Collect Data In Multiple Forms

I Need to collect about 400 pieces of text information (of various types and sizes) in about seven forms in seven different pages and post all the data finally to a database. I would like to know what is the best mechanism to pass data from form1 through form 7.

Users should be able to go to previous pages and edit entered data. Should I pass them as hidden variables or retain them as session variables or are there other more efficient ways to do this?

Also, I want to be able to later retrieve the data and porpulate the forms with the data so that users can edit the data and post it again. I am using ASP to do this (not .net). Any help from a generous programmer?

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Collect Data

my question is regarding ASP, Access, and Excel. I'm wanting to collect data using a form and insert the data into a database. I have no problem with that part. What I have a problem with is after I collect the data, I want to have it inserted into a spreadsheet that I have already created.

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Multiple Forms

I am dynamically generating multiple forms E.g.,

form3....depending upon the records

Onclick of a button i am passing the form name to another page through a querystring. I am opening the popup through function. I want the value that calculates from that page to the opener page. For that I want the dynamic form name.

How will i write the form name in the code below:


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Multiple Forms

In that page i have 2 forms with exactly the same names on it's fields, but one is called form1 and the other one form2.

What i want to do is specifiy from which form i want to read it's fields using Request.Form

Is it something like Request.Form("form1.name_of_field") ??

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Multiple Forms

Is it possible to have more than one form in an ASP page and determine via "request.form....." which form you want to draw results from?


Can you do something like, "request.form.projecttype("id")" for the form named, "projecttype", and later in the page have another form called, "projectmanager" and do the same thing, "request.form.projectmanager("id")"

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Multiple Forms

Can I have one page "prod.asp" with 2 forms (form1 with ONE Submit Button and form2 with 2 submit buttons) submiting to same page "prod.asp" again?

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Multiple Forms

I have multiple pages based on a template (using Dreamweaver MX). This template is split in two parts (div); a menu area and an info (main) area. Each area contains a form. In the menu area form I have different form elements which determine the content of the info area (e.g. a combobox controlling which page is loaded).

Two of these elements are text fields holding dates. I need to fill the info area with a table of N rows, where N is the numbers of days between the two dates. As far as I know, the page has to be submitted to the server with these date and generated serverside. What is the best approach when I want to display result on the same page which submits the dates?

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Multiple Forms Submissions

It is common with form collection to ASP that only one form is submitted to the server at any one time. The webmaster can save the information submitted right away.However when many forms are submitted at once, the prior data are deleted to let the new data be carried in the ASP.How can this problem be solved with ASP? Is this a limitation with ASP?Is CGI a better way of form data collection?

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Search Multiple Forms

I am searching for a specific record based on different criteria:

First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, City, State, Zip Code, File Number

I am using sql server to store all the information.

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Handling Multiple Forms

i am trying to build an online test that records user input one question at a time. So each question is a form by itself. I want to make a single ASP file that will validate all the form results and write it to a database. How can I know which form is
calling the ASP file?

Also, there may be multiple users accessing the quiz at the same time. Do I have to do anything special for such a case?

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Passing Hidden Fields Into Multiple Forms

I'm having trouble passing hidden fields between forms. I have a total of four forms. I have the 1st form passing its field to the 2nd form, and the 2nd form passing its field to the 3rd form, but the 1st form's field then is not passed into the 3rd form. So obviously, my summary form (the 4th form) is not getting the 1st form's field or the 2nd form's field, only the 3rd form's field. Code:

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Passing Multiple Selected Items To A Forms Page- How?

I have a query on a page that displays the results of a recordset. Each row has a check box that has the table ID associated with the row of data.

I am trying to figure out how do I send every row checked to another page and have that page know the ID's that were checked so the next page can query the table for those ID's and fill out a submission form. I know the form fields I can write so it dynamically names the value based on the script, that part is easy, but trying to figure out how to have the script accept multiple ID's so it can go through each and display the results is not.

Now this is simple if I am just sending one ID to the next page, I can just use a "Post" and append a ?id=xxx to the URL and then do a request.querystring for the ID. Where I am confused is trying to send multiple ID = 's to the next page so it reads more then one ID if more then one was checked on the previous page which 99% of the time it will be.


What should I look up to point me in the right direction to create a classic VBScript/ASP code to parse through the ID's that were checked on the previous page and have the next page query each ID for the data?

I can pretty much figure out how if I know what I am looking to do. I was just looking for some sort of direction that I can pursue to understand how do do this task. What is it I am trying to do? IS there a term or set of terms I need to consider looking up to get examples so I can tweak and write it from there?

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Data From Forms

I currently have 2 asp forms on one page, posting to different pages,one an email form, the other an upload. Is it possible that someone could help me with merging them together?The scripts and pages are below on my 3rd post below.

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Data Passing Between Forms

I have been using the post method, but that only works for one other do I go about making variables available to more than one page?

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Encrypting Data With Forms

For the register and login pages, etc (ie, any pages with forms), I'm wanting to encrypt the data using the basic form encryption method: Code:


However, I have no idea how to get ASP to de-encrypt the data on the other side.

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Cross Contamination Of Data Between Forms

I have just taken over an ASP application that has a form whereby the user on entering details submits it, where an administrator approves the form. lately I have been getting calls from people who on opening a Finalsed Form (non-editable) to copy similiar data to the new form, are finding the new form disapearing and the Finalised form taking on the new data.

Being new to ASP, I am assuming this would be a session thing, considering the Form number is held in a session variable, as are many other fileds of the form? Is this a common "break" in ASP - a user opening another copy of a form and ending up with cross-contamineted data? I havent included intracate details as at this stage I wouldnt know what to include without including the whole 20 pages of 1300+ lines of code...

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Data Entry Through Forms Layout

I have a table layed out in SQL 2000 like the following:

Username Date Hours Period
john 1/1 10 1
john 1/2 20 1

How simple is it for me to build a data entry form in ASP that would display this with input boxs for the hours field. The problem is I need it to span left to right on th eweb page.

Period 1
1/1 1/2 etc------------>
box box


The key to the look would be the current period.

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Populate 3rd Party Site Forms With My Recordset Data??

I have a simple application setup where people can submit a request for a sample of our product to be mailed to them. It's a very simple form with name and address information. I have a page setup where our warehouse guys can pull up current requests and then the plan is to use to print shipping lables.

While it's already a big time saver, they're still having to either copy/paste or re-type the information into's forms. Knowing the names of the form fields on their site, is there a way I can populate their forms with the data in my recordset from my details page?

For instance, they pull up the current requests and they click into the details page for one of them which lists the person's name and address. If I have the page open in another window and on the screen which contains the form fields is there a way to call that page and populate those fields accordingly?

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Can't Find Error. Issue With Variables, Forms, And Displaying Stored SQL Data

1) This is page built as a form which displays the content of a SQL database (a specific row) for users to update.

2) Each form field contains the actual information that the database has at this time (some Columns May or May not have info in it. No actual way to determine if its NULL or Just Empty).

3) I have the actual row selector based on the Unique ID (autonumber value). Its selected from a previous page and passed through GET.


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Collect The UserID

In my asp server page, I would like to collect the USERID, Client Machine Name, IP Address information and passing it back to the server for validation control. How can I achieve it in Jscript?

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Collect Information

There is a web page ( that shows some information on a table, we need to collect these information from this web page every 6 hours and save it to a SQL data base and prepare it for further analyzes.

how can I collect the data from this web page automatically.

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Collect Datas

i collect datas (user input) from the form say form1.asp and if i press submit button it should straight away go to the emailid say

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Collect SQL String Using Script

A co-worker of mine used to have a script that he would run after the
script on the page was executed, it would spit out the SQL of the
query that was dynamically created through all of the gibberish code
in the ASP page.

Does anyone know what exactly he was running?

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Collect Links On My Site

I am trying to crawl my site to get a list of links. I am using the regular
expressions to get the href tags from the pages and reading the links using
xmlhttp module.
is there an efficient way to loop through the links? If you start with the
home page, how do you do it? How do yo ukeep track of the pages you have
been to and which to do next.
I am not sure how to go about tihs.
I tried some loop but it seemed to take too long to crawl my site.

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Collect Remote System Information

I have been tasked with collecting the system information from several workstations and dumping the data into a SQL database using ASP. I have access to the servers but need to know how to approach this. What I need is the information that comes from the
system info button in the help of many applications. Where does the code come from for the system summary? Is this something I can replicate in an intranet web?

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Collect String From HTTP Form POST

I have a basic form that POSTs data to a web server. The web server then replys with a string response. It goes something like this:

<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="Click here To Submit">

The response is just a comma separated values string like:
1,0,2,3,0,Transaction Success,Etc

Once I hit the submit button the server returns a string response. I do not want the user to ever see the response, but need the response string to create my own page. How do I retreive that string and use it??

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Multiple Data Through Url

How can i pass more then one variable (within "href"), so that i can read the variables in the url using "request.querystring"?

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Multiple Rows Of Data

I need to have a table with 3 fields whereby the user can input the data and insert into my database using this website. However, I need this table to be dynamic so that after the user input the info for the first row, the user can click on add another row button and another blank row comes out. then the user can input the info for the second row and so on.

I am using ASP in the end to insert the data. I need some advice on how to create this kind of table where the user can click on one button to add another row and then able to insert all data in the entire table into database using asp.

number filename filesize
1 aaa.asp 123MB

add more data

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Updating Multiple Data

How do i update multiple records?I used to put the values in an array after splitting them.But what i noticed was , if there are values that are seperated with commas in the field value itself then it is taking the field value to be 2 in number.for eg:

if my field1 has value of abcd,defg and my field2 has value 123.When i update my field1 is updated with abcd and filed2 is updated with defg and so on? How can i overcome this?i want the values to be updated correctly into their respective field.

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Select Multiple Data

Currently I have a combo box that shows records from a Select query using Group By. So it only shows each record type once. I can currently search for records using the combo box but I want to search for multiple records in the combo box.

For example, if in the combo box it shows records: Adam, Bob, Carl,,,etc.. Right now if I click on Adam, the search will bring up all of the Adams. What I want to be able to do is to be able to click on multiple records such as Adam and Carl and have all of the Adam and Carls show up.

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Retreiving Data From Multiple Tables

I have 3 tables, product, industry and plist. product has productID and product, industry has industryID and industry, plist has productID foreign key with productID on product table and industryID foreign key with industryID on industry table.

In the plist table I am storing the productID and the industryID's that relate to that productID..

industryID productID
1 4
1 7
1 9
1 10

What I want in my ASP page is to return the actual products that each industry serves. So for the above example my script should return the products in the product table that relate to the productID's 4, 7, 9, 10, when I search it by industryID 1. I hope this is making sense. Code:

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Displaying Data In Multiple Columns

I thought its more space efficient of displaying the data in multiple columns (let's say 2 columns for now), instead of one loooooooooong column in a table, are there a simple script of coding that can do just that?
How about 3 columns?

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Display Multiple Data On Hyperlink In ASP

how can I display multiple access data on hyperlink in ASP?? For example like I click on Monday link it will only display all the informaton about Monday and click tuesday will only display tuesday information on same page.

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