Closed Or Invalid In This Context.

So I have this database working JUST fine for a week, then I add another table to it and then this is where things starting getting crazy. Here is my db conn code:

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Closed Or Invalid Connection Object Error...

I'm working on a quick wrapper so that I can connect to a database, run a quick query, get the needed info and pass it on to the next page that needs it. I've been programming for a long time but not with ASP/VBscript and think it's just something stupid that I've overlooked. Code:

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Object Context

I'm getting the following error in my event log:
Failed on creation from object context: CoCreateInstance (ProgId:
SOFTWING.ASPtear) (CLSID: {A06F79A7-A329-11D2-880F-0020AFD81B6D})
(Microsoft Transaction Server Internals Information: File:
untimecontextccontext.cpp, Line: 1347)
I have checked Microsoft and following their instructions ensured the
correct permissions are set on the relevent dll

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Where Object Context Is Used

I have used the 5 objects ( session, application, server, request, response ) but never used object context.

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Security Context

If I turn off anonymous access to an ASP page and then use "Integrated Authentication" in a Intranet environment, I expected the user context to be the user who is accessing the page. It doesn't seem to be the case.

I'm using a component (ASPUpload) to move a file to a share point on another box. The user context that I thought I was running under has write access to this share but I keep getting a 500 back when I run the page. Local paths work fine, share points are a no go.

I turned to basic authentication, put the name of the domain in the domain box and then used the same username and password to access the page and it copied the file with no problems. So in this case it seems that the user context WAS the user I expected.

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PostbackUrl And Context.Items

I had previously posted this in inetserver.asp.components, I don't think that
was the right place... anyways, here is a repost:

We are currently using ASP.NET 2.0 to revamp one of our web applications. Let
me try to briefly explain how each page is laid out...

Usually within the page, there are 3 components... The header, the body, and
the footer. The header and footer are user controls created by one of our
developers, and contain things that all the pages in our web app should
contain. This is done to avoid inconsistencies (so you only change the header
once instead of changing it 20 times - once for each page).

The developer who created the header user control used Context.Items to
store some information. On my pages, I am trying to use PostbackUrl to post
form information from one page to another.

The problem I am having is this:
Both my pages call the header control. When I use PostbackUrl and
PreviousPage, I think the header control from the previous page gets "copied"
over to the page I am posting to. So in the second page, I get something like
a "dictionary keys have to be unique" exception. I think this is because the
Context.Items wasn't "cleared" from the PreviousPage since it was "copied"
over, so when the header user control tries to add the same key to
Context.Items in the second page, I get an exception.

I temporarily solved this problem by using Request.Form[...] rather than
PreviousPage.FindControl(...). I'm not sure if this is the right way to do
it, or if it will cause any problems.

So my question is: Can PostbackUrl and Context.Items work together? I guess
I could put some try/catch statements in the header control, but
unfortunately I don't have access to that file.

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Script Context Highlighting

point me in the direction of a function that will parse
a "code" output and colorise the context of the script?

eg - vbulletin style [code] output

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Make Context Search

I bulding some application in ASP . i want that my App. will search some context at office files. how do i do it whitout Index serive ? ther is any API ? ther is any ASP code ?

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Connection Closed

yes i did close the connection, infact ultradev did this for me. This works before, I mean in other files and I am using the same format to build new pages.

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Auto Closed

how to make a window explorer closed tiself like after 1 min? I think I rem there is such function available but I had forgotten the function/code...

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Object Is Closed

In my page I run one sp to retrieve client details, loop through that and use another to retrieve details relating to each client. The first sp returns records correctly but i get the message "Operation is not allowed when the object is closed" .

when i try to use the second one. I have checked permissions and connections. I have printed out the variables i am passing as parameters and have tried running the sp from sql and it works fine.

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ASP. Closed Database

I have to do an ASP page with sort of an SQL command to insert in data stored in a access database.

So, I whipped up a simple web page just for visitors to my web to key in name, email and comments about my page, and then it'll save these to a access database. And i got this error: Code:

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ASP Running When Browser Is Closed

Recently, I've been encountering some problems with one of my VB Scripts.

Very often, the results that is generated from running the script is truncated. (The results are written into a text file on the server and is picked up by another program for printing).

I've looked through the code at least a hundred times but do not seem to know where the problem lies.

After questioning the users more closely, I discovered that they switched the computer off while the script is still running (it tends to take about an hour or so due to intensive searches on very big sized databases).

My question is : will the script still run to completion in this case? I'm at my wits end trying to figure out what went wrong.

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Is It Possible To Set The See If A User Closed Their Browser?

In asp is it possible to set the see if a user closed their browser.

Example if a user logged in but closes his browser I want it to say he is logged off.

As well does any one know how transfer data form a database to flash using ASP?

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Run Query After Closed Window.

I am trying to run a query after the browser window is closed. I need it to delete a value from the database when window is closed.

If it deletes it minutes after its closed that is fine as well. I just need some way to automatically delete information from the table when the user leaves the site.

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Is There An Easy Way To Find Out If All OBJECTS Are Closed?

I have several pages ( ASP) that were working OK on NT4. We moved it to Server 2003. At random , it appears that the Server.CreateObject fails.

I've looked through the code and it looks OK. Is there an easy way to make sure I have Closed all CONNECTIONS RecordSets etc.

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Error 3704 Object Is Closed

I am getting the error 3704 "Operation is not allowed when the object is closed.Operation is not allowed when the object is closed." The problem is when no record is returned from the stored procedure. If there is a record, I do not get this error. Here is the portion of the code giving me problems. strSql, strConnect
if rs.eof = true or rs.bof = true then
bEof = true
end if

The line in red is what gives me the error. If I take out that section, I do not receive an error. Any suggestions? I can easily get around this by putting in an on error resume next, but I'm trying to get this to work without errors first.

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Operation Is Not Allowed When The Object Is Closed.

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0e78'

Operation is not allowed when the object is closed.

/apply/reporting/report.asp, line 22

I am trying to return a recordset from a stored procedure into an ASP page with the following code.... Code:

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Is There An Easy Way To Find Out If All OBJECTS Are Closed?

I have several pages ( ASP) that were working OK on NT4.
We moved it to Server 2003. At random , it appears that the
Server.CreateObject fails.

I've looked through the code and it looks OK.

Is there an easy way to make sure I have Closed all

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Parent Window Refresh When Child Is Closed

I have an asp page (parent) which opens a new window (child) with "". What i want is, when the child window is closed with "self.close()" then the parent window has to be refreshed. Any of you guys know how to do this?

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Stored Procedure : Operation Is Not Allowed When The Object Is Closed

I have the following stored procedure:


I'm getting the error "operation is not allowed when the object is closed" on the following line:

<% If Not rsAlloAmts.EOF Or Not rsAlloAmts.BOF Then %>

I haven't dealt we this particular type of situation and not sure how I can bind the necessary values to the page based on what is passed in to the procedure. I'm not sure how to handle this type of logic on the page?

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ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0E78) Operation Is Not Allowed When The Object Is Closed

I have a problem with my programm and get the error above. In the file I've commented the relevant lines with **** and normaly the SQL-statement are in one row but there is a better overview when it looks like this.

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Invalid URL

I have a ASP page on my web Site that has the following code in it.

Response.Redirect ("Validation.asp?BookingNo=45656756")

This code works fine most of the time. I have found cases when the browser drops the file extension of of the file leaving the Url as something like "Validation?BookingNo=45656756" and of course the browser then fails to find the correct web page. I have noted that the problem has occured you a user that is using Safari on a late Version Mac.

other people that have had the problem have also used Macs but I'm not sure what browser they used. Is there something wrong with my code or are these people just using shit browsers that are not worth me worring about. Is there a better way to redirect the user with some other code.

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Invalid FieldName

What I have is the database looking up a fieldname by an "Action" statement. I would like to be able to redirect the page if that fieldname does not exist. Code:

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ASP Says Returning XML Invalid

I am passing a XML to SP, and SP in return send XML back. When I comment out sp_xml_preparedocument (XML reading block) in SP, ASP is taking returning XML as valid, but, if I uncomment input XML reading block, ASP is giving following error: Code:

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Table ID Is Invalid

I'm trying to create a table in a new Access database, but the line in the code that says

catDB.Tables.Append tblNew

provokes this error:

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e3c'
Table ID is invalid.

Could this be a permissions problem? It's a brand-new hosting account, brand-new directories, etc. The DDL code that created the database ran successfully, but now I can't create a table in that database.

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Getting An Invalid MID() Error?

parsing a large .txt file, using a user entered string to find all matches within... Code:

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Invalid At The Top Level

It has been said that When attempting to load an XML file saved as UTF-7 (a transfer encoding format for Unicode), the XML parser in Internet Explorer generates the following error message: Invalid at the top level of the document. The same error also occurs when using the MSXML parser from server-side or client-side script.
I am getting this error when I use MSXML 3.0 as reference in a VB DLL function called by a ASP file.

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Invalid Column Name

I am trying to access a table in a SQL server using ADO in ASP. It works fine in the rest of the site. Here is the code:

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FSO: Invalid Path - Why??

I am trying to use the FSO to do some file work. I have a little bit of code:

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Invalid Character?

IF trim(request(location))="" AND trim(request(FileType))="" AND trim(request(DateMonth)) = "" AND trim(request(DateYear))="" THEN
Response.Redirect plmsearch.asp?ac=error

why is the "?" causing the invalid character? everything is coded correctly on the plmsearch.asp page.

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The Precision Is Invalid

I am trying to pass parameter to a stored procedure on a SQL Server 2000 DB and one of the columns I think I am having a problem with is a float data type. Right now my append statement looks like this:

cmdpay.Parameters.Append (cmdpay.CreateParameter("@Amount", adDecimal,
adParamInput,15, Request.Form("txtPaymentAmount"))).

When I execute the stored proc, it returns a precision is invalid error, but I cannot find a adFloat parameter sample anywhere - am I missing something here? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I asked our DBA to make the data type for the column a decimal, but NOOOOO he wants it to be a float instead.

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Invalid Use Of Null Using SUM

Is there anything wrong with this query. Sometime it works sometime it doesn't.


Most of the time when it don't, this will be the error:

"Invalid use of Null"

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