Comparing Two 'General Dates'

I have two dates formatted as 'General Dates'....

21/08/2006 21:39:21 and 21/08/2006 21:58:48

How do I find the difference between them in seconds? I take it thats there's 2 ways of doing it: either with ASP or SQL. Anyway of doing it. how would I go about doing this?

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Compare 'General Dates'

I have a field called EndTime in a table called tblSessions. This field is a Date type, with a General Date format (DD/MM/YYYY HH/MM/SS). I want an SQL query which can return entities which are less than 30 minutes old.

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Comparing Dates

I have an expiry date stored as a text field in the
following way "2003-08-23" (this gets round the US/UK
date prob)

The problem is I want to be able to show a Renew option
on the page FROM 30 days prior to that date. And then of
course if they don't renew, it unsubscribes them.

Question, how can I compare this date to see if todays
date is 30 days or closer to the expiry date?

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Comparing Dates

how can i redirect a user when its 2 days before New Years, based on Date().

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Comparing Dates

I have ASP code to compare an input date and the current date. If the input date is less than today, it should give an error message. It does do this, except it doesn't consider the year, only the month and day. If I input 7/12/2004, it will not catch the discrepancy, but if I input 2/3/2005, it will. Here is the code...

SDate=FormatDateTime(Request.QueryString ("PickupDate"), 2)
FDate=FormatDateTime(Date(), 2)

If (SDate<=FDate) then

msg="You must enter a date greater than today."

Response.Write("<b><font color=red>"& msg & "</b></font><BR>")

Exit Sub

End If

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Comparing Dates ?!?

Comparing dates ?!? I having fun with dates, NOT….. I have a place where I need to compare 2 dates. Even though they are the same they will not be compared as the same in an IF statement.

Donw is a # of the day of the month, IE: 26 that is pulled from a data base. The goal is to compare dats like this :

IF ( donw ) = day(now) then
----Red stament Do this Bla Bla----
Elseif (donw ) = day(now) – 1 then
----Yellow stament Do this Bla Bla----
Elseif (donw) < day(now) then
----Green stament Do this Bla Bla----
end if

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Comparing Dates From 5 Different Table

I am trying to create an asp page that prints out upcoming events from 5 different databases(access 2002) and displays them in the order by date. They needed to be sorted by date. I want the results to show only for the next 30 days (events coming in next 30 days, I have already completed that part by using sql, please check code for refference)

Now I need to sort them out so i can see them by date not by the order of database. I used 2 databse in my first test asp page (please see codes) and used if-then and while-loop. Someonel told me to use union and do it by sql query etc... I will be greatly greatly greatly thankful to someone who can help me out in my coding. Please see my code and let me know: Code:

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ASP.NET And .NET In General

I am doing some research into the reporting capabilities provided by ..NET by itself and also integration with other programs such as Crystal Reports or thrid party tools. I don't have much experience with .NET technologies but most of the reports will be requested through the web and produced via VB components with a SQL 2k backend.

I am looking for reports either in xls or pdf format and mostly they will be data intensive i.e. no graphics such as bar or pie charts etc.

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General Questions

<object RUNAT="Server" ID="dbConn" PROGID="adodb.connection"></object>

When using such objects as the one above, where is dbConn actually comming from?

How do I store session variables using the session("") in the code below? Everytime I try doing it, I get an error page.

<object RUNAT="Server" ID="dbConn" PROGID="adodb.connection"></object>
<object RUNAT="Server" ID="spEssRtd_loginValidate" PROGID="adodb.command"></object>
<%@ LANGUAGE=vbscript enablesessionstate=false %> ......

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General Design

I have customers that I designed a site for. I am almost complete with the site, and they are saying that the font is too small. However, on my computer it looks just like the font on devshed and everyother site. Are there any suggestions out there, as to maybe their settings are messed up or my scripting is bad .

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General ASP & COM Question.

I have written a COM component who's purpose is to allow a user to change
his Windows (NT/AD) password via a web page. Now the component works fine
when I run it in VB 6, but not via the web page. The component also returns
an integer value that contains a return code from the Component (and the
appropriate Windows API). The result (using the ASP page) is Zero, which
indicates success. However the password doesn't change. (Zero = success, 100
= Invalid Domain, 101 = Invalid User, 102 = Invalid Password). Code:

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Add To Cart - General Question

I have developed asp application, but never worked with shopping
carts. I was wondering, when a user clicks on Add to Cart for a
product, is it done visa session variable, where item detail and price
is stored, and later on, fetched and added together to show total

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General Unspecified Error Question

sometimes but not every time when i upload a fresh copy of my database to my webspace..

i receive this dreaded error..

Provider error '80004005'

Unspecified error

on the line that connects to my database..


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General Questions About SQL Db Connection Using ASP Pages.

I normally work with MS Access databases using ASP pages. I have been
given the opprotunity to work on some available SQL server space, and
wanted to ask a couple of questions. The following is a simple update
query that I use. It is an ASP page that connects to an MS Access Db:

Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
myDSN = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};"
myDSN = myDSN & "DBQ=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxdatabase003.mdb"
mySQL="UPDATE SKUList SET SKUList.Department='Furniture' WHERE
Set Conn = Nothing

I was wondering if someone could tell me (or better yet show me) how
this code would look in a SQL server enviroment. I have no information
on the server itself as the database will be setup for me, and I will
just need to create ASP pages to connect.

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Error :: General Access Denied

when i run the ip of my web site i get the following error:

HTTP 500 - Internal server error
the log file shows the following error:
The server failed to load application '/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT'. The error was 'General access denied error '.

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DBMSSOCN General Network Error

Periodically, our entire website will display the following error for all
users when requests are made to ASP pages:

DBMSSOCN General Network Error

HTML pages will load just fine, and I *believe* that ASP pages that don't
access SQL Server will also load. Someone suggested this problem has to do
with named pipes, but I don't have any clue when it comes to networking and
our network admin just resigned. This happens very sporadically (maybe once
a day) and never seemed to occur when he had DSN based connections. We also
have migrated our SQL Server to another machine (used to reside on the same
machine as our webserver).

Any ideas on what could be causing this?

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A General Question About Text Messaging?

What does a website need in order to send
text messaging to cell phones? Is this something the hosting company will
offer or does the website need servers from Micrsoft? Can you refer me to
where I can get more information on this?

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General Error Unable To Open Registry Key

can anyone tell me what i have to do with this error ...

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0xeb0 Thread 0x7a0 DBC 0x1110064 Jet'.

everything was ok until i Compact and Repaire the DataBase
i checked google everyone says it is security problem. i am admin on my computer but still i give all users Full Control Permission for both Temp and server folder "C:Inetpubwwwrootcareer" and i Add Everyone with Full Control but there is no use

any ideas ...

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General Procedural Question Regarding Passing Data

I have the following pages...


The following variables are given values on page1.asp:


The values are not used in pages 2-4, but are used in page5.asp.

Should I put the values in session variables? Or should I put them in form
post data? Or does it really matter?

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Active Directory :: General Access Denied Error

I'm trying to add a user to active directory using ASP and am receiving the
following error:-

Active Directory (0x80070005)
General Access Denied Error

Does anyone know how to get round this problem?

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General Error Unable To Open Registry Key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet

Why d I get this error?

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x18c8 Thread 0x1478 DBC 0x2f56fa4 Jet'.

/wheelofgod/search/cat/showbook.asp, line 102

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Comparing Value

I have an array, let's say: a(test1, test2, test3). test1 = 1, test2 = 3, test3 = 4.
I have a for loop:
for z= 0 to 2
if a(z) > 0 then (what I am trying to do is if test1 > 0 then do ...)
end if;
Could anyone let me what is wrong with my if statement? The code inside the if statement does not executed.

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let.... the strings are

a="234.5;678.3 "
b="678.3 "

on comparing this two i want to get 0 if the b value dosnt exist in a must return 1 .

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Comparing Strings

i am having a problem with comparing two strings. I am taking
in the parameter rs("Company") and if this is empty i want to put some
text in there. I am testing it with an empty Company field and comparing
it like so:


I have also tried it with

but each time i get nothing returned. Is there some rule about comparing a
string with an empty string?

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Comparing Two Fields

Is there a way to do the following select (like in Dlookup?)

SELECT Permit_No FROM Table1 WHERE Table1.Address like Table2.Address

I want to get Permit_No from table1, but its WHERE condition depends on comparing two address fields in different tables. Will that work?

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Comparing Tables?

I have this page with a drop down box which loads the itemnumbers dynamically. However, I want it to NOT load the numbers that already exist in the weborderlist. What can I do to my SQL statement to make this work?


SELECT (SELECT img_inv.item_num from img_inv, weborderlist WHERE img_inv.item_num <> weborderlist.item_num and weborderlist.orderid= '1') as test

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Comparing Two Tables

How do I compare the contents of two tables, to see what doesn't exist in the one table?

Something like "select, company_scores.company_name from
company, company_scores where not in
company_scores.company_name" ?

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Comparing Unicode Value

Need to do a search engine to search through a bunch of static pages (html)). so uing asp. but the page is in chinese, so how do i scan each and every html file and search for the chinese word?

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Comparing Of Recordsets

I have the following code with me Code:

sql="select coi_index_number,status,mkt_id_swno_0,mkt_id_swno_ 1,mkt_id_swno_2,mkt_id_swno_3,mkt_id_swno_4,mkt_id _swno_5,mkt_id_swno_6,mkt_id_swno_7,circle,name_of _msc from coi where coi_index_number='"+p2+"'";
sql1="select coi_index_number,status,mkt_id_swno_0,mkt_id_swno_ 1,mkt_id_swno_2,mkt_id_swno_3,mkt_id_swno_4,mkt_id _swno_5,mkt_id_swno_6,mkt_id_swno_7,circle,name_of _msc from coi1 where coi_index_number='"+p2+"'";

Now i need to compare these two above mentioned recordsets....and want to pop up an alert box on the client side.....sayin whether they are same or no.

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Comparing Fields

I have a simple html/asp form that submits data to an access DB. The idea is when calling a record back from the db, the page will have an option to change certain fields (drop down) then a new submit option. My question at this point would be what logic or commands would I use to compare the original data in the fields to what's being submitted.

I ultimately want to preserve the original records and somehow append data that changes only. I'll need to eventually call a record and see all the changes/updates made. Someone mentioned I would prob need a couple of tables with a link (relationship) but is it possible to dynamically create fields as changes are made?

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Comparing Arrays

basically the first array holds all the text_ids for the table text and the second array holds all the text_ids on a table join. What i mean is i have joined two tables text and text_section and it lists all the textids in the section.

i need to return a list of the textids that are not listed in the section so i need a way of comparing the two arrays and pulling out the ids that appear in array1 and not array 2 .

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Comparing Variables

Is there any way to compare a set of varibles to find the one that contains the biggest number? and also the one that contains the 2nd biggest.

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ASP Comparing Time (w. AM/PM)

I need to compare the actual time on my server to the value I'm receiving on a database.
For example, let's say the actual time is 1:45 PM and the value in the database is 11:52 AM. I need to compare that if the actual time is after the one on the database, it returns a true value, if not returns a false value.

I tried this ASP code, bit it didn't worked, any ideas? Code:

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