Combo Boxes

I am setting up an ASP page using a combo box ...
Request: ... The user select a date from the pull down list and on
selection of that date another box or window will populate with the
corresponding data from that same record in the database..

I guess I am looking for an "On Selection event" type feature
Something that will cause an event to happen based on the selection
from the combo box and not have the user to press enter to get the
corresponding results.

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Problem With Combo Boxes

I have the same problem as well.i used the explanation which has been given for the hard coding example but it doesnt work.

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Radio Buttons & Combo Boxes

I have 2 radio buttons & 2 combo can i change the combo box to enabled state only when the radio button associated to it is checked? I want this to happen at once (without having any submit buttons).

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Generating A Combo Box Depending On The Field Selected In A Former Combo Box

I 'm trying to display a combo box (which datas are coming from a database) depending on the select of another combo box in the same form. I think I should use the property onChange of JavaScript but don't know what to give in parameters.

In fact, I have an ASP function which generate a table containing the Strings obtained thanks to a request in a database. Then I'd like to put the Strings contained in the table, to a combo box. The combo box should refresh each time the user select another field in the former list. It must be developped dynamically.

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Fill Combo Box Based On Another Combo Box

There are many comboboxes. One of them is where a user can select a

Based on the state, I want to select a "County". The form should populate
only the counties that apply to that State

I know how to do the JOIN if needed, but not quite sure how to pass the
value of the "State" combobox to the query that will be populating "County"

FROM Census
WHERE County = (value of the combobox "State")

Here is the code from the combobox "State" Code:

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Combo Box Is Always On The Top

I would like to have div tag over combo box, not combo box over div tag. I have this problem on many pages usually when I use drop down menus. I try to solve this problem with z-index but it doesn't work. Have anybody some idea? Code:

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Combo Value And Name

If I click the "Update" button on my form below, I can retrieve the value of
my combo by using code in the FORM RESULTS section below. Therefore, if I
choose the "Inside" option in my combo, I would get "1" as the value of my
combo box.

Is there any way to retrieve the Name associated with the value? So not only
retrieve the combo value of 1, but also retrieve the name "Inside" after
submitting my form? Code:

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Combo Box Value

I have a form which enables users to search a database. Currently they can use a series of checkboxes and a text area. I would like to incorporate a combo box in this form. The values would be hard-coded. The user selects an option, which is included in the SQL statement along with those from the other form elements.

I'm not sure how to get the values form the combo box into a variable. There would be up to 40 values. Can anyone show me how to do this?

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Combo: PDF & ASP

I'd like to know if any of you guys have found tools to, search in PDFs. create PDFs on the fly. preferly in pure asp, or in pure .net, so no component installing. I searched for it but found nothing good on the matter. I know there are some nice tools to do these things php. So I'd like to know your experiences in these things, cause clients start to ask more and more for PDF functions on their sites.

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Currently I can add/delete records from this form I have on an ASP page. But I can't get images to upload for anything. Here is the crazy part...I also have a Linux webserver for my php sites right.

I'm thinking about doing my image upload function on my linux box and upload it to the windows 2K3 image folder of my we directory. So I cause my question is: 1) Is that possible? 2) Can php talk to my access DB, and 3) Am I crazy? Code:

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Combo Box.

I've got a combo box with a list of alphanumeric data extracted from database. When i type 'c' the combo box shows a list of items beginning with the letter c. then when i press '8' the combo box shows a list of items beginning with the number 8. But what i want is for the combo box to list items that begin with 'c8'. is it possible?

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Combo Default Value

This is the code for a combo box, and I would like to make certain value the default value, so that appears unless users select somthing else.

call rs.Open("SELECT * FROM Trim.dbo.luDecisionMaker ORDER BY DecisionMakerName" _
, myCon)

do while not rs.EOF
Response.Write("<OPTION value=" & rs("DecisionMakerID"))
if rs("DecisionMakerID") = nDecisionMaker then
Response.Write(" selected")
end if
Response.Write(">" & _
rs("DecisionMakerName") & "</OPTION>" & Chr(10))


It comes from a table and has PropertyDetailsID(1,2,3,4) and PropertyDetailsname(Fee, 5,10,Other) and for example "Fee" needs to be the dafault value.

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Resetting The Combo Box Value To 0

I have a search page where i have like 10 combo boxes and some radio buttons and check boxes.

Now when the page loads, i do some selection in the combo boxes and when i press reset button it clears all data in the form elements.

But when i select things in combo boxes and do a search by clicking OK button then the search results are displayed there and now if i want to clear all the form elements , i tried to click reset button, but when ever i did a search ie click ok button and after than press reset button reset button is not clearing the form elements.

Reason for this problem:

Reset button resets the form to it's state when it was loaded (as opposed to clearing the values) so if the page loaded with the search values in it, when you hit Reset nothing will happen if you haven't changed anything. Code:

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Create A Combo Box In ASP 3.0

I want to take a text box that is in a grid and make it a combo box: Here is what the first part of the HTML looks like now:

<input type="text" name="txt_SERVICE_SN"
onkeypress="filterNonNumeric()" size="5" maxlength="3"

I tried switching the "text" to be "combobox" and that doesn't work.

I saw some other code for other combo boxes (not in the grid) and saw something like this:

<select id="test2"></select>

This will make a combo box. But I don't know why. I can't see anything in there that uniquely identifies this as a combo box.

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Implement Combo Box

Is there a way to implement a combo box, like in access in ASP? Or is there another way to have the same result. I want to make a page where people can choose an item in a list, but add one if it isn't in the list.

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Default Value For Combo Box

How do I make a value the default value for a combo box in ASP 3.0?

What I have below does NOT work, yet I've seen it in HTML file examples before (and works if I put it in a HTML file by itself, but not if I use it in a ASP 3.0 app.

<select name="cboCompany" style="text-align:right; font-size:8pt">
<option value="08">08</option>
<option value="09" selected="true">09</option>
<option value="33">33</option>
<option value="18">18</option>
<option value="17">17</option>

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String From A Combo Box

I would like to know how do we declare a string for combo box. I know for a textbox it would be:

strName = request.Form("txtName") - provided txtName is the name of the textbox.

Lets say name is the name of the combo box...

Do we declare like this? ....

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Combo Selection

I am working in an asp/Vb script environment.In a form I have 2 combo boxes.first is main criteria and second one is sub the first combo I have made predefined enteris(the headers of the table)say a table is:emp and its headers are:empid,empname,L1manager,accounts,location etc.

on a change event of first combo,I want to fetch the details from the table.say if I selected Ename in first combo.the second combo should automatically fetch the listed Enames and vice versa.

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Selected Value From Combo Box

I have a drop down select box that gets filled from database. I have to add "All" to this list which does not come from database. Also the default selected value should be the second value that is stored in array. For ex I have array of Countries names as America, Indonesia,china, Canada. My array gives me the value Myarray(intcount,0)(intcount,1) as America and so on (two dimensional array).

I want Indonesia as the default selected value when the page loads. Also I need to hardcode All at the end. Upn submitting the form the selected value fromthe drop down should get selected.

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Drop Down Combo

I have a drop down combo and on next page I want to get selected text of the combo. know howe to get value but not text.

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Combo Box Selection

My left frame contains a combo box which loads the selected record in the main frame.The combo box retrieves concatenated 3 columns from my db. E.g. ID, Firstname & Surname.

Because of this, it seems to blow out the size of the frame,thus ruining my nav system.Does anyone know how I can restrict the box width, but allow the drop down part to remain wide?

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Reset Combo Box

How can i reset the combo box or <select> in asp?

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Dynamic Combo Box

I want to create dynamic combobox. for eg if in a text box user enter a value the combox will populate from a table based on the value input in textbox. in the same page.

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Autocomplete Combo Box

In visual basic we can use ms forms 2.1 object library to put a combo box that has autocomplete ability. but i want a combo box or drop down box that gets data from the database to have autocomplete ability when used in ASP.

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Vbscript Combo Box

is there any way i could make dynamic combo box (populated from another combo box selection) using vbscript and not javascript.. any tutorials or links available?

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Combo Box Question

I need to present the user with a list of available options in a combo box, but also want to allow them to enter new values. What is the best way to accomplish this?

Basically, the drop-down will be populated with a Select Distinct query from a database. If the list doesn't meet the users needs, I want to let them add a new option into the list somehow...anybody encountered a similar problem and can point me down a good path?

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Option In Combo Box

I have some filter fields - when these are chosen it should list the records only with these values that are chosen.

For e.g. I have a filter for month. So, want to list the records only for that month. Also for week. How do I go about?

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Javascript Combo

I am finishing a site using asp to get info from a database, and javascript to produce a navigation menu. The whole site works well in all several browsers, except the Press Release page. When I visit this page, the javascript menu stops working. Again, this only happens with IE.

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How To Show More Than Column Value In Combo Box

I have a problem . I have a table of field name ,roll_name, age
I have to show name and roll_number in combo box list.

<select name=id1>
<option value="<rs(0)>"><%=rs(0)%><%=rs(1)%></option>

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Populate A Combo With An Array

I have an array - ListOfFiles - that i want use to populate an combo.

I've attempted to do it like this:

<select name="txtAvailable" rows="4" id="txtAvailable">
<Script Language = "vbscript" Runat = "Server">
For i = 0 to Count -1
Response.Write"<OPTION>" & ListOfFiles(i) & "</OPTION>"

I placed the vbscript in the approprate place in the body. But when i
open the page instead of writing the HTML where i placed the code, it
has appended it right at the bottom of the page. Does anyone know
where i'm going wrong or if there's a better way of doing this?

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Tooltip On Dropdown (Combo Box)

I use ASP (not .NET) for my web applications. I use IE6 SP1 for all my clients. Since title attribute doesn't work on IE6SP1, I cant get the tool tip running. I use tooltip to lessen the dropdown width.

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Dynamic Combo Problem

i've got a combo that gets its values from a db. what i need is something like this code to make the item the user select to stay selected after the pages reloads(to execute the query).

this code works great with combo values inputted manually but how to do it whit dinamic ones?

<select name="combo1" >
<option value="value1" <%If Request("combo1")="value1" Then Response.Write (t)%>>id </option>
<option value="value2" <% If Request("combo1")="value2" Then Response.Write (t)%>>categoria </option>

i think that if i could switch the "value1" with a var it may do the trick but my syntax isn't good enough for it, and i've got lost in the way.

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Combo Box Using OnChange Event

I am working on an asp page and am having trouble with several things. First, I connect to Oracle and populate a combobox with the field values. No problem there. The next thing I want to do then using the onchange event is update 2 textboxes with the min and max (on same form) with the min and max values from the database. The form is created dynamically using vbscript. When the user changes the value in the combo box I need the text boxes to automatically update with the min/max values. Thoughts?

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