Comparing One Array Against Another For Differences.

Is there an easy way to compare the data in one array against another and output all values that are not contained in both arrays. I basically have two lot lists that should be matched (in value, not necessarily in order) but occasionaly one or two lots will be missing in one or the other array.

I need to be able to know when the two arrays are not matched and which array of the two is missing the lot. This just seems like a pretty common thing to do, so I'm sure there is already a script out there to do it. I'm new to working with arrays and don't want to reinvent the wheel for this.

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Comparing A RecordSet With An Array?

Here's my goal: 1) to set up a 7 column table containing a list of 147 numbers from a recordset (StNumberRS) and 2) to compare those numbers to a separate recordset containing a partial list of those numbers (completedStores).

If one of the numbers in the completedStores list matches a number on the StNumberRS list show the 'icon_yes.gif' image, otherwise show the 'icon_no.gif'.

I can loop through the StNumberRS and set up the 7 column table, but I'm stuck trying to loop through the completedStores list while inside the StNumberRS loop. Could someone look through my code and see where I've gone wrong? Code:

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Comparing Count To Array Values

I have the following code to check if a field number matches a specific value. here is the code:

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Comparing Current Time To Times Set In Array

basically what i'm trying to do is find the closest time (which are linked) to the current time (which is in red) and then forward a customer to the url.

the linked times are populated from an array, so i think one method would be to sort the array in time order then forward the customer to the first link it finds in the array.

I have no idea how to do this by the way as there doesn't appear to be a sort function in ASP does anyone have any ideas on any ways I could achieve this?

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Differences In ASP

I have a script in ASP , my question is whether ASP is still viable.

Having checked the MS website I see that there are ASP.NET , ASP AJAX etc to compete with classic ASP. What are the differences between all these variants and their advantages/disadvantages.

Also how easy is it to convert or change my site from pure Classic ASP to ASP.NET , ASP AJAX or even another programming language.

Are there any benefits to using classic asp over the other variants or vice versa.

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Few Differences

I've seen crystal report and ASP samples using crystalruntime.application and crytal.crpe.application. can anybody tell me the difference and which should be used when?both seem to support same methods and attributes(few diffs though).

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Differences Between ASP And VBScript?

explain me the differences between ASP and VBScript?

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Highlight Differences Between 2 Pages

All the HTML contained within the <BODY> tags is contained within a DB I have for a CMS. I have 2 pages... CURRENT_LIVE and LAST_UPDATED... I want to compare the content of both and highlight the changes... is this possible? if so, how?

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XMLHTTP Results Differences

I'm using XMLHTTP in ASP to grab some google results. On my local server the results are exactly the same as if I went and searched on google itself but the results I get back when I'm trying it on my webhost at are different in results range number and the results themselves. I was thinking it might just be that both are taping in to two different google servers which aren't currently updated the same but the results never change for the two and the outcome of the local server being the same as a real google search and my webhost server being different stays the same. The links also come back different on my webhost compared to my localhost.

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ASP / HTML File Differences

If you have a website built entirely in ASP, but not using any type of database or dynamic content, is there any particular reason (apart from server requirements) that someone would want to do this?

Also, if you create a website in dreamweaver in HTML, then just save the file as .ASP, or alternatively copy all the content from the HTML file to a new blank ASP page, then save that, is that pretty much the same as just building it in ASP? i.e Would it all work right?

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Comparing Value

I have an array, let's say: a(test1, test2, test3). test1 = 1, test2 = 3, test3 = 4.
I have a for loop:
for z= 0 to 2
if a(z) > 0 then (what I am trying to do is if test1 > 0 then do ...)
end if;
Could anyone let me what is wrong with my if statement? The code inside the if statement does not executed.

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let.... the strings are

a="234.5;678.3 "
b="678.3 "

on comparing this two i want to get 0 if the b value dosnt exist in a must return 1 .

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Comparing Strings

i am having a problem with comparing two strings. I am taking
in the parameter rs("Company") and if this is empty i want to put some
text in there. I am testing it with an empty Company field and comparing
it like so:


I have also tried it with

but each time i get nothing returned. Is there some rule about comparing a
string with an empty string?

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Comparing Dates

I have an expiry date stored as a text field in the
following way "2003-08-23" (this gets round the US/UK
date prob)

The problem is I want to be able to show a Renew option
on the page FROM 30 days prior to that date. And then of
course if they don't renew, it unsubscribes them.

Question, how can I compare this date to see if todays
date is 30 days or closer to the expiry date?

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Comparing Two Fields

Is there a way to do the following select (like in Dlookup?)

SELECT Permit_No FROM Table1 WHERE Table1.Address like Table2.Address

I want to get Permit_No from table1, but its WHERE condition depends on comparing two address fields in different tables. Will that work?

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Comparing Tables?

I have this page with a drop down box which loads the itemnumbers dynamically. However, I want it to NOT load the numbers that already exist in the weborderlist. What can I do to my SQL statement to make this work?


SELECT (SELECT img_inv.item_num from img_inv, weborderlist WHERE img_inv.item_num <> weborderlist.item_num and weborderlist.orderid= '1') as test

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Comparing Dates

how can i redirect a user when its 2 days before New Years, based on Date().

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Comparing Two Tables

How do I compare the contents of two tables, to see what doesn't exist in the one table?

Something like "select, company_scores.company_name from
company, company_scores where not in
company_scores.company_name" ?

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Comparing Unicode Value

Need to do a search engine to search through a bunch of static pages (html)). so uing asp. but the page is in chinese, so how do i scan each and every html file and search for the chinese word?

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Comparing Of Recordsets

I have the following code with me Code:

sql="select coi_index_number,status,mkt_id_swno_0,mkt_id_swno_ 1,mkt_id_swno_2,mkt_id_swno_3,mkt_id_swno_4,mkt_id _swno_5,mkt_id_swno_6,mkt_id_swno_7,circle,name_of _msc from coi where coi_index_number='"+p2+"'";
sql1="select coi_index_number,status,mkt_id_swno_0,mkt_id_swno_ 1,mkt_id_swno_2,mkt_id_swno_3,mkt_id_swno_4,mkt_id _swno_5,mkt_id_swno_6,mkt_id_swno_7,circle,name_of _msc from coi1 where coi_index_number='"+p2+"'";

Now i need to compare these two above mentioned recordsets....and want to pop up an alert box on the client side.....sayin whether they are same or no.

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Comparing Fields

I have a simple html/asp form that submits data to an access DB. The idea is when calling a record back from the db, the page will have an option to change certain fields (drop down) then a new submit option. My question at this point would be what logic or commands would I use to compare the original data in the fields to what's being submitted.

I ultimately want to preserve the original records and somehow append data that changes only. I'll need to eventually call a record and see all the changes/updates made. Someone mentioned I would prob need a couple of tables with a link (relationship) but is it possible to dynamically create fields as changes are made?

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Comparing Arrays

basically the first array holds all the text_ids for the table text and the second array holds all the text_ids on a table join. What i mean is i have joined two tables text and text_section and it lists all the textids in the section.

i need to return a list of the textids that are not listed in the section so i need a way of comparing the two arrays and pulling out the ids that appear in array1 and not array 2 .

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Comparing Dates

I have ASP code to compare an input date and the current date. If the input date is less than today, it should give an error message. It does do this, except it doesn't consider the year, only the month and day. If I input 7/12/2004, it will not catch the discrepancy, but if I input 2/3/2005, it will. Here is the code...

SDate=FormatDateTime(Request.QueryString ("PickupDate"), 2)
FDate=FormatDateTime(Date(), 2)

If (SDate<=FDate) then

msg="You must enter a date greater than today."

Response.Write("<b><font color=red>"& msg & "</b></font><BR>")

Exit Sub

End If

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Comparing Dates ?!?

Comparing dates ?!? I having fun with dates, NOT….. I have a place where I need to compare 2 dates. Even though they are the same they will not be compared as the same in an IF statement.

Donw is a # of the day of the month, IE: 26 that is pulled from a data base. The goal is to compare dats like this :

IF ( donw ) = day(now) then
----Red stament Do this Bla Bla----
Elseif (donw ) = day(now) – 1 then
----Yellow stament Do this Bla Bla----
Elseif (donw) < day(now) then
----Green stament Do this Bla Bla----
end if

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Comparing Variables

Is there any way to compare a set of varibles to find the one that contains the biggest number? and also the one that contains the 2nd biggest.

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ASP Comparing Time (w. AM/PM)

I need to compare the actual time on my server to the value I'm receiving on a database.
For example, let's say the actual time is 1:45 PM and the value in the database is 11:52 AM. I need to compare that if the actual time is after the one on the database, it returns a true value, if not returns a false value.

I tried this ASP code, bit it didn't worked, any ideas? Code:

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Comparing Two .mdb Files

Is it possible to compare two .mdb files? I would like to find dupicates in two tables in two different .mdb files.

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Comparing Date

I have this code Code:

varDate = Date()
SQL="SELECT id,name,eventtype,location,fromdate,todate FROM events WHERE publish='1' and fromDate > "& varDate &" ORDER BY fromdate asc"

fromDate is a Date/Time field in access. What i want to do is pick out any data which has a fromDate which is greater than today but the sql command isnt picking out any data. does anyone know how i could change my script to work.

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Comparing Tables In Access

I have a two tables in my database with a username column in both of them, i am trying to build an SQL query to return only the usernames that are not listed in both of the tables.
Any ideas?

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Comparing Recordset Values

i have a a SQL stored SP bringing out one recordset, I have a loop reading out all the records, what I would like to do it compare each record to the previous one and if it is the same then do something. I'm having trouble figuring out how to do the comparison as I loop through the records

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Comparing Two Record Sets

how can i compare 2 record sets. In one RS i have excel file and other RS i have SQL server and when i get the results from both i want to compare them as one of you guys suggested me to write a loop that cycles through the record sets Comparing any fields.

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Comparing A Number To A Set Of Numbers

I am facing a situation I dont know how to solve... at least with a good server response for 400.000 users.

Maybe someone may help:

We have a B2B with a list of thousands of products listed. Users can select the products they like in order to contact the seller later on from a "cart of products/contacts".
Selected products are stored in a session variable.

What I want is: How to remove the check button of each product that has already been selected, and instead of that, show something like "selected" or similar.

The problem I am facing is to compare each product ID against the session with all selected products. This comparison for every line/product could harm the response of the server with the high number of users we have. how would you do this comparison?

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Comparing Dates From 5 Different Table

I am trying to create an asp page that prints out upcoming events from 5 different databases(access 2002) and displays them in the order by date. They needed to be sorted by date. I want the results to show only for the next 30 days (events coming in next 30 days, I have already completed that part by using sql, please check code for refference)

Now I need to sort them out so i can see them by date not by the order of database. I used 2 databse in my first test asp page (please see codes) and used if-then and while-loop. Someonel told me to use union and do it by sql query etc... I will be greatly greatly greatly thankful to someone who can help me out in my coding. Please see my code and let me know: Code:

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