Collections And Maximum Count/Length

I am working on a project that requires me to check the number of rows
in a table with the same HTML "ID" value.

I do this in my code with:

i = document.all(rowid).length

However, if the number of rows with the same ID is greater than 8, it
always returns 8 (not 9, 10, etc.)

Also, I am seeing a similiar response in a 2nd page when I attempt to
get the number of elements in the Form collection

i = Request.Form.Count

This also returns a value of 8 although I know there are more elements
in the collection than 8.

Is any one aware of an issue like this? Maybe some kind of setup
issue with IIS?

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Maximum Length

I have an asp page that uploads a text file, with SQL Statements inside.
After I upload the file, I want to execute the statements and then delete the file from the server.
The problem is: when I read the first Sql statement, it gives an error when I try to execute it I get a "Identifier that starts with 'INTO blah blah' is to long. Maximum length is 128.
But when I response.write the variable it shows the whole string, all +-600 chars of it.
So is this a DB Problem? (I'm using SQL Server 2000)
And how would I change it, if it was?

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Maximum Length Of A URL

whats the maximum lenght of a url ?

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Maximum Length Of String

What is the maximum length of the string that can be stored in a hidden field using javascript, which can be retrieved using ASP Request object.

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Classes And Collections In ASP?

I've always had problems getting my head around using collections and classes together. Separately, they seem like fairly simple subjects, but I'm getting muddled up when trying to use them together.

Can someone toss together a simple example of how I'd create my classes and collection? Code:

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Collections In ASP: Names Vs. Numbers

I am using the Folder.Files collection to display all the images in a given
directory. The following shows the code I use to create and use this

Set myfilesys=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set mydirectory=myfilesys.GetFolder(Server.MapPath("./emoticons"))

When I use a specific file name to access a file, my code works fine:

<img src=" & Chr(34) & mydirectory.Name & "/" &
mydirectory.Files("blinkgirl.gif").Name & Chr(34) & ">

However, I want to iterate through all the files in the Folder USING NUMBERS
(I already know how to do it using a For Each statement). But whenever I try
to do this, I receive an error:

<img src=" & Chr(34) & mydirectory.Name & "/" & mydirectory.Files(5).Name
& Chr(34) & ">

Other collections, such as the Request.Form collection allow you to access
the collection using either text or numbers, and all books that I have read
have said that this is true for all collections. Is the Folder.Files
collection an exception to this? Is there something else I need to do?

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Maximum Duration


<% While not rs.eof %>

<% close_dte= rs("close_dte") %>
<% open_dte= rs("open_dte") %>
<% DUR = DateDiff("n",open_dte,close_dte)%>
<% DUR = Round((DUR/60),2) %>
<% = DUR %><br>


this code works great and displays an entire list of durrations. So now i have this list, i want to just single out the highest or maximum durration from the list that i have just generated.

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Maximum Size

I need a general code for limiting an image size in pixels.Uploaded Images from people may not be larger on width than 400 px.
If so than a script would minimize them to 400 but if they are 260 px then they of course appear in 260 px

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Maximum Fields

WHat is the maximum no. of fields,we can create in Ms access 2002 table?

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Get Method Maximum Len

the maximum size in car that i can send throught get method ?

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Finding Maximum Value

How do I find the maximum value of a recordset column? I'd rather do it this way than open a new recordset with Max(column).

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Maximum Access Connections

What is the maximum number of connections that will work when using ASP pages with a MS Access database. I've seen some information that leads me to believe that up to 20 simultaneous users is a practical limit?

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Maximum Of 10 Results Per Page

I'm doing pretty well with my SE and getting all my results but I'm trying to come up with a way to have a maximum of 10 results per page. Code:

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Maximum Upload Size

I'm using the FreeASPUpload script from It works good until I attempt to upload files larger than about 10Meg, at which point my server chokes. The documentation says I need to change the IIS upload limit.I've not been able to figure out how to do it in IIS5.

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Maximum Allowed On Selection Box?

I have a script that has worked flawlessly for a while. It allows a user to select from a listbox - with highlighted lines already of their settings, multiple lines (CTRL-SHFT) and the page updates the database properly.

Now, for some reason, I have a user that when we load their settings, all is fine. If I submit the form, immediately, with no new additional selections, all works fine. But, if I add even one new selection on the list box by holding CTRL-SHFT, the submit button no longer works at all.

This user does have a long list of selections already, I am just wondering if I may have hit a max some how?

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Record When Was Maximum Users

I made a website where I am able to record how many users are online right now at my website ysing Session_Variables.

Now I want to record the date when I had maximum number of users online at one time ...

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Maximum Recovery Limit

sometimes I bekome a "Server Application Error" on my w2k Server when call a
ASP page

The server has reached the maximum recovery limit for the application during
the processing of your request. Please contact your Administrator
The only thing to do is to restart the server.

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Maximum Size Of Field

Why the instruction runs ok on sql server 2000 but in access 2000 brings me the maximum size of field in the table:

SQLCategoria = "Select * from Biblioteca_Categoria where Len(Codigo) = 6 order by Codigo asc"

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Maximum Number Of Banner

We have a site that has been developed in Visual Interdev that we use the PageNavBar object for the banners on each page. I have noticed that we seem to have gotten into a situation where whenever we add a new page to the site diagram, some other page loses it's banner.

Can anyone tell me if there is some numerical maximum number of pages that can appear on a site diagram? Is there some other explanation for this that I am missing? Is there a solution?

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Server Has Reached Maximum

I've been doing some work on the company's intranet, and I keep getting this error message when attempting to access ASP pages..

'The Server has reached the maximum recovery limit for the application during the processing of your request. Please contact the server administrator for assistance. The strange thing is, the pages will work for a while, before suddenly encountering this error. We then have to reset the server to get the pages to work again, but then a few days later it happens all over again. what could be cauding this, or how I can go about finding the cause?

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Textarea Maximum Exceeded

I have a small ASP program ( ) that accepts data from a Form and e-mails it. The form has a Textarea (<TEXTAREA NAME="MessageBig" ROWS=10 COLS=50> </TEXTAREA>).

If you enter too many characters in the textarea the Submit button does not function. Is it possible to set a maximum number of characters or possibly truncate anything over a fixed number to fix this problem.i do not want to use Javascript.

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Grabbing The Maximum Value Of A Field's Contents

I need to evaluate a field's maximum value and then do an if

if rs("havesubP") = true and rs("displaygroup") < MAX then ....

whereas MAX represents the biggest value in the records for the
displaygroup field (an integer datatype). I get an "Either BOF or EOF
is True, or the current record has been deleted.." error if i put any
type of comparison number (of course MAX is not a vbscript keyword)
that is larger than my largest displaygroup value in the dbase , as I
will loop thru all the records once this condition is met.

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Upload Image Maximum Size

I want to specify the maximum length of an image the file can upload.If the image exceeds that limit it should show me an error.E.g.; 640x480 pixels.

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Maximum Characters For String Data Type

what is the maximum number of characters that a string variable can hold - i
initially thought it was 256, but after some testing it seems that it can
hold much more than that..

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The Maximum Amount Of Time For A Script To Execute Was Exceeded

i wirte SQL statment to collect information from oracel database but after 5 minutes i got the following measage

Error Type:

Active Server Pages, ASP 0113 (0x80004005) The maximum amount of time for a script to execute was exceeded. You can change this limit by specifying a new value for the property Server.ScriptTimeout or by changing the value in the IIS administration tools. Code:

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Set The Length Of Time

I believe that it's possiblte to set the length of time that a visitor to a site can be inactive before their session time's out, but I don't know what the coding is or where it's placed. have never had to bother with this, but I've just started with a host, whose server seems to time-out my session after like 4 or 5 minutes

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Select By Length

in my asp code i have a part that selects 10 products at random, and then displays in a right hand menu as links.
however long titles tend to run over 2 lines, and dont look right clever.
I was wondering if i can add a length to my sql
for instance select * from products where prodname.length < 10
how do i do that, PS i am on mysql server

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URL Length Limit

I think an url variable could be limited, maybe someone know the maximum length I can use ? (I try to send an html code with the get method, maybe some symbols could not be accepted in url).Is this length limited for a variable or for the url string ?

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Url Length Prob

I have a webpage with a form and i am saving the webpage using name value pairs. So i can give the users a link which they can click on and the form will open up prepopulated.

The problem i am having is that these forms can get exteremely long (hence the prepopulation facility) e.g test.asp?name=value?name1=value1?name2=value2

is there any way to increase the url in a browser or if you know of any other way i can accomplish this id appreciate ure feedback more detail regarding the above: I am allowing useers to save their forms with the data, also save multiple versions of the form (same form with diff data).

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Referer Length

I have a question about the Max Referer length. By default this is 256. I am not fully sure I understand this property. It this a header that is sent back to the Server by a client and is it part of the URL.

While testing our Secure IIS I ahd the error come up I increased the value to 1080 and the error did not repeat!. But through my search the Max Referer lenght is always 256. SO I am trying to get feel for what the Referer really is, is it part of the HTTP 1.1 protocol?

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Length Of A Text Box

i have a webpage containing a textbox (textbox1) and a label(label1).As the user is typing into the textbox i want the label to show the amount of characters they have typed. How do i go about doing this?

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QueryString MAx Length

How can I find the Max length of the QueryString?

I am passing data between ASP pages and use the Response.QueryString (I know
that this is not the best method). Is there a limit or is this configurable?

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Getrows Get More Than Rs Length!!

I am reading an recordset into an array using getrows, but my recordset has 38 records but my array has 46!!

If I loop through the array, it errors on number 38 (as expected). I am using UBound to find the array length.

can anyone think what is going wrong, without the need to post my code (step 2!)?

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