Count Down To A Date Exl Weekend

I need to display a countdown of 100 days starting thursday but excluding weekend days. So that it will say on thursday: 100 days left, on friday: 99 days left, and on monday 98 days left. I found how to count down to a certain date but not how to not - count weekend days.

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Weekend Dates

I have a sql database and ASP pages.How do I find out the DATES of THIS WEEKEND (fri-sun).If today is Tuesday, I want to show information posted for THIS WEEKEND.
my table has a field called THEDATE which is what we need to search and
in the format MM/DD/YYYY.

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Count Date Excluding Saturday And Sunday

I am doing some project management application and i need to calculate the total date for a project.

starts: 10/13/2007
end: 10/25/2007

to get the total days, i will just need to do 10/25/2007 - 10/13/2007 and i will get 12days. How do i not include Saturday and Sunday as it is not a working day?

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How To Check The Date Difference Between The Current Date And The Booking Date?

I am developing a simple booking system where I had a booking date. The problem is I want to make sure that the user must book 3 days in advanced for certain room.

I have tried to use DateDiff but it seems doesn't work. Actually i just 1 to make sure that the user must book 3 days in advanced from the current date. I am wondering whether there is anything goes wrong in my datediff function. Code:

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I have a column n_fog defined as text. In this i have numbers or blank value in it.

For example i have 5 records

Record - number
1 - 2
2 - 2
3 - ''
4 - 3
5 - ''

What i want to know is get the total of the numbers. So it should give me 2+2+3 = 7

How can i do it?

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I have a link like this

<a href="/mainfolder/one.pdf"> view pdf

what i want to do is find out how many times the pdf was open

so a member logs on the website goes into member section on that page he sees a pdf i want to find out how many times did he click on the link and opened the pdf

i have a field in the table that will store the count value.

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For example take below as my array

myArray[0] = Bill
myArray[1] = Ben
myArray[2] = Ben
myArray[3] = Bill
myArray[4] = Ria
myArray[5] = John
myArray[6] = Gemma
myArray[7] = Gemma
myArray[8] = Bill

I want to be able to count the above and produce a list like so

Bill = 3
Ben = 2
Ria = 1
John = 1
Gemma = 2

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I have a problem with the below which I can't understand..

SQLcount ="SELECT COUNT(dates) AS total FROM dates"
Response.Write total

And it doesn't return anything..

When I ask Isnull(total) the answer is "False".

So, if it has a value, why doesn't return it?

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Odd Count / Even Count

What I want to do is count records in a table. if that count result is an
even number do something, if it is an odd number, do something else. sortof
like this.

set row_count = conn.execute("select count(clan_name) as cnt1 from clans")

clan_cnt = row_count.fields.item("cnt1").value

now this is the part i need

if clan_cnt " is odd" then
do something
do something else
end if

can someone shed some light on this for me please?

any help would be great, if even steering me in the right direction of some
site. would love to figure this out on my own, but just need a shove.

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SQL Count

I'm selecting a wide range of records. Some of these records may have duplicates in one value but some may not. I want to display the records as one and have a seperate display that counts how many there are WHERE the field is equal to a certain value. Code:

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I have to do this client side as well as server side

i have a field where a user can enter alpha numberic values
i want to count the integers or numbers seperately

can someone tell me how to do it

for example a user enters a3re4567

so there are 34567

so there are 5 integer or 5 numbers in that field

so i want to pop up an alert on client side.

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Using Count

I m trying to use "select count" in order to retrieve the total number of a value in the database using the code below, but it doesn t seem to work. I get the following error mesage:

Error Type:
ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0CC1)
Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal.

i checked all the fields in the table, but i dont know if the syntax is wrong.

the code starts here--->

set rsTypes = con.execute("SELECT COUNT (cat) AS Total FROM firstmarch")

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Using Count With Top

i am trying to pull a count from the top 16 records in a db.

select count(top 16 (username)) as cnt2 from bracketdb_"&tourney_id&" where
username <'BYE' order by POS

this is what i need to do, however, it doesn't work. i am getting a systax
error near TOP.this is using SQLdb

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I have a Access database with two tables; a category table and an images table.In the Category table I have a field for Index number and a field for Categories. The images table has a field for all the images and a field to specify what category the images are assigned to.

I am trying to write a simple Select query that will return a list of Categories from my Category table, and in the second colum a count of the number of images assigned to each category from my main table of images.

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Get DB Count

I'm using SQL/VBScript and need to get the number of records found in a DB search. I'm using. where I need it, but in this case, how would I access the info?


"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Locations WHERE Location = 'Paris SBDC'"

How do I access the results? I'm really new to SQL and ASP, and the way I usually query a database is


set rs=objRecordset.Execute(sql)

and plug in


variable = <%rs.fields("fieldname")%>

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SQL: Count If

I'm having a little trouble trying to fix a little problem of mine. I have an SQL statement which counts all of the records of a certain type. Its fine up to here.

What I want to do is do a Count on a field where the value is > 0 and then do this for several fields in one SQL statement. how I may do it?

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How To Count Up

how can i create a number that goes up by one everytime its goes throgh a loop. would it be like this:

dim numbercounter

numbercounter = 1
do while numbercount eof
numbercount +1

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Select Statement Comparing Date() & Date Field Of Database

i'm new here and i'd like to ask if there's someone who knows how to compare date() function and date from database with date/time type inside select statement so i don't have to do if..then..else

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How To Count Records

How do i Count Records with "the same values"?

Name, Age, Sex
John, 20, M
Barry, 24, M
Eve, 19, F

How do i Count the Males and Females?

Like "There is currently 2 M and 1 F registered"

To count them all I would just use rsTable.RecordCount, but dont know how to Count them the way i want them to.

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Count Records

Course_Info and Students. Course_Info holds all the information for each course that a student can sign up for. The Students table holds all of the student’s information. The field that ties the two tables together is Course_Name.

I have an admin page that I would like to display the total number of students enrolled for each class. How can I count the records in the Students table, and then display the total number of students that are enrolled in each individual classes?

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Count Characters

Is is possible to accurately count the number of characters in a Word document using ASP?

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Count Array

I am trying to work out how I can count my arrays to compare the number of values.

ArrID=Split(Request.Form("ID" ),"," )
ArrData=Split(Request.Form("Data" ),"," )

if count(ArrID) = count(ArrData) then
Do Stuff
Assign Failure Value

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Word Count

I'm trying to output some data from the db into a table but I'm getting a number of problems with the layout if all the words are together. The table stretches across the screen. I want to be able to output a number of words/characters and then insert a line break and then carry on with the rest of the output.

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Count Pixel

I got a problem with my printer friendly page. The problem is the total character has overflow the max character per line (no 66 in my print screen) and this affect my page counter no. Is there a way for me to fix it like a function to check the total no of pixel? Code:

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Select Count(*)

I have tried everything possible and still I cant understand why one of the codes work.
This one works, uses a Form to get required info. Code:

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Getting Db Records Count

I want to add an include line to my main page to veiw how many sites is in my database..

This what I came up with for example:



How can i show the number only in my main page...

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Computer Can't Count

Essentially all I'm trying to do is add numbers together. If there isn't a record then create one with the number 001.

If there is a record add one to the number (Which in most cases will be 001) so the next number should be 002.

My problem is that it gets to 002 and stops. Any ideas why? Code:

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Count On Each Page

I would like to create a count on each page (I am making a global include), and I want to display the number of users on that page. Also, I would like to show the most poular pages. I would like to do this without a database, prefereably using Application objects (or if their not objects...what ever thay are). I know that this may be difficult, but does any one know how I could accomplish this?

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Count By User

Here is my SQL code in my asp page that calls the number od downloads made from tbldownload, but I want to get specfic with the number of downloads by user from tbluser

Download count sql
Set rsDownloadAdmin = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strSQL = "SELECT downloadid, downloadtitle, downloadcount FROM tbldownload ORDER BY DownloadID"
rsDownloadAdmin.Open strSQL, adoCon

This works fine , I just want to add the statment and syntax that will show downloads by spefic user or user id

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How To Display The Count ?

I am trying to get the total no. of students that have signed for each course. I am getting "0" in all the totals for all courses. What could be the problem? Here is my code:

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Struggling To Count...

I have a database with three fields, id, code, and feedback code is a reference so there are many occurances of the same code, and feedback will be either 0,1,2 =, or 3

I am trying to count the feedback scores to display them like this

Code 0 1 2 3
123 10 12 6 20
321 2 6 10 30


I think it can be done using count() but can't quite work it out.
I have got part way using ,

SELECT code, Feedback, Count(id) as myid FROM tblfeedback GROUP BY code, Feedback ORDER BY code Feedback

but this displays it like,

code feedback total
123 0 10
1 12
2 6
3 20

Any ideas what my SQL should look like.

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Select Count(*) ??

I need to set a variable to a select count(*) so I can check if something exists.
For example I have:

SQL = Select field from table where a = adf and b = fdad
set rs = conn.execute(sql)

variablec = rs("c")

But I want to do it with a count so i can use:
If variablecount > 1 Then
newvariable = true

down the line.

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Recordset Count

When counting a recordset which i can do already. I want to add an a button that takes the user back to the top every after every 5 records. How do i go about accomplishing this. Code:

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