Count Records Giving -1?

I'm trying to count the number of records in a database table but I keep getting the result of -1 which is incorrect. I'm sure this is a simple thing but I'd appreciate any ideas. The code is as follows:

set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open (Server.MapPath("..databasesphonebook.mdb"))
set rsCount=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") "RoleCodes", conn, adOpenStatic

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How To Count Records

How do i Count Records with "the same values"?

Name, Age, Sex
John, 20, M
Barry, 24, M
Eve, 19, F

How do i Count the Males and Females?

Like "There is currently 2 M and 1 F registered"

To count them all I would just use rsTable.RecordCount, but dont know how to Count them the way i want them to.

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Count Records

Course_Info and Students. Course_Info holds all the information for each course that a student can sign up for. The Students table holds all of the student’s information. The field that ties the two tables together is Course_Name.

I have an admin page that I would like to display the total number of students enrolled for each class. How can I count the records in the Students table, and then display the total number of students that are enrolled in each individual classes?

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Getting Db Records Count

I want to add an include line to my main page to veiw how many sites is in my database..

This what I came up with for example:



How can i show the number only in my main page...

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Count Records Between Certain Dates

I am trying to count all the records that have the dates of 6/21/04 - 6/27/04. I am using:

sql = "SELECT Count(datecreate) AS ct " &_
"FROM Database_Name..TableName WHERE datecreate = '6/21/04' OR datecreate='6/22/04' OR datecreate = '6/23/04' OR datecreate = '6/24/04' OR datecreate = '6/25/04' OR datecreate = '6/26/04' OR datecreate = '6/27/04' GROUP BY LastName "

It only counts the records woth the date 6/21/04. Does anyone know how to fix this or a better way to do this?

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ASP Count Records Question

I've got query which returns a bunch of dates, like this:


What I want is to find the largest number of same entries and store this number in a variable: so, for the example above, I'd want my variable to equal 3. Code:

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Count Records In A Table

I know I've asked this before, and other people have too. But when I use that igrep search thing, almost all of the search results are scambled (when you clikc on a search result, its just a scambled up thread).So I'll ask again, because I have forgotten. I know that to count the entries in a recordset, you usethe following code...Code:


But I know that you need something else, something about a client-side pointer? Without it Im just receiving -1 each time.

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Count No Of Records Returned

I have created a simple search engine which retrieves records from an access database using sql and displays them using ASP.How do I go about counting the number of records that have been retrieved?

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Count Records Returned

I have been using the following code to count the number of rows returned from a query:

Alldata = rs.Getrows()
NumRows = Ubound(Alldata, 2)

The problem is I am now having to limit the number of rows that it returns:

Alldata = rs.Getrows(300)

Now my NumRows always equals 300 no matter how many matches are found so my counter doesn't work. Does anyone know a way around this?I know that I can use SELECT COUNT(*)..... instead in an SQL query but that means making two trips to the server which I don't really want to do.

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Count Updated Records

I think this should be simple but cannot find it:

I use a update query like


2 things I want to do, check if query is success and display message with number of changed records. How can I do this?

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Count Records In A Different Table

Trying to duplicate the functionality found on this page:

I have a new table i've created that stores peoples search queries:


I have a seperate table that stores my product data, including the keywords. My search function uses a LIKE %%examplekeyword to match searchs to the DESCRIP column in this inventory table.

How can I make one SQL query to display the same results as on the the example page? It's easy enough to SELECT the results, but how do I do a count of how many instances of that search word exist, inside the same SQL statement?

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Display A Column Of Records And Count

This is the code of the page that should display a column of records (categories of my blog), next to the number of articles contained in each category. Code:

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Count Records And Display Numbers...

I'm trying to count all the records in a table [for which I'm using count()]and display a number for each record. Ofcourse the number is not being pulled from the DB. So my doubt is when we display all the records of the DB can we just assign 1,2,3.... to each record that is being displayed? Code:

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Count Records With Distinct Values

I have got an access database with 100's of records in it(each record is just one word/phrase)...i am looking to develop some asp code that will select all distinct values in that table and list the number of times that text appears.

For example in the table contains the following records: -


I want the following output: -

apple - 4
orange - 2
banana -1

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Calculate Total Records Count

i have some problem in showing data. I have two tables

First table(containing Hosting categories)
Second table(Containg catagories data lik

I want to display catgories names from first table and then diffrent catagories

total records from second table, like this

Linux Hosting(20)
Windows hosting(13)

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Count And Display Number Of Records In Table

how can i Count and display number of records in table?

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ASP Giving Errors

I have made a Dll in VB. I am trying to make a word document by using a word template and then inserting data into the word file from my MS Access (Office XP) database. It works fine when I use the reference of this Dll in a form added in VB.

But gives me errors when I compile it and use it, by creating its object in ASP. It gives error 5981 : Could not open macro storage.I tried searching on microsoft website but could not implement the solution.I get a feeling that if a word reference is used in a dll and compiled and then used in ASP it gives no output. I am confused and frustrated as I have got the dll ready but can't use it in ASP pages.

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MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP Not Giving Url

I have been using the following code to access a remote url, which works fine, but if the remote "geturl" does a redirect (as the page in this code does), I have know idea what the redirected url is. Page still displays, (including the html source code), but I cannot determine what the base href is (that is, I don't know the url of the page being displayed, since is is a redirected page).

geturl =""

dim objXML,displayText

Set objXML = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") "GET", geturl, False

displayText = objXML.responSetext
<pre><%= Server.HTMLEncode(displayText) %></pre>

<%= displayText%>

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Abort Instead Of Giving Error

I have the following code setup Code:

'Set xml = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
'xml.Open "POST", "" & PostData,False

What ends up happening, if the receiving server "" is down, the script will error out, but what i need to do is if the site is unreachable have it continue without erroring out.

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Server.createobject Giving Error

I'm getting this peculiar error while running my asp page :
Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0115'

Unexpected error


A trappable error (C0000005) occurred in an external object. The script cannot continue running.

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01fb'

An exception occurred: 'createobject'

/mptender/mptenderall.asp, line 128

can't understand what's the problem

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Giving The User Option To Expand Sections

I would like to set up the following:

The web user does a search of a database and the results are returned in an
HTML table. I want to present the user with a table that just shows the
salient facts (brief item description, stock value, etc).

However, I'd like to give the user the opportunity to expand (and if they
wish to contract again) any one row of the table to display things like a
picture and an extended description of the row item, rather than have them
go to a separate page for this.

I'd also like to give them the option to expand all rows in the table (and
contract them again) if they wished.

What's the best way to achieve this? I'm not sure of the target audience,
so may have to support browsers using HTML4 (may even be Netscape...)

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Giving Access Permission To Specific User

I want to create directory and set access permission to specific user.

i tried with wscript but it's not working, i used "cacls" command it's working only NTFS partition but i used to fat32 . how to set directory permission with asp script
on fat32 so anyone help me?

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Response.Redirect Giving 'Object Moved' Error!

I'm having a problem whenever i enter 2 response.redirects() in one funcion.. it's weird. What i'm trying to do is to display a simple error message underneath a login. But i'm trying to do it by sending the user back to the SAME page (not sure if that's even possible!) and passing a variable, notLogged, to test against. I hope this makes sense! Code:

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Systematic Updating Of Records Depending On Amount Of Records In Another Table

The problem concerns 2 tables, cart_products and cart_shoppingcart.

Cart_products contains all the product data (eg, prices, product's key name, etc), but most importantly, it contains the quantity of stock (prod_quantity) for each item.

cart_shoppingcart contains all of the user's items in their shoppingcart, including those that are part of an (customer) order; these have the order_number to differentiate from those that aren't in any order (their Order_number is 'no_order', the others have the order number).

Now, what I want to do is this:

For every item in the order (ie, every entry in cart_shoppingcart that matches the username and order number), take the quantity (x) the customer is ordering, then take the quantity of stock remaining (y), then subtract x from y to create the new stock level (z) and update the appropriate record in cart_products with z (all this with SQl preferably).

I was thinking of using a Do while loop, but realised that it wouldn't work as I'd have to use several SQL statements and then I'd run into a problem the minute ASP reads "objrec.movenext".

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Pulling Records From End Of A Database Or Inserting New Records To The Beginning

I'm trying to pull the last 5 records from my database.

<% j=5
While ((j>0) AND (NOT rs_article.BOF))%>
''Execute HTML and data insertion here


Everytime I attempt to run this code, I recieve an HTTP 500- Internal Server Error. It tells me no more than that. I know that my connection settings are OK because when I move forward through the database (first five records), the code executes without error. And yes, my Cursor type is Dynamic.

Alternatively, I would also like to know how to add new recordset to the beginning of a database rather than the end.

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Grouping Records Within Another Group Of Records

I have an Access database with two fields that I would like to group by. The two fields are location and department. Field names are "Location" and "DeptName".

I have the code correct for grouping by location. That code looks like this: Code:

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I have a column n_fog defined as text. In this i have numbers or blank value in it.

For example i have 5 records

Record - number
1 - 2
2 - 2
3 - ''
4 - 3
5 - ''

What i want to know is get the total of the numbers. So it should give me 2+2+3 = 7

How can i do it?

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I have a link like this

<a href="/mainfolder/one.pdf"> view pdf

what i want to do is find out how many times the pdf was open

so a member logs on the website goes into member section on that page he sees a pdf i want to find out how many times did he click on the link and opened the pdf

i have a field in the table that will store the count value.

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For example take below as my array

myArray[0] = Bill
myArray[1] = Ben
myArray[2] = Ben
myArray[3] = Bill
myArray[4] = Ria
myArray[5] = John
myArray[6] = Gemma
myArray[7] = Gemma
myArray[8] = Bill

I want to be able to count the above and produce a list like so

Bill = 3
Ben = 2
Ria = 1
John = 1
Gemma = 2

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I have a problem with the below which I can't understand..

SQLcount ="SELECT COUNT(dates) AS total FROM dates"
Response.Write total

And it doesn't return anything..

When I ask Isnull(total) the answer is "False".

So, if it has a value, why doesn't return it?

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Odd Count / Even Count

What I want to do is count records in a table. if that count result is an
even number do something, if it is an odd number, do something else. sortof
like this.

set row_count = conn.execute("select count(clan_name) as cnt1 from clans")

clan_cnt = row_count.fields.item("cnt1").value

now this is the part i need

if clan_cnt " is odd" then
do something
do something else
end if

can someone shed some light on this for me please?

any help would be great, if even steering me in the right direction of some
site. would love to figure this out on my own, but just need a shove.

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SQL Count

I'm selecting a wide range of records. Some of these records may have duplicates in one value but some may not. I want to display the records as one and have a seperate display that counts how many there are WHERE the field is equal to a certain value. Code:

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I have to do this client side as well as server side

i have a field where a user can enter alpha numberic values
i want to count the integers or numbers seperately

can someone tell me how to do it

for example a user enters a3re4567

so there are 34567

so there are 5 integer or 5 numbers in that field

so i want to pop up an alert on client side.

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