Content Of A Page To A Variable

Is there a way to save the contents of a web page to a variable? I have some Word docs that have been saved as HTML (yuck!), but I am stuck with them. I would like to create a page that writes out the contents of the word/html document while maintaining the formatting.

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Content Of A File Into A Variable

I have tried a lot, every time my attempts end up with restarting my computer to have the IIS running again.

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Get Page Content

I am trying to read webpage content into a string variable to be able to search it for a pattern that I want to be able to display on another ASP page.Is there any obvious method to do this with VB script?It would be something compatible with following PHP script:

<? $fd = fread(fopen("", "r"), 100000); if ($fd) {  /* $start = strpos($fd, "<unique HTML tag>">"); */$start = strpos($fd, "Veðurhorfur á landinu til kl. 18 á morgun:"); /* $finish = strpos($fd, "<unique, sem næst lokun HTML tags>"); */$finish = strpos($fd, "Næsta veðurspá er væntanleg"); $length = $finish - $start; $code = substr($fd, $start, $length); echo $code;}?>

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Web Page Content

i have a web app whereby the content for each page is stored in the database. This content is interweaved in html and saved in the Database. As a result when teh user does a search through the app and searches for say <table it brings back everything with teh table tag in the database

Does anyone know if I can only search the text rather than the html and content in my Database.

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Content Page Too Long

If the content of a db field is too long, (like when the web page ends up being 3 A4 page lengths due to alot of content in the db field), is there a way of say, creating a 'next page', thus splitting the data content over 2 pages?

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Content Fill Asp Page While It Loads

I've got an asp page which scans a range of IP addresses and printes the
response to screen.

I've tried loads of methods and ended up with using javascript innerHTML to
try and fill the content

What I'd like is the value to return instantly rather than wait until the
routine has completed and return ALL the results.

if i'm pinging a big range of addresses the page usually times out......
I thought if I could build the page dynamically, one result at a time, the
timeout error wouldn't happen - and users would see that something is
actually happening!!! Code:

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Display Csv File Content On Page

I have a csv file that has 2 columns..."Name" and "Team" I would like to be able to have 2 dropdown menus on a webpage showing both of these and a method (a post I guess) to change which team they are a member off...For example Joe is in Team 1 but moves to Team 2, from this page the user can change Joe to Team 2..

I would also like to be able to add new members and remove existing ones.

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How Can I Insert The Content From An HTML Or ASP Page Into A DataBase

what I want to make actually is to take the results of a search engine that I use, which are in form of HTML or ASP and transport that results in a DataBase. For example, I wont to place as registrations in the DataBase the equivalents URLs and their descriptions from the results of search. I use MS Access, code asp, HTML , Javascript .

QUESTION! How can I insert the content from an HTML or ASP page into a dataBase? How can I determine from what point to what point a string it will be entered in the first cell of table and afterwards in the next and next ....

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HTTP Header Modifications Must Be Made Before Writing Page Content

am using pws on win 98 and when i try to excute any asp page i got the following error

Response object error 'ASP 0156 : 80004005' The HTTP headers are already written to the client
browser. Any HTTP header modifications must be made before writing page content.

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Print Content Of An ASP Page To Acrobat PDF Destiller And Send PDF To Browser

I have an ASP page, whisch generates dynamic report for a SQL server DB.
Now the users want to have the content in PDF format (not HTML page). The
server machine had "adobe acrobat destiller" installed.

How can I print the content of this ASP page to acrobat PDF destiller and
send PDF file to browser?

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Printer Friendly Page :: Directly Print The Content From Textbox Data

how to print the content of a multiline textbox without taking the content to some other "printer friendly" page. I just wanna send whatevers in the textbox directly to the printer.

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Using ASP To Replace Content But Not Tag Content In HTML Pages

Using ASP I'd like to modify a string that contains HTML. I need to modify the content (the bit that the users see) but not the stuff in the tags. For example, if I had the following string Code:

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Get URL Variable On .asp Page With ASP Or JS

I need to retreive a URL variable on a .asp page using either ASP or JS and
then put in into the URL of an img tag. Code:

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Get A Page And Put It In A Variable

basically i want to send a web page off by email. so i was thinking of putting some asp scrip at the end of the page to do this...


dim a
a = page_content

but how do i get page content? Is there some variable I can read that has it stored? is there some way I can all the stuff that has gone out to browser?

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Environment Variable From ASP Page

My goal is to retrieve my local machine's %USERNAME% environment variable
from ASP page.

When I enter http://RemoteServerName/testusername.asp?id=%USERNAME% directly
into the IE Browser URL box, %USERNAME% is repalced with the local machine
ID. However <a href="http://RemoteServerName/testusername.asp?id=%USERNAME%"> get mahcine id</a> in an html file and use Request.Querystring("id") to retrieve it in testusername.asp page, it returns "%USERNAME%". I guess IE browser is smart enough to replace %USERNAME% with the local environment variable value before sending URL string to the web server when you type directly into the Browser URL box.My question is , is there any way to retrieve local machine's environment variable, %USERNAME% from ASP page?

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Passing Variable Value To Another Page

i am trying to pass a variable to another page using a button.this is the code i have

<form action="G_Reply.asp?Title="<%=rsUser("Title")%>" method="post">
<button name="add" type="submit">
<img src="Pictures/G_Chat.png" width="150" height="20"></button>

Even though it does not work ,it does pass the variable when using as hyperlink like :

<% response.write ("<a href=G_Reply.asp?Title="&rsUser("Title")&"> Post Reply </a>")%>

(rsUser is my recordset and ("Title") is the field in the database. )

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Pass Variable To Another Page

Ive done this in various ways before but im doing it in java wit asp Code:

a0=("Managing Director")

<a href=javascript:openpopup("EditSupplierContact.asp?a0=<%response.write(a0)%>")>Edit</a>

only the word "Managing" is being passed into the string if i join the variable toghther its works.

works if a0=("ManagingDirector")

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Set Variable To Include Page

im trying to make a string and in that string have an include in to include a .asp page is this possible. Code:

myhtml = ""
myhtml = myhtml & "This Should Work "
myhtml = myhtml & " <!--#include file ="TESTR.asp"--> "

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Sending A Variable From One Page To Another

What I am trying to do is send a variable from one page to another. Now my first page is setup as follows: Code:

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Passing Variable To Frame Page

Is it possible to send a variable through a hyperlink, to a frames page, and have all 3 pages in the frame pick up the variable using the request.querystring ?

In other words, I click on a link that has ?id=2 lets say.. it goes to a
page called umm say index.asp the index page has a top, main, and a left.
how do i get each one of those to receive the variable, when i can only send
it to one page? or is it possible to send it to more than one page, but only
travel to one page? so the link looks like index.asp?id=<%=var%> Code:

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Passing Variable To Parent Page

I want to pass a variable or value from the pop up page to the parent page. how do i do that?
Another approach i was thinking was dragging and dropping the selected variable from pop up page to the text box in the parent page. but i dont know whether ASP has any drag and drop module or something.

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Home Page - Default Variable?

I'm very new to ASP, but developing a dynamic website using ASP and an Access dbase.

I've created a template page (index.asp) and I plan for this to be the only page required for the whole site as the rest of the content will be loaded dynamically based on variables in the querystring. For example, if the querystring was: index.asp?PageStr=home, the home page content would load, if it was index.asp?PageStr=contact, the contact content would load.

My question is this. If someone went to my domain there would be no default variable in the querystring and no content would load. Is there a way round having to create two pages - a default home page and another page for everything else?

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Set Dynamic Contents Of A Asp Page In A Variable

I would like to read the dynamic contents of an asp page and set these in a variable.
In php I can do it with the help of include, but include is not exactly the same in asp.
Any clue?

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Grabbing A Variable From A Diff Form On The Same Page

I'm trying to grab a variable from a dropdown list and pass it to a paypal form, the problem is it's in two different forms.. Code:

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Pass A Javascript Variable To Another Page But Vbscript

I have an input box when the user clicks on the button.

var number=prompt("enter journal number");

How is it possible to pass this variable forward but to vbscript? So i could use that variable in an sql procedure?

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Problem Is Passing Hidden Variable To Next Page

I am storing the hidden variable in DISPLAY.ASP

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Passing Variable From VBScript To ASP Page Using Form

I have a Function in VB Script that generates a signature. I assign the result to a variable and then need to do a hidden post to an ASP Page for further processing.

Basic functionality is I have a button upon pressing it -- It does the hidden post.

Code looks like this. Please assist with passing this stringToSign variable to the .asp page via hidden post. Code:

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How Do I Retrieve Values Of An Array Variable From A Form To An Asp Page?

if i have a vbscript function on a certain form and I assigned some values on an array variable on that function, is there a way for me to retrieve the values of that array on another asp page once i submitted the form?

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Calling Com + Object Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set

I'm turning my application into a "DLL". Everything worked fine untill I try to do a "While" in my asp code. Then I recieve an error like this:

"Object variable or With block variable not set"

My vb code look like this.....

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Passing Data From Javascript Variable To Asp Variable.

is there any way of passing a javascript variable over to a asp variable so
i can write it to my database.

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Convert ASP Variable To Javascript Variable

How do I convert an ASP variable to a Javascript variable?

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I have started doing SEO for a website and I'm trying to get a feel for how the website is set up.I dont know which file stores the content....
In the asp file page there is a string of code that reads:

<%Call writeContent(2,1)%>

I believe it is what is telling the server to find the article, but I dont know where it is.Does anyone know what else to look for?

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Dynamic Content In ASP

I am having to make sites accessible where images are dynamically generated.

'Display the graphical hit count

Response.Write("<img src=""counter_images/")
Response.Write(Mid(lngVisitorNumber, intWriteDigitLoopCount, 1) & ".gif""")
Response.Write("alt=""" & Mid(lngVisitorNumber, intWriteDigitLoopCount, 1) & """>")
How do I include the width and height attributes in this code?

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