Connecting To Database

I have started to recieve the following error after creating a new database and a DSN connection to this database

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]

The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file '(unknown)'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.

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Connecting To The Database...

I have moved my database from an sql2000 server to an SQL7 server I am trying to connect to the database using windows authentication (no need for username and password) but I keep getting this error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

I have already created a DSN driver named "projects" to point at the server

This is the code I have used:

set con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection")

' Use the object to open the inventory ODBC DSN
con.Open ("dsn=projects,"",""")

Can you please help me set it up?

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Connecting To Database.

I have set my sitein the following directory "C:InetpupwwwrootShevi"
In this I have all my html and asp files.I also have a database called "guest.mdb"
I use this code to connect to my database and read and write..But it doesn't work..Sometimes it
just shows the records in the databse but when I try to submit a new record (through a form) it gives me errors.

set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Conn.Open("DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & server.MapPath("sheviguest.mdb"))
set rs=server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.CursorType = adOpenKeyset "SELECT * FROM Guestbook", Conn

Is the part in blue correct? If not tell me how

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Connecting To Database

I've created a MySQL database and i'm trying to connect to it to retrieve data using MyODBC and ASP.. I tested it on IIS 5.0 but it keeps saying that it couldn't connect to the database..

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Connecting To Database

I have a webpage on my Local Host Server - IP: have a Access Database called "database.mdb" hosted on a Second Server in a folder called "db" -

IP: The IP Address is only an example
So the address of my database would for this example be

I am use to connect to a database like this:

connect = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("dbdatabase.mdb") & ""

How do I create the connection from my local host webpage to my database on the second server?I have been battling with this for sum time now?

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Connecting To Database

I'm using VB with ASP and need to access a database, was going to use Access or Oracle access more then likely. I don't know how to do this does anyone have a simple example?

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Connecting To A Database

I am trying to connect to my database using (the database is stored at D:InetPubmysitesdatabaseMYadmin.mdb):

Const dbPath = "databaseMYadmin.mdb"

But it returns the error:

'D:Inetpubmysiteswebsite1htdocsdatabaseMYadmin.mdb' is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides. Is there a way to define the root folder (say as 'D:Inetpubmysitesdatabase), or will I have to move the website to be outside of the /website1/htdocs/ folder?

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Connecting To A Database

I'm having trouble with a connection to my database. Which I think its the connect, because I can't see information from on database in my table.

<%Dim connCCOL, strQueryString, rsBooks, intLoopCount%>
<!-- create and open the database connection object -->

<%Set connCCOL = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")%>
<%connCCOL.Open "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" & _

<!-- create querystring to retrieve books -->
<% strQueryString = "SELECT Title, Aut_num, Publisher, ISBN " & _
"FROM Fiction " %>

<% Set rsBooks = connCCOL.Execute(strQueryString) %>

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Connecting To SQL Server Database

my company is having me design a website for them and I did it in ASP (Classic), with the backend database being SQL Server 2000. I open the connection just fine, and everything seems to work but there's just one problem:

It only connects to the database when I'm logged in as Administrator on the machine (or from a remote machine); if I use my own username/password, I get a 500 Internal Server Error. What's funnier is that if I set IIS to allow anonymous access, it won't let ANYONE connect to it.

Any ideas what's the problem? I think it's something with the connection string (I told it to use a Trusted Connection because otherwise it was saying "[Username] is not associated with a trusted SQL Connection), but since I haven't used SQL Server in the past it might be something with that, as well.

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Database Connecting Problems

How do I create the connection from my local host webpage to my database on the web? Maybe with a dns connection but how?

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Connecting To Database Within Script

I am wondering if it is possible to connect to database and fetch data inside a javascript/vbscript?? if so what are the differances with ordinary code which we are writing in asp?

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Connecting To The Server Database

To connect to the database I need to use the following string "Maximum", "User", "limit"

where Maximum is the DSN

Instead of using that I have used the include file to connect to the database contains the script below ...

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Global.asa Connecting To Database

what I am trying to do it set a logout time on a control panel for those times when a user forgets to hit "logout" button. Based on some examples I have been looking at I have done the following, can I just get your feedback in terms of whether this will work ok?

Sub Session_OnEnd
End Sub

sub logoutcheck....

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Connecting To MySQL Database

I've tried a couple of strings, but it can't connect to my database.What's the connection string?

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Connecting To Database Puzzle

I have these two line of code

Set obj = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
obj.Open "bmtb"

Now I understand that "bmtb" can be a server-side include file and have information
including a path to the database. The connection works fine, but for the life of me
I can't seem to find the SSI anywhere in the project. By the way this is someone else's project I have become responsible for. where the file could be hidden? It's not under "bmtb". Is it possible bmtb is some kind of ASP keyword? (grasping at straws here).

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Connecting To Client Database

I have the requirement of connecting to the client database from web server.

Tech spec: ASP, JavaScript, SQLSERVER

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Connecting To Access Database Over SSL

I've been setting up an off the shelf access website, in order to install SSL it requires me to copy over some checkout pages to a seperate SSL webserver on another domain. However those scripts need to connect back to the database on the non SSL server to pick up order and customer information.

Its a DSN less connection;

pDatabaseConnectionString = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" &server.MapPath("iis617domainsddomain.comuserhtdocsfolderd atabasedatabase.mdb")&";"

This of course only works for scripts on the same server, is there a way of connecting to a database on another server? does it require a complicated path, or additional files or what not.

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Connecting To Database From Dreamweaver

I've got a database on my web server and when I create the connection using a custom connection string within Dreamweaver, it connects with no problems. However, Dreamweaver then doesn't see the tables in the database. I know there's an issue with SP2 and Dreamweaver but I've installed the patch and it hasn't made any difference.

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Connecting Relational Database

i have been thru a couple of books on ASP working with IIS 5.0 but still havent figured out how to connect to a MS Access database. the problem is with the SQL which i dont know well. My database has 6 related tables.

It's for inventory control. The 1st table has the catagort the 2nd has the machines per category, the 3rd has machine parts per machine and so on. what I have been trying to do is to view the database for the latest updates per machine (which for now i am updating manually for the time being ) but the code dosent work and i get some errors one of which is " use an updateable qurrey" and others are related to SQl with every modification i make.

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Connecting To A Msaccess Project Database

I am trying to link to a microsoft adp file using ASP
does anyone know how to (in general terms) create a connection string
to access the data base

View Replies View Related Connecting To Mysql Database At Ftp Server

currently i m working on a web-based project using and mysql database. i using MySQL Connector/Net to connect my page to the to MySQL database server. My database is stored in the ftp server. In short, i m trying to connect my page to the ftp database server. Code:

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Problems Connecting The Access Database

I am trying to get my asp page to connect to my Access database. The first time I run a page, it loads fine. Every time after that I get the following error:

Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80004005)
Could not use ''; file already in use.

My code to connect to the database is as follows:

Provider=Microsoft.JET.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=C:Inetpubwwwrootwebdatabase.mdb; JET OLEDBatabase Password=password

Set cmdRecordset= Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
cmdRecordset.ActiveConnection = strConnection
Set rsRecordset = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

What am I doing wrong?

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Connecting To An Exclusive Access Database

After many hours trying I've found this to be an impossible task when the database is open by another user or is running as a service on a server.However, if you need to do this I've come up with a method.If you add some code to the exclusive database that exports the data to another database every hour then you can access the data that way.

Fair enough, it's not live data but if you do it on the hour every hour then you know when it's been updated.I'm just about to work on the VBA for Access.

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Connecting To A Simply Accounting Database

I would like to write ASP code to create a custom report for a simply
accounting database. The databse is saved with a .sdb extension. I am
able to access the data via access or excel so I should be able to
connect to it with ASP code. Does anyone know how?

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Connecting To SQL 2000 Database In Windows 2003 X64

I'm trying to connect to a SQL 2000 database on my Windows 2003 x64 Enterprise edition server, and so far I've got the error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not
found and no default driver specified

My ASP code is straight forward: Code:

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Error Connecting To MS SQL Server 2005 Database

My Active Server Pages Application is unable to connect to MS SQL Server 2005 Database while the existing application works fine connecting to SQL Server 2000.

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Connecting To Access Database And Inserting Records

how to do a dnsless connection to an access database and then insert records. The database name is members and table name is member_info.

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Connecting Name To ID

I have a db table with 3 rows (ID, date, points). How can I in my script tell that ID 1=Mike and ID 2=Thomas and ID 3=William without making a new field in my table?

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Connecting To Db

I am trying to connect to remote mySQL db and getting "Data source name not found and no default driver specified" My connection string looks like this -

Conn.Open "Driver={mySQL ODBC 2.50 Driver}; Server=Station1; Port=3306; Option=4; Database=cds; Uid=andy" Is there anything wrong with it? I can't figure it out

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Connecting Asp

how to fetch values from a specific record from access in asp.and how to compare data entered in a form with data in record and if comparison returns true then how to open desired page.

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Connecting To SQL DB

I have a form that submits the information to a SQL database. The form has a two radiobuttons name="Cheese" with value="yes" OR value="no" and then collects contact info.

The form submits to the SQL DB and I want to create a display page that will show the form and sort the form based on the name="Cheese" yes or no.

All yes values will display form info under the yes column.

All no values will display form info under the no column.

So there are two columns displaying the information based the results of the SQL row name=Cheese. How do I connect to the DB and "sort" the info based on this value and dynamically show this information on my site? Code:

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Connecting To DB

I have just purchased my domain name, and subscribed to a hosting service that supports ASP. I tried to copy my asp files over to my new domain, and I get the following error:

The application is using arguments that are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another.

The line that is referenced is:

MyConnection.Open DSNName is the code I've been using on DomainDLX (free) to connect to the database ...

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Connecting To DB Using DW

I am using a DSN connection created using Dreamweaver and an ASP page. The connection works fine on the local computer (i click the "test" button) but when I upload the files to my server I get the following error:

"Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

/mkoenig/survey.asp, line 120

and the line that it is referring to:

MM_editCmd.ActiveConnection = MM_editConnection

my editConnection is set to QUERY which is a DSN variable pointing to the database on my hdd?

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