Converting Access Form To A Asp Form

I have an Access application which need to be converted to asp-sql server
application. This Access application uses a single form. This form has got a
SS number with names and age.

The form has two subforms. One of the subform
uses a physical test score which is basically four different fields while the
other subform is one that has a written test score with three fields. Entry
to both physical and written scores are done through this form. Both the
forms can have multiple entries to make sure we are tracking historical

The relationship between the ssn table and the physical test score
table is 1: n while that between ssn table and the written score table is 1:
n. With this scenario what is the best way to design form in asp pages?

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How To Insert Image To Access Database From Form When The User Submits The Form?

my form contains two text fields(name, address) and two file field control where user can insert image(photo1 and photo2), i want to insert this data in to ms access when the user submits the form?

this is my code for insert text fields to access data base.but i have no idea about the code for image fields. In my access data base i set photo1 and photo2 as herf (binary data). Code:

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How To Access Variables (form Text Box Values) On Same Form?

I have a form on an ASP page that has 5 text boxes, for data entry. I am trying to get data from the text box, and pass it to a hidden text box on the form.

The hidden text box is called "MyDateTime" (a SQL date and time value). I am attempting to concatenate data from two other textboxes (one for date and one for time) to give a string like : "8/8/2004 8:00 AM" I am trying to use the following: Code:

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Converting An ASP Form Submission To A VBScript

I have a form which submits to my ASP page, which uses the Persits ASPupload. When using the form, it works great. I want to run the submission from a program on a client instead of through IE. I am having trouble converting the form to VBS. Here is the form: Code:

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Optional Fields In A Form, Converting To ASP And SQL

I am trying to incorporate a search feature, and I am having problems thinking up some code to accomplish a certain thing: I have a page that allows a user to search for Industry-specific locations.

It is a basic form with City, State, Zip, radius fields. I also want to incorporate optional fields, such as the different types of amenities/facilities that the building offers. These amenities/facilities will have checkboxes. Code:

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Detecting And Converting Letters To Digits In Input Form

I need a function for blocking or converting letters inserted into a Form to digits, since the Data will be used in mathematical functions.

Is there a specific seach-function for letters, or:

If Input1(not a digit) then...
Else... Input1 * 5...


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Link Access Form To Web?

Is it possible to link forms developed using Access 2K
with an asp page? I want to be able to pass on the order
no. by clicking to an access form and display results.

Is it possible? If yes, can you give me some leads how
to do?

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Form To VBScript To Access DB

I've Googling the web for the past two hours trying to find some code that will explain the following:

I have a Form with 250+ fields. I need to loop through all form fields and store the values into a VBScript 2-dimensional array (name of field, value of field). Once I have this 2-d array, I need to loop through it to create my SQL insert string, which will hook up to my MS Access 2000 .mdb file.

I totally understand the process, but I'm having a hard time with the syntax. Currently, I only have 60 fields, and I'm doing this type of thing manually. The thing is the form now needs to accomodate 250+ fields and there's no way I'm continuing to do this manually. Heck no!

Can someone please help wither with syntax or links to possible examples? I've been to,,, you name it, and I simply can't find an appropriate example.

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ASP Form To Access Database

Does anyone know where I can find a great tutorial that will show me how to take information filled out in a form on a web site that will go directly to an Access database?

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Fill Up An Access DB Through A HTML Form

I have a problem with filling up an MS Access Database by using a HTML form. I created 3 files: a HTML form file, an ASP file that executes the command and a MS Access DB containing a table with the fields that I want to fill up. Code:

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Adding Reg Form Data To MS Access DB

I am trying to test a form at home which is for registration purposes. I dont have a server connection yet. Im wondering if it is possible to check whether the form is working offline or whether my code just isnt working! ?

I should also say that my html files, asp files and database are in the same folder. Code:

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Call Access Form In Browser

Is it possible i call access form in browser.

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Inserting Simple Form To Access Db

I am trying to get a form to insert info into a access database. I am using dreamweaver 2004, i created the form with 4 text fields and a submit button. Ive added a ODBC connection and dreamweaver can qurery my table.

I added an insert record server behaviour, and i figured dreamweaver does all the work for you but when i saved and uploaded the page to my test server it would not submit and redirect to my chosen page, it only refresh the form.Has anyone out there done this before and can notice a step that im missing. Do i need to setup a recordset? because ive tried that as well and no success.

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Inserting Data Using A Form Into Two Access Tables

I have two tables Property & Landlord. I have a form and when it is filled in and submitted the information should be sent to the two tables, but i cant seem to get my head around this problem.

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Adding Info From A Form To Access Database

Except for extremely basic ASP programming that I did two years ago and have forgotten I have not touched coding since!

I've taken a look at a couple of tutorials but they all baffle me!

Can anyone tell me how I can just create a simple html form with input fields of FirstName, LastName, Email and Phone amd when the user hits submit it is recorded in an access database?

I can do the HTML part fine. And I believe I've set up access ok although Ive never used it before.

Also, if the server that the database will go on is a Microsoft one i suspect that is ok? Im not sure if all i have to do is upload the database and it will work? or do i need to talk to my hosting company to set up some kind of odbc thing that ive heard about?

My database will just be called clients.mdb and the table is called Customers.

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Form Checkbox Access Yes/No Field Entry

i have a checkbox Code:

<input class="txtbox" type="checkbox" name="C1" value="ON">

it will correspond to a field in my ms access database that has a Yes/No data type. when the box is ticked, i would simply like the value Yes to be entered into the database..

i enter other elements of my form (a input text box for example) using Code:

rsAddComments.Fields("area") = Request.Form("area")

so what would the entry code look like similar to this.. and what would the for checkbox code look like?

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Problem In Saving A Form To Ms Access Database

Iam facing a problem in saving a particular form to ms access datdabase. Iam preparing an enquiry form and want to host it onto the company's website, but Iam not able to save the form to a database. The code is as follows: Code:

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Application Object :: Allow Only One User To Access Form

I'm looking for a way to allow only one user to access my web form at a time. so that if there is a user using my web page / html form.. then the next user is directed to another page. So only one user is allowed access at any given time .I was hoping there is a way to do this with Application variables.

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Auto Date From HTML Form To MS Access

I just recently created a html form and one of the fields required a date. I want to make it so it will insert the date when the form is being filled out. For example, if I fill out the form today I want today's date on it.

I am going to connect this form to a MS access database, the database also has a field "date". How would I like all these together? Also, I want to send a notice to a specific email whenever someone submits the form.

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Sending Form Data To Access Database

I have a member registration form that when the user clicks the submit button the form info is sent to a file name validate.asp.

The file validate.asp checks all the information to see if it correct and now I would like to have the data that was submitted added to an access database named members into a table that I named reginfo (registration info) and I have tried numerous ways to do this and spent countless hours browsing through websites but cant seem to get it to work. Code:

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Return 2 Access Field Values To Form REQUEST

I have a request form that is used for requesting copies og an edition of a magazine. What I need to do is get back the information, from a MS Access table, for the issuedate and deadline.

Because the deadline is not always the same number of days (ie dependant on issue it could be 14 days before, or 21 days before etc), so as well as picking the issue date from the table, I need to be able to get the deadline date back, and write to a seperate Request "field" on the Form. Code:

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Pass Form Values To A Page After Inserting In Access

I'm using DWMX and Access DB.

i have setup a form on a normal http page which collects name address etc and is then passed to a https page to collect credit card details, on clicking submit on the https page the credit card details are inserted in db on secure server along with one field that was passed from the http page (the user id).

this all works ok, however i then need to pass the remaining orignal form values back to another http page that then inserts these values to another DB. ok you may be asking why.... the first forms allows the user to correct information already held on file before upgrading their listing, i then need them to pay for the upgrade before inserting the amended data in the orignal database... How..

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Form Submit Data Into Access Database With Date()

I have an ASP form that has a field that automatically places the current date into it. It uses the function Date().

The problem I am having is when the form is submitted into my Access database the date is coming out wrong in the Access field. The datatype for the field is Date/Time but it still is not coming out right.

Example: the date in the ASP form shows as 12/19/2006 and the entry in the Access form shows 12:00:27 AM. If I change the format of the Date/Time field to Short Date, the result is: 12/30/1899.

Does anyone know how I can get the data that is posted to the Access database to come out the same as the ASP form?

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Request.form :: Can´t Upload But The INSERT INTO Form Works Propertly

I´m having a problem using ASP Upload with an insert form..

If I use ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" the all the parametres i might get with request.form don´t appear.. but i can upload the files.. Besides if I take away the ENCTYPE tag, i can´t upload but the INSERT INTO form works propertly

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How To Retrieve Form Values, When Form Elements' Names Are (almost) Unknown?

I have a form that is dynamically generated since it is populated with values retrieved from a database. The form can of course also be submitted, which is where I run into some problems.

Since I never know in advance what the length of the form (or for that matter what the different elements' names and values) will be I don't know how to write the code in "receive.asp" to retrieve all values from the form correctly without excess use of "request.....".

I shouldn't have to write requests for every single potential element name that is stored in the DB. Please note that the form can sometimes also contain radio buttons and check boxes, even though they are not present in this short example Code:

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Converting From Access?

While I've used Access's export function in the past to generate ASP from
the tables, I wonder whether there's anything around to do a more
comprehensive automatic conversion. I've noted a few ads for such products,
and I wonder/hope there's some experience around here that might be shared -
with recommendations.

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File Form Type And Request.Form Problem

I have a form as follows:

<form action="dropboxsubmit.asp" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

<input type="file" name="FILE1" size="30">

<input type="text" name="def" value="0" size="10">


and can't get my asp to recognize data in other form input boxes using Request.Form

Any thoughts?

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Javascript Form Validation - Form Action To Another Page

In my prototype asp page (with no javascript and no password validation, I have a registration form with the following action:

<form name="form" method="post" action="RegDetails.asp">

This works fine, the form details are collected by RegDetails.asp

I am attempting to include javascript server side validation for the pasword, which obviously requires password and password2 fields (to be verified). I have used the script available at:

It works fine in a new blank page with the form action:

<form name=myForm onSubmit="return validatePwd()">

The final stage in this javascript demo form displays an alert box:

else {
alert('Nice job.');
return true;

When I change the first line of my original form to:

<form name=myForm onSubmit="return validatePwd()">

how do I get my original action of - action="RegDetails.asp" instead of this alert box?

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Request.Form Doesn't Return Form Data

I have some ASP server-side code that works perfectly when the client is running on Windows (IE, Netscape, Firefox, etc.) but doesn't work at all when the client is running on Macintosh (IE, Omniweb, Safari, etc.) This is the client-side Javascript code:

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Converting Access Queries

We have an Access data base with severl tables, queries and forms.We want to put it on the web.Is there a tool that will convert the Access queries and forms to ASP?Sorta like "splitting" the database... but instead of an Access FrontEnd... have an ASP front end?

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Converting Access Db To MSSQL

Does anybody know of some asp code (free) to convert an Access database to an MSSQL database.... With contents and all?

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Merging Upload Form And Email Form

Im having problems with my form, separately both forms work perfectly, but having problem sending the email once submitted, however the upload fuction is working fine. The message im getting is,

Request object error 'ASP 0207 : 80004005'

Cannot use Request.Form

/forminfo.asp, line 42

Cannot use Request.Form collection after calling BinaryRead.

Heres the script Code:

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ASP Repeating Form Fields In An Email Form

Would anyone be able to give some guideance in ASP code as to how I would repeat a section of input fields in a form based upon the number of guests that are attending an event?

Basically, what needs to happen is if 3 guests are attending, I need the Name, address, city, state fields to repeat so they can be filled in with information.

Then all of the information from the whole form is submitted which returns an email to the administrator of the event.

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