I have a form which submits to my ASP page, which uses the Persits ASPupload. When using the form, it works great. I want to run the submission from a program on a client instead of through IE. I am having trouble converting the form to VBS. Here is the form: Code:
I have little to no experience with ASP but I need a form that submits to an MS Access DB. I have made my form (with dependencies based on previous questions) and need it to submit to a DB. I have found samples and can't even get the samples (pre-written proven to work) to work on my PC. I thought it was lack of IIS but after installing that, still not working. When submitting, generally the ASP code shows rather than it actually running the ASP page.
I have a payments page that also has name & address info. The user clicks the "Proceed to Payment" button which sends them (and the form info) to WorldPay. What I want to do is save the name & address info into a cookie. I know what the cookie code is, my question is this...how do I invoke my cookie code and then send the form info to the secure server by one single click of the "Proceed to Payment" button?
I use the same code to enter a password to forward on to a secure area of my intranet. I've used the same code quite a few times with no problems until now. Basically I enter the password if I click the submit button it works fine. However if after I have entered the password I just click Enter (or Return) it refreshes the page rather than submits the form.Has anyone come across this problem before ?
I am using different buttons as i nees to each button to to do a different action in my case the variable prev is not being set or passed on to the page i submit , how do i ensure this variable is passed on.I,ve pasted the code below
I'm currently using select case for my asp pages to add, edit, view and delete records......however, I see the limitations of using select case, like I can't use the same value name for multiple buttons, like 'Submit'......
is there any other way to support the multi-task (add, edit and so on) on an asp page instead of using select case?
I have a very large HTML form (with about 50 fields) that's being submitted to an ASP page via the "POST" method. I don't use "GET" because the data would probably exceed the limit allowed in the query string.
Anyway, this is probably irrelevant, but this form gets submitted to a SQL Server 2000 DB.
This form has been working for awhile now. I went in and added a few if/else statements here and there and when I tried to submit the form for a test, I get an error. Code:
I'm currently doing a school project on designing an online application leave system for a company. I'm using dreamweaver MX, server language ASP VB script to do this as I'm not well-versed in programming.
Right now, I've gotten the form up but am experiencing trouble in trying to print the form out upon clicking of the Submit button. I can't figure out how it is possible to transfer the data in the form to a printable version and then print it out. Btw, the information collected in the form will be stored in Microsoft Access database.
When I submit my form to the same page its on, the browser hangs up with lengthy strings in my "textarea field." It won't take anything over about 200 - 250 chars. Right now I have Request.Querystring for each element of the form. I've tried just Request and it does the same thing. I also tried Request.Form and it doesn't capture the values.However, as far as the database field, i have a VARCHAR(8000), the max the datatype can hold, so that I can post, if necessary, giant news articles.
I have an ASP page that displays records from a table, and allows you to add, update and delete. There is a form with one button that does adds and updates, and a second button for deletes.
What I want to do is, instead of having the 'action' of the form be something like:
I want to use the onClick property of Add/Update and Delete buttons to set a value in a hidden field in the table, and NOT have a query string, ie: action="updateUser.asp"
The problem is that I have an 'If' statement to determine if I need to do an add/update/delete or just display the records and form:
If (Request.Form("txtAction") = "update" Or Request.Form("txtAction") = "delete") Then
How do people go about preventing the user from submitting a form for a 2nd time? For example, the user submits a form, clicks on the back button, and the submits the form again. I have used various techniques in the past (depending on circumstances) but I'd be interested in the techniques you guys currently use.
most websites make use of CAPTCHA to prevent automated Form submission. give me examples of how automated Form submission can be achieved? It's not that I intend to do some nefarious activities; rather I don't understand how can automated Form submission be done other than the website developer coding it (for e.g. using JavaScript to automatically post a Form, say, after 2 minutes).
Big.asp includes an iframe called small.asp. Small.asp has a form. How can i make that form to be submitted to big.asp? Because if I simpli point the form to big.asp, it would open a big.asp into the original big.asp .
Each mailer component has different properties and methods available, and each should have documentation available. That's where you'll solve your coding, it sounds like you're trying to use a method that doesn't exist in the mailer object you're using. There are email sample codes at www.w3schools.com among other places.
I have these email forms (using CDO) that email the content of a form to different people in our organization. Now I'd like to also email the user after they initially submit the form to confirm that we've received their information and advise them of the next steps.
My problem is that I'm trying to create 2 email instances on 1 asp page I think... which I guess is 1 session?? I'm kinda lost. How can I generate two seperate emails from one form submission? Of course, my first attempt was to just copy the original email code and change the variable names... but that doesn't work... it gets stuck on setting up the CDO config.....
I have a text area on a form. I want the user to be able to type in text and where they want a line break to hit the return key in the text area. On the submission I want to replace those carriage returns with html code like <br /> Can this be done?
I have a timesheet type form that has 40 different row - each row has two dropdowns, one for a project and one for a task, and a dropdown box for each day of the week. Once a project and task has been selected, hours spent on that task each day of the week are entered into the text boxes.
What I would ideally like to do is, before I send this page for processing on my asp page (which involves saving the data back to the database), I'd like to check whether or not the user has entered the same project/task combination on multiple rows.....the dropdowns on each row are named project1-project40, task1-task40, mon1-mon40 etc.
I'm using VBScript for the server side scripting, but I'll happily incorporate a section of Javascript code if that will offer me a simpler solution.
I have a wizard that teaches kids how to write legislative bills. It is a series of 5 screens that forwards each page's entries to the next before proceeding to the next screen. All five screens worth of data are then inserted into the db on the final submit.
I am getting rare reports that on the submit of the final edit screen the entire data entry disappears. I have not been able to duplicate the problem here and it only has happened to 2 of 300 entries that I am aware of so far. Could this be a firewall issue or a browser settings issue of some sort?
I have 3 fields in my form and one of them called ID with multiple text fields e.g (there are 10 text fields for ID) and when you submit the form all the 10 ID's should be submitted to the DB for that particular record with a single space inbetween the 10 ID's. Can any one tell me how this is possible.
Have been struggling over the last 2 days trying to submit an XML form through to 3rd party application. Have tried XMLHTTP, and ServerXMLHTTP, and these are all good for normal form input types but i need to submit a input type of file called 'XML', to a resource which I cant control how it processed it.
Anyone have any ideas of how to do this, I can save and open an XML document from a the dbase created string, but when I send the serverXMLHTTP variable XML = contents of the file it doesnt get processes as a noraml XML document.
Have a look at the function I have, which submits but doesnt see the submitted variable as an XML document. Code:
All of my previous web page work has been done with .html and Cold Fusion. My new host does not support cold fusion but does have ASP 3.0 and ASP.Net 1.1. They've told me that I have to use CDO.Sys for sending email. I've spent the past 3 days doing all the research I can find but most of the examples assume a basic knowledge of ASP (which I am severly lacking in).
I have a simple .html form (4 fields) that currently DOES get sent through email (although it is sent as plain text). I would like to be able to send an email that is formatted into html (allowing me to use tables, images, etc.
Here is what I have so far (I've commented out the "text" based part and am trying to send as an html email now).
Does anybody have a nice method of forcing a user to enter a value into a form using asp?
I think the best is to have a popup when they hit submit that will stay on the same page and then just alert the user to enter something in so and so text box.
im working on a database driven website that uses an access database of links and search keywords that users can search through to find a particular page within my site. the search box is in a table and the results come up in an iframe without the page refreshing aside fromt the iframe itself. at the moment when i type a search into the text field and press enter the results come up as i want them to within the iframe.
however if i press the search button next to the text field section of the form as opposed to pressing enter the database does not find any results yet the no results found error still appears within the iframe. i have tried the same searches and pressed enter and they work but as soon as i try to click the search button they do not.
here is the search form code so any of you geniuses out there who can help me can see if any code is missing: Code:
I have a query form on my website. Once the user enters data and submits it, it should be e-mailed to a specific e-mail address and then should generate a page that shows to the user that has been entered by them. For this I am using three pages:
1. enquiry.asp <!-- enquiry form -->
2. email.asp <!--gets the user data and e-mails using CDonts. I use a redirect to thankyou.asp-->
3. thankyou.asp <!-- shows the user what they have entered -->
Now the problem is, when i use the redirect, the mail doesn't go any where and lands in the thankyou page without any user data. Whereas, when i take off the redirect, the data gets mailed.
So alternately, I used the hidden field method in email.asp page to pass the data to thankyou.asp. This again doesnt work when redirect is given. When i take off the redirect and give a submit button instead in the email page, it works fine.
How do I send the user to the thankyou page without using the submit button again on the email page and still show him all the data that they have entered. And at the same time have the data e-mailed to my mail id. Code:
I have an Access application which need to be converted to asp-sql server application. This Access application uses a single form. This form has got a SS number with names and age.
The form has two subforms. One of the subform uses a physical test score which is basically four different fields while the other subform is one that has a written test score with three fields. Entry to both physical and written scores are done through this form. Both the forms can have multiple entries to make sure we are tracking historical scores.
The relationship between the ssn table and the physical test score table is 1: n while that between ssn table and the written score table is 1: n. With this scenario what is the best way to design form in asp pages?
I am trying to incorporate a search feature, and I am having problems thinking up some code to accomplish a certain thing: I have a page that allows a user to search for Industry-specific locations.
It is a basic form with City, State, Zip, radius fields. I also want to incorporate optional fields, such as the different types of amenities/facilities that the building offers. These amenities/facilities will have checkboxes. Code: