Continue "DATA-TABLES"

Now I did the following and got this error massage:

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a0401'
Expected end of statement
/New Folder/1form.asp, line 305
Response.Write "<td><input class="formpagetablefield" type="text" name="tradeid" size="6" Value="& trim(rsTable("tradeid"))%"></td>

I dont't know if the code below will work. Can someone tell me if it is correct in principle: Code:

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Add Continue

anyone know wat syntax can be used if want to add a 'continue' to a do loop?


if xxx then
continue next loop
end if

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Continue To Message

I did an e-mail component with the possibility of adding attachments .After the attachments are added,the user can continue with the message.My problem is that the text in the message isn't "retained" , so the user can't contiune it.

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For Loop Continue

Any one know how to go to the beginning of the Next iteration of a For Loop? Similar to a c-style 'continue'?

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Pass Data Between Tables

I develop a .asp app that reads its data from an Access DB "A", and I have a desktop app with a FoxPro DB "B".

How can I insert data from a table in DB "A" to a table in DB "B". Im new to asp and I really know only the basic's, so who can guide me to a tutorial or where can I dowload an example...

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Displaying All Data From 2 Tables

im currently working on a login system, and its the first time i have had to use an inner join. basically i have 2 tables, an attendance table and a member table. the attendance table contains the following: Code:

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Comparing Data Between Two Tables

I have two tables. Table1 contains the names of training classes being offered and Table2 has the names of the people who are going to attend. The code below lists the classes being offered and a links to add, remove, and view other employees that are attending that class.

I only want the remove button to appear if you have already signed up for the class. I also only want the remove button to appear if the username cookie equals the username of the person that is signed up for the class which means the employee that wants to be removed from the class has to do it. My insert code (not shown) puts the username in the cookie into the Table2.

I tried using this code to accomplish what I wanted above but it does not display the remove button if the person is signed up and trying to remove themself. Code:

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Listing Data From 2 Tables

if i wanna list data from 2 tables at the same time, is that possible. i have 2 tables: itemsorderd and orders, which both have OrderID.

now i want to list the 2 fields from itemsorder which are Quantity and ProductID, as well as all the fields from orders, which contains the shipping details. how can i do that in a single SQL statement ? also if i wanna delete all these datas associated with the OrderID, how can i do that ?

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Retrieving Data From Other Tables

if there is two tables. for example

Table 1: IC No, Name
Table 2: IC, No, Address

IC No are primary keys

There will be only one user maintaining the Table 1 then another user maintaining address only in table 2. So the second user need to retrieve the data from table 1 on the IC No. how should i do it? is it using session?

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Retreiving Data From Multiple Tables

I have 3 tables, product, industry and plist. product has productID and product, industry has industryID and industry, plist has productID foreign key with productID on product table and industryID foreign key with industryID on industry table.

In the plist table I am storing the productID and the industryID's that relate to that productID..

industryID productID
1 4
1 7
1 9
1 10

What I want in my ASP page is to return the actual products that each industry serves. So for the above example my script should return the products in the product table that relate to the productID's 4, 7, 9, 10, when I search it by industryID 1. I hope this is making sense. Code:

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Creating Tables And Copying Data From One DB To Another?

I want to create another Database using ASP, this I can do. However, what is the easiest way to copy tables from one DB to this new DB?

I dont really want to have to write the SQL to create each table and then to use a 'select into' code for table, especially as I have around 15 tables to do!

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Adding Data To 2 Tables At The Same Time

i have 2 tables;

fields are

and another table

fields are

when someone submits the form, i want to add the infos supplied by the user to be added to these 2 tables.

field01 & field02 shall be added to tables 1 & 2;


field03,field04 & field05 to table01 only

i tried using this code:

myquery = "INSERT INTO table01 (field01,field02,field03,field04,field05) VALUES ('" & f1 & "','" & f2 & "','" & f3 & "','" & f4 & "','" & f5 & "')"

myquery2 = "INSERT INTO table02 (field01,field02) VALUES ('" & f1 & "','" & f2 & "')"

adocon.execute myquery,myquery2

but this one only adds to the first table.

can someone tell me how to fix the problem?

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Display Data From 3 Tables (MS Access)

I have 3 tables (MS Access) and I would like to display the content of all three tables alphabetically on a .asp page I have no problem displaying a list from each of the individual tables, but I am stumped when I try to display a combined listing..

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Inserting Data Using A Form Into Two Access Tables

I have two tables Property & Landlord. I have a form and when it is filled in and submitted the information should be sent to the two tables, but i cant seem to get my head around this problem.

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"Back" Button Issue On ASP Generated Data Tables

Imagine an asp-script that retrieves data from a database and returns an HTML with table of the retrieved data, allowing user to edit some values and delete rows. The issue occurred after deleting a row. Lets say the initial table was: Code:

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Creating Dynamic Tables In Dreamweaver To Display Tables

I know how to create dynamic tables in dreamweaver to display fields and records in a table of a database, but in my case I need to create a dynamic table that lists all the tables in the database, then to click on the one i want 2 edit the data in there.

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"HTTP/1.1 100 Continue" Text Prints At Top Of Pg

I've a page that generates a map and while processing, I display an animated gif status bar.

However, at the same time, the text "HTTP/1.1 100 Continue" is also displayed below the status bar. When the generated map returns, this same text is displayed at the top of the page (on a line by itself).

Researching this text mentions this behavior breifly, but doesn't offer much in the way of surpressing it. Questions: What causes it and how can I surpress it?

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Add Sql Tables

I want to be able to send two sql tables to access db at the same time

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Linked Tables

I have a database that has 2 tables linked into it from another database. I am having problems trying to pull in values from those 2 linked databases. One of the tables is tblClient. Code:

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SQL Statement Using Two Tables

I need some help with a SQL statement. I currently have which works:

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM mstJobs WHERE JobStatus = True"

I need to query against a second table but I am not sure of the
correct syntax of the statement for adding another table.. somthing
like this i would imagine... ????

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM mstJobs.pmdata WHERE JobStatus = True AND
WHERE WeekEnding IN tblSuperInput.pmdata = strThursday"

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Get Tables Names

Does anyone have some sample code on how to get all tables names in a MS Access database?

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HTML Tables In ASP

I have a form in my HTML page and I require a number of checkboxes. These are to be dynamically generated from an Access database. The code below will work but it will only create a single row. How can I include the <TR> tag inside the loop - I'd probably want 4 cells per row


Do until rstCategories.EOF = True

Response.Write "<TD width=200>"_
& rstCategories("strCategory")_
& "<input name=chkCategory type=checkbox value=" &rstCategories("lngID")>"_
& "</TD>"


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3 Tables, 1 Page

I am trying to list data from the DB from three different tables. The first table is creditors, the second is statements and the third is payments. I don't know much about inner joins and I'm not even sure that's what I need to do. The first section on the page is detailed information about the creditor.

Below that is a section for a summary of all statements from that creditor. Below the statements section is a section for listing payments from that creditor. The 'creditors' table has a field of "credID" as well as the tables "statements" and "payments".

The "statements" table has a "StatementID" field and the "payments" table has a field of payID. What is the best way to list the statements and payments from a particular creditor?

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Linked Tables

Ithe goalposts have been moved (yet again!) and the database that was one, may have to become many, being used on subdomains of the same server sharing some information but not all from a 'global' database.The solution I initially found was to used linked tables and developing it on pws - this was perfect. I linked local databases to the external table data in the 'global' database hey presto the application ran smoothly. There was only 1 connection to each local database and I could retrieve all the information I needed from the global one. However on uploading I have no idea how to set this via asp or sql as online the path of the linked tables is what was on my local machine and I have found no way of being able to edit this or indeed know if this is possible.

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SQL JOIN 3 Tables

I've got three tables:

Id (PK) | Event_Name

Id (PK) | Delegate_Name

Id (PK) | Event_Id (FK) | Delegate_Id (FK)

I need to retrieve a recordset with the following information:

Booking Id | Event_Name | Delegate_Name

Can anyone see how to do a SELECT statement to do this?

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Dynamic Tables

I dont even know if ASP is the right language to be doing this, but what I am basically trying to complete is a way for a dropdown box to come, and depending on what they select data will go into a table. For instance, the dropdown will what type of taxpayer they are and if they select individual, the offered services will appear in the table.

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How Can I Compare The SQL Of 2 Tables In ASP ?

I have an application that creates online quizzes, each quiz has a results table generated by ASP on MS SQL Sever.

What I want to do is compare the SQL structure / code of the table I am about to create with the SQL structure / code of an existing table (previously created in ASP) to see if they are the same.

So how can I get the SQL structure of a table that already exists in my database into an ASP page?

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Querying 2 Tables

I have a database with 2 tables in it.

Each table contains the fields: ID(autonumber),Title, Artist, Description, DiscNo, and TrackNo. The second of the two contains an additional field: Price.

How would I make an asp page in which a person enters DiscNo and Price into a form and the code would read all the fields of that record from table1 and then add those and the Price into table2?

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BackUp Tables

I am looking for code that will go through all tables in MYSQL db and transfer records into text or excel files.

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How Do I Inner Join 3 Tables?

strSQL = "SELECT x.CountryId, x.CountryName, y.SiteId, y.SiteName, z.LocationId, z.Level FROM TableCountry AS x"
strSQL = strSQL & " INNER JOIN TableSite AS y ON (x.CountryId = y.CountryId)"
strSQL = strSQL & " INNER JOIN TableLocation AS z ON (y.SiteId = z.SiteId)"

Error Type:

Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E14)
Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '(x.CountryId = y.CountryId) INNER JOIN TableLocation AS z ON (y.SiteId = z.SiteId)'.
/system1.asp, line 21

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Joining 3 Tables

i have an sql query that needs to join 3 tables to get the desired answercouldnt think of a better way )


INNER JOIN TempSerial ON Serial.SerialNo=TempSerial.SerialNo
ON Sold.SoldID=Serial.SoldID
WHERE Sold.CustomerCode='"&customer&"';"

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2 Access Tables

are you able to open two Access tables at the same time or is this bad coding practice?

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Three Databases Tables

How do you go about searching three tables at the same time? I'm using Dreamweaver MX, but I can also hand code it in if know one knows the dreamweaver method

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