Copy Selected PDF Files From ASP Page Into Clipboard & Paste It In Outlook. How?

I want to create an ASP page, which can copy the real PDF files into
the clipboard and then the user can paste it in Outlook message as
attachments(it's like inserting attachments)

My idea is: When user checked the checkboxes for the requested PDF
files from ASP page and press the "Add To Clipboard" button, all
requested PDF files will be copied into clipboard. Then, the user open
MS outlook message and right click -> Paste all PDF files as

But, my code is just can copy the filepaths into clipboard not the
REAL PDF FILES. How can I copy the REAL PDF FILES? Code:

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Copy And Paste ASP Files

I have set up a new server and now I try to move all the web ASP files, scripts to my new server. I do copy and paste all the files to my webroot directory. None of the page works, the browser simplely redirect me to the search engine page. I have about total 50 ASP scripts and files. None of them shows after I entered the address in the browser. No bug and no syntex errors.

If I created a very simple ASP page like "Hello world", it works fine. Then even the Hello world page stopped working after I copy and paste any parts of the code from my backup CD. I also heard someone mentioned about domain name hard coded program, could it possible in my case?

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Copy/Paste From Office Web Components Object In Web Page?

I have a dynamically-generated asp web page which uses Office Web Components
to display an Excel bar chart of the user-selected data. The page works
fine, but the users would like to copy-n-paste the displayed bar chart from
the web page and insert it into an email (MS Outlook) or report (MS Word or
MS PowerPoint).

Is there any way of supporting this copy/paste functionality? When you
right-click on the chart in the displayed web page (viewed with MSIE6), you
are only given the pop-up button [About...] which displays the "About
Microsoft Office Web Components" splash window ("Version SP-3"

Currently, the only work-around is to "Print-Screen", trim using Paint, and
then paste into the destination. This is too tedious and beyond the
capabilities of some of the users.

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Copy Text To Clipboard

I have an ASP page in which I want to copy the contents of a variable (text)
to the clipboard. Based on MSDN examples I tried:


and that generates an error that "window" is not declared

How do I get my ASP page to copy the data to a clupboard?

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Copy ASP Variable To Clipboard Using Javascript

I have a search function that is reading companies from a database via
ASP and spitting out the results. I have various fields of each company
in variables and I want to be able to create a link that uses
Javascript to copy the address to the clipboard.

I know there is the javascript:window.clipboardData.getData(), but I
can't get to parse the ASP variable through. Does anyone know how I can
do this.

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Does Anyone Have A Cdo.message Script I Copy And Paste?

I'm having loads of problemsgetting my basic cdo.message script to work - does anyone havea working one I can just paste into the page? I'm getting really fed up with this one.

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Search, Copy, Paste And Apply All At Once

I couldn't figure out how to write a function to do above tasks all at once.

For example,

Dim strMessage
strMessage = " Hello, <Quote> It is rainning outside </Quote>. I'm in a bad mood.

The function should search the <Quote> and </Quote>, copy all the text within the quotes and store them to another variable, at last change its font size and style.

So the search result will be: It is rainning outside Font size changed to 12 and font typle black arial.

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Copy From Word & Paste To Textarea

i want to know that is it possible to copy from a word document and paste it on to a textarea on a asp page.

when i do it normally bullets are not paste as it is it is changed into different symbol( inverted ?)

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Problem Copy And Paste ASP Code From A Backup CD

I have set up a new server and now I try to move all the web ASP files, scripts to my new server.

I do copy and paste all the files to my webroot directory. None of the page works, the browser simplely redirect me to the search engine page. I have about total 50 ASP scripts and files. None of them shows after I entered the address in the browser. No bug and no syntex errors.

If I created a very simple ASP page like "Hello world", it works fine. Then even the Hello world page stopped working after I copy and paste any parts of the code from my backup CD.

I also heard someone mentioned about domain name hard coded program, could it possible in my case?

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Validation Fails On Copy Paste From RTF Document

If I copy & paste from a RTF document into a field, the javascript validation and field length are bypassed and cause the form to fail.

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Copy Folders And Files

I am trying to use the FileSystemObject to create a copy of a directory (including all sub-folders and files within this directory) but i just cant get me head around it.

Can anyone point me to a tutorial or some sourcecode that i can play with?

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Copy Files Between Two Web Servers...

I have a need to have a web server (windows based) grab files each week from
a linux based server - hosted elsewhere. I cannot use UNC paths.

I want to have a script (.asp/ on the windows server that I would
provide a list of files to copy. The script would then copy the listed files.

The problem is that the using a filestream and copyto runs into an error
with URI paths.

This will be a substantial amount of data each week. I don't want to copy
it locally and then back up to the windows web server. I want/need the copy
to be directly between the two servers.

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Copy Files On Network

I have created an VB-ActiveX-Componente that copy files on network.
This works on one my development computer when I install application
on other IIS servers (files to copy on same server with same rights) I
get error message "Invalid filename or number". So what can cause this

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Copy Files To A Web Folder

I have some files located in a file server and managed by a SQL database from a web based interface using ASP + VBSCRIPT technology. I need to automatically copy those files to a web folder.

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Copy Tables Across Diff. Access Files

I was trying to integrate a forum software to an existing site. The site is having a different database file already. What i want to do is, copy the forum tables from forum database file to the existing site database. How can I copy the tables from FileA to FileB using ASP?

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Take Hostname, Look If Folder Exsist, If Not Create And Copy Files

what I need is is when a visitor comes to the site, I need it to check
the host name. if "" is the host, then check a
folder named "something" and if the folder does not exsist, create
folder "www" and then copy folder "temp" and its contents.

If the folder "www" is there, look in it, check to see if the files in
folder "temp" are in there, if not, copy the files that are not from
folder "temp" into folder "www". Code:

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Copy Files From IIS Image Path To Local Client's Machine

explain abt copy files from IIS image path to local client's machine.

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Outlook Calendar On Web Page

i'm trying to display my Outlook Calendar on web page. I made script to display calendar in Excel - works perfectly, but i don't know how to make it in ASP.... Is anybody who know how to change this code? Code:

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Updating Tasks In Outlook Using A Web Page

I am designing an module to maintain tasks for me. Is it possible to have these tasks saved as tasks in Outlook as well via ASP code ?

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Outlook Template Open In My Web Page

Is it possible to open a Outlook template from my webpage?The template is located on the web server.

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Send Page Script Breaks W/Win 2000 & Outlook XP

The following "Send Page" Script Breaks w/Win 2000 & Outlook XP with the error ""The command line argument is not valid. Verify the switch you are using." However, it does work with win98 and Outlook Express. Any ideas on the problem? Code:

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How To Display Selected Images On New Page

I am creating a form with checkboxes that contains in the value property, the ID of the image. The filename of the image displayed above the checkbox along with the image.

On that page, I am storing the "checked" information in a cookie. When the user clicks submit, I need to retrieve the actual image that they selected on the previous page and display it along with the image name which I get from the value property.

Right now the only data being passed is the value in the checkbox input tage which is a text string and not the actual image. How do I retrieve the images my users checks off. I hope this make sense. Sort of like a shopping cart, but I only want to be able to select images and post back the ones selected.

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Copy Source Of A Page

I have a page which contains a TEXTAREA form field.I want to be able to click a button and have it go off and fetch the source code for a compiled ASP page ie.

what the user would see if they loaded the ASP page into their browser and put the source code into this form field.Is this possible?

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Passing Multiple Selected Items To A Forms Page- How?

I have a query on a page that displays the results of a recordset. Each row has a check box that has the table ID associated with the row of data.

I am trying to figure out how do I send every row checked to another page and have that page know the ID's that were checked so the next page can query the table for those ID's and fill out a submission form. I know the form fields I can write so it dynamically names the value based on the script, that part is easy, but trying to figure out how to have the script accept multiple ID's so it can go through each and display the results is not.

Now this is simple if I am just sending one ID to the next page, I can just use a "Post" and append a ?id=xxx to the URL and then do a request.querystring for the ID. Where I am confused is trying to send multiple ID = 's to the next page so it reads more then one ID if more then one was checked on the previous page which 99% of the time it will be.


What should I look up to point me in the right direction to create a classic VBScript/ASP code to parse through the ID's that were checked on the previous page and have the next page query each ID for the data?

I can pretty much figure out how if I know what I am looking to do. I was just looking for some sort of direction that I can pursue to understand how do do this task. What is it I am trying to do? IS there a term or set of terms I need to consider looking up to get examples so I can tweak and write it from there?

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Recordset Based On Records Selected Freom Previous Page

What I want to do is have a recordset with all records in and display a list by title with a tick box next to them, then goto a new page which the recordset is all the records that the user selected on the previous page.

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Read And Copy Html Page From Another Server

Is it possible to do the following in asp: To read an html page from a server (not mine) every 5 minutes and copy it to my server. The html page just contains a list of numbers.

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Clipboard Object

I am not sure if this has already been addressed before- I am trying to access the clipboard object from a web-form using ASP.NET. The scripting language is VB. I can do this on VB.NET but not sure how to get a reference to the clipboard object on ASP.NET

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DLL Not Supporting ClipBoard Object

DLL Not Supporting ClipBoard ObjectI have created a DLL in VB. This DLL has a function which returns a string value.I am using this DLL in an ASP page.When I call this function in the ASP page it works fine.

But there is one functionality in that function which doesn't work at all. And that is the Clipboard.I am using the gettext method (Infact I have used all possible methods), of the Clipboard objectjust before the function returns the value, and the value that function is going to return, I am pasting in the clipboard.The value is returned by the function, but the value is not copied into the clipboard.The code is working fine in VB but not in ASP.

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Paste An Image

Can someone help me with some code examples to be able to upload an image using ASP pages and VBScript.

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HTML/ASP Form Paste

I'm using ASP and HTML for a form. I'm having a major issue with users copying from MS Word or Work Perfect into my text boxes. What I want to do is top this with either html, javascript, or asp.

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Cut And Paste To Populate A Table

If you have a table on a website that is 3 rows across and 8 down, is there a way to copy code and then but your cursor in the first field and then paste data in each of the table cells?

The result would be rather than typing data in each cell individually, you populate the table with one paste.

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Copy Part Of HTML Table To Another HTML Page

I have a table having 3 columns. There is a checkbox for each line. I
need to get those lines whose checkboxes are checked, and show those
lines to another webpage. Is there any way to do that? My concern is
that all information in the table are in <tb></tb> pairs without any
name tag. Any idea?

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Running SQL Files Through ASP Page

I have created some SQL files which i can run on the Oracle console. Code:

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