Constants In ASP

I'm relatively new to coding activex and I have a problem. I've written an activex component in c++ and I am now using asp/vb pages to access the object. Is it possible to access constants that I've defined in the activex object? For example, can I do something like the following:

Dim constantValue
Set activeX = CreateObject("MyObject.MyClass.1")
constantValue = activeX.MY_CONSTANT_VALUE

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ADO Constants

I'm trying to transfer an intranet app from one server to another. I'm
having a problem with the ADO constants on the destination server.

Our intranet site runs on the server.

In a virtual directory, I have a seperate application that is accessible
from the intranet.

I have the following in the global.asa in the virtual directory:

<!--METADATA TYPE="typelib"
NAME="Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library"-->

This usually allows me to refer to the ADO constants, e.g.

Set rsLoc = oConn.Execute (sSQL, iAffected, adCmdText)

However, in this case, IIS is complaining... Variable is undefined:

This is a new (clean) server, so I'm wondering if there is some kind of
confirguration issue..

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RS Constants

Is it possible that both adUseClient and adLockOptimistic does not really work with ASP ?When I use 3 for both - it does.

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VBS Constants

I realize that this isn't a VBS newsgroup, but it's the only Microsoft newsgroup I read regularly so I hope that you'll be gentle with me. Where is the constant "vbCrLf" defined? My computer has been searching its hard drive for about three hours, now, looking for a definition and it still hasn't found anything.

The reason I'd like to find vbCrLf is because I wonder what else is in there. Is there a vbTab? vbBackspace?

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Named CDO Constants

I've been searching for a complete listing of the CDO constants, but have
come up empty. Where can I find a listing of all the CDO named constants
that can be referenced directly with the CDO metadata typelib, i.e.,

NAME="CDO for Windows 2000 Library"

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Constants In Global.asa

I've been trying to create read-only global variables by creating constants (Const) in my global.asa, but I can't seem to reference them. Sticking them in an include works fine, but it seems more structurally sound to use Application_OnStart. Am I attempting the impossible, and if so, why?

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VBScript Color Constants

I know the basic 8, how do i find any others besides those 8? do you use hex codes? should also note that i need to be able to match the vbcolor to a hex color.

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Server.execute And Constants

Is it possible to server.execute a file that has a list of constants and then use those constants? I've tried, but the asp tells me the the variable is undeclared when I try to <%=const_name%>

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Retrieve Package Constants

In an Oracle 8.1.7. Database there's a package like this:


How do I reach CONSTANTS.C1 from ASP?
I have tried

but it didn't work even when run in the database console.

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Server.execute To Retrieve Constants

Can I use server.execute to get constant values ?

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VBScript : Constants, Variables And Strings

I have the following problem.

I'm building a site with a db backbone.
In an "include file" I set a constant like:

Const partners = 22

and on some other page, I want to pass the word partners using the query string.

Meaning: I want to make such a link:


When my page reads the querystring - I want it to be able to understand the value of the constant "partners".

when I read from the db using the following kind of Query, I get a "no value specified for one of more..." Code:

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Only Constants, Expressions, Or Variables Allowed ..

Getting this error:

The name 'squibble' is not permitted in this context. Only constants, expressions, or variables allowed here. Column names are not permitted.

/squibble/incFunc.asp, line 13

when trying the following:

Code: ....

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Efficiently Process A String (that Contains Constants)?

I need to process a string to do some data insertion into a database table.

However, this string contains some constant variables (set in the include file) and it depends on the value of intDataCtr as below : Code:

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MSXML4 Typelib Constants Not Recognized In Server-side Script

I've created a web application with Visual Interdev and I've added Microsoft
XML, version 4 in project's references. A META tag has been successfully added
in global.asa:

<!--METADATA TYPE="TypeLib" NAME="Microsoft XML, v4.0"
UUID="{F5078F18-C551-11D3-89B9-0000F81FE221}" VERSION="4.0"-->

But when I write the following code in an ASP server-side javascript:

<p>Value: <% = SOMITEM_ELEMENT %></p>

I get a Microsoft VBScript error '800a01f4'. Undefined variable:

I don't get such an error with ADO constants (even though I didn't include Can someone tell me what's wrong?

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