Code To Search For Files In Directory

point me to some example code of searching for a file, like *.*, or *.pdf, much like the Windows search function. I am at a smaller location, away from the main office, and although I can map a drive or just use to go to the desired location, the connection is too slow to search.

I'd like to implement a search function on the intranet web (at the main office), where it will search a certain directory and its subdirectories and return the results as network links (using the convention); actually it doesn't matter how it displays the links, as long as it shows me where stuff is. That way the search is run on the computer where the originating directories are.

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Search In Directory

I'm trying to deploy a service using an asp page, for this service I need to find a file in a directory using a path made for some values taken from some variables, this values change depending the user selection on the page. I dont know how to do this.

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Search Directory

I have a very simple project to complete. How do I search a directory for all the files saved in that directory by specific date. I want them to enter the date and the asp page will search a predefived directory for all the files matching the date entered and then display a list of thoe files with hyperlinks to open them.

they will be excel files. I can already search by file name, display the .xls file as hyperlink. now I just need to pull up all the files in the directory by date.

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Making Sure Code Only Looks At This Directory.

I have a folder where i just want to read back images. This works fine until the computer self creates a folder called _notes and this messes up my results.

one how do i just get it to return all images and nothing else, ie none of the subfolders or any other files and second can i stop the self creation of the file? Code:

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Code To Use File In A Directory

I'm coding a page where you can download a lot of different files( 100-1000) but I don't want to code each file(linking and all) it would take weeks to do that. I tried with a database and asp code rding the databse but it not saving a lot of time since I got to complete the databse.

I wanna know if we can code with asp something to automaticly read each file and list them in html so I dont have to code 1000 x the samee thing.

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Search Directory For Last Modified File

Is it possible to search a specific directory for the most recent file and list when it was modified.

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List Directory Files

I have a directory called 'imagefiles' that contains upto 50 images - the images are named 01.jpg, 02.jpg, 03.jpg etc, etc. What I want is a single ASP page (displayimages.asp) that will display each image with a Next and Previous button to move back and forth between each image. I know how to list the contents of a directory using the FSO object and I know the URL behind the Next/Previous button could be something like displayimages.asp?image=01.jpg to determine what image needs to be displayed. What I'm getting hung up on is how to construct the URL i.e. when the displayimages.asp file is first displayed there simply needs to be a Next button and the URL will need to be something like displayimages.asp?image=02.jpg. Then when the visitor clicks the Next button the next page will need both a Next & Previous button - the URL behind the Previous button will need to be displayimages.asp?image=01.jpg and the URL behind the NExt button will need to be displayimages.asp?image=03.jpg...but how do I get the 02.jpg, 01.jpg, 03.jpg values to form part of the URL for the image variable?? Hope you see what I mean.....oh and I don't want to use a database to hold the image file names.

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List All The Files In The Directory

How would I list all the files in a directory and hyperlink to relevant document. For eg.

If user has a webpage with two folders displayed on the screen i.e. webpage or threads. User should be able to chose one of the folder in this case the user clicks on the webpage folder and list of different files in that folder appears on a separate window.

The list of files should contain different file attributes such as CREATED ON ,DATE .Once the user clicks on the file the hyperlink should take the user to the relevant document.

I attached two sample image files that user must be able to view it on their screen . When the user clicks on the first image the second screen should pop up on the screen..

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Viewing Files In A Directory

is there an easy way of viewing the files in a directory without using "server.MapPath"!!!
i need to view Doc files in a folder and then open them in IExplorer to print the matter in them...

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Cannot Locate Files In Web Directory

I have been given a asp legacy application, on each code file they have included some files which are located in the web directory they are,

<!-- #include virtual="/dss/includes/"-->
<!-- #include virtual="/dss/includes/classes/"-->
<!-- #include virtual="/dss/includes/classes/"-->

But i tried to find these files in the directory and couldn't locate them (tried searching them too, no result). My application runs perfectly fine,

Any idea how this thing works and where the files actually located.

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Directory And Refresh The Files

I wanted to loop through a directory and get the names of all the files in the directory and put it in a table using the file system object and VB scrip in a DTS package.

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List All Files Of A Directory

How can I list all files of a directory with fso or wsh and afterwards write its names on screen?

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Concerning Delete A Directory With Files

I understand how to delete files within a directory using the Scripting.FileSystemObject.
However, how can I delete a directory using ASP 2.0 on an older IIS 4.0 server? Do I need to:

1. Delete all the files within the directory.
2. Change the directory's permissions.
3. Delete the directory.

Am I able to delete a directory without changing the permissions? Can I delete a directory with files inside the directory or does the directory need to be empty?

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Delete Files In Directory!

I am wanting to delete all files contained in a directory.
I won't have the name of the file...

Can i do this somehow??

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Searching Directory Files

Is it possible to develop an ASP page to search within an intranet environment. The file properties searched out and then post the properties info to an access dataset ?

I had searched for commercial shareware and other searched out items only to find applications where I can get file name, created dates file sizes. Nothing more nor expandable for additional information. And then put into a spread sheet. One did work but only on minimal property info. I need to expand to more information from the properties of specific files.

Example I used was morespace, Located all files in a specific drive, folder or etc then listed a few items into a table. I need the same ability but the capability to add and change how much information I can record from the file properties.

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Unable To Read Files In Directory

IIS cannot read files in a directory reporting that :

Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01B6)
Object doesn't support this property or method: 'Fso.GetFolder'

This has to do with Scripting.FileSystemObject.
I make sure the scrrun.dll is properly registered with regsvr32.
Still the problem persists.

Previously I do not know what I did right once in permission setting and
managed to display the said files but it went away after tweaking the
permission for make other functions available.

I scoured the web and this problem is a perrenial one. Many many suggestions
have been made even in expertsexchange site but no real solution. I don't
understand why it is so difficult to have this file system service up and

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Listing Files In A Directory By Date

i'm having problems trying to find information on how to write an asp
script that lists the files in a directoy

what i am looking to do is just list the 5 most recent files and list
them in descending order (newest) first

can anyone help me out here with a link, or some basic instructions,
i've found plenty of scripts that list files, but they don't explain
how its accomplished, and to me that's more important than simply
dumping a script on the server and using it

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Problem Including Files From Different Directory

I'm trying to include and calling some ASP files from different directory. It doesn't work.

I need to use <A HREF>tag to link the ASP file and image file using <img src>tag. I entered the whole path inside of tag. It doesn't work.

For example.

The original web page is reside in c:webrootwebpageestpagehomepage.asp

All the image files and other ASP files are reside in:


In the IE browser, the link would go to

Of course, it won't work because the aspfile.asp is reside in webrootwebpage, NOT in webrootwebpage estpage diretory.

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Sort List Of Files In Directory

I would like to sort (descending) list of files in directory. Parameter is directory url.
How I can to do that with ASP not ASP.NET.

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Listing All Files In A Protected Directory

I know how i can list and manage files (with the file object) on a normal directory with ASP. But i couldn't find any information on how do i list/work with files which are locaed on a password protected directory (with basick auth). how to make such a task ?

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Free Ftp Component To List Files From Directory

I'm looking for a free ftp component so that I can list files from an ftp directory. I have found majodio.ftp ,but it costs and I was wondering if there was a free version anyone knew about.

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File Directory Turned Into Include Files

I'm trying to run each file in a directory to be put into an include file line
I can't get anything to work me. Code:

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Securing A Directory Of Files In A Password Protected Area

I have a client who has a password protected page (via session) that lists a bunch of pdf's. They are a little worried that you are able to browse and see the pdf's via the url without being logged in.

I'm not sure if it's possible or not but is there a way after their username and passord is verified to automatically grant them permisson to view the contents of the pdf directory?

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ASP Search Code

I want the ASP code to pull data from the database. If i enter one of the field in the form and then click on Search button, the data for the other fields should automatically pop up.

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Search On Pdf Files

I want to implement a search funcionalitý on a site, that searches on pdf files. Is there a (free and easy) way to do that on win server 2003?

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Search ASP Files

I need to search a folder & sub-folders for key words in ASP files. I can open the files with Notepad and see the text string there.

But when I try to navigate to the folder with Windows Explorer, right click and 'search for word in file' it reports back that the text string was not found.

I've fooled around with the 'advanced' settings but can't seem to make it work.even when I'm searching a single folder with a single ASP file in matter what the text won't find it.neither will the standard search tool with xp-pro.

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Asp Zip Code Distance Search

I have a site and i have a text box for someone to type in a zip code. i nee dto know how to program, or locate a database, where the results will display my business location(s) by zipcode and display the total distance between the zip code entered by the visitor to the site, and my locations.

like Midas has on their site ( where you type in a zip code and it returns the store locations and how far away they are from you.

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Zip Code Search Form

I am trying to implement a search form that lets people find businesses by zip codes with a certain distance (e.g. 10, 20, and 50 miles).what do I need to buy to have the resources to do this? I have seen some zip code databases but I am not sure how to setup the distance from point A to point B and return the results within the distance.

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Write Search Code

I am creating student website and wants to create some featuer like if user come on my side and type his/her student id in provided SEARCH FIELD [TEXT BOX] that page will display perticular information of that user but before that it will ask for login name and password as well. I am making my website in XHTML [front end], JAVA SCRIPT[validation], ASP [server coding], IIS server.

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Post Code Search

I'm trying to work out how to do a post code search with longitiude and latitude, the idea is to be able to input yuor postcode and the search will return all company stores in that area.

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Code For Search Webpage

i need code for search webpage meta keywords and meta description i need the webpage to be indexed completely up on entering webpage url.

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Quick Search Code

can anyone tell me where i can get a good tutorial for a quick search.

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Search Hosted Files

In UNIX, one can use "grep" command to search for string occurrences within a file. How can I do this in Windows Server belonging to a third-party hosting facility?

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