Connection String W/4.1.1 MySQL

I'm having a problem connecting to the 4.1.1. mySQL with my existing connection string:

var conn ="Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};server=localhost;database=charmspiano;Option=1;UID=Teddy; PWD=Bear; Port=3306; Socket=; Stmt=;";

This was working fine with 4.0 and 3.23

Has anything changed in the 4.1.1 regarding connection strings? I couldn't find anything on the mySQL website.

The string will work if I use UID = root without a password

"Teddy" is a valid user and has privileges on the database charmspiano

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ASP And MYSQL Connection String

Ive created an ASP CMS system which works fine locally. Now its time to upload it to my webserver and make it live. Now locally I have been using a DSN to connect to the MySQL i need to use a connection string. How will i do this. At present my DSN connection code is as follows: Code:

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MySQL Connection String Problems

I am using DSN less connection string to connect to a mySQL database:

strCon = "Driver={mySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};Server=mysqlhost;Port=3306;Database=touchinco;Uid=myId;Pwd=myPWD;OPTIO N=3"

It works fine with the default.asp page where content is retrieved/displayed:

<!-- #include file = "connection/connect.asp" -->
Dim objRS, strSQL

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblLanguage WHERE inuse=1;"
Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objRS.Open strSQL,objCon,3,1

But when I move to the next page start.asp, here too I retrieve data to display: Code:

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Connection String For A MySQL Database Needed

I'm trying to get asp to conect to a MySQL database, I've tried copying a few examples online that I found [there doesn't seem to be many!!] and I always get a 500 error with the code below. what am i doing wrong? any examples of a working connection string anyone could show me would be fantastic.

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Database Connection String To MySQL-database On A Different Server

I work with ASP for several weeks now and i really like it! But until now i have just used it in connection with my localhost. I made connections to a SQL Database and to an ACESS Database with using the ODBC Tool from WIndows!!

Now i want to publish my website but i don't know how to handle the connection string kind of thing. My MySQL-Database is on a different server than the website and i need a connection string where i can type in the server, a password and a username and it should then connect.

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ASP MySQL Connection

I've been messing with this for the past two days trying to get it to work. I know there's a lot missing, so if anyone would take the time to look the following code over, correct errors, add stuff where it needs to go, etc. I would absolutely be thrilled.

All I am trying to do is allow a user to login, view pages only if they are logged in, and sign out. I'm not sure how to mix in the sessions and cookies with this.

I've got a database "login" and a table "users" The username and password fields are "username" and "password" respectively. Code:

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Mysql Connection On Win Xp Pro

I installed mysql on Win XP Pro. So I do the connection to MySQL:

strCinnection ="driver={MySQL}; server=localhost;uid=;"
strConnection = strConnection & "PASSWORD=; database=commerce"
Set adoDataConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
adoDataConn.Open strConnection
So I got the error message below:

Error Message:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

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MySQL Connection

I am trying to connect mySQL on Localhost system through ASP. but i am getting some problem

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

Here is the code:

set myconn = server.createobject("adodb.connection")
connection = "Driver={Mysql}; Server=localhost Database=test; UID=root; PWD=root"

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MYsql Connection From Asp

I'm having trouble connecting to a mysql server keep getting the following error:

Anone else come across this before? and what did yo do to fix it? Code:

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How Can I Make Connection Using MySQL?

how can i make connection using mySQL with asp?

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ASP MySQL DB Connection Locktype Issue

I keep getting an error about my locktype with this code when attempting to update. Code:

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Asp Connection To Godaddy Mysql Server Problems

I've got a UAPortal (asp freeware intranet) on a godaddy hosting package that comes with a free mysql database. I can't connect the asp site to the godaddy sql server.

They give me the connection strings, but don't tell me where or how to use them! Support does no good, they tell me that is programming, get an expert.

UAPortal comes with an Access database, so when installed it works fine, but its only Access. I want to use the mysql database which is faster, larger and more useful. I opened the Common.asp file and added the info from the connection strings, but now I get an error message:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Access denied for user: '' (Using password: NO)

/Common.asp, line 34

Does anyone know how to do this?

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Connectio String In MySQL

My question is about using MySql database through ASP can i use this, if yes pls tell me about the connection string of my sql.

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DateTime Insert From String MySql

I have a form that collects the date and time of an event. I create a string to hold all of the data in the correct format for MySQL and it (the string) looks like this...

2007-03-03 17:30:00

I am then using CDate to convert the string to a DateTime type.

and since I am in the US it gets converted like this...

3/3/2007 5:30:00 PM

per my regional system settings...

I grabbed this code from the forums here which I have used before... Code:

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Can't Get Connection String

I need to create some .asp pages to publish data from our manufacturing lines...but I can't figure out how to establish the connection string and print the data. I've been stuck on this all day and about to start pulling my hair out!!!

As an example, can someone create the most basic code necessary to build a web page that does the following:

a) connect to a SQL version of the Northwind db (assume I have a functioning ODBC connection called 'Northwind_ODBC' on a server called 'ProductionServer')

b) Loop through the records in the [Shippers] table and paste the values in a HTML table (using SELECT * FROM SHIPPERS)

I know it sounds simple but I'm looking through some books and can't find a solution that works on my server.

NOTE: I'm running Server 2003 (with IIS), SQL Server 2000, and I have proven ASP does work on this machine...unfortunately, just not with the code I'm trying to build!!!

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Sql Connection String

well I'm not sure how to go about making my SQL connection string...

The code below is what I need to replace with my SQL connection...I
just don't know if that code is for DSN or access...

I don't want to use DSN just a connection string.

function GetConnection()
const DSN = "membershipdb"
const UID = "webuser"
const PASSWORD = "password"

Dim p_oConn, sDSN
Set p_oConn = server.createObject("ADODB.Connection")
sDSN = "DSN=" & DSN & ";uid=" & UID & ";password=" & PASSWORD sDSN
Set GetConnection = p_oConn
end function

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Connection String With Db

Microsoft has a tutorial for ASP. There is a connection string in the
as follows:


How do I change this statement once I move the page to my web server?
have the database in my root folder.

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Connection String For ADO

I have an ASP page that is connected to a DBF file and it works right
on my local server ( XP professional) but when i publish it in my
internet server, i get this error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e37'

[Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]File 'person.dbf' does not

/118/results.asp, line 105


here is my connection string: Code:

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DNS-less Connection String

i'm trying to connect to a remote sql server and i'm using this sql connection string but its not working.... can anyone tell me whats missing?

Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") = "DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=;UID=username;PWD=password;"
Set oRSB = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
SQLString = "SELECT * FROM tblplans" SQLString, Conn

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DNS Less Connection String

I've been using Dreamweaver MX connecting to an IIS 6 server on win2003. I've used an MS Access DB (2000 format) If I use server DNS, I connect to my via ASP with out a problem. However, my ISP does not support DNS connections, so I've been trying for a few days to get a dns less connection work. This is the closes I've got:

Dim MM_ElimCaAspServer_STRING
MM_ElimCaAspServer_STRING = Connection = "Driver={Microsoft Access
Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" + Server.MapPath("/assets/ElimDb/elimCan.mdb")

I can setup the connection and can test the Record set, it's OK Can see the table data in the test in DW. But when I launch the page, I get a http 500 error. And again, I had no problem with DNS in the same environment.

View Replies View Related Connection String

I am using the following code to connect to (mysql). I am having problems connecting. Has anyone use before if so, can I get an example of how to write my connection string? Code:

dim conn
dim sql = "Driver={mySQL};Server=;Port=3306;uid=u 15425_ka;pwd=con;Database=db15425_address;"

dim rsLogin
rsLogin = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

sql = "SELECT lastName FROM mytable WHERE lastName = '"&request.form("lastName")&"'"

rsLogin = conn.Execute(sql)

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A Connection String

I am trying to change my connection string for a memo field. I read something about using the following connection string:

Set rstemp = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
rstemp.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rstemp.Open table_name_or_sql_query, your_connection_object, adOpenKeyset

Here is what I am trying to use and I am getting a Type Mismtach error:

Provider error '80020005'
set rsTemp = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
rsTemp.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rsTemp.Open mytable, Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet"), adOpenKeyset

I guess I am wondering if I am using the correct thing for your_connection_object.

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Connection String

My asp application works well when i set up a default user for the asp
application. i wish to integrate user with SQL server by using "Trusted_Connection=Yes"

it works well within the domain workstations (within LAN)

however some workstations (workgroup) are out of the domain, such as remote
workstations by VPN. i try to add domain login details at those remote workstations but still fails.

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Encrypt Connection String

Can i know how to encrypt and decrypt the connection string which is include with database id and password within the global.asa?

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Connection String Access

I really like this forum as I can usually find the answer to all my questions by searching, but I haven't been able to find a way to resolve this problem. This is my setup. We have 2 local servers. One running WinNT that handles all our internal databases in dbf formats. The other server is WinServer 2k3 and it handles all webstuff. The Win2k3 Server logs onto the WinNT Server and can see and open all the files. If I copy a file from the NT Server to the 2k3 server, I can utilize the database using the connect string:

DBConnect.Open "Driver={Microsoft dBASE Driver (*.dbf)};DriverID=277;Dbq=;"

but, I cannot connect to it directly on the other server. I believe it is a permissions issue, but if I change the Annonomus Access user to one that can access the other server, it asks for a password. I have even tried a virtual server but cannot find a connection string that will allow me to access it.

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DSNless Connection String Using ASP

I need help in creating a DSNless connection string for the database driven website I am doing using ASP and Access. However I get persistent error message even though I use
"DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=c:inetpubwwwrootdatabasesabc.mdb"

Since I use IIS to test the ASP pages, do I need to amend the connection string? Is it necessary to amend the conection string to allow the driver to run on local machine or testing server? I am confused.

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Adding Pwd To Connection String

Can anyone add the syntax for a password to this code for me I can't figure
out the syntax. I need to use mappath because I don't know the full path to
the database as it's on a remote server.

set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.ConnectionString="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" server.mappath("database.mdb")

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Store Connection String

I usually create a db.asp file, and include it on each page i need the db connection, but where do you think is the best place to store the db connection? anything a bit more secure?

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Connection String Errors

I am using DW8 to create a simple database-driven site using IIS and
ASP vbscript. I have created a virtual directory in IIS and I have
created the DSN, connection and appropriate recordsets. The problem is
I keep getting the following error:

Error Type:
Provider (0x80004005)
Unspecified error

The line the error refers to is always the connection string. And it
seems to be intermittent. Sometimes the page works fine, other times I
get this error - but I can't figure out why. I always make sure that I
save my files and put them to the server so I really can't work this

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ASP Connection String For MSExcel

I am trying to connect to a MS Excel spreadsheet (Dreamweaver) using the following: Code:

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Error On Connection String

I got this error :

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x57c4 Thread 0x3474 DBC 0x1234284 Jet'.

/cs/, line 25

The code for ;


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Connection String Asp+ms Access

Can anyone point me to a connection string for ASP to connect to an MS
Access database using a username and password?

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DSNless Connection String

i am using access database with asp . there is no password assigned to mdb file. but now i want to assign a password protection to my database so that nobody could open it despite downloading it. i am using following connection string

DB = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & _

now i want to know what shall be connection string when i shall assign password to my access database file.

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