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Clearing Session Variables

How can you clear session variables when a reset button is pressed? I thought I might be able to do something like:

If request.form("Reset") = "Reset" then
Session("variable") = Null

Is this correct, it isn't working right so is there a better way?

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Clearing Form Data

was there anyway to clear the data submitted by a form? What i need to do is once the page refreshes, clear the sent data?

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Clearing Cached Pages In ASP

I searched the forum and got the following code from someone who posted it in 2002. However I can't seem to get it to work in my asp page. Can someone confirm the syntax for me? I would like to try and put it in an include file rather, but need to get it to work first.

Response.ExpiresAbsolute = #1/1/1980#
Response.AddHeader "cache-control", "no-store, must-revalidate, private"
Response.AddHeader "Pragma", "no-cache"
Response.Buffer = True

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Clearing Form Fields Value Button.

I have a form that comes up pre-filled with database results for the values. I'd like to add a button, though, that will clear all fields to start blank if desired.

A standard "reset" button, will only clear input that has been typed in, but won't clear the initial values. Does anyone have a script already that does this or could someone get me started on how I could do this?

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Appending And Clearing Details Into 2 Tables

I am trying to run and UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE SQL statements to update append and delete data from some tables in access. Here is the low down:

I want to update All of the fields from a table called TEMP into a table called POSTPONED, WHERE the 'postponed' fields = "False"

I want to then go on and clear the records from TEMP that have the field postponed = "false"

And finally i want to again append the remaining data in the TEMP folder into a table called RESULTS.

Does any one know how to do this or what the SQL statements should look like, i have tried writting them, no luck, i have tried generating them in Access but no luck because the ASP is erroring me on them and i dont know what its chatting about!

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Clearing Values From Variable When Form Proccesses ??

I have a form that on clicking of the Update button first updates
the specific record in the db, then Inserts if the vMemo field is not
empty. The problem that I'm having is that After updating if you hit
the [F5] key (refresh) it inserts another record ...

I have tried:

1. Clearing the vMemo field after the insert is done (vMemo = "")
2. Setting the value on the form for this field to ""

Neither of these are working. It's not displaying it on the screen
but it is holding it in memory (I guess). Any way to clear this out
after update/insert?

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Global.asa & Resetting/clearing/deleting Application Variables

I'm just dipping my toes into server-side scripting.

The Global.asa file seemed really nice, but am I understanding correctly that the application onstart event is fired ONLY when the server is started/re-started or when the FIRST user logs onto an ASP application?

If that's the case, then all the changes I keep making to my Global.asa file are pretty useless, right? (which seems to be the case -- i.e., my pages are not using any of the new information). Code:

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How To Transfer Records From One Table Of A Database To Another Table In Another Data

I have aproblem to transfer a data from table x to table y based on id. Its mean when 2 table have same id all data table x must move to table y. I don't know which command need to use is it insert into or update?

Dim conn
Dim rs

Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
conn.ConnectionString = "DSN=prmm;UID=administrator;pwd=sa"


MYSQL = "SELECT * FROM table_x where paymentdate between '" & tarikh1 & "' and '" & tarikh2 & "'" MYSQL,conn ....

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How To Open A Recordset For A Table Has Space In The Table NAME?

I am trying to display the content of a Table called

'Order Detail' directly from the database (e.g., Northwind.mdb). I have the following commands:

Set tableSet = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

tableSet.Open table_name, DB_name, adOpenForwardOnly, _
adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable

where, table_name = ''Order Detail" Or
table_name = 'Order Detail' Or different variations.

I always get error on the second command with the following message:
Syntax error in query. Incomplete query clause

which I believe because of space in the Table Name. How can I resolve this issue? (working with file or table name with space)?

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Table Inside A Table Update To DB

I have a table with many txt boxes which i have inside a form with a submit button to an update page which adds all the details to a db. The problem is i have a another table inside the first e.g. table 2. i want to be able to update table2 by clicking a second submit button that would update it. Is it possible to have a form within a form or how can i do it??

Also i need to update the entire table in one go. For exampple if i have 3 records in table2 i want to be able to update them all by clicking the one update button. Code:

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Copying From Table 1 Inserting In Table 2

I have the following code but this is inserting manually. I want to make a query from table 1 and automatically enter the records into table 2. What needs to be modified? Code:

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Bookmarking A Position In A Table <table>

Have an app which dynamically creates table rows depending on records, these can be several hundred (don't ask). Hence a very long page at time. Each row includes a hyper link to a new page, and a link back to the original page.

Is there any method (maybe via js) where on leaving the second page l can redirect the browser to the table row the end user clicked on? Hence the bookmarking. Can do this via Visual Basic on the desktop app, but can't work it out on the web app.

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How To Get Data From A Table Into A Table Form?

I have a table produced with names across the top and services down the left hand side with boxes for numbers for people who recieve services then the info is written into a table in an access db. That works fine and here is that code:

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Best Method Of Updating Table From 2nd Table

I have two tables. Table A has 20,000 records, Table B has 2,000 records. Table A is what needs to be updated from the data in Table B. Only some fields will be updated and of course, only some records - both tables have the same field as a ClientID so matching up records should be easy.

Anyways, been a while since I have used ASP to work on things like this but would like to work through this one. I understand the process I believe, it is just how to make it go on to the next record once it has finished updating the first.

Basically, I was thinking of having it set up to reaad the top record from Table B, update applicable data in Table A. Delete that record in Table B. Move on to the next.

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Record Set For Id From Table 1 To Table 2

Hello I have a page for registering users.

I am reciveing this error:

The following errors occured:
- An error occured. -2147217904 : No value given for one or more required parameters.

there are students and teachers. therefore I have 3 tables one for logins and one for staff and on for students.

I have a form designed to capeture the need information.

in the code I am runing an if and elseif statmetn to determin the tables. I then insert the userid and password into the login table.

then i enter the remaining information into ither the staff or student table. what i am trying to do is select the perimary number that is generated as the userid and passeword are enterd. and add this to the second table. Code:

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How To Make Column Of Table 1 = To Column Of Table 2?

I want MS Access 2000 database column of table 1 = column of table 2. This is what I was doing: Code:

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Asp Table

I have a database app that I'm building and displaying my results in a table.
I need to know for anyone who can help how to have one row say red and the next row say green for instance.

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SQL In Getting Table Name

I have menubox that shows all the datbases in a directory. When the user highlights a database, the chosen value gets stored in an Application variable(its a control panel).

Id like this Application variable to populate another menubox with a listing of all the tables within the selected database. However, I'm having trouble getting these values and google hasn't been much help. Code:

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Whole New Table

Can i, using asp code, create whole new table in my DB?
I have clients on my site and each client buys itmes and i want to store the purchase i thought that each client has its own table like member "John" has "JohnOrders" a table reserved only for him..
Which means i need to create a table using code each time a user register.
am i doing this right beacuse i've seen people have just one "ORDERS" table but i cant understand how the stuff all the info about all users into 1 table?

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Get Table Row

how can i get the table row index so that i can highlight the entire row when the user click on the row.Below is teh code i have tried but failed... cos it only hightlight a single cell.

var oSelected = null;
if (oSelected != null)
oSelected.bgColor = "white";
oSelected = window.event.srcElement;
oSelected.bgColor = "lightskyblue";

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i want to create a table from a txt file seleted by the user and display on the browser. anyone can offer some tips on ow to do it?

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XML To Db Table

how to convert xml data to access table using asp.

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Add Table Gridlines?

How can I add table gridlines to this? border of 1 inch?

call OpenDB()
set rs = Dbconn.Execute("EXEC spRES")
Response.Write "<table>"
Response.Write "<tr>"
For Each oField In rs.Fields
Response.Write "<th>" & oField.Name & "</th>"
Response.Write "</tr>"
Do Until rs.EOF
Response.Write "<tr>"
For Each oField In rs.Fields
Response.Write "<td>" & oField.Value & "</td>"
Response.Write "</tr>"
Response.Write "</table>"

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ASP Trying To Access SQL Table..

Trying to access an SQL Table....


I have a form that is set up to search the table and attached is the code that is trying to get data from that table.
Need help please, if anyone has any ideas.

This is the error Im getting:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '2003'.

/pub/property/tpp/SearchRes.asp, line 124

I cant figure it out.

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Table Not Updated

I am using an Insert command in my asp code that Inserts a rows in my database. After the Insert command i create a recordset and ask for all the rows in the table that i aplied the insert command Some times the rows i get are correct but sometimes the database is not updated by the time the recordset is opened.

Is there any way to wait until the table is updated with the new rows and then open the
recordset? ...

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