Converting Number To Percentage Function

I want to convert a number to percentage, is there any built-in function for this?

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Converting Number To String

I am trying to populate column values from an Oracle database into an HTML "Select" control. The column in the databases is defined as number. It is not working because I think I need to convert the value from the databases into a string variable first.

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Converting String To Number And Adding

Am collecting numerical entries from text boxes and converting to numbers using:

F1 = Round(CDbl(Request.Form("amout1")),2)
F2 = Round(CDbl(Request.Form("amount2")),2)
F3 = Round(CDbl(Request.Form("total")),2)
F4 = F1 + F2

If F4 <> F3 Then
Session("ErrorMessage") = Session("ErrorMessage") & "- Your control amounts do not tie to the Total Deposit amount.<br>"
End if


Sometimes it works, but other times, although the numbers tie out, the calculated amounts are not coming up as equal. I've written the results (F3 & F4) to the screen and they equal, although the server doesn't think so.

Is this an issue with binary number conversion or something. Should I be using something other than CRnd (Delphi has something like C$ or CCurrency)??

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Converting A Function

I need help with converting the following function in ASP.Net (VB.Net) to Classic ASP:

Function EncryptIt(_strClearText as String, _strEncryptionType as String) as String
dim strEncryptedText as String
'Encrypt the text
strEncryptedText = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfig File(_strClearText, _strEncryptionType)
return strEncryptedText
End Function

Code for Const under Button Click Event in ASP.Net:


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Random Number Function

Does anyone know of any parameters for either of these functions?
Say, if I wanted only numbers between 1 and 100?


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Formating A Number With Own Function

if we use formatnumber library function in asp it will format the no as per the number format defined in the locale of the server. For example:

some number format look like this 34,135,200 (comma seperated)
some looks like this 34 135 200(blank spaces seperated)

so does anybody have a vbscript function which do this job.

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Getting Percentage

I wrote a survey script but I had problem with the percentage.If 5 persons answers to a question YES and 3 answered NO, how can I get the percentage of each answer (YES & NO)?

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Value Percentage

this is what im doing

itotalprice = (setfares and other items)

im now dealing with the 5% service charge for credit card payments.

the service charge will be 5% of itotalprice

how can i calculate that.. it will be something like..

surcharge = 5% of itotalprice

fullprice = (itotalprice + surcharge)

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Get Correct Percentage

I've always been looking for the best way to get an accurate percentage

For example, in a election scenario:

Person A gets 33 votes
Person B gets 33 votes
Person C gets 34 votes
Person D gets 35 votes

Total votes = 33 + 33 + 34 + 35 = 135
Percent for A = 0.244.... = 0.24 = 24%
Percent for B = 0.244... = 0.24 = 24%
Percent for C = 0.251... = 0.25 = 25%
Percent for D = 0.259... = 0.26 = 26%

Then add up the percentage values: 24 + 24 + 25 + 26 = 99
(where it should be 100)

So, does anybody have a way to get around this problem? How should I
calculate the percentage for each person so that the percentage will add up
to 100 in the end?

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Calculate Percentage

Our store software currently displays the total amount saved (the list price minus our price) for every product using the code below:

'Calculate "YouSave"
If Product_ListPrice > 0 Then
Product_YouSave = Product_ListPrice - Product_LowestPrice
End If

I, however, would like to also diplay the percentage saved next to the amount saved. I tried using the code below but it won't work. Can someone help me out?

'Calculate "YouSavePercent"
If Product_ListPrice > 0 Then
Product_YouSavePercent = ((1 - (Product_LowestPrice / Product_ListPrice) * 100)
End If

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Subtract Percentage

I would like to subtract a fixed percentage (15%) but can't seem to get the syntax right.

Item: Nougat Retail Price: $3.99 Discount Price: 15% Total: ?

strChocoItem1 = "Nougat"
strRetPrice1 = FormatCurrency("3.99")
strDiscPrice = FormatPercent(".15")
strTotal = ?

I've tried lots of different ways to reach the total but failed every time. I want to subtract the retail price from the discount price using a fixed percentage. Is this possible?

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Formatting Percentage?

I have a recordset iterating through and dumping out to the screen a series
of percentages, using the precision 5 and numericscale 2 etc.

When I dump them to the page some of the number are missing a trailing
zero - ie, 4.7

What I would very much like to do is add this back on - is there an easy way
to format this with a huge load of If...Then's to produce the same affect?

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Escaping Percentage

I'm using asp to write an asp page, but I'm having a problem when it comes to closing the written asp script

countFileOpen.write("<% aspCount=5 %>")
how do I escape this character?

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Simple Percentage Scrip

I need to build a script where in the source code i enter a number and when the page is executed it shows a percentage.

Here is an example of what i'm trying to do

88.83 / 12 = 740%

and the 740% is the only visable thing on the page

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Percentage Calculation Formula

I have to calculate the percentage of an X amount depending on the Quarter of the year. It's driving me crazy, I can't figure out how to do it. Am I missing something. If someone registers the 1st quarter then the price is the full 1200. f the registration occurs the 2nd Quarter, then it is 25% less that rthe full amount. The 3rd is 50% less and the 4th is 75% less.

the amount is 1200
the Quarters of the year = 4
The regristrant is 1

(1200/4)*100 ?????

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Calculate A Percentage For Pricing

Well my goal is simple. On my site we show "You save: $**.**" but I want that to say "You save: $**.** (**%)."

The database for our store stores the list price, and our price. The store calculates the you save price... so it should be easy to calculate the saved percentage as well. Here's the code that calculates up the "You save" currently on our website: Code:

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Percentage On Search Result

i'm sure there're no post about this in asp forum.Any idea how do I show the percentage number for the matching result.

example :

Your search for xxxx :

1. item 1 98%
2. item 2 86%
3. item 3 75%

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Convert Real Number Into Text Number

I need to insert some number into database as text. My problem is if I insert the number (ie. 4.0), the value in the database only show (4). So, is it possible to convert a real number into text number using ASP?

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Sequential Number After Batch Number

here is the scenerio

in master batch table i have various master batch like

Now each master batch can have multiple final mixed batch like


and this record is inserted in to fmix table.

so i have a form in which i have a dropdown menu in which all the master batch is listed,
i select 200701-0001 and that value is passed to next page where i will enter other fields data and insertion to my fmix_no will be done automatic like 200701-0001-01, 200701-0001-02 and so on,

how to achieve this

so in short each master batch will have more than one final mixed batch.

pls help, also if u have any online contact in yahoo or msn pls send me, i am so confused and badly struck deadline is just couple of hours away. my yahoo id is(E-Mail address blocked: See forum rules) you can PM me i am online right now.

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Retrieve The Error Number In VB With Err.Number

I want To handel the error messages by myself in one part in my script. I know that in VB I can Use the statment - On error resume next And I also know that I can retrive the Error Number In VB with Err.Number.

How can I handel the errors by myself in ASP? I heard about the ASPErr Object, Is it the same thing like the err object in VB?

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Difference Between Private Function And Public Function?

What's the difference between private and public functions in ASP? When should I use either?

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Converting Hrs And Min To Just Min

I am using two fields on a form to capture time someboby is working. The fields are hours and minutes. How can I when submitting to the db take both fields and convert them to a single field in the db as minutes?

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Converting PDF To DOC

I'm looking for a control to us on our web site that will take our reports
that are generated in PDF and convert them to DOC format all on the server.
We are using win2k3 web servers if that helps.

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Converting VBA To ASP

I have developed an access database with VBA. Right now its on a network drive and is shared by 75 users. Works fine.

Now I would like to have this in the company intranet. Is it advisable to go with ASP? I recently installed IIS in my system. After that I have no idea how to convert my application to ? Is there a website or any walk through how to get my stuff's solved.

My application has 20 input screens, data add, save, update and also sends email based on certain rules. Is it possible to do all these stuffs?

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Converting CSV To XLS In ASP

I want to convert CSV file to XLS. Is there anyway this can be done in ASP without renaming the file to XLS.Also can there Macros to Sort data in it while generating XLS?

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Converting Cgi To ASP 3

We are evaluating a clients request for converting their existing site using cgi and flat text files to ASP 3 and Access.

The site displays: their products that are broken down into sub categories, guest book, and a survey.

I am only "aware" that text files can be imported into Access but have never done it.

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Converting PHP To ASP

I have some PHP scripts that need to be converted to ASP3 so that they can run on a Micrsoft NT server using ADO. My knowledge of ASP is limitied so i was hoping you could answer a few questions..

1. Is ADO part of or is this completely different?
2. Is ASP3 the same as
3. Is there any advice you can give me regarding converting from PHP to ASP3?

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I've stored a set of months in an access database as numbers but when it display on the front end I need it to display as the name of the month.

How would you convert the numbers in the database to their word equivalent? Or is it possible to arrange the months in their correct order in the database?

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Converting To

I have an existing application in asp. I need to add new functionality can I do using ?

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Converting US Time To IST

Do we have any function in ASP that will convert US time(which is captured in the database) to IST

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Converting Int To Varchar

My data input page uses a id generator which includes dashes, and the
corresponding column in the db is set up as varchar to handle that.
There is a problem, however, when the value in the varchar column is
compared to the string from the URL, and the following error message

"Syntax error converting the varchar value '071-213' to a column of
data type int."

<%strSQL = "SELECT * FROM AMS where MinutesID = " & Request ("id")%>

Would it be possible to CAST the request string to varchar?

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Converting String => Int

I am passing a string into a page and them looking up info to display from a database based on whats passed in. The link is'12345678'
Once inside the page the following code is executed Code:

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Converting To Excel

i want to convert asp file to excel sheet through asp application. iam having report.asp file as a view form i need that form to convert in excel sheet can you help me.

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