Convert Text Content To Label

I wish to convert the message received in the text box to be
replaced by the label with the same message as in the text box, After
upload button is clicked this action should be carried on.

So the data in the text box is stored to the database after the button
is clicked and also the textbox is converted to label with message in the
text box.

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Text Box, Label

A user selects a date from some select boxes on a page, an his selection is shown on a text box, so this content is changed dinamically each time the user changes the date. Can I show this text in a label instead of a text box (or text box without borders) how do I do that?How do I do labels or text boxes without borders?

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Text Field Value & Label

Is it possible to make the following codes Value = idSpecies but its Label TimberSpecies?

<input name="f1" type="text" id="f13" value="<%=((rsResults.Fields.Item("idSpecies").Value))%>" size="33">

I have a database with the following...

Table Name.....Query1
Field Name......idSpecies..........Auto Number
Field Name......TimberSpecies...Text Field

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Add The Content Of One Text File

I am using certain text attachments in my ASP project.I am storing in seperate folder and making use of this in my project. i just want to know, whether i can save this entire content of this file as a particular field in a database table. how.Whether it can be convert as a datastream and then stored.

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Reading A Content Of Text File

I get a CD from O2 containing call data.I want to read the txt file on the CD and use the content of the textfile in an asp file to import to the database.But how do i read the file?

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CDONTS Alternative Text Content

I'm using CDONTS and am trying to send an email out which displays in HTML for HTML-enabled clients, and plain text for non-HTML clients. Unfortunately I am using IIS4 so CDOSYS is not available (so I can't use the handy .Textbody or .HTMLBody properties). How would I go about it with CDONTS?

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Use ASP To Convert Msword To Text?

I have a client that originally wanted me to develop their webapp using PHP and MySql.

It now looks like I have to use ASP/MsSql to do the job.

They need to search for words in ms word documents that are to be uploaded to the server.
In the PHP environment I could use a PHP class to extract the text from the word document and then put the extracted text in a database field to make it searchable (fulltext index etc). All doable from within one PHP script.

I have looked around the web to find some similar to use with ASP but with no luck.

What I want to do is this:
User uploads a .doc document to the web-server.
The ASP script should then be able to extract the text from that word document so I can put the text in a db field to enable fast search for matching documents.

Is this doable from within ASP script?
Is there any third-party solutions available out there?

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Need To Convert Sql Date To Text

I am trying to compare a variable with a db plain text field as follows:
access db has field named HFRNUM as text .... ex: 12182003-A

I create a variable in vb as follows:
Dim hfr_today
HFR_Today = (Month(DATE)) & (DAY(DATE)) & (YEAR(DATE)) & "-A"

Unfortuantely, I think the HFR_Today var is not text and when I look for a record that is LIKE or = the var, it returns blank.

I display my variable and see 12182003-A, yet it does not find the record that matches (except data type perhaps?) Is my variable of a different data type, and if so, how can I make it plain text?

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How To Convert Number To Text

I am making a check writing page and was wondering how to convert a variable in the form of $1234.56 to One Thousand Two Hundred Thirty Four Dollars and Fifty Six Cents (Or something like that).

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Convert Text To Image

I need to get text posted from a webpage to a image. The text needs to be displayed with fonts that I can't use in a webpage. This is to be used submitting textadds from the web, later to be published in a newspaper.

The image it self will not be published, I need it to calculate the price for the add.
There for I need it with the fonts used in the newspaper. Don't now if this is the right group.

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Convert Number To Text

I need to modify some code written by someone else that sends out an automated email based on a form submittal. In the form, values are set to 1 or 0 for "yes" or "no". I need to modify it so that the email changes the 1 or 0 to their text equivalents (yes/no).

I CANNOT modify the form itself to change the variables, so i assume i need an IF stmt to that converts the string to text before it sends. Can someone point me in the right direction for how to do this?

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Convert Number To Text 1 To One

is there anyway to convert a number into a text string? i.e. 1 to one or 2 to two.

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What Is Easiest Way Convert Number To Text

what's the easiest way to convert a number to text i.e.

2005 --> two thousand and five
67 --> sixty seven

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Label Without <span>

How do you write pure text out from a label? I don't want the <span> tags.

For example:

Owner_FullName.Text = "Lynn Solomon"

<asp:label id='Owner_FullName' runat='server' />

<span id="Owner_FullName">Lynn Solomon</span>

I would like it to yield:
Lynn Solomon

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ASP - Attach Label To FormElements

I need to attach a label to each form element on an html form as I can not use the element names. For instance, my element is

<input name="DT_Ctl">

in the asp I use,

For Each FormElement in Request.Form
mail_body = mail_body & FormElement & ": " & Request.Form(FormElement) & vbCrLf

However this means I would get,

DT_Ctl: 1

in my email.

I need to re-label the element without changing the element name so that I would get something like,

Daytona: 1

I am guessing I could attach some sort of variable to each form element but how do I do that.

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Asp Word Label Automation

I'm about to create an ASP script which will essentially parse SQL
tuples (rows) into a Word file, creating labels, although would need
to use the pre-defined label templates within word.
Can anyone direct me in the right direction?

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Avery Label Wizard And ASP?

Does anybody know if the Avery label wizard included in Microsoft Word can be used in an ASP page? Basically I want to be able to set the content type on the ASP page to Application/MSword and fill out mailing labels using records pulled from a SQL Server DB.

I know that mail merge is available, but I need to use the extra logic provided via programming this myself. I was also thinking to just make a table and page the recordset so that each page can just be printed out. That brings me to my next point. If I set the content type to "application/msword" and use HTML is there any way to force a page break?

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How To Change The Value Of Asp:label Dynamically?

I got this .aspx page with no access to the source code.(apparently it was lost)

anyways. I have this form with a datagrid that access values from a database.

<TD align="left" width="293"><asp:dropdownlist id="DropDownList16" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True"></asp:dropdownlist></TD>
<TD align="middle" width="127">$<asp:label id="Label32" runat="server">0</asp:label></TD>

If you look at the code above, asp:dropdownlist is a string, but I'm not sure if asp:label is a numeric. Since I don't have the source code, how can I change the numeric value that gets to the asp:label within the aspx page.

lets say i get a number 20, and I want to add 15 to it, how can this be done.

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Output From Web To Label Printer

I need to take text from a database, turn it into a barcode from the Web and print to a Zebra Z4M barcode printer. I am stuck at two separate approaches. 1. Use ZPL II (Zebra's proprietary language to command the printer) which is executed at a DOS Prompt with "COPY BarCode.txt LPT1" Is there any way to run that from the web. Also, is there any other method of sending the information in the text file to the printer?

Use some sort of ActiveX object to compile a barcode label image, then use another ActiveX object to remove the Header/Footer and Margins from the IE printout. I have found ActiveX objects that can compile the image, but have not found anything to block out the Header/Footer and Margins.

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White Label Site Problems

I have two sites, one is a white label version of another. they both use exactly the same code.

The site that isn't white label works fine. Hover the white label site gives the following error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0005'

Invalid procedure call or argument: 'left'

/list.asp, line 234

I've looked at line 234 in list.asp and it is just a SQL expression that doesn't appear to have any problems: Code:

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Using ASP To Replace Content But Not Tag Content In HTML Pages

Using ASP I'd like to modify a string that contains HTML. I need to modify the content (the bit that the users see) but not the stuff in the tags. For example, if I had the following string Code:

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Convert Real Number Into Text Number

I need to insert some number into database as text. My problem is if I insert the number (ie. 4.0), the value in the database only show (4). So, is it possible to convert a real number into text number using ASP?

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Controlling Text In A Text Area Or Text

I have this problem in controlling a the text in a Text Area. How can I do
that for example the field size is 200, when it reaches 50 it automatically
goes to the next line. Bcoz im having problem when viewing it in my report,
it continuesly views in a strieght line and im having problem in printing.

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I have started doing SEO for a website and I'm trying to get a feel for how the website is set up.I dont know which file stores the content....
In the asp file page there is a string of code that reads:

<%Call writeContent(2,1)%>

I believe it is what is telling the server to find the article, but I dont know where it is.Does anyone know what else to look for?

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International Text And FSO Created Text Files

When using ASP's FileSystemObject to create text files, I am unable to get user submitted text (in Hebrew) to save as anything other than "?????". The text file is being saved in Unicode and setting the CodePage in ASP proved unsuccessful. Strangely, hard coded Hebrew text in an ASP variable does add to the text file correctly.

Any ideas of why this happens and how to get it to work correctly?

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Dynamic Content In ASP

I am having to make sites accessible where images are dynamically generated.

'Display the graphical hit count

Response.Write("<img src=""counter_images/")
Response.Write(Mid(lngVisitorNumber, intWriteDigitLoopCount, 1) & ".gif""")
Response.Write("alt=""" & Mid(lngVisitorNumber, intWriteDigitLoopCount, 1) & """>")
How do I include the width and height attributes in this code?

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Active Content?

What is "active content"? My ASP page just returns HTML....

I have a page with an .htm extension that has a form whose action
is an ASP page which generates a report after updating a database
with the form data.

Under Windowx XP SP2 the IE6 "Information Bar" has the message:

"To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this
file from showing active content that could access your computer."

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Print Content

I would like to have a PRINT button on my page, that redirects to another page which is more printer friendly.
I am pulling the content of a database (msAccess) into the initial page, and want that content to carry accross..

Here is an example of the page

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Delete Content

can someone help me. I'm writing an onlineshop in asp and for the shopping cart
i use an array. If someone wants to delete some articles from the cart, i have to
delete them from the array. How i delete only one article (on line) from the array.

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How To Get Content Of A File ?

i am building some web page with template engine and i run on one problem: i want to import a content of some file and then use it in asp script so the solutions are this:

1: Create file system object and use ReadAll to read the content but there is a problem because it dosent render the importet file i get just the asp code

2: Create XML object and load the file into the xml but here is another problem this proccess takes quite a lot of time so it will be very slow for the web site especially that i want to import more the one file...

3: Create file system object and user ReadAll to read the content and then use eval(reasponseString) to execute this code... but i dont belive to much in this solution i dont know why but it seems to me it's not right.....

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Rotating Content

If you needed to have a side bar, that had room for 2 or 3 graphical ads, and you had say 8 ads to pick from, and you wanted each page to just randomly load ads but never put the same 2 or3 ads on the same page...

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Content Negotiation

I've been looking at content negotiation for serving up pages as xhtml/xml or text/html based on the user's browser and using PHP you use this:
PHP Code:

function fix_code($buffer) {
   return (str_replace(" />", ">", $buffer));


to remove all the / end of tags in your text/html code. Is there an ASP equivalent to this?

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Pull Content

I'm writing a site scraper (bot, etc.) that needs to log into a site (i have the username and password), then redirect to a particular page and then pull that content into a variable so I can manipulate it.
I'm using ASPHttp to try to pull this off. However, I CANNOT get by the login. According to ASPHttp this should be possible, but I cannot make it happen. I would not imagine this would be too hard to do. Perhaps ASPHttp is not the right tool.

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